GB/T 19941.1-2019 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 19941.1-2019, GB/T19941.1-2019, GBT19941.1-2019): Leather and fur - Determination of formaldehyde content - Part 1: High performance liquid chromatography method [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 26 Eyl 2020 - 16 sayfa This Part of GB/T 19941 specifies high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) to determine free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde content in leather and fur. This Part is applicable to the determination of formaldehyde content in various leather, fur and their products. |
Sık kullanılan terimler ve kelime öbekleri
100mL of distilled 10mL volumetric flask 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine DNPH 4.0mL of acetonitrile 4.1 of Edition accordance with QB/T acetonitrile 4.4 added formaldehyde standard adopted international documents Annex clause number Compared with ISO concentration of formaldehyde deleted the requirements Determination of formaldehyde dinitrophenylhydrazine-formaldehyde derivative distilled water Erlenmeyer flask extraction solution filter membrane 5.7 filtrate formaldehyde content formaldehyde solution formaldehyde standard solution formaldehyde standard stock formaldehyde stock solution GB/T High performance liquid HPLC Leather and fur liquid chromatography method micrograms per 10ml milligrams modified and adopted Normative references perform chromatographic analysis performance liquid chromatography pipetting place for 60min~180min preparation of formaldehyde recovery rate respectively add sample preparation sample solution added sampled in accordance Sampling location QB/T Sodium hydroxide sodium lauryl sulfate specified standard curve standard stock solution standard working curve starch sulfonate Sulfuric acid Table A.1 technical differences Test report test result test samples QB/T titrated Ultraviolet water bath oscillator water to dilute wavelength