Making Leisure Provision for People with Profound Learning and Multiple DisabilitiesJames Hogg, J. Cavet Springer US, 1995 - 267 sayfa This book is intended for individuals or organizations (teachers, social workers, psychologists, community nurses, parents and carers) who wish to create leisure opportunities for people with profound and multiple impairments. |
Sources of information about the leisure of people | 3 |
contexts | 36 |
Leisure provision in Europe | 49 |
Telif Hakkı | |
12 diğer bölüm gösterilmiyor
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adapted adults Applied Behavior Analysis appropriate aromatherapy Arts behaviour Centre chapter children with profound choice club colour creative dance described Education enjoy enjoyment ensure equipment essential oils evaluation example experience facilities holiday Horticultural Therapy individual intellectual and multiple interaction interest involved Lambe learning disability leisure activities leisure provision London massage Meldreth Mencap Mental Handicap microtechnology movement multiple disabilities multiple handicaps multiple impairments multisensory environments needs offer opportunities organization pack paint parachute parents and carers participants person with profound physical activities plants play materials playthings PRMH produced profound and multiple profound disabilities programs range relaxing respondents RNIB School Sebba sensory garden service users session skills snoezelen social sound Spastics Society staff suppliers survival blanket switch tape therapy tion Valnet variety visual volunteers wheelchair workshop