The archer and the steppe; or, The empires of Scythia, a history of Russia and Tartary till the middle of the sixteenth century, by F.R. Grahame |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
ambassadors ancient appears arms army Asia battle Bazil boyards brother Bulgaria capital Caucasus caused century Chazars chief China Chinese Christian Christianity in China Church Church of Russia command conquest Constantinople Cossacks court Crimea Czar death Decline and Fall defeat Demetrius descendants dominions emperor enemy Europe faith father forces fortress Georgia Gibbon's Decline gold Golden Horde Grand Prince Greek Halich Holy horde horse hundred Huns inhabitants invaded invasion Ivan Iziaslaf Jaroslaf Kazan khan king kingdom Kiof Kipzak land letter Lithuania Mahomet Mahometan marched monarch monastery Monguls Moscow Muscovites nations Novogorod numerous Ottoman palace peace Persia Poland Polotzi pope possession priests princess prisoners province received reign river Roman Empire Russia Samarcand Scythians sent shores Slavonians Smolensko soldiers sovereign steppes successor sultan Suzdal Sviatozlaf Tartars territories thee thou thousand throne Timur Toktamish town Transoxiana tribes troops Turks Tver Vladimir Volga walls Zingis
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Стр. 131 - I was advised by a sage to humble myself before God; to distrust my own strength; and never to despise the most contemptible foe. I have neglected these lessons ; and my neglect has been deservedly punished. Yesterday, as from an eminence I beheld the numbers, the discipline, and the spirit, of my armies, the earth seemed to tremble under my feet; and I said in my heart, surely thou art the king of the world, the greatest and most invincible of warriors. These armies are no longer mine; and in the...
Стр. 454 - And must, instead of pillow, clap his saddle to his head. In Russia other shift there is not to be had, For where the bedding is not good, the bolsters are but bad.
Стр. 91 - Byzantine court; and they preserved, till the last age of the empire, the inheritance of spotless loyalty and the use of the Danish or English tongue. With their broad and double-edged battle-axes on their shoulders, they attended the Greek emperor to the temple, the senate, and the hippodrome ; he slept and feasted under their trusty guard ; and the keys of the palace, the treasury, and the capital were held by the firm and faithful hands of the Varangians...
Стр. 456 - Turkie like, the men so full of guile, The women wanton, Temples stuft with idols that defile The Seats that sacred ought to be, the customes are so quaint, As if I would describe the whole, I feare my pen would faint.
Стр. 454 - Whoso shall read this verse, conjecture of the rest, And think, by reason of our trade, that I do think the best. But if no traffic were, then could I boldly pen The hardness of the soll, and the manners of the men...
Стр. 22 - F r 2 instances this at the time imparts an agreeable odour, and when removed on the following day, gives the skin a soft and beautiful appearance. LXXVI. The Scythians have not only a great abhorrence of all foreign customs, but each province seems unalterably tenacious of its own.
Стр. 332 - Hindustan is a country that has few pleasures to recommend it. * The people are not handsome. They have no idea of the charms of friendly society, of frankly mixing together, or of familiar intercourse. They have no genius, no comprehension of mind, no politeness of manner, no kindness or fellow-feeling, no ingenuity or mechanical invention in planning or executing their handicraft...
Стр. 452 - And thou wert he at parture whom 1 loathed to bid farewell. And as I went thy friend, so I continue still: No better proof thou canst than this desire of true good will. I do remember well when needs I should away, And that the post would license us no longer time to stay: Thou wrungst me by the fist, and holding fast my hand, Didst crave of me to send thee news, and how I liked the land.
Стр. 140 - The letter informs the sovereign so designated, that, at the request of the young Prince, the Pontiff had administered to him the oath of fealty to St. Peter and his successors, not doubting that ' it would be approved by the king and all the lords of his kingdom, since the Apostle would henceforth regard their country as his own, and defend it accordingly.
Стр. 262 - the hearts of all the inhabitants were closed to feelings of humanity. They fled from the sick and all that belonged to them, hoping by these means to save themselves. Others shut themselves up in their houses, with their wives, their children and households, living on the most costly food, but carefully avoiding all excess.