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These churches are the indubitable proof are not even at this season employed on of great and solid wealth, and formerly the land. The farmers, for want of of great population. From every thing that I have heard, the Netherlands is a country very much resembling Lincolnshire; and they say, that the church at Antwerp is like that at Boston; but my opinion is, that Lincolnshire alone contains more of these fine buildings than the whole of the continent of Europe. Still, however, there is the almost total want of the singing birds. There had been a shower a little while before we arrived at this place; it was about six o'clock in the evening; and there is a thick wood, together with the orchards and gardens, very near to the inn. We heard a little twittering from one thrush; but, at that very moment, if we had been as near to just such a wood in Surrey, or Hampshire, or Sussex, or Kent, we should have heard ten thousand birds singing altogether; and the thrushes continuing their song till twenty minutes after sunset. When I was at Ipswich, the gardens and plantations round that beautiful town began in the morning to ring with the voices of the different birds. The nightingale is, I believe, never heard any where on the eastern side of Lincolnshire; though it is sometimes heard in the same latitude in the dells in Yorkshire. How ridiculous it is to suppose, that these frailing, clothing, candle-light, or fuel! Just birds, with their slender wings and proportionately heavy bodies, cross the sea, and come back again! I have not yet heard more than half a dozen skylarks; and I have, only last year, heard ten at a time make the air ring over one of my fields at Barn-Elm. This is a great drawback from the pleasure of viewing this fine country.

means of profitable employment, suffer the men to fail upon the parish; and they are employed in digging and breaking stone for the roads; so that the roads are nice and smooth for the sheep and cattle to walk on in their way to the all-devouring jaws of the Jews and other tax-eaters in London and its vicinity. None of the best meat, except by mere accident, is consumed here. To-day (the 20th of April), we have seen hundreds upon hundreds of sheep, as fat as hogs, go by this inn door, their toes, like those of the foot-marks at the entrance of the lion's den, all pointing towards the Wen; and the landlord gave us for dinner a little skinny, hard leg of old ewe mutton! Where the man got it, I cannot imagine. Thus it is: every good thing is literally driven or carried away out of the country. In walking out yesterday, I saw three poor fellows digging stone for the roads, who told me that they never had any thing but bread to eat, and water to wash is down. One of them was a widower, with three children; and his pay was eighteen-pence a day; that is to say, about three pounds of bread a day each, for six days in the week; nothing for Sunday, and nothing for lodging, wash

It is time for me now, withdrawing myself from these objects, visible to the eye, to speak of the state of the people, and of the manner in which their affairs are affected by the workings of the system. With regard to the labourers, they are, every where, miserable. The wages for those who are employed on the land are, through all the counties that I have come, twelve shillings a week for married men, and less for single ones; but a large part of them

such was the state of things in France at the eve of the revolution! Precisely such; and precisely the same were the causes. Whether the effect will be the same, I do not take upon myself positively to determine. Just on the other side of the hedge, while I was talking to these men, I saw about two hundred fat sheep in a rich pasture. I did not tell them what I might have told them; but I explained to them why the farmers were unable to give them a sufficiency of wages. They listened with great attention; and said that they did believe that the farmers were in great distress themselves.

With regard to the farmers, it is said here, that the far greater part, if sold up, would be found to be insolvent. The tradesmen in country towns are, and must be, in but little better state. The y

all tell you they do not sell half so many | ral effects of its own measures, it knockgoods as they used to sell; and, of ed down the country bankers, in direct course, the manufacturers must suffer violation of the law in 1822. It is now in the like degree. There is a diminu- about to lay its heavy hand on the big tion and deterioration, every one says, in brewers and the publicans, in order to the stocks upon the farms. Sheep pacify the call for a reduction of taxes, washing is a sort of business in this and with the hope of preventing such country; and I heard at Boston, that reduction in reality. It is making a the sheep-washers say, that there is a trifling attempt to save the West Indians gradual falling off in point of the num- from total ruin, and the West India colobers of sheep washed. nies from revolt; but by that same attempt, it reflects injury on the British distillers, and on the growers of barley. Thus it cannot do justice without doing injustice; it cannot do good without doing evil; and thus it must continue to do, until it take off, in reality, more than one half of the taxes.

The farmers are all gradually sinking in point of property. The very rich ones do not feel that ruin is absolutely approaching; but they are all alarmed; and, as to the poorer ones, they are fast falling into the rank of paupers. When I was at Ely, a gentleman who appeared to be a great farmer, told me in pre- One of the great signs of the poverty sence of fifty farmers, at the White Hart of people in the middle rank of life, is inn, that he had seen that morning, the falling off of the audiences at the three men cracking stones on the road playhouses. There is a playhouse in as paupers of the parish of Wilbarton; almost every country town, where the and that all these men had been overseers players used to act occasionally; and of the poor of that same parish within in large towns almost always. In some the last seven years. Wheat keeps up places they have of late abandoned actin price to about an average of seven ing altogether. In others they have shillings a bushel; which is owing to acted, very frequently, to not more than our two successive bad harvests; but ten or twelve persons. At Norwich, the fat beef and pork are at a very low price, playhouse had been shut up for a long and mutton not much better. The beef time. I heard of one manager who has was selling at Lynn, for five shillings become a porter to a warehouse, and the stone of fourteen pounds, and the his company dispersed. In most places, pork at four and sixpence. The wool the insides of the buildings seem to be (one of the great articles of produce in tumbling to pieces; and the curtains these countries) selling for less than half and scenes that they let down, seem to of its former price. And here let me be abandoned to the damp and the cobstop to observe, that I was well inform- webs. My appearance on the boards ed before I left London, that merchants seemed to give new life to the drama. were exporting our long wool to France, I was, until the birth of my third son, where it paid thirty per cent. duty. a constant haunter of the playhouse, in Well, say the land owners, but we have which I took great delight; but when to thank HUSKISSON for this, at any rate; he came into the world, I said, "Now, and that is true enough; for the law" Nancy, it is time for us to leave off was most rigid against the export of wool; but what will the manufacturers say? Thus the collective goes on, smashing one class and then another; and, resolved to adhere to the taxes, it knocks away, one after another, the props of the system itself. By every measure that it adopts for the sake of obtaining security, or of affording relief to the people, it does some act of crying injustice. To save itself from the natu

"going to the play." It is really melancholy to look at things now, and to think of things then. I feel great sorrow on account of these poor players; for, though they are made the tools of the Government and the corporations and the parsons, it is not their fault, and they have uniformly, whenever I have come in contact with them, been very civil to me. I am not sorry that they are left out of the list of vagrants in the

new act; but, in this case, as in so implements of husbandry, "an excellent many others, the men have to be grate-"fire-engine, several steel traps, and ful to the women; for who believes that " spring guns"! And that is the life, is this merciful omission would have taken it, of an English farmer? I walked on place, if so many of the peers had not about six miles of the road from Holcontracted matrimonial alliances with beach to Boston. I have before obplayers; if so many playeresses had not served upon the inexhaustible riches become peeresses. We may thank God of this land. At the end of about five for disposing the hearts of our law-miles and three quarters, I came to a makers to be guilty of the same sins public-house, and thought I would get and foibles as ourselves; for when a some breakfast; but the poor woman, bishop had committed a nameless with a tribe of children about her, had offence, and a lord had been sentenced not a morsel of either meat or bread! to the pillory, the use of that ancient At a house called an inn, a little farther mode of punishing offences was abo- on, the landlord had no meat except a lished when a lord (CASTLEREAGH), little bit of chine of bacon; and though who was also a minister of state, had there were a good many houses near the cut his own throat, the degrading spot, the landlord told me that the peopunishment of burial in cross-roads was ple were become so poor, that the butchabolished; and now, when so many peers ers had left off killing meat in the neighand great men have taken to wife play-bourhood. Just the state of things that actresses, which the law termed vagrants, existed in France on the eve of the Rethat term, as applied to the children of volution. On that very spot I looked Melpomene and Thalia, is abolished! round me, and counted more than two Laud we the Gods, that our rulers can- thousand fat sheep in the pastures! not, after all, divest themselves of flesh and blood! For the Lord have mercy upon us, if their great souls were once to soar above that tenement !


Lord Stanhope cautioned his brother peers, a little while ago, against the angry feeling which was rising up in the poor against the rich. His Lordship is a wise and humane man, and this is evident from all his conduct. Nor is this angry feeling confined to the counties in the south, where the rage of the people, from the very nature of the local circumstances, is more formidable; woods and coppices and dingles and bye-lanes and sticks and stones ever at hand, being resources unknown in counties like this. When I was at St. Ives, in Huntingdonshire, an open country, I sat with the farmers, and smoked a pipe by way of preparation for evening service, which I performed on a carpenter's bench in a wheelwright's shop; my friends, the players, never having gained any regular settlement in that grand mart for four-legged fat meat, coming from the Fens, and bound to the Wen. While we were sitting, a hand-bill was handed round the table, advertising farming stock for sale; and amongst the

How long; how long, good God! is this state of things to last? How long will these people starve in the midst of plenty? How long will fire-engines, steel traps, and spring guns be, in such a state of things, a protection to property? When I was at BEVERLEY, a gentleman told me, it was Mr. DAWSON of that place, that some time before a farmer had been sold up by his landlord; and that, in a few weeks afterwards, the farm-house was on fire, and that when the servants of the landlord arrived to put it out, they found the handle of the pump taken away, and that the homestead was totally destroyed. This was told me in the presence of several gentlemen, who all spoke of it as a fact of perfect notoriety.

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Another respect in which our situation so exactly resembles that of France on the eve of the Revolution, is, the fleeing from the country in every direction. When I was in Norfolk, there were four hundred persons, generally young men, labourers, carpenters, wheelwrights, millwrights, smiths, and bricklayers; most of them with some money, and some farmers and others with good round sums. These people were going

to Quebec, in timber ships, and from is seventy years of age; but who takes Quebec, by land, into the United States. out five sons and fifteen hundred pounds! They had been told that they would Brave and sensible old man! and good not be suffered to land in the United and affectionate father! He is performing States from on board of ship. The a truly parental and sacred duty; and he roguish villains had deceived them will die with the blessing of his sons on but no matter; they will get into the his head, for having rescued them from United States; and going through Ca- this scene of slavery, misery, cruelty, nada will do them good, for it will and crime. Come, then, WILMOT HORteach them to detest every thing belong- TON, with your sensible associates, BURing to it. From Boston, two great barge DETT and PAULET THOMPSON; come loads had just gone off by canal, to into Lincolnshire, Norfolk, and YorkLiverpool, most of them farmers; all shire; come and bring PARSON Malthus carrying some money, and some as along with you; regale your sight with much as two thousand pounds each. this delightful "stream of emigration"; From the North and West Riding of York- congratulate the "greatest captain of shire, numerous wagons have gone car- the age," and your brethren of the Colrying people to the canals, leading to lective; congratulate the "noblest asLiverpool; and a gentleman, whom I sembly of free men," on these the happy saw at Peterboro', told me that he saw effects of their measures. Oh! no, some of them; and that the men all appeared to be respectable farmers. At Hull, the scene would delight the eyes of the wise Burdett; for here the emigration is going on in the "OLD ROMAN PLAN." Ten large ships have gone this spring, laden with these fugitives, from the fangs of taxation; some bound direct to ports of the United States; others, like those at Yarmouth, for Quebec. Those that have most money, go direct to the United States. The single men, who are taken for a mere trifle in the Canada ships, go that way, having nothing but their carcasses to carry over the rocks and swamps, and through the myriads of place-men and pensioners in that miserable region; there are about fifteen more ships going from this one port this spring. The After evening lecture, at Horncastle, ships are fitted up with berths as trans- a very decent farmer came to me and ports for the carrying of troops. I asked me about America, telling me went on board one morning, and saw that he was resolved to go, for that, if the people putting their things on board he staid much longer, he should not and stowing them away. Seeing a nice have a shilling to go with. I promised young woman, with a little baby in her to send him a letter from Louth to a arms, I told her that she was going to friend at New York, who might be usea country where she would be sure that ful to him there, and give him good adher children would never want victuals; vice. I forgot it at Louth; but I will where she might make her own malt, do it before I go to bed. From the soap, and candles, without being half Thames, and from the several ports down put to death for it, and where the blas- the Channel, about two thousand have pheming Jews would not have a mort- gone this spring. All the flower of the gage on the life's labour of her children. labourers of the east of Sussex and west There is at Hull one farmer going who of Kent will be culled out and sent off

WILMOT! Oh! no, generous and sensible BURDETT, it is not the aged, the infirm, the halt, the blind, and the idiots, that go: it is the youth, the strength, the wealth, and the spirit, that will no longer brook hunger and thirst, in order that the maws of tax-eaters and Jews may be crammed. You want the Irish to go, and so they will at our expense, and all the bad of them, to be kept at our expense on the rocks and swamps of Nova Scotia and Canada. You have no money to send them away with the tax-eaters want it all; and, thanks to the improvements of the age," the steam-boats will continue to bring them in shoals in pursuit of the orts of the food, that their task-masters have taken away from them.

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in a short time. From Glasgow the get away. Every one that goes will sensible Scotch are pouring out amain. take twenty after him; and thus it will Those that are poor and cannot pay their go on. There can be no interruption passages, or can rake together only a but WAR; and war the THING dares trifle, are going to a rascally heap of not have. As to France or the Nethersand and rock and swamp, called Prince lands, or any part of that hell called Edward's Island, in the horrible Gulph Germany, Englishmen can never settle of St. Lawrence; but when the Ameri- there, The United States form another can vessels come over with Indian corn England without its unbearable taxes, and flour and pork and beef and poultry its insolent game-laws, its intolerable and eggs and butter and cabbages and dead-weight, and its tread-mills. green pease and asparagus for the soldierofficers and other tax-eaters, that we support upon that lump of worthlessness; for the lump itself bears nothing. but potatoes; when these vessels come, I Do not mean the poor foolish and which they are continually doing, winter base creatures who go to Swan River and summer; towards the fall, with and Botany Bay, though they are not apples and pears and melons and cu- quite so foolish and so base as those cumbers; and, in short, everlastingly who go to Nova Scotia and Canada. I coming and taking away the amount of mean those who go to the United States. taxes raised in England; when these My little book called the vessels return, the sensible Scotch will GRANT'S GUIDE" contains full ingo back in them for a dollar a head, structions for every body, from the gentill at last not a man of them will be tleman down to the day-labourer; but left but the bed-ridden. Those villan- I have had sent to me an emigration ous colonies are held for no earthly prospectus for an association to emigrate purpose but that of furnishing a to a part of America, called MICHIGAN; pretence of giving money to the and the associators are directed to apply relations and dependents of the aristo- to Mr. EDWARD ELLERBY, No. 8, Feacracy; and they are the nicest channels therstone Buildings, High Holborn. in the world through which to send The associators are to have amongst English taxes to enrich and strengthen them two hundred and sixteen shares, the United States. Withdraw the Eng- of one hundred pounds each; to pay lish taxes, and, except in a small part five pounds at the time of subscribing, in Canada, the whole of those horrible and twenty-five pounds more on each regions would be left to the bears and share, previous to embarkation. There the savages in the course of a year. is a plan given of what is to be done in This emigration is a famous blow this wilderness, and a very pretty story given to the boroughmongers. The is told. Let me beseech those who inway to New York is now as well known tend to emigrate, to recollect the fate of and as easy, and as little expensive as poor BIRKBECK and his colony. Let from old York to London. First, the me beseech them to shun all these Sussex parishes sent their paupers; schemes, and all associations for going they invited over others that were not into woods, as they would shun the paupers; they invited over people of running of their heads into a fire; they some property; then persons of greater will lose their money and will die in property; now substantial farmers are despair. Let no man indulge the visiongoing; men of considerable fortune ary idea of forming a society of Englishwill follow. It is the letters written men. Let every man proceed upon his across the Atlantic that do the business. own bottom, look out for himself, mix Men of fortune will soon discover, that amongst the people of the country, ask to secure to their families their fortunes, their advice, and follow their example in and to take these out of the grasp of transacting their business in the various the inexorable tax-gatherer, they must walks of life. For God's sake, and for

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