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or directors of a considerable number of the well established technical colleges of this country, a circumstance which serves as a gratifying recognition of the fact that this Society's usefulness extends as fully to the colleges themselves as to the members of the teaching force by which the colleges are most actively represented.

The 188 members whose names appear in Volume III., represent 37 States, the District of Columbia, Canada and 5 European countries.

It is with great sorrow that the announcement is made of the death of two of our members.

Francis R. Fava, Jr., of Columbian University, of Washington, who died March 28th, had attended our last two meetings, and his activity in discussions and in the conduct of business, as well as his personal characteristics, serve to make his loss something real to those who knew him.

James H. Stanwood, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who died May 24th, was present with us at the Brooklyn meeting, and personal intimacy with him gave assurance of an interest and enthusiasm on his part not inferior to that of many to whom opportunity was given for greater prominence in our Society. In both cases there is left to me a sense of personal bereavement.

Last year the address of the President brought to the attention of the members in a very forcible and, it is believed, convincing way the importance of the profession of Engineering Teaching as distinct from the profession of Engineering. The engineering colleges, in all probabilty, can gain more from closer contact with the preparatory schools than in any other single way. The value of the work of our Committee on Entrance Requirements as an agent in this direction, can hardly be overestimated. It is the opinion of your Secretary that this Society should strive in various ways to come into closer touch with the preparatory schools, and it is believed that great advantage would result if future meetings, or at least part of them, were held in connection with some Society whose character is distinctly educational rather than purely scientific.

The National Educational Association has a membership reaching to all parts of the country, and holds annual meetings in different cities. As the result of special inquiries, it is known that arrangements can be made by us with this Association that would be mutually satisfactory. This Association affords special facilities in the matter of transportation, as it is powerful enough to secure for its members a rate of a single fare for the round trip. Our Society is urged to consider carefully the advisability of meeting with the National Educational Association in 1897. It should be distinctly understood that our relations with the American Association for the Advancement of Science have been of the pleasantest character, and that the reason for the change, if made, would be that a Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education would derive exceptional benefit from close association with a body whose aim is distinctly and purely educational.

Respectfully submitted,

C. FRANK ALLEN, Secretary.


The Treasurer of this Society would respectfully report as follows:

The total receipts during the year 1895-1896, from various sources, as given in the itemized statement below, have been $546.07, of which $95.07 was the balance in treasury at the beginning of the year, leaving $451.00 as amount received from dues, initiation fees and sales of PROCEEDINGS.

The total expenditures have been $678.83, of which about $20.00 will be paid back to the Society (these are authors' reprints of papers read at Springfield meeting), but to offset this sum there are yet one or two small bills to be paid, the amount of which could not be obtained at the present date. This leaves a deficit of $132.76.

There are several ways in which this deficiency may be accounted for; among these is the fact that during the past

year only $96.00 was paid in initiation fees, whereas last year, 1894-1895, $244.00 was received from the same source.

In the sale of the Transactions of the Society also there was a large discrepancy; during the previous year there was received $109.00 for back numbers and extra copies of the PROCEEDINGS; against which only $17.00 has been received during the past year.

It is evident that the action of the Society in increasing the dues from $2.00 to $3.00 per annum, which goes into effect the coming year, was a wise provision, but even this increase will not yield a sufficient income to carry on the work of the Society and pay off the indebtedness of the past year.

The receipts from initiation fees for the coming year will probably reach $100.00, and the dues about $600.00; but there will be required at least $150.00 additional, and this sum must be obtained from the sale of the Society's PROCEEDINGS.

It is urgently advised that each member who has not already a complete set of these valuable Transactions should order the omitted volumes at an early date.

The Treasurer would also suggest that each member use his iufluence toward placing a set of these PROCEEDINGS in the library of the respective colleges represented.

(It might be stated that the volumes may be obtained from the Secretary, at a cost of $2.50 per copy. There are now 3 volumes.)

A condensed statement of receipts and disbursements for the year is appended herewith.

Respectfully submitted,

JOHN J. FLATHER, Treasurer.

Statement of the Treasurer of the Society for the Promotion

of Engineering Education for the year 1895-1896:

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The Auditing Committee beg to report that they have examined the statement of the Treasurer, compared it with the vouchers and find it correct.

J. GALBRAITH, Chairman.

AUGUST 21, 1896.



Past and Present Tendencies in Engineering Education.

The present status of engineering education in the United States is the result of a rapid evolution which has occurred in consequence of changes of opinion as to the aims and methods of education in general. These changes of opinion, whether on the part of the public or on the part of educators, together with the resulting practice, may be called tendencies. All progress that has occurred is due to the pressure of such views or tendencies; hence a brief retrospect of the past and contemplation of the present may be of assistance in helping us to decide upon the most advantageous plans for the future.

Thirty years ago public opinion looked with distrust upon technical education. Its scientific basis and utilitarian aims were regarded as on a far lower plane than the well-tried methods of that venerable classical education whose purpose was to discipline and polish the mind. What wonderful changes of opinion have resulted; how the engineering education has increased and flourished; how it has influenced the old methods, and how it has gained a high place in public estimation, are well known to all. The formation of this Society in 1893, its remarkable growth, and the profitable discussions contained in the three volumes of its transactions, show clearly that technical education constitutes one of the important mental and material lines of progress of the nineteenth century.

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