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Luther League

Conducted by I. S. RUNYON

SEND IN THE NEWS.-Under this heading we aim to give the fullest reports possible of all District and Local Leagues. Secretaries and other officers are earnestly solicited to send in reports and items of news promptly.

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Notice to Secretaries

Every State and District Statistical Secretary is requested to forward to the undersigned at once his name and full address (street and number), with the name of the State or District of which he is an officer. Where there is no Statistical Secretary the Corresponding Secretary will please act in his stead. New statistical blanks have been prepared. I desire the full and prompt co-operation of all District and State Secretaries. Let us come to the Buffalo convention with complete reports. Chas. K. Hunton, Statistical Secretary, 440 South Eighteenth street, Columbus, Ohio.



New York City District

A regular meeting of the New York City League was held at St. James' Church, Rev. Dr. J. B. Remensnyder, pastor, on Wednesday evening, November 18. The president, Mr. Runyon, presided. A report of the delegation to the State League Convention was rendered, three members of the delegation participating, each presenting different features of the work of the convention. The Committee on Arrangements for the convention presented its report, which, among other particulars, showed a cash balance of about $160 from the fund collected to entertain the convention. This fund was set aside for use for future conventions and the extension work. The League decided to hold the annual dinner about the last of January. The Literature Committee reported that it is developing a plan for a series of lectures, constituting a normal course for teachers in Sunday school and other branches of religious work. Dr. Remensnyder briefly addressed the delegates, commending the course of the League in emphasizing the importance of education in religion, and complimenting it upon the dignified manner in which its conventions and meetings are conducted. A Nominating Committee was appointed to offer candidates for officers to be elected at the annual meeting which will occur at Epiphany Church on Monday evening, January 18, 1904.

- The annual celebration of Luther Day by the New York City League was held at the Church of the Advent, Ninety-third street and Broadway, Rev. G. F. Krotel, D.D., LL.D., pastor, on the evening of November 10. The Church of the Advent loaned its edifice for the celebration to the League of Holy Trinity Church because Holy Trinity's building is still incomplete. Rev. C. Armand Miller, pastor of Holy Trinity, conducted the vesper service and made an introductory address. A response was made by Mr. I. S. Runyon, president of the League, who presided. The address of the evening, on Clean-Cut Convictions," was delivered by Rev. John A. W. Haas, D.D., pastor of St. Paul's Church, New York. With his usual force and eloquence Dr. Haas showed that Martin Luther's "convictions" upon the fundamental truths of sin, and salvation by faith in Christ alone, were largely responsible for his determined stand against the enemies of the truth, and for the success of his battle against them. Music for the occasion was provided by Mr. Emanuel Schmauk, organist of Holy Trinity Church, and his quartette.

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- The Young Men's Association of St. Peter's Church is collecting funds for a window in the new church edifice, now being erected at the corner of Fifty-fourth street and Lexington avenue. The window is a memorial to the deceased members of the church and will cost $2000.

Brooklyn District

- On November 16 a large delegation of the Brooklyn District Luther League assembled in Emanuel's Church, Seventh street, near Sixth avenue, Rev. Emil Roth, pastor. After the transaction of routine business, Mr. William J. Dilthey, president of the League, gave the delegates a summary of some of the best thoughts of the recent State Convention, which awakened much interest. Rev. Henry C. Freimuth of Rockville Center gave a strong Luther League talk on "Personal Sacrifice," which was well received. Rev. Emil Roth made a brief address and prophesied that the Luther League will eventually bring about a union of the best in Lutheran churches, and said he has more faith and hope of the Brooklyn District League than ever before. The League of Calvary Church, which has been inactive for some time, reported a reorganization and 37 new members. St. Matthew's Young Men's League was represented by Mr. Letcher, its president, and made application for membership.

Delaware and Hudson District.

The fifth annual convention of the Delaware and Hudson District Luther League was held in St. John's Lutheran Church, Altamont, on Wednesday and Thursday, November 11 and 12. The delegates and visitors were warmly welcomed by the local committee and escorted to the spacious and comfortable church, where a sumptuous dinner awaited them. The session opened at 2 p.m., the president. W. H. Rector of Binghamton, presiding. The Rev. E. L. Tucker of Central Bridge conducted the devotional services. The pastor of the church, the Rev. A. A. Frederick, extended a warm greeting, which was fittingly responded to by President Rector, and the Rev. G. A. Getty of Cobleskill on behalf of the District League. The Leagues of Central Bridge and Schoharie became members of the District League. The committee reports showed interest, activity, progress.





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couragingly to roll call. Mr. W. L. Bradt of Binghamton, a District delegate, gave "Echoes of the State Convention," and also presented a helpful paper on The Benefits of the League

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to the Individual." The Rev. Carl Kramer of Berne spoke on Does the Luther League Meet the Demands of the Times, i.e., Does It Reach and Properly Develop the Young People of Our Church?" which elicited a warm discussion. Supper was served by the ladies of the church. The evening Rally Service" opened at 7.45 p.m., presided over by Pastor Frederick. church choir rendered excellent music. Revs. Kramer and Manken conducted the devo tional service, and the Rev. C. W. Heisler, D.D., pastor of the First Lutheran Church, Albany, held the close attention of the large congregation on 'Bible Study." His topic was timely, clearly and interestingly presented and well received. A "Social Hour," in which all joined fittingly, closed the first day's session. The Thursday session opened at 8.15 a.m. Rev. Henry Manken, pastor of the newly organized and prosperous mission at Oneonta, spoke on What Should Be the Relation of the Luther League to Missions?" and the interest of the convention in this great question of the Church was commendable. Many spoke on the subject, among whom was the Rev. L. P. Ludden, a popular missionary secretary of the General Synod. The Rev. Frank Wolford of Middleburg conducted the “ Question Box." The officers of the convention were re-elected, viz.: Pres., W. H. Rector, Binghamton; vice-pres.. George Augsbury, Altamont; rec. sec., Mrs. W H. Golding, Cobleskill; cor. sec., Fred. Smith, Albany; treas., Miss Blanche Best, Middleburg. The annual dues were raised from $2 to $3 The convention was well attended, was enthusiastic and businesslike. Every League subscribes for the LEAGUE REVIEW, and the District League ordered its Extension Committee to distribute 25 copies monthly at its expense. There is progress along all lines, and the outlook for aggressive League work is very encouraging. Resolutions of thanks were extended to the hospitable people of St. John's Church for their royal entertainment.

Albany District

The twelfth annual convention of the Albany District Luther League was held in St. James Lutheran Church, Gloversville, November 4. After suitable opening exercises at 10 o'clock_ a. m., the pastor of the church, Rev. John J. Dominic, gave a very cordial address of welcome, which was responded to by Mr. A. A. Coney, president of the District League. The formal address of this session was given by Rev. George W. Fritsch of Amsterdam; subInspiration from Luther." The address

ject, All the local Leagues responded en


was most excellent and delivered with impres. Luther League Supplies

sive earnestness. Mr. Augustus

Luther League of Trinity Church, Albany, gave an invitation from his League to the Albany District to hold the next convention with them. This invitation was most thankfully accepted. The District Convention has not been held in this church, and their kindness is greatly appreciated. In the afternoon there was an address by Mr. Clifford A. Rockwell of Utica on "Deaconesses and Their Work," which was carefully prepared and well delivered. Rev. Julius A. Reichardt of Canajoharie followed, speaking on the question, "How Much Do You Weigh?" His point was that weight of Christian character and brain are the real forces in religious activity. The speech abounded in pleasing illustrations. Rev. N. E. Yeiser of Troy spoke on "Foreign Missions." Having been a successful missionary in India, he spoke in a forcible and interesting manner on the subject, which always rouses his enthusiasm. Rev. L. F. Gruber of Utica gave the last address of the afternoon on the topic. "The Relations of the Luther League to the Church," which your reporter thinks would be a most acceptable article for THE REVIEW. It was overflowing with good points and hints, all most pleasantly and eloquently presented. The reports of the secretary and treasurer displayed a very satisfactory state of affairs in the District. The statistics showed a gain in membership. which no doubt would be larger if our Leagues were more careful in preparing and forwarding their reports. The evening session was devoted to an address by Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, the secretary of the Luther League of America, whose subject was "The League Work." Every one who has ever heard our enthusiastic secretary knows that his address was thoughtful, profitable, impressive and inspiring. All unite in saying that the convention was most excellent. The attendance was large, the programme interesting and profitable, the sociability of the members was very noticeable and most delightful. Our hosts were unexcelled in their lavish provision for the entertainment of the delegates. The Junior Double Quartette in their two efforts of the afternoon deserve commendable mention for their pleasant work. The former officers of the District League were all re-elected. They are: Archibald A. Conev, Canajoharie, pres. Rev. Noah E. Yeiser, Troy, vice-pres.; Miss Edith F. Thompson, Palatine Bridge, cor. sec.: H. F. Leloup, Jr., Troy, rec. sec.; Edward W. Shineman, Schenectady, treas.

- St. James' Church of Gloversville has a fine Junior Luther League, having a very large and enthusiastic membership.


Upper Lehigh Valley District

- The nineteenth semiannual convention of the Upper Lehigh Valley District League, held in Trinity Church, Lansford, on November 3 and 4, was very interesting and successful. All the sessions were well attended, and especially the evening session, when the church was packed with a very large audience. The first session was opened with devotional exercises by Rev. G. G. Kunkle of Summit Hill. A very cordial welcome was extended by the pastor, Rev. C. J. Gable, to which the president, Rev. A. O. Ebert, responded on behalf of the delegates. The morning session was taken up with the reports of officers and committees. The devotions of the afternoon session were conducted by Rev. W. P. Barr of Weatherly. The fol

Luther League Topics.


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lowing topics were presented: "The Educational Feature of the Luther League: .. The Plan," by Rev. A. C. Wuchter of Effort; b. "The Purpose," by Miss Schrader of West Hazleton; c." The Means," by Miss Steward of Freeland. It was decided under this head to have a Correspondence Committee, composed of Drs. Bruning, Rehrig and Rev. A. C. Wuchter, to aid all those wishing to take up studies on religious subjects at home. After the report of the delegates to the State Convention, Mr. Rudolph Warnke spoke on "Why Do We Hold Luther League Conventions?" and Miss Jennie Earnhart of White Haven discussed the topic, "What Should Be the Attitude of the Luther League Toward the Societies of Other Denominations?" The vesper service was conducted by Rev. W. C. Lauer of East Mauch Chunk. The subjects of the evening addresses were: "How Shall We Interest Luther Leaguers in Mission Work?" presented in an excellent address by Rev. W. M. Rehrig of Mauch Chunk; "Higher Education of Young Women," by Rev. J. F. Lambert of Catasaqua, and "Education of Young Men," by Rev. G. G. Kunkle, Summit Hill. The choir rendered very fine anthems. At the Wednesday morning session Rev. A. C. Wuchter presented an excellent and carefully prepared paper on "Music." This subject will be presented at the next convention. At this session it was decided that the share of $10 which we hold in the LUTHER LEAGUE REVIEW be donated toward the support of the General Secretary. Also that the president be appointed as agent for the LUTHER LEAGUE REVIEW, and it was urged upon every League to take as many copies as possible, so that at least 100 be subscribed for in our District. The League donated, again, $25 toward the North Scranton Mission. In reference to the Muhlenberg College Memorial Hall, the District League heartily endorsed the plan and pledged $115 for one room on first floor, $50 of which is to be paid immediately. This cause was also heartily recommended to the local Leagues, and all were urged to give as liberally as possible.

As a

substitute for the spring convention there will probably be a joint convention with the Northeastern District League. The next regular convention will meet in Freeland.

Lancaster District

-The District Luther League of Lancaster and neighboring counties held its ninth annual convention on Thursday, November 19, in St. John's Lutheran Church at Shiremanstown, Cumberland County, Rev. H. K. Lantz, pastor. There were three sessions of the convention, and addresses were delivered on the general subject, "The Work of Uniting and Educating the Young People of Our Mother Church of Protestantis

Williamsport District

The Luther League of the Church at Montgomery, Rev. J. W. Lake, D.D., pastor, held its annual meeting, November 18, and elected the following officers: Pres., Mrs. Ada Reed; vicepres., Edward Hagenbuch; sec., Miss Maud Hunter; treas., R. D. Hagenbuch; organist, Miss Pauline Honsel; assist. organist, Benjamin Oberdorf. The League is in a flourishing condition.

Northeastern District

-The annual meeting of the Luther League of Christ Church, Wilkes-Barre, was held October 8. The following officers were elected:

Pres., John H. Musselman; vice-pres.. Henry Miller; rec. sec., Miss Mary Eitel; cor. sec., Miss Bertha Bachert; treas., Mrs. J. A. Zehner. Miss Frances Kantner was elected delegate to the State Convention. An interesting report of the District League convention at Dorrence was rendered by the delegates.

Pittsburg District


The twenty-third convention of the Pittsburgh Central was held in Christ Lutheran Church, Beaver Falls, Pa., Rev. J. L. Fischer, pastor, on Tuesday, November 17. After the opening service, which was conducted by the Rev. G. W. Critchlow, greetings were extended by the pastor loci, and a response made by the president, Rev. J. M. Guss, A.M., Etna. After the reception of delegates and reading of minutes, the following officers were elected by a unanimous vote: Pres., Rev. J. M. Guss, A.M., Etna; rec. sec., Miss Emma A. King, Allegheny, Pa.; stat. sec., Miss Sadie S. Cupples, Pittsburgh, Pa., and treas., Mrs. A. K. Shanor, Allegheny. Four new Leagues were received into the Central-Luther League, St. John's Church, East Liverpool, Ohio; Luther League, Emmanuel Church, Prospect, Luther League, St. Paul's Church, Beaver Falls, and Junior Luther League, Immanuel Church, Etna. makes a total of 34 societies representing four counties of Pennsylvania and one of Ohio. Under the topics for discussion an address was made by the Rev. Edmund Belfour, D.D., on "Why Should Our Young Men Choose the Ministry For a Life Work?" A resolution was adopted requesting the Extension Committee to have this topic presented to all the local societies for discussion, and they to report at the next convention. Next followed a paper by Mr. Jesse Martsolf of New Brighton on the subject," Work in the Individual Congregation." Under the head of "Business," a General Committee of Arrangements for next State Convention was appointed, with Mr. Chas. W. Fuhr of Pittsburgh as chairman. An invitation to hold the spring convention at Tarentum was accepted. A new constitution was adopted, the principal features of which are: A change of name to "The Pittsburgh Central Luther League;" making the presidents of all local societies vice-presidents of the Central; giving to each society five, instead of two, delegates, and making the dues $1 for each society, to be paid at the fall convention. After a delightful social hour, during which an excellent lunch was served by the Luther League and the Dorcas Society of Christ Church, an evening session was held. the service being conducted by the Rev. C. K. Fegley of Allegheny. For the first time at these conventions the "Luther League Pennsylvania Railroad's Winter Excursion Route Book

In pursuance of its annual custom, the Passenger Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has just issued an attractive and comprehensive book descriptive of the leading Winter resorts of the East and South, and giving the rates and various routes and combinations of routes of travel. Like all the publications of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, this "Winter Excursion Book " is a model of typographical and pictorial work. It is bound in a handsome and artistic cover in colors, and contains much valuable information for Winter tourists and travelers in general. It can be had free of charge at the principal ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Rallroad company, or will be sent postpaid upon application to Geo. W. Boyd. General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.


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- The Executive Committee has decided that the next convention of the Luther League of Ohio shall be held June 22, 23 at Newark, Ohio, in the church of which Rev. J. C. Schindel is pastor. Rev. F. P. Bossart, pres.; Grace Hunton, rec. sec. Springfield District


The second convention of the Springfield District of the Ohio Luther League was held on October 30 at Calvary Church, Rev. F. G. Gotwald, pastor. Miss Christina Metzgar of Springfield made an able report of the proceedins of the State League Convention, and the following papers were read and addresses delivered: The Best Method of Conducting a Devotional Meeting," by Rev. H. E. Simon of Osborn; The Best Use of the Luther League Reading Course," by Miss Emma Schell, Urbana: Advantages of a District League," by C. C. Roop, Springfield; "Twentieth Century Lutheranism in Europe," by Rev. Dr. V. G. A. Tressler of Springfield, and a closing address by Rev. Dr. Bauslin of Wittenberg Seminary.

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- A study of 'Luther's Life and Work" was held on Sunday evening, November 1, by the Luther League of Holy Trinity Church, Elizabeth. Mr. Clarence Kline, the president of the League, was the leader. The Luther League service was used. Hymns of Luther and of Reformation times were sung. Miss Mary Martin, the League organist, presided at the organ. Papers were read on Luther as a Monk," by John Meyer, Jr.; on "Luther as a Protestant," by Miss Elsie Piehler, and an address was made on "Luther as a Reformer," by the pastor, the Rev. Fredk. C. Krapf.

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- The "Luther Alliance of the German Church at Beardstown recently entertained the annual convention of the Galesburg District Luther League.


- Two Luther Leagues, one of young men and one of young women, are to be organized at Lenoir College, at Hickory. Those in charge of the plans are examining the League's plan and literature in order that at the start full use may be made of the advantages offered by the


33 League for building up a strong, active, helpful young people's society.


-The Evening Star, Washington, has recently given the Luther League a place in the columns of its Saturday issue devoted to religious news. Space is given to the notes on the topic for the week and to news of the local Leagues. Mr. Cornelius Eckhardt, who is connected with The Evening Star, deserves the credit of securing this advantage to the Leagues of Washington.

-The Luther League of Zion's English Lutheran Church, The Dalles, Ore., Wm. Brenner, pastor, was reorganized on January, 1903, with 20 charter members. The membership is now 35. Devotional meetings are held every Friday evening, and business meetings on the first Friday in each month. The Reading Course has been taken up, and Luther League Topics and Hymnals are being used. The present officers are: Anna Stubling, pres.; Bertha Kellar, vice-pres. ; Margaret Stuben, sec.; Louise Cramer, treas.; Esther Beck, librarian.-Margaret E. Stuben, secretary.


The Kansas Conference Luther League was held in the Swedish Lutheran Church at Topeka, Rev. A. M. L. Herenius, pastor, October 16, 17 and 18. A large representation was present and the weather was beautiful. The opening address on the "Importance of Our Young People Being Entirely on Christ's Side" was delivered by Dr. J. Eckholm, Bethany College. The address of welcome was delivered by Rev. A. M. L. Herenius. Frank Nelson responded. The following officers were elected at the business session Saturday morning: Pres., Frank Nelson, Lindsborg; vice-pres., Dr. J. Ekholm, Lindsborg; sec., Miss Seraphine Erickson, Kansas City. Mo.; treas., Emil Cederberg, Walsburg. The Executive Committee consists of Frank Nelson, Rev. E. Pihlblad, Lindsborg, and C. M. Holmquist, Salina. The Saturday afternoon session was given entirely to papers and discussions. Rev. G. A. Dorf, Burdick, presented a paper on the subject, "Do We Need the Luther Leagues in Our Congregations?" He was followed by Rev. C. A. Engstrand, Walsburg, who had chosen for his subject, Why Do So Few of Our Young People Devote Themselves to the Ministry and the Charitable Work of Our Church? Both papers brought out many valuable suggestions and a very interesting discussion. Mr. Emil Cederburg, Walsburg, read an essay on "A Parable," and Frank__Nelson spoke on "The Work of Our Young People." Sunday evening Rev. C. A. Engstrand, Walsburg, and Rev. E. Glad of Kansas City were the speakers, and short addresses were made by Revs. M. O. Oden, G. A. Dorf, A. M. L. Herenius and Mr. Frank Nelson. In closing the convention the president urged all to remember two words during the coming year, namely "Do" and "Duty." He expressed the conviction that if each one would do his duty the next annual convention would be even a greater success.

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