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sertion and abdication of the throne by the former monarch. But the most interesting part, is that on which this writer grounds Murat's preferable claim upon his attention to "the happiness and prosperity of the Neapolitan people." Here his title rests upon a basis that, I trust, will never be undermined. It was a similar title that commanded my respect for the Emperor Napoleon; and it is a title without which, in my estimation, every Chief ought to be regarded as a tyrant and usurper, and compelled to relinquish sovereign power. That the reader may judge how far Murat, King of Naples, merits his present elevation, and is entitled to possess the throne he occupies, I have annexed to this article our author's remarks

provinces with zcal and equity. The taxes are uniformly distributed, and each Neapolitan, blesses the order and regularity now established by the Government of Joachim. Let us now compare this statement, the work of a few years, with the result of the Government of the last dynasty, during the space of seventy years, that it reigned over Naples, and we shall soon perceive the just motives for which the inhabitants of the whole kingdom gige so decided a preference to the actual Government.Charles III. was certainly known to possess a great character for probity, and many other distinguished qualities; but he was wanting in the knowledge neccessary for appreciating the resources offered him by the kingdom of Naples, and the genius of On the happiness of the Neapolitans, and its inhabitants: he only conceived the proon the prosperity of the kingdom. ject of a code of laws; he undertook the Every acute observer will have remarked, construction of some public edifices in the that so much trouble and agitation in Eu- capital of his estates, in which he left some rope has happened, only because certain traces of magnificence and utility; but Governments have too much neglected the every branch of administration, and of poprincipal object of their institution-the litical economy, were entirely neglected. public felicity, and the general prosperity. Naples possessed neither a civil, nor a criIf the happiness of a nation is the truest minal code, nor administrative laws. The title of a King; and if that happiness people of the law, exclusively confined to consists in causing a nation to be respected the knowledge of the laws of the Lombards, abroad, and in protecting at home the per- of the municipal, of the Roman and canon sonal safety of all, the liberty, property, law, disposed in an arbitrary manner of and industry of individuals, we find this the fortune and of the liberty of the citi end entirely accomplished at Naples by the zens. To this species of judiciary desbeneficial effects produced by the Govern-potism and legislative chaos, was joined ment of Joachim, who has inspired a na- the absolute authority of the King, who, tional spirit in a country so long agitated under the name of dispatches, or royal and by violent parties, and rendered amiable ministerial decrees, made a capricious inthe royal authority, which had been for a terpretation of the laws, destroying the long time so persecuting and odions. From effect and dispositions of them. These whence we may conclude, that affection to- dispatches had even the force of laws, wards a king, is no more than an affec- there not being any power that could stop, tion for his Government, and an acknow- or prevent the execution of them. ledgment of his justice.-Joachim Murat Naples, with regard to judiciary or admihas succeeded in a very few years in form-nistrative institutions, and the public edu ing a navy, as far as is necessary for the cation, there were no traces, except in the defence of the coasts, and for protecting remembrance of what had been done by the the commerce of the kingdom. He has Princes of the Houses of Suabia and Arexcited and encouraged industry, manu-ragon. The policy of the last dynasty at factures, and commerce, as much as the general state of warfare would permit him. He has formed an army prone to war, and well disciplined, and which has recently given proofs of courage and order, when it was incumbent on it to protect the Ec-consisted of the strength and opinion of clesiastical States, and the Grand Dukedom of Tuscany, against the calamities which threatened those countries. The jurisprudence has been reformed; the tribanals administer justice throughout the


Naples, was to annihilate every power that might counterbalance or temper the royal authority. There were no means of opposing the absolute, or despotic power, but by the effect of two institutions. The first

the feudal lords over their vassals: the second was in the simulacre of a national representation in the Sedili or Piazze. species of corporations chiefly noble, which were permanent in the capital: the des

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out of all proportion to the revenues of the States, and, above all, with a State that possessed neither commerce, navigation, nor colonies. This great oversight in the Government, produced these disastrous consequences that might be expected.

This was all that was done by the Go

stroying of these two institutions, was the same as reducing the inhabitants of the finest country in the world, to the rank of the wretched population of Senegal, or the country of the Caffres. This species of national representation of the Sedili or Piazze was abolished, and the places in which their sittings were held were de-vernment of the former dynasty, from the molished so much did these Princes year 1735, in the beautiful kingdom of dread even the traces of the edifices. In Naples; while, on the contrary, in the order the casier to deceive the Neapolitan course of a few years, under the new reign nobility, on the motives of this destruc- of Joachim, Naples possesses a civil code, a tory proceeding, the Government ordered penit code, an administrative code, and a all the ancient nobility to be numbered by commercial code. Each province has its classes, feigning that these, or rather the own tribunals; people having suits at law privileged few of the royal anti-chamber, are no longer obliged to ruin themselves, would perfectly replace, in the adminis- by coming to Naples to solicit a judgment. tration of the city, those ancient bodies of Feudalism is ablished, as well as all exthe Piazze, who, joined to some members clusive privileges; the Neapolitans enjoy of the commercial community, for several a perfect equality in the face of the law. centuries past, had invigilated over the The abuses of monastic institutions are pbile admisistration. Moreover, the po- destroyed, the prelates and ministers of the licy of Government was such as, 1st, To Catholic religion, the only oncs protected oblige the barons and great proprietors to by the law, enjoy all the consideration that reside at Naples under its jealous inspec- is due to them, with stipends and funds tion: in a short time all the provinces proportioned to their decent maintenance. were deprived of their greatest landed Property is very much divided. A regular proprictors, who, alone, had the power of system of finance, that unfolds every year readering them rich and happy. 2d, To to the Neapolitan nation the true state of establish no where but in the capital, tri- her wants, and her resources, presents at bunds, colleges, universities, honours, the same time a table of the established employments, arts, manufactures, com- taxes, and of the disbursements made with merce, and even the printing-offices. It the public revenues, A national represcuwas thus that the rest of the kingdom was tation assembles every year, forming the deprived, through a false and suspicious councils of the commons, districts, and policy, of every means of civilization, and provinces; the deputies are chosen by the loonied to ignorance, misery, and servi-people. These councils statute and delibetude. It was thus that the provinces were rate on the objects of interior melioration, abandoned, and nine parts in ten of the whether it be relative to the administration, population reduced to a state almost of or to the use made of the public money. savages, whilst that, the other tenth part, They may propose plans of useful estab was destined to live amidst the intrigues of lishments, the king having reserved to himthe Court, and the tumult of the tribunals self the right of approbation. No law is and courts of justice, consuming their published, unless approved of by the Counlives and fortunes in the steril enjoyments cil of State.-All the provinces enjoy the of luxury and cffeminacy. The Govern-benefit of colleges, lyceums, primary and ment of Ferdinand sought in vain the secondary schools, and charitable establishmeans of inspiring a military and national spirit where there is no example to fol- | low, and where the concatenated order of a good administration exists not, there can be neither army nor country. The Government of Ferdinand, was occupied in establishing a powerful navy; but it was

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ments. They have printing offices and manufactures; in short, under the new Governmeat, all the inhabitants, from Calabria ultra to the extremity of Abruzzi, have within their reach all the different institutions, political, judiciary, administrative, and of public education; and they have the without being under the necessity of recurmeans of making a progress in civilization, ring to the capital. As to the Neapolitan army, it is numerous, well-looking, and brave; it has proved that the southern

· Italians have rivalled in courage, and the and other foreign officers in our army. thirst of glory, even the Italians of the During this discussion, it was shewn, that north, in the fields of battle, in Spain, in it was unlawful to employ such persons in Germany, and in Italy.-This army, which, any other corps than in those authorised, led by its king, has distinguished itself by Act of Parliament, during the present under his orders, has nothing in common, war; and this Quintin was particularly nor that can be compared with the army of named, as a person employed contrary to 1798, nor with that of 1806. It has for law. The fact was not denied by the Miits chief, and for its model, a great cap-nisters, and those who justified their contain, who has made his essays in Africa, as duct and the conduct of the military dewell as in Europe. It has imbibed a na-partments; but, it was asserted, and espetional spirit, because the sovereign who cially by Colonel Palmer, the other Colonel commands it is occupied in promoting ci- of the regiment (the 10th dragoons), that vilization, and causes the rights of the this Quintin was a person of most rare and people to be respected.-I do not here wonderful merit.With these facts in speak merely of the troops of the line, my memory, it was not without feelings of which are equally remarkable for discipline, great indignation, that I read the other and for exactness in their manœuvres. I day, in the Globe newspaper, a paragraph owe the same praises to 70,000 legionaries, stating, that in the Court Martial now caror national guards, armed, enregimented, rying on against Colonel Quintin, Colonel and all chosen from amongst the body of Palmer acts officially, not by choice; that the proprietors of the kingdom. These are the charges have been made by the junior the 70,000 legionaries, that, whilst the re-officers, and that these charges will revert gular army was employed in Germany and in Spain, have alone defended all the coasts of the kingdom of Naples with as much zeal as bravery; and I might here invoke the testimony of my compatriots, the officers and sailors of the English navy, who are ever ready to do justice to the brave of all nations. The navy is not gigantic, and out of proportion with the state of the revenue as in the time of Ferdinand. It is composed of good officers and sailors, and adapted to its principal destination, which is to defend the coasts, the commerce, and the coasting trade, against the pirates, and Barbary powers.

Such are the various titles of the actual Government to the affection of the people, who in Joachim Murat have placed all their hopes of a perfect civilization, of reform in the administration, and of the public welfare in general-After this painting of the prosperity of the kingdom of Naples, is it possible to raise a doubt whether it will most promote the happiness of the Neapolitan people, to continue to live under the reiga of Joachim, author of so much good, or to retrograde by returning under the Government of Ferdinand Bourbon ?

upon themselves, if they should fail in making them good.It appears to me to be, that this paragraph must have been not only to cause the question to be prejudged by the public, but to intimidate the prosecutors and the evidences. Let it be observed, that, at the time this paragraph was published, the Court-Martial was actually assembled; the trial was actually going on; and, it is clear as daylight, that the object of this publication must have been to produce a feeling in the public for the accused, and against the accusers. Now, who would dare to take upon him to say, in print, that Colonel Palmer acted an unwilling part in the performance of the office of prosecutor? who, I say, would, without some extraordinary cause, dare do this? And thus, not very darkly to give it to be understood, that the Colonel, at least, looked upon the charges as groundless?But, be this as it may, whence comes the assertion, that, if Quintin be acquitted the guilt will fall upon the junior officers, who, it is said, have accused him? Whence comes this assertion? Whence comes the boldness to broach such a doctrine? If a man be acquitted on a charge of sheep-stealing, or of murder, does the charge, or its consequences, fall upon the accusers? Is the

COLONEL QUINTIN.-It appears that this officer is now before a Court Martial at Brighton. The reader may, probably, re-man, who accuses another of forgery, in member, that about two years and a half ago, there was a discussion, in the House of Commons, on a motion of Lord Folkesone, relative to the employment of German

case of acquittal, hanged in the stead of the accused? We know that this is not so; and, we also know, that, if it were so, NO MAN WOULD EVER BE AC

CUSED of sheep-stealing, murder, or forgery. This would be the most effectual mode that could possibly be devised for smothering accusations; and, if adopted in the Army, or Navy, it is pretty clear, that we shall never again hear of any mis* behaviour of any officer of high rank.-It must be evident to every one, that the inferior officers have much against them in the making of accusations against their superiors; that they must feel the many disadvantages under which they labour; that it never can be a trifling matter to put them in motion against their Commanding Officer, who has so many means of annoying the first to complain of his conduct.Therefore, when complaints are preferred by junior officers against their Commanders, they ought, it seems to me, to be heard with attention; and support ought to be tendered them; and not threats held forth to intimidate them.


in a manner, close at our doors, the latter was deemed too distant, and too insignificant for "the most thinking people in the world," to think any thing at all about it. Now, however, the case is different.As we have got Boney, like Prometheus, fairly chained to his rock; with, I suppose, the accompaniment of his vulture too, in the shape of remorse, or rather of regret, we have leisure to look about us, and to consider this nice little bit of a war in all its bearings.-John Bull has bawled himself hoarse, hurraing for the peace.-He has burnt oceans of oil, and tons of tallow, besides abundance of royal rockets, and squibs, and crackers, in celebrating the glorious peace! And after all the noise and fuss is over, he stands with a stupid stare of amazement, wondering how the deuce this peace feels so very unlike what he expected. He feels almost as incredulous about it, as Lord Peter's brothers did, I know nothing of the nature of the when he wanted "to palm his damn'd charges against this foreigner; I have crusts upon them, as mutton!" He holds never heard them stated; I have never a dialogue with himself, something like the have heard any particulars relative to the following,-“So, we have got peace, conduct or the character of the man; "we?-Aye, so they tell me ; but somehow but, I know well, that it is, during the sit-" or other it does not feel of the right ting of a Court of any sort, upon any case, "sort.-But what say the Funds? rising, "eh? Sinking, sinking.- -What says monstrously indecent and unjust, to publish threats, calculated to intimidate prose "Omnium? Below par.-Property Tax ́eutors or witnesses; and, that such is the "taken off? Not a sous.-Other taxes tendency of the paragraph above-mention-"lowered? No, not one.-Ships paid off; ́ ́ed, no man in his senses can doubt.

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CORN BILL.--Since my last, I have the mortification to hear, that the importation of cattle from France is stopped altogether; and that butter, eggs, &c. are to pay a heavy duty.I have no doubt, that the Corn Bill is to be tried again; and, therefore, I shall, in the course of two or three Numbers, make all the efforts I am able to prevent the adoption of so mischievous a measure; a measure which would deprive us of the only advantage promised us in peace; hamely, an intercourse with a nation which has freed itself from its ancient trammels.


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troops disbanded? No such thing.— "Humph! this may be peace; but, odso, "it feels, somehow or other, devilish like "war."-Aye, honest John Bull; and devilish like war thou wilt find it, let me tell thee. The sapient and humane editor of " the Times" talks of "crushing the Americans at once," just as a giant would crush a blind puppy! But good Mr. Times, that is easier said than done. As far as vulgar Billingsgate abuse can go, you, and your brother of the Courier, have done your best to irritate and inflame the Americans. But, we might as well expect pure water from a jakes, as decent language or liberal sentiments from two such corrupt sources.

In the Minister's speeches, delivered through the Regent, we have been repeatMR. COBBETT,Since the close of the edly told of the unprovoked aggression on grand drama, entitled a war against the part of the Americans! If he had conBonaparte," we have had a little more descended to mention the instances of ag leisure to attend to the lesser drama, en-gression, it would have been more satistitled "the American War," which is now performing for the amusement and satisfaction of John Bull.-While the former, with all its accompaniments was going on,

factory; for I, for one, must be pardoned, for not believing even his royal word upon such an occasion. So far from having been the aggressors, they bore with our

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anxious for humbling the Yankees; but
now that they are getting some raps over
the knuckles from these same Yankees,
they make a most terrible song about it.—-
Instead of petitioning the Regent to read a
lecture to his friend Croker, about cen-
voying their sugar and tobacco, they
would have acted more justly and more
wisely had they petitioned him at once to
put an end to an unjust and unnecessary
war, instead of singing out about their
paltry individual losses, which, compared
to those of the nation, are as a drop in
the ocean.-Talleyrand, in the Erpose of
his budget, says, that every individual in
this country pays five times as much in
taxes, as every individual in France pays.
Their debt is trifling; while ours is creep-
ing up almost beyond the power of figure
to count. The prospect is sufficiently ap
palling; but, I repeat it, the fingering of
the immense sums which the Ministry
have of late been accustomed to, is too
precious a privilege to be abandoned-with-
out compulsion. Let them then be com-
pelled to abandon it; let the voice of the
people be heard, in a way not to be mis-
understood; let petitions and remonstrances
from all quarters be poured in, demanding
that an end be put to an odious and unjust
war; and let them not be misled by a cry
about our maritime rights, but calmly as-
certain whether these rights are not
wrongs. In short, in judging of these, let
them apply the universal golden rule of
doing as they would be done by.”—I re-
main, Sir, your's, &c.
G. K.
Strathmore, Sept. 19, 1814.

insolent Orders in Council, much longer than we would have borne any thing similar on their parts; and all they now ask is, that we shall not stop their ships, and take what of their crews we think proper, without proving them to be British subjects! This is, on their part, the sole cause of the war! Give up this, and they will make peace to-morrow. But, softly; that would not suit our worthy Ministers. War is their harvest, and taxes and loans are their crops. Now, no man likes to reap a scanty crop, when he may have a full one. They have of late been accustomed to the sweets of handling upwards of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY MILLIONS A YEAR, with all the power and patronage consequent upon such an enormous sum; and, I am afraid, it would require even more virtue than they are possessed of, to conclude a peace which would deprive them of one half of their power, besides disobliging a vast number of worthy people, who, at present, are in the best humour possible, but who would grumble sadly, if their sop was taken from them.-The American War is an entertainment of that kind, that they can and will spin out just as long---as John Bull has any money to pay for it.--They may burn some sea-port towns, and do a deal of mischief to individuals, but, as to making any serious impression on America, I question if even the learned Secretary to the Admiralty believes it to be possible. We tried it once before, when all our means were fresh and vigorous; when the American population was not one third of what it is now; when their Government was weak and without credit; and when ATTACK ON FORT ERIE-BATTLE OF we had many partisans in their country.---CHIPAWA-DEVASTATION AT WASHHow our attempt ended, is well known; INGTON.I have inserted below the and how any similar attempt would now most material parts of the official docu cad, may be very easily conjectured.ments respecting these important occur Among all the other evils our infatuated rences, upon which I will make some reMinistry are bringing upon their devoted marks in my next. At present I shall country, they are forcing America to be-only observe, that notwithstanding all our come a great naval power; and although boasting about the taking of Washington, eur present able and active Admiralty may we have not been the gainers by the event ridicale the idea, yet the oldest of them whatever the Americans have lost. Our way live to see cause to think very differtroops, in fact, were obliged immediately ently upon the subject. Our merchants to decamp. They could not remain a now begin to take the alarm; these impu- single day--and thus must they do every dent dogs of Yankees are taking their ships where they land. Only think of the exat their very doors. They deserve to suffer; richly deserve it. The bulk of pence of such a war! We conquer nothing; we capture nothing; and almost every them have all along been zealous Govern- action is followed by a retreat:ment men of the true Pitt breed; strenu- GENERAL BROWN'S REPORT OF THE BATTLE eus supporters of the war, so long as they or THE 25th ULT. AT THE FALLS OF NIAGARA," could make a farthing by it; and all most SIR,-Confined as I was; and have been,

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