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at the event, and could wish it encouraged to the fullest extent, as one of the surest means of convincing the deluded people of this country, that peace is more profitable than war; that whilst we have war, we inust pay taxes, and whilst we have taxes we must, in spite of profound logic, pay dear for bread and every other necessary of life. There is one thing, Sir, that I view very seriously, and which I could wish you to discuss, viz. The considerable emigration of our war advocates, and others, who are not content to feed on our flesh, but must take the most destructive means of sucking our hearts blood.-Now, Sir, I could wish you to call for the reckoning, and to point out to the partakers of the feast, the injustice of their departing, before they pay the bill; if not the reckoning will fall most intolerable on the honourable and peaceable part of the community, who, we shall suppose, have no just right to pay one atom, as not acceding to or partaking of the spoil. Indeed, no one should be allowed to quit the country who receive their support from the public purse. Those who are neither placemen nor pensioners, but the true friends of liberty and peace, I would exonerate from any part of the reckoning, because they are unwilling instruments of destruction, and necessitated, by the glittering sword of despotism, to be tame spectators of the infamy. They are, by the law of Nature, entitled to roam any where and every where.

at the moment when we flattered ourselves with the prospect of beholding the revival, even in the midst of battles, of those princiPles of humanity and the law of nations, which a polished and civilized people ought never to violate. Was it intended to furnish him with an excuse, who was justly accused of trampling uuder foot all those principles, by imitating his barbarous example? What ! the English who reproached him with such force and justice, with spreading pillage and and destroying the towns that submitted to conflagration wherever he went, with ruining his armies, now make themselves masters of Washington, plunder and lay it waste, blow up all its public establishments and principal edifices, and carry off in their ships all that they do not chuse to destroy by fire and Sword! It is not an absolutely foreign city to which no tie, none of those ancient rela tions which doubly claim the rights of huma nity ought to insure a less severe fate, that they have thus treated; it is a city, which may be called English, which speaks the same language, which has the same manners, and English! How much was it to be wished, composed of inhabitants whose fathers were that hostilities had ceased in America, as in Europe, on the fall of him who had given the signal for them in all parts of the world!Why, at least, has not war itself experienced the good effects of that fall? Why is it conducted in the manner of pirates, who land pitately embark again, not feeling themselves upon a coast to ravage it, and then precisufficiently strong to occupy it and maintain their position? Was it not in this manner that the English landed to the number of five thousand, as it is said. at Washington, and then fled, after having rained, and, as it were, swept from the face of the earth one. of the finest capitals in the world, which most. forcibly struck by its magnificence and esta-, blishments, one of the most celebrated traDESTRUCTION OF WASHINGTON.-The vellers of the present day, M. de Humboldt?" Courier of yesterday says, "there were re- Is it thus that the hero whom they hold forth' "ports last night of our having attacked and with just pride to the admiration of Europe, "taken new London, and destroyed the made war in Portugal, in Spain, in France? city of Baltimore." The work of des- The English have often preiched up exceltruction, therefore, it would appear from they have often and justly reproached their, lent principles of morals and humanity. this, is to be persisted in during the conti-enemies with violating those principles but nuance of the war with America. The following article, extracted from the Paris Papers, will shew what opinion the people of France entertain of this predatory mode

A REFORMER. Sloane-street, Chelsea, Sept. 24, 1814.

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of warfare:

let them beware-their edifying sermons and their severe reproaches will lose much of their force, if they themselves commit those excesses of which they accuse others. Their

enemies assert, that it is rather their own interest than that of humanity which in general PARIS, 1st OCTOBER.-It is assuredly governs their morality and their conduct; not without the most painful feelings that that at this moment, for instance, when they our readers have perused the details we have are so zealously pleading the cause of the given them, respecting the capture and de- Negroes, it is less out of love for the Afri struction of the capital of the United States cans than from jealousy of the French coloof America. Thus, then, the war is prose-nies we indeed believe no such thing; cuted in the New World with the same cha- but we must confess that frequent examples, racter of fury as for so long a period spread such as that which they have just exhibited desolation over the Old. It there exhibits at Washington, would grievously embarrass the same spectacle of devastation and horror, | their friends.”

Printed and published by J. MORTON, 94, Strand.


VOL. XXVI. No. 16.] LONDON, SATURDAY, OCT. 15, 1814. [Price 1s.







by a new loan. The measure of bonding was adopted for the purpose of making WAYS AND MEANS.In my last, I" this country a depot, for the products of noticed the circumstance of Ministers" different climes-that they might be suphaving been so hard pressed for money, to" plied as the demand arcse for them; carry on the war with America, that they "and it was an admirable contrivance to had actually found it necessary to apply to secure to the country the carrying trade, the East India Company for an advance" as well as to ease the merchant when of duties on goods not yet imported; or, if" the markets of the Continent were shut brought to this country, not liable to pay- up against us. These goods have accument of duty for several months to come; "mulated in the warehouses for five years, and for the sum thus obtained, amounting," and the amount of duties upon them is as I am informed, to one million two hun-" said to be four millions sterling. Now, dred thousand pounds, a discount was al-" to force these goods out upon the market lowed, though I have not heard to what" all at once, without regard to the deextent. But this is not the only circum-"mand or price, is a measure of such stance which shews that Ministers cannot " severity as was never attempted before. go on without money, and that they have" Many of the original owners are gone. adopted the resolution of raising it, at least" They disposed of their property, and it for the present, by other methods than that" may have passed through several hands. of loans.Besides the demand upon" In many cases sums have been lent upon the East India Company, which, for ob-" the security of those bonded goods--and vious reasons, they very quiet submitted" if they are to be brought forth and expoto, a requisition has been made upon the "sed to sale, they must fall to a price other merchants in London, and, I dare" ruinous to all the parties. We suppose say, elsewhere, to pay up their arrears of" that a very strong representation of all duties on bonded goods, which had not," the facts will be made to the Treasury for some time, been levied, in consequence" against the measure, as they are ordered of the general stagnation of commerce. "to clear them out and pay the duties on These gentry, however, do not seem so or hefore Sunday the 20th instant. We disposed as the East India Company are," suppose the Chancellor of the Exchequer to comply with the demands of Govern- considered that the better day-the ment, and have called a public meeting, for" better deed.'-If he shall not succeed in the purpose of taking into consideration" procuring this seasonable supply, will this "the very alarming situation in which" be an apology for requiring a loan, or they are likely to be placed by the recent" the funding of Exchequer Bills after "determination of the Lords of the Trea- all ?"-Those who have been accuston.ed sury" and the Morning Chronicle, to consider the writer of this journal the which is always very sympathetic when enemy of corruption, will be able to appreany thing occurs to indulge its splenetic hu- ciate, by the above article, his pretensions our against Ministers, has shewn its fel-to that character. When' the unexpected Low feeling for these merchants, on this event of the overthrow of Napoleon elec very trying, very alarming, occasion, by trified, as it were, the good people of this the following sorrowful lamentation:country, and almost rendered them frantic "The scarcity of money, which has forced with joy, did not the Morning Chronicle, "the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the on that occasion, vie with the prostituted “harsh measure of forcing payment of the and hireling journals, in abusing the fallen "duties on all goods that have heen bonded Emperor; in stigmatizing him a tyrant, a "above a twelve month, will occasion dis despot, and an usurper; and in giving Mi"tress, and inconvenience in the city, much nisters credit, nay lo m with more grievous than would have been felt praise, for the noble effort: the

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provided for. Can this be done without money, or even with a little money? No, surely; the war with America, like every other war, can only be supported with

for it, but into the pockets of those me who called for the war, and who promised them their warmest support, if they would only give Jonathan a drubbing; who assured Ministers that they would consider no sacrifice too great to obtain this desirable object. What right, then, have these men to comeforward, now that the American war has begun in real earnest, and complain of the hardship of making them fulfil their engagements? Or where is the consistency, the respect for principle, so much talked of by the Morning Chronicle, when it tells us that it would be harsh, distressing, inconvenient, grievous, severe, ruinous, and the Lord knows what, to force these men to keep their promises? Is it because they are alarmed, because they begin to

to rid the earth of such a monster-Was not this a direct approval of every warlike measure of Ministers? Was it not a tacit acknowledgment, that every sixpence of money they had levied, had been pro-money; and where are Ministers to look perly done, and met with their entire approbation? But what is more Has not this organ of a faction, while canting and whinning about the miseries and calamities of war, given its hearty concurrence to the prosecntion of the war with America, and applauded every step taken by Government to recolonize the United States?-Even the most servile of all the crew of corruptionists, has not been able to excel this contemptible writer in the manner he has exulted over the reverses of the Americans.Either the Editor of the Morning Chronicle is sincere in wishing the Yankees a drubbing, or he is not sincere. If the latter, then does he labour in vain to appear consistent, by professions of regard for peace, and abhorrence of war, while he acquiesces in, and ap-feel the consequences of their folly, that plauds, the hostile measures pursued against they deserve compassion? For my part, America-But if this new war is not alto- it gives me real satisfaction to find these gether displeasing to the organ of tire bawlers for war beginning at last to feel Whigs; if he and his party have resolved uneasy for their situation. I wish sincereto allow Ministers to prosecute it in their ly they had begun to be alarmed somewhat own way, without any molestation from sooner. It would have been for the inte them; how comes it that they are endea- rest of all Europe; I may say, it would vouring, as is evident from the above ar- have been for the interest of the whole ticle, to paralize the hands of Ministers ? human race, if these alarmists had, twenty If the war with France required money to years ago, instead of raising a clamour carry it on; if we could not put down Na-against liberty; if they had then felt some poleon, without increasing the National Debt from two hundred and fifty-nine millions to NINE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY; if the deliverance of Europe could not be effected until the country was burdened with an almost incalculable load of taxes; by what means is it that we are to reconquer America, and to compel upwards of eight millions of people, who have shown no liking for our Government, to submit to its sway, and to relinquish all the blessings of independence? Is there any other way of doing this but by money? Tosay nothing of their pay, can the men we are every day sending across the Atlantic, to humble the Yankees, be conveyed thither without money? They must have food as well as cloathing. The seamen also must have frod who navigate the vessels, and this not for the voyage merely, but for the whole time, it is calculated we are to take in conquering the Americans. Then there is the impense quantity of naval and military sary for such an army, to be

of those compunctions they now feel, about the cost of the war into which they plunged us.-As it is, however, no real friend of his country will regret their present alarms. Long, too long has the majority, the most deserving class of the community, suffered inconvenience and distress. Harsh, grievous, severe, and ruinous, to thousands, have been the measures pursued under the tedious and lengthened reign of corruption. It is high time, therefore, that the authors of these calamities should themselves have a little experience of the benefits resulting from the pernicious system to which they have so long given countenance and support.-My only fear is, that they do not feel enough; that they are not sufficiently alarmed about their situation; and that, notwithstanding all that their sympathetic brother of the Morning Chronicle has so dolefully said in their behalf, they will yet be induced to part with their money, and to go on believing all that our lying press tells them, about our successes over the

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Yankees, and the great commercial ad- the Morning Chronicle has misconceived vantages which these must shortly produce. the object of the intended meeting, and The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the thus incautiously rendered its own princicanwhile, cannot but feel himself placed ples suspected, and exposed its dearest in a very awkward situation, by the restive friends to the danger of being ranked spirit displayed by John Bull on this occa- amongst the disaffected, the jacobins, and sion, and perhaps is now regreting, that he the levellers, who neither delight in war, so easily departed from the usual, and nor sigh for a participation of the publi more palatable way of raising money, by plunder. I shall not, however, lose sight Annuity. He was driven to this, I have of the subject; for those who have been no doubt, on account of the recent uncom- the most active in promoting war, and who on full in the stocks, occasioned by the have derived the greatest benefit from it, anticipation, in the money market, of a are among the last who ought to be alnew loan. It was very natural, in these lowed to escape without paying their share circumstances, to turn his attention else- of the expence necessary to carry it on.— where; and where could he turn it, with The Courier, in noticing that part of the greater propriety, than to a quarter where statement of the Morning Chronicle which the war had always been most popular, and respects the supposed hardship of levying to a fund which, in truth, belonged to the the arrears of duties on bonded goods, says country. The money had, in advance, of" the goods have been bonded three, four, the East India Company, can scarcely be " or five years-at last Government deconsidered in that light; but, in the case "mands the duty upon them. Is it not the now before us, it is admitted, that there is" same as if Government had given a man in the bands of the London Merchants, no permission to defer the payment of his less a sum than FOUR MILLIONS sterling income tax for three years, and then rebelonging to the public, that has been acquired it to be paid? It must be paid at cumulating for five years, during which "last."-From this it appears, that it is that same public have been submitting to seriously intended to put the loyalty of our great privations, in order to make up the London Merchants to the test. I hope nodeficiencies this occasioned. Had the thing will occur to induce Ministers to Morning Chronicle been properly alive to abandon this intention. As to what the the interests of the country, it would have Chronicle says about a loan, or funding called for the immediate application of this Exchequer Bills, the Courier replies, that money to the necessities of the State, in nothing of the kind is in contemplation; stead of advocating the cause of a set of the truth being, "that the Ways and men who have enriched themselves by the" Means already provided, are sufficient to war, and who, even had they been losers" meet the expenditure to be incurred unby it, have no right to complain; because," til some time after Christmas, probably had it not been for the support they have the spring; and the Parliament, at its all along given to war, the nation would next meeting, will only be called upon to never have been in its present calamitous" extend the appropriation of them."-It state. These loyalty men too; these might be supposed from this light way of Church and State men; these haters of treating the subject, that the money raised jacobins and levellers-What new proof is and expended since the abdication of Nathis they are giving of their patriotism?poleon, had been of a very trifling nature. Do they wish the country, for whom, only But the fact is, independent of all the a few years ago, they offered to sacrifice taxes levied previous to that event being their lives and fortunes; do they wish us still in existence, no less than fifty one now to believe, that there was no sincerity millions sterling was borrowed subsethese professions? Were they loyal quent to the year 1812; and if to this is only so long as they were relieved from the added the advanced duties, paid by the burdens of the war?-Do they regard it East India Company, and what is about to as no longer deserving their support than be raised of arrears on bonded goods, our it enables them, by a vast accumulating of national expenditure, in the short period of foreign products, to keep up the price of two years, will be found to be equal, if not these articles, and thus render war advan-greater, than what it was during the most tageons only to themselves?-But let me not be accused of ascribing improper motives to these Contiomes. It may be that

expensive period of the war with France. The sum borrowed since 1812 is, in truth, only two millions short of the

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"still further to elucidate the subject. He hoped, however, that in whatever obser "vations might be made, the subject would "be considered coolly, and that no extraordinary warmth might be introduced into "the discussion. They rad only one object-the benefit of the trade; and al"though they might differ from the Lords "of the Treasury on this point, yet so far "from making any severe observations upon his Majesty's Government, he be"lieved that it was the wish of every one

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present to support it. It was, thank "God, the best Government now existing "in the world. The resolutions agreed "to by the Committee were then proposed, "and unanimously adopted. A Commit"tee was then appointed to wait upon the "Lords of the Treasury, and point out to "them the ruinous conseque nces both to trade, and to the individual merchants, "from acting upon the notification that "had been given."I am glad it is thus established beyond dispute, that the merchants of London really feel the ruinous effects of the measures which they have so long and so strenuously supported. The extraordinary was mih, the secere oh


afraid, clearly indicates, that the minds of the trading interest begin to be scriously alarmed. Had these alarms been occasioned by any other cause than individual interest; had they arisen from a proper conviction of the impolicy of public. measures; had the ruined state of the country, the rapid and enormous increase of our National Debt, the pernicious effects of our paper currency, and the insup portable burden of taxes. Had causes and considerations like these given birth to these fears and apprehensions, my satisface tion would have been greater still. But no-it is self, mere self, that occasions these alarms. Not an atom of patriotism influences them; these terrors result only from the dread of being compelled to disgorge a part of the money, which the bonding monopoly has enabled them to amass at the expence of public industry. They would willingly apply a remedy to the disease, but then it must cost them nothing. They have been bawling, for. more than twenty years, about the best Go vernment in the world.-This only required a

I observe, since the above remarks were sent to press, that the Meeting of the Lon-servations, of which the Chairman was don Merchants has taken place. The chair was filled by that disinterested and staunch loyalist Sir Charles Price, who, poor man, has more occasion to regret the termination of the war than all the other Government Contractors put together. Whether the knight and his brethren had taken the alarm that their loyalty was in danger of being suspected, if they went the length the Morning Chronicle had done; or whether Sir Charles had agreed to take the chair, as a matter of policy, to keep down turbulent spirits, who might, on this occasion, be disposed to be clamorous, it is certain the Meeting was conducted in a more peaceable and orderly manner than there was reason, on the first blush of the business, to expect. The Courier report of the proceedings makes the loyal Baronet say, that "le “did not think it necessary for him to make many observations, as he conceived that every Gentleman present MUST FIEL how ruinous it would be to the trade of Fordon, and what a cruel hardship it would be to many individuals, to have * those duties strictly levied on so early a "day as the 30th. The Committee had come to curtain resolutions which would he submitted to them, but he should be happy to hear any Gentleman who wished

stock of impudence and good lungs. Give them reason to hope, that another twenty years of clamour will be as producwee as the last, and they will immediately

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