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But the grievance which now forms my present appeal,
Which must strike every MIND that can THINK,
Which must wound every sensitive HEART that can FEEL,
Is-to see the poor sailor's sOUL-SINK.

Think on hundreds and thousands of your fellow men,
Immortal in nature like you,

Who from century to century have perished—and then
Say, if MERCY has nothing to do!

In the wild waste of waters, like beasts in their lair,

Or like fiends, trained and fitted for hell!

Never hear the sweet summons for PRAISE AND FOR PRAYER,

Nor the sound of "the church going bell."

Safe returned-with their pittance or treasures in store,

Having" braved both the battle and breeze :"

Worse dangers await them on shore,

Than all that they met on the seas.

In every port, harbour, and bay,

Like GAUNT WOLVES to ravage the fold, See the CRIMES the poor sailor waylay,

To sednce him-and then steal his gold.

See THAT HARLOT with treacherous smiles,
Assumed to entice and betray,

Like the venomous spider, whose toils
Decoy, then devour its prey.

Oh England! while pity and charity find
An ear for the Ethiop's slave cry,

Forget not your seamen wear chains on the MIND,

More dark than the negro's deep dye.

Oh! did ever the sad sufferer's prayers

To Britons hearts heave the deep sigh

And not meet an echo, in theirs,

A tender response to the cry?

'Tis not the bold beggar your portal assailsNot the idle drone medicant's whine,

'Tis the BOLD BRITISH SAILOR his grievance bewails,

A plea-which you CANNOT decline.

Oh CHRISTIAN! unfold wide your sheltering wing,

And succour your poor sailor boy,

Take him into your fold, that he Too may sing

The blessings which Britons enjoy.

Give a moiety of that you in conscience can spare,

You will verily reap an enriching reward;
And remember the boon which you give to the poor,

Is a blessed loan, lent to THE LORD.


Monthly Chronicle.

Report of Rev. C. J. Hyatt, Superintendent of the Thames Agency.

The progress of temperance must be to every friend of sailors a subject of the deepest interest. Most of the vices to which they are exposed are to be traced to the intemperate habits for which they have been so long distinguished. This fact is too notorious to need proof or illustration. That a change, however, is passing over our country, in respect to this vice, and that our scamen are partaking of the influence, no one who impartially examines the subject will question. They are assuming a new and a higher character, as a body they are a better educated class of men. Our sabbath and day schools are gradually working a change in their habits, and though much remains to be done, a manifest improvement has been effected, both in their temporal and spiritual state. The scenes of debauchery and vice, witnessed in the vicinity of the river, are neither so frequent nor so shameless as they once were, whilst the churches in that locality are receiving accessions to their numbers from the sea as well as from the land. The sailor is securing the respect and sympathy of the public, not only for his daring courage and open hearted frankness, but for his consistent piety and holy zeal in the cause of Christ.

The testimony received from all quarters confirms our conviction that the cause of temperance is advancing with encouraging success, many of our pious captains are zealously attached to the object, and they are as zealously supported by many under their command. Among the Cornish sailors, the most remarkable effects have been witnessed. In the north, results, almost as decided, have been seen, and in fact in almost all our larger ports, temperance, and religion, are advancing in their benign and blessed influence. Our monthly report of the labors of the society will present the usual aspect. The number of our Bethel services has equalled, whilst the attendance of seamen has exceeded former months.

To our readers this statement must possess but little interest, but in the minds of those who were present at these services the record of them will awaken feelings of grateful satisfaction. To myself it is a source of increasing interest, after the varied and anxious engagements of the day, to enter the cabin of a vessel surrounded by 15 or 20 of our seamen,

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and listen to them as they are pleading with God for their brethren of the sea, and thankfully acknowledging the great things God has done for themselves. It is delightful too, to sit down at the close of such a service to hear from one and another a statement of perils encountered, and deliverances wrought. On one such occasion, during the past month, I was peculiarly interested. We had spent the usual time in solemn prayer, six of our brethren engaged in the exercise, and captain Prynn and myself addressed to them a few remarks. After the little company had broken up, two or three remained to speak of what God had been doing with them during the past few months. The captain of the vessel had raised the Bethel flag during the latter part of last year in Algiers, and in the present year in France, Prussia and Russia. In his voyage to Marseilles in January last, he had been unusually tried by the conduct of two of his crew. After having been kindly yet firmly expostulated with, their conduct became somewhat improved. Privately, however, it was told the captain that they had threatened to "do for" the mate before they returned to England. The threat so alarmed the latter, that on his arrival at Marseilles he purchased a brace of pistols, and either carried them loaded about his person, or had them ready for use in his berth. The mind of the master was also deeply impressed with the conviction, that unless God interposed, quarrels, and perhaps bloodshed, would ensue on their homeward voyage. He resolved that no unnecessary irritation should be given to the men, and he prayed earnestly and frequently that God would preserve them from the dreaded calamity. After they left Marseilles he continued his usual custom of holding with his men a meeting for prayer at the close of the day. He and the mate (also a pious man) conducted the devotions on these occasions, the former read the scriptures and addressing to the men a few remarks as he proceeded. Soon after he passed the straits of Gibraltar his mind became increasingly affected with a desire for the salvation of these men. He was earnest and solemn in pleading with them and for them. On one occasion, these feelings more than usually impressed his spirit. On the following evening, his mind still under the influence of tender, solemn feeling, as he proceeded in his address he saw the tear steal down one cheek and then another, till at length the rebel spirit of these two men yielded to the influence-tears started to their eyes and they exhibited symptoms of intense feeling. As soon as they reached the deck they went to the mate, and holding out their hands in token of submission and reconciliation, they said, Iwe can hold out no longer, the master has spoken so earnestly and solemnly with us we can

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resist no more." Their sincerity could not be doubted. On the next day they said now you shall see what religion has done for us, and as an evidence of its power they asked to be allowed to do the very thing, in their refusal to do which their mutinous spirit first discovered itself. The order was given, and they did it promptly and cheerfully. In the evening, they both prayed at the social meeting, and continued so to do every evening till they reached their port. When they left the ship at the north-the captain had every reason to believe that they were decidedly converted to God.

Another captain was present with us on the same occasion, who eight years ago, had obstinately refused to receive the Bethel flag on board.— After much entreaty, he said at length, "well you may ask the mate, and of he chooses to hoist it for you, he may." Contrary to his determination he was present at the meeting. A deep impression was left upon his mind. When the service was over, he said to capt. Prynn, "whenever you wish to hold another service you are welcome to come on board." The impression was not transitory. He became a decidedly pious character, and is one of the most zealous of our Bethel captains. Last year he had a prayer meeting in his house, at which, the youngest son of our missionary was present. The same influence, which eight years ago had reached the captain's heart, subdued the spirit of the young man. He lifted up his voice in prayer on the occasion, and after upwards of twelve months consistent conduct, I had the pleasure of proposing him on Thursday last as a candidate for fellowship with the church assembling at the Sailors' chapel. Was it surprising if capt. Prynn thought and spoke of his labors eight years ago, and if connecting the conversion of his own son with the zeal and prayers of his friend, he regarded the fact as a reward of his own exertions in the cause of Christ?

By details such as these our intercourse is enlivened and becomes both refreshing to our spirits and a stimulus to renewed activity.

During the month twelve seamen have expressed a desire to become associated with the christian society at the Sailors' chapel. Most of these, it is true, are connected with other churches. Their union with us, however, is an evidence of their zeal in the Bethel cause and of their attachment to the Parent Society.

Since our last report, the annual meeting of the sabbath schools has been held. Before the chair was taken a large company sat down to tea. J. Maitland, Esq. presided over the business of the evening.

The meeting was addressed by Rev. Messrs. Tyler, Dukes, E. E. Adams, C. Hyatt, J. Moore, C. J. Hyatt, and Messrs. Ward and Hooper.

The prospects of the school are encouraging, and though a want is felt of a larger body of efficient teachers, still a revived spirit of zeal and love has been kindled in the minds of those who are actually engaged.

In our day school a larger number of children is in attendance than has been collected for a considerable time. Nothing has occurred in connection with them demanding special notice. Our services at Long Reach have been continued to the present time, and, should the weather permit, will still be held in that important sphere of labor. The circumstances connected with those services have been of so interesting and encouraging a character that the committee are reluctant to decline them until compelled. Arrangements are therefore made to continue them through the month of December, should the season be favorable.

The awful calamities that have lately happened are solemn calls to increased exertion. The shipwrecks that have occurred during the month ought to operate as powerful motives to the church to supply the funds, and to ourselves to work while it is called to day. How many immortal spirits have been hurried unprepared into an eternal world? Had the resources of our society enabled the committee to maintain an efficient missionary at the Cape, who can tell what the effect of his labors might have been upon the hearts of some of those who found a watery grave in that locality. Did the church but feel the importance of our object, both in reference to sailors themselves, and in its relation to missionary operations, what brightening prospects would open upon the seamen's cause. Our missionaries might visit every port, and wherever the hitherto neglected sailor went, the means of instruction and comfort would be provided for him. Then would our prayers speedily be

answered and He would have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth.

The monthly meeting of the agents for prayer, and for the detail of their labours was held on FRIDAY EVENING, the 10th ultimo. We invite attention to the reports.


MR. J. WELCH, Junior Thames Missionary. Two reasons may be assigned for a feeling of reluctance in drawing up a report of my labours. First, lest there should be any appearance of human pride

in a work so sacred. Secondly, were a full statement of facts given of the progress of religion amongst sailors at the present time, I am aware, to many thousands it would seem a thing incredible,

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