Sayfadaki görseller

here attached,) the ship plundered of every moveable article, and everything denoting wilful destruction of property. After being on board but a few minutes, the look-out men reported the natives collecting and approaching the wreck, inside the reef, which she was then on; observed fires lit on the heights on the coast, which no doubt were beacons, as in an incredibly short space of time more than 200 had collected on the beach, all armed with spears, bows, &c.; and as others were fast approaching from all directions, with the main body moving towards the wreck, and judging from their gestures that their intentions were hostile, and an attempt would be made to cut our party off, as they had now neared us to a very short distance, and others were observed lurking among the rocks close to the wreck, thought it advisable to disperse so large a body; gave directions for Mr. Boon, 1st officer, to open fire on them from the steamer, which was done quickly and in good style. To show their daring, not a man would move among them on the first round, but on the second round coming quickly, and the shot falling fairly among them, a general yell was raised, and dropping their arms they took one and all to flight; our 24 and 9 pounders kept them at this pace for a long distance on the beach, and as may be supposed we were not again troubled by them. At sunset, having brought a few things from off the wreck, and having warned, in writing on several places on the wreck, any parties calling there, to beware of the natives, weighed and proceeded to the north, all regretting that we had been unsuccessful in our search. Midnight, cloudy.

We observed several fires on the island.

Friday, October 26th, 1849.-At daylight sighted the N. Cocos, bearing N.E. by N.; cloudy weather with much rain-8.30 anchored off the N. end of the island, inside the Table and Slipper Island, and embarked the remaining settlers, consisting of twelve, whom we found much benefited by the aid rendered them on our former visit; and although many still too weak to be able to walk to the boats, 1.30 p.m. weighed and proceeded towards the Preparis Island; thick cloudy weather, with much rain. The weather having no sign of clearing, and the fuel getting low, deemed it advisable to return to Amherst direct; knowing, also, that they would be safe if on the island, as ships pass close to it daily. Arrived at Amherst at sunset on the 28th.

In continuation of this report, I beg to point out the ready assistance at all times rendered by Mr. Anderson, whose anxiety for the missing portion of his crew was plainly shown, by his never leaving the look-out at the mast-head, in all weathers; and I enter into the same feeling of hope with him, in that, the boat and crew have most probably gone to sea and have been picked up by some passing ship, as we observed many openings in the reef where a boat could pass through in safety in any weather.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your most obedient servant,

A. BROOKING, Commander.

H. C. S. V. Proserpine, Oct. 29th, 1489; Moulmain.

Dr. Lawson's Statement.

On proceeding on board the wreck of the ship Emily, found a dead body laying in the port waist, a little abaft the fire channels, and having the following marks and descriptions.

Body-European or Indo-Briton; in height, 5 ft. 6 in. to 7 in., small bones and apparently of a slender make; face and chin smooth, and no appearance of hair on either. Skull cap had been removed, in part, by a

heavy knife or adze, and completed by a saw; first blow had been given immediately above the left ear, and been followed by another blow, as the indentations of the weapon are shown on the edge of the bone; the completion of the removal of the skull-cap by a saw, is shown by the serrated edges of the bones, and seems as if the saw had been a blunt one, or the person using it unaccustomed to handle it. Nasal bones were smashed inwards, and seemingly by a blunt instrument. Left thigh-bone is broken about the lower thread and bone protrudes through the remaining integuments. Metacarpal bones of the left hand are likewise broken. Round right hand was wrapped a cotton bandage, and fingers held, but apparently did not grasp, a small piece of a barrel stave.

From the state of decomposition in which the body was laying, apparently being dead about one month, and the mass of rubbish thrown over the abdomen, I found it difficult to ascertain if there were any other wounds, but am inclined to think there were not; and to suppose, from the position in which the body was found, that he must have fallen, or been thrown from the mast-head, whither he may have gone for protection, and tɔ make himself more visible seaward, and that these atrocities were committed upon the body after death. The effluvia arising from the dead body, and from decomposed matter (provisions), was so great on board, that we could not have remained unless disinfectants had been liberally used.


Surgeon, H. C. S. Proserpine.


[We have received the following interesting details from the Rev. W. Holmes, Treasurer of the Wisbeach Auxiliary, which we have much pleasure in laying before our readers:-]

The anniversary services of this flourishing institution were held on Lord's day, 10th, and Monday, 11th of February. Three excellent discourses were preached by Rev. T. C. Finch, the deputation of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, at the Baptist, the Primitive Methodist, and Wesleyan Chapels. Rev. W. Howchin, the Primitive Methodist Superintendent, delivered a judicious and appropriate discourse in the evening, at the Independent Chapel, on behalf of the seamen's cause. The chapels were all of them well filled, and the collections good.

On Monday afternoon, upwards of 150 of the friends took tea together, at the Girls' British School-room, several individuals contributing liberally to the supply of the tables, that a greater amount of the proceeds might replenish the funds of the Society. The arrangements for the tea were excellent. Short addresses were delivered, which enlivened the meeting. Two sailors were present who in very recent shipwrecks had been mercifully preserved. The Rev. T. C. Finch offered up at the throne of grace solemn thanksgivings on their behalf, and the hymn,

"Why those fears? behold, 'tis Jesus,"

led off by the sailors present, was sung with great animation. After returning thanks to the ladies who had kindly made tea, the company retired to the lecture-hall (late theatre), in which the annual meeting of subscribers was held, and which was crowded to excess.

The excellent President of the Society, Captain Schultz, R.N., took the chair. The meeting having been opened by singing and prayer, the president, after a short and appropriate address, called upon the treasurer to give a brief financial statement and some account of the operations of the past

year. The following short and succinct report, drawn up by the committee, and previously printed and placed in the hands of the subscribers, was read :


"The Committee of 'The Wisbeach Sailors' Society' have much satisfaction in announcing to its friends and supporters, that the object they have for some time had in view of sustaining a Sailors' Missionary, whose whole time and energies should be devoted to the moral and religious welfare of the sailors of this port, has been happily realised to a good extent, in the success that has crowned their efforts during the past year. Our sailors and watermen have been cared for; their temporal and spiritual necessities have been ministered unto; your missionary has been sustained in his prudent and welldirected efforts; your Bethel Chapel has been well attended; and the important work of promoting the highest interests of the objects of your solicitude has been crowned with the blessing of heaven.

"The committee cannot forbear the expression of their grateful feeling to the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood for the truly liberal and encouraging response made to their urgent appeal during the past year. By the continuation of the same generous feeling, your committee cannot doubt that the Wisbeach Sailors' Society will eventually be placed upon a permanent basis, and prove an unspeakable blessing to this port and its marine population.

The number of vessels visited by your missionary during the past year amounts to 183. Three interesting religious services have been held on shipboard, and 257 on shore, at which nearly 1800 sailors have been present. Bibles and Testaments sold to sailors, twenty-six; and about 1000 tracts and other serious and moral publications have been distributed. Sixty-two sailors who were sick, and fifty-three watermen, have been visited, and had religious consolation afforded by your esteemed and devoted missionary. The families of our sailors residing in the port have had 140 visits paid to them.

"Relying upon the continued support of so many friends interested in the welfare of our commerce, and with a view of meeting the new circumstances under which the shipowner and merchant are placed, your committee are taking measures to provide for the nautical education of the young sailor, and, as far as lies in their power, to inculcate habits of temperance and forethought."

The treasurer further stated, that to meet the deficiencies of the year 1848 the town since the last annual meeting had been divided into districts, and actively canvassed, with a view to the extinction of the debt incurred, and obtaining a larger and permanent income. The result of this effort was highly satisfactory; the liabilities of the Society had all of them been met, and the list of annual subscribers and donors enlarged to the number of 125. The total amount raised was £92.

The greatly increased attendance at the Bethel Chapel had, however, rendered it necessary to provide a greater number of sittings, and more suitable accommodation for the hearers, which, together with some other incidental expenses, had involved an outlay of £13, which it was confidently believed would be liquidated by the proceeds of this anniversary, leaving a good surplus in the hands of the treasurer, to assist in meeting the exigencies of the current year. Indeed, the goodly vessel of the Society, after encountering many difficulties, appeared to be now fairly afloat, suitably manned and well provisioned, and having a fair prospect, in humble dependence of the favouring breezes of heaven, of making a prosperous voyage through the year which has so recently and auspiciously opened upon us.

At the call of the President, the Rev. T. C. Finch, the representative of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, gave an ample and cheering account of its operations, and the efforts now making by its committee to raise the intellectual character, and improve the nautical knowledge and skill of the

crews and apprentices engaged in the merchant service and our coasting trade by the establishment of a college of navigation.

He was followed by Rev. Wm. Howchin, and several other gentlemen, who briefly addressed the meeting, and on a motion of thanks to the President, the gallant and facetious captain, in reply, gave some amusing anecdotes and indulged in his usual strain of innocent pleasantry, which kept up, to the close of a somewhat protracted meeting, an appropriate amount of liveliness and animation, terminating by far the largest, and perhaps, in some respects, the most important and effective anniversary the Society has yet held.

The following is the account of the meeting held the succeeding evening, at the Lower Port, where the Society is making steady progress, and its usefulness extending, and which has been inserted in the provincial papers.

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A public meeting of the friends and subscribers to the Branch Society of the above Institution was held on Tuesday evening, February 12th, at the National School-room, Sutton-bridge, the use of which was kindly granted by William Skelton, Esq., Steward of Guy's Hospital estates.

The Rev. Thomas D. Young, incumbent of St. Matthew's, was unanimously called to the chair, who in his admirable opening address read an interesting letter from Captain Schultz, R.N., the President of the Society, (who was prevented by indisposition from attending,) and laid before the meeting a most gratifying report of the efforts of himself and friends in that important locality, from which it appeared, that since the last annual meeting held in that place, many ships had been visited by himself and his active coadjutors, who in every instance met with a most encouraging reception. Eighteen Bibles and three Testaments had been sold or given away to seamen, and a considerable number of religious tracts distributed among them. The Rev. Chairman also stated that he had held three special religious services in his own church, on account of distressing shipwrecks that had recently occurred, which were well attended (their new Bethel flag flying at the top of the church tower), and he trusted that, under God's blessing, those services had been the means of doing good. Much sympathy had been manifested towards the survivors and the friends of those who had been suddenly called into eternity.

The Rev. T. C. Finch, the deputation of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, addressed the large and attentive audience, and gave a most animating account of the progress and prosperity of that excellent institution. The meeting was also addressed by Rev. W. Holmes, Rev. J. C. Pike, Thos. Dawbarn, Esq., of Wisbeach; and Mr. Dennis, the sailors' missionary. One of the speakers stated, that Captain Schultz, R.N., the President, had received a most gratifying letter from the Vicar of Wisbeach, the Rev. Henry Fardell, sympathising with the objects and rejoicing in the success of the Wisbeach Sailors' Society, and promising a handsome subscription to its funds.

Monthly Chronicle.

The prospects of the Society are most cheering. Our friends at Southampton have so far completed their arrangements as to engage to afford a portion of the support of an Agent in that important port. The Directors have cordially engaged to raise the remaining and

larger portion of the funds. Communications are in progress with a gentleman, with a view to an immediate commencement of operations.

An important sphere of increased usefulness has also recently been opened for the operations of the Society among the Newcastle traders. Hitherto, access to these vessels had been found impossible to our missionaries; but it will be seen, from the report of Mr. Lonsdale, that a pleasing opening has at length been made.

Cheltenham has come to our aid. At a recent visit of the Rev. T. C. Finch, as a Deputation from the Society, the ministers and friends of seamen in this fashionable town kindly rallied round him at a public meeting. After which such arrangements were made as will lead to the permanent labours of an efficient Association.

Worcester, also, most pleasingly aided the same deputation. A liberal subscription was received; the Rev. Dr. Redford, and other friends, heartily sustained the Society at a public meeting. Our devoted fellow-labourer (Capt. J. Lewis) has just completed another tour in North Wales. From his report it will be seen that he has again received from our friends those expressions of deep interest in the sailor's welfare which they have been accustomed to evince.

The account from Wisbeach, contained in this number, is also cheering, and we doubt not will be read with interest.

Among these and other encouragements we must not omit to refer to the three Bills just introduced, by the Right Hon. H. Labouchere, into the House of Commons: two of these have an important connection with the social well-being of seamen. These Bills have just come to hand; we cannot, therefore, pronounce any opinion of their merits ; we shall do so next month.

The Directors have arranged a plan by which Deputations may visit Auxiliaries, as also those localities where they do not already exist. With these particulars our friends will from time to time be supplied, and we earnestly wish them to co-operate with us in the proposed arrangements, which have been framed with a view to the double purpose of efficiency and economy.

One very important suggestion we must not omit. The financial year of the Society is drawing to a close. Subscribers, Collectors, Auxiliary Committees, and the friends of the Society generally, are earnestly solicited to remit the amount of their respective collections, and at the same time to use their best efforts to swell the amount. Our devoted friends at Finsbury Chapel have done themselves honour by a recent effort of this description. Anxious to do something more for the Society, a few friends got up a tea meeting, at which 138 sat down. After which speeches were delivered by the Rev. Dr. A. Fletcher, who presided; Joseph North, Esq.; the Rev. Edward Muscutt and Mr. Fieldwick, the secretaries; by Captain Rippon, Mr. Lonsdale and Mr. Bailey, two of the Thames missionaries; and we are pleased to find that, as a consequence, a great number of new collectors have come forward and engaged to promote the increased resources of the Society in that influential congregation.

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