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German dominions. We then alfo faw fome fuccefsful descents made on the coafts of France,from whence we had been threatned, but just before, with an invafion, as at prefent. We then faw feveral of the enemy's fortreffes, and one of her valuable fettlements, on the coast of Africa, reduced; and fubjected to the obedience of his Britannic Majefty. We then faw his Majefty's illuftrious Pruffian Ally, not only ftanding his ground against his numerous enemies, but victorious in divers inftances; and, in particular, triumphant over the formidable Ruffian army. We then faw, here in America, the French fortrefs, ufually called Frontinac, furrended to his Majefty's arms; and our troops returning from thence laden with the fpoils of our enemies. We then faw the enemy driven from the river St. John; and the adjacent country fecured to his Majefty; the whole Peninfula of Nova-Scotia having been before reduced, and well garrifoned by our troops. We then faw the British colours on the walls of Louifbourg; and the islands of Cape Breton and St. John, in our poffeffion. We then faw. the trade of the enemy greatly diftreffed; and her maritime power much leffened: We faw the ports of GreatBritain and her colonies, filled with the merchantmen of France, and her private fhips of war; while the ports of the enemy were moftly blocked up. We then faw the armed veffels of France on lake Ontario, burnt; and no inconfiderable part of her royal navy, taken, funk, or otherwise destroyed. In fine, we then saw the commerce of the enemy, to appearance, almoft ruined; her councils difconcerted, and her coffers low: the councils of Great Britain firm and steady; her trade in a flourishing condition; and her fleets triumphant on every fea, where the British flag made its appearance.


It was judged not amifs juft to hint at these former fucceffes, with which heaven had favoured the British arms, before we came to those later ones, which fall within the period mentioned above; and which are now to be spoken of. Only it is to be observed, that as this discourse is not defigned for an hiftory, much lefs for a journal, of fieges, voyages, and campaigns; fo it must not be expected, that I should be minutely circumftantial; but only fpeak of the great things which God has done for us, in a fummary, general way; which, it is conceived, is the only one that is proper for this place and occafion.

As things looked with a favourable and promifing afpect, where we left off above; so it must be acknowledged with all gratitude, that God has not disappointed the hopes, which thofe fmiles of his providence had raised in us. The war has gone on with great and remarkable fuccefs, on the part of Great Britain, ever fince, as well as for fome time before, our laft general thanksgiving; which is now almost a year. God has done many confiderable, and fome great things for us, in this time; while our loffes and difadvantages have, comparatively fpeaking, been few and fmall.


SINCE the period last referred to, we have had authentic advices from the Eaft-Indies, of an advantage gained there over the enemy's fleet in an engagement, the confequence of which was the utter lofs of feveral of their capital fhips. And altho', about the fame time, the enemy obtained an advantage by land, in those parts; yet there is great reafon to hope, that by means of the fuccours foon after received there, whatever lofs we fuftained is at leaft retrieved, if not more than retrieved; whereas that of the enemy could not be fo.

*November 23. 1758.


BUT leaving those diftant parts, the fituation of our affairs in which, we have lefs certainty of, let us come to Europe; and take a curfory view of it there.

Ar the opening of the prefent feafon for the deAtructive bufinefs of war, the French King thought proper to send a prodigious army intoGermany. This, in conjunction with other troops in thofe parts, was deftin'd to ravage his Majefty's Hanoverian dominions; and, in fhort, to conquer, and take poffeffion thereof, for his Moft Chriftian Majefty: Who, if he refemble his immediate Predeceffor, of fuch famous memory for disturbing and plundering his neighbours, can no more be fatisfied, either with conquered, or ftolen provinces and countries, than "he that loveth "filver can be fatisfied with filver, or he that loveth "abundance, with increase." Whofe Greatness, in its nature and rise, was not very different from that of the great Chaldean Monarch, thus characterized in facred writ: "He is a proud man, neither keepeth at "home, who enlargeth his defire as hell, and is as "death, and cannot be fatisfied; but gathereth unto "him all nations, and heaping unto him all people. se Wo to him that increaseth that which is not his ! "How long? - Because thou haft fpoiled many na"tions, all the remnant of the people fhall fpoil thee; " because of men's blood, and for the violence of the ** land

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BUT not to digrefs: This defign of his Moft Chriftian Majefty upon Hanover, had almoft fucceeded, and taken effect; to that all the friends to the liberties of Europe, who are of courfe enemies to the ambitious views of France, stood aghaft, as it were; and trembled for the confequence of a general battle, which was now unavoidable; the army on which, under God,

Habak. II. 5, 8.


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the falvation of that country depended, being inferior in number, at least by one half, to the united forces of that, which stood ready to devour her to the very heart, having before scarce half gorged itself with her exterior, and lefs effential parts. In this critical and memorable juncture, it pleafed God to inspire Prince Ferdinand with fuch wifdom and magnanimity, and his comparatively small army of British and Hanoverian troops, with fuch invincible bravery and ardor, as not only to maintain their ground, but to gain a compleat victory. This prodigious army they entirely routed, not without great flaughter; took their artillery, magazines, &c. purfued them to the Wefer, and into it; where thousands of them perished in the waters, as the proud Pharaoh and his hoft perished in the Red Sea. And altho' there were nothing preternatural in this cafe, as in the other; yet it seems, upon the whole, to have been a remarkable interpofition of providence: So that Prince Ferdinand, who is as much renowned for his piety, as for his great military virtues, might on this occafion have adopted, with great propriety, the fong of Mofes, on that alluded to above," I will fing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed glorioufly; the horfe and his rider hath he thrown into the fea.-Pharaoh's chariots and his hoft -his chofen captains also, are drowned in the Red Sea. The depths have covered them; they fank into the bottom as a stone. Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power; thy right hand, O Lord, hath dafhed in pieces the enemy." There is another facred fong, which all his Majefty's Hanoverian fubjects might, with peculiar propriety adopt, on occasion of this memorable deliverance from impending ruin. "If it had not been the Lord who was on our fide, now may Hanover fay; if it had not been the Lord who was on our fide, when men rofe up against us;


then they had fwallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us. Then the waters had overwhelmed us-the proud waters had gone over our foul. Bleffed be the Lord, who hath not given us a prey to their teeth. Our foul is escaped as a bird out of the fnare of the fowlers; the fnare is broken, and we are escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth."

BUT to proceed to fome other matters, which more immediately concern Great Britain and her dependencies, though not our gracious Sovereign; whofe hereditary German dominions may naturally and justly claim a great fhare in his royal care and affections The French have been meditating, or at leaft pretending to meditate, a defcent upon the ifland of Britain, with a formidable army; and again to bring the Pretender on the stage. Yea, their prefumption has talk'd, and vaunted itself of a conqueft of those kingdoms; fo that they feem, in their own vain imagination, to have anticipated fo great a triumph. And if they have not been in earneft, at least their preparations for an invafion, have been fo vast and expenfive, as might naturally make one believe, they were: For it is hardly to be supposed, they would be at fuch a prodigious expence of labour and money, without any defign to put their threats in execution; and fo, in the event, to make themfelves the jeft of Europe, which they have fometimes done at a much cheaper rate; and might doubtlefs have done fo again. But whatever their real intentions might have been by these formidable préparations, Great-Britain, on her part, has been attentive to guard against the worft. Proper difpofitions have been made on her own coafts for the reception of the enemy; and at the fame time, the ports of France near the Bri


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