Sayfadaki görseller

Not giving like to thofe, whofe gifts though fcant,
Pain them as if they gave with gouty hand;
Such vex themselves, and ease not others want

Sir W. Davenant's Gondibert. Than what thou mean'ft to give, ftill promise less; Hold faft the pow'r, thy promise to increase.



What time by torch-light they attempt the cave,
Which at their entrance feemed in a fright,
With the reflection that their armour gave,
As it till then had ne'er seen any light;
Which, friving there preheminence to have,
Darkness therewith fo daringly doth fight;
That each confounding other, both appear,
As darkness light, and light but darkness were.
The craggy clifts, which cross them as they go,
Made, as their paffage they would have deny'd.
And threaten'd them their journey to forflow,
As angry with the path that was their guide,
And fadly feem'd their discontent to fhew,

To the vile hand that did them first divide:
Whofe cumb'rous falls and rifings feem'd to fay,
So ill an action could not brook the day.

Drayton's Barons Wars.


Glory, is like a circle in the water;

Which never ceaseth to inlarge itself,

Till by broad spreading it difperfe to nought.

Shakespear's First Part of King Henry VI.

You thruft rather with the love

Of your own glory, than with duty lead;
You have done much: Yet all your councils prove
You ty'd ftill your atchievements to the head
Of your own honour; when it had been meet,
You had them laid down at your fov'reign's feet.

Daniel's Philotas.


When this brittle glory thus is gotten,

The keeping is as painful, more confuse : Fame lives by doing, is with reft forgotten : She those that would injoy her doth refufe, Woo'd like a Lais, will be, and obferv'd; Ever ill kept, fince never well deferv'd.

Lord Brooke on Fame and Honour.
Never any state

Could rife, or stand, without this thirst of glory,
Of noble works, as well the mould as story.
For else what governor would spend his days,
In envious travel for the publick good?
Who would in books fearch after dead mens ways?
Or in the war, what foldier lose his blood?
Liv'd not this fame in clouds, kept as a crown,
Both for the fword, the fcepter and the gown.

Lord Brooke, Ibid.

Glories, like glow-worms, afar off fhine bright;
But look'd too near, have neither heat, nor light.

Webster's Dutchess of Malfy.

For all may have,

If they dare try, a glorious life, or grave.

For this world's glory

Is figur'd in the moon; they both wax dull,
And fuffer their eclipfes in their full.


Aleyn's Crefcey.
We at the fun's one moment's reft, fhould more
Admire, than at his glorious course before:
Glory, like time, progreffion does require;
When it does ceafe t'advance, it does expire.

E. of Orrery's Tragedy of Muftapha.
Glory and pleasure in my breast contend;
Pleafure would feize what glory would defend :
Her virtues charm my glory on their fide;
But pleasure longs to have his pleasure try'd ;
For glory, like a bragging cow'rd, does here
Only in beauty's abfence domineer:

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But in her fight 'twill make a poor defence,
And never ftand before victorious fenfe.

Crown's Califle.

1. I, for my glory, feize on regal crrowns
To make my glory blaze, burn wealthy towns.
The gods for glory, worlds from chaos won;
The gods for glory kindled up the fun,
And let that noble part of heav'n on fire;
I'm hourly urg'd by fuch divine defire....
2. Inglorious princes are but half alive,
And want a fenfe worth all the other five.

Crown's Caligula.

GLUTTONY. And by his fide rode loathfome gluttony, Deformed creature, on a filthy fwine; His belly was up-blown with luxury,

And eke with fatnefs fwollen were his eyne:
And like a crane, his neck was long and fine,
With which he swallow'd up exceffive feaft;

For want whereof poor people oft did pine;
And all the way, moft like a brutish beaft,
He fpewed up his gorge, that all did him deteft.
In green vine leaves he was right fitly clad,

For other clothes he could not wear for heat;
And on his head an ivy garland had,

From under which faft trickled down the fweat:
Still as he rode he somewhat ftill did eat,
And in his hand did bear a bouzing can,

Of which he fupt fo oft, that on his feat
His drunken coarfe he fcarce upholden can;
In fhape and life, more like a monfter than a man.
Unfit he was for any worldly thing,

And eke unable once to ftir or go;
Not meet to be of counfel to a king,

Whofe mind in meat and drink was drowned fo,
That from his friend he feldom knew his foe:

Full of difeafes was his carcafs blue,

L And a dry dropfy through his fiefh did flow;

Which by mif-diet daily greater grew:
Such one was gluttony, the fecond of that crew.
Spenfer's Fairy Queen,
Guy eats all day, and letchers all the night,
So all his meat he tasteth over, twice:
And, ftriving fo to double his delight,
He makes himself a thorough-fare of vice.
Thus, in his belly, can he change a fin,
Luft it comes out, that gluttony went in.


We don't use to bury in our bellies,

Johnfon's Epigrams.

Two hundred thousand duckets, and then boaft on't: Or exercise th' old Roman painful idleness, With care of fetching fishes far from home; The golden-headed Coracine out of Egypt; The Salpa from Ebufus, or the Pelamis, Which fome call fummer-whiting from Chalcedon: Salmons from Aquitain, Helops from Rhodes; Cockles from Chios, franc'd and falted up, With Far and Sapa flow'r, and cocted wine. We cram no birds, nor, epicurian like, Enclose fome creeks o'th' fea, as Sergius Crata did; He that invented the first stews for oysters, And other fea-fish; who befides the pleasure of his Own throat, got large revenues by the invention; Whofe fat example the nobility follow'd: Nor do we imitate that arch-gormandizer, With twenty two courfes at a dinner ;

And betwixt ev'ry course, he and his guests.

Wafh'd, and us'd women, then fet down and ftrengthen'd:
Luft fwimming in their dishes, which no fooner
Was tafted, but was ready to be vented.

2. Moft impious epicures.

1. We commend rather

Of two extremes, the parfimony of Pertinax,
Who had half lettices fet up to ferve again;
Or his fucceffor Julian, that would make
Three meals of a lean hare, and after, fup


With a green fig, and wipe his beard, as we can.
The old bewailers of excefs, in those days
Complain'd there were more coin bid for a
Cook than for a war-horse; but now cooks are
Purchas'd after the rate of triumphant, and fome
Dishes after the rate of cooks; which must needs
Make fome of the white houfe, gormandizers; efpecially
Your wealthy plump plebeians; like the hogs,
Which Scaliger cites, that could not move for fat ;
So infenfible either of prick or goad,

That mice made holes to neftle in their buttocks,
And they ne'er felt them.

There was once a ruler,

Cyrene's governor, choak'd with his own paunch,
Which death, fat Sanctius, king of Caftile, fearing
Through his infinite mafs of Belly, rather chofe
To be kill'd fuddenly, by a pernicious herb
Taken to make him lean, which old Cordeba,
King of Morocco, counfell'd his fear to;
Than he would hazard to be ftung to death,

As that huge cormorant that was choak'd before him.
2. You that are wound up to the height of feeding,
By clime and cuftom are difpens'd withal;
You may eat kid, cabrito, calf, and tunny's ;
Eat, and eat ev'ry day, twice if you pleafe.
Nay, the franc'd hen, fatted with milk and corn,
A riot which the inhabitants of Delos

Were firft inventors of, or the cramb'd cockle.
1. And in the large feast of our vast ambition,
We count but the white kingdom, whence you came from,
The garden for our cook, to pick his fallads:
The food's lean France, larded with Germany;
Before which comes the grave chaft Signiory
Of Venice, ferv'd in, capon-like, in white broth;
From our chief oven Italy, the bake-meats;
Savoy, the falt; Geneva the chipp'd manchet :
Below the falt, the Netherlands are plac'd,
A common difh at the lower end o'th' Table,
For meaner pride to fall to. For our fecond courfe


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