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Weligious Antelligence.


aid the efforts making to improve the condition of the Jews. Mr. Simon, a converted Jew from Europe, was present, and communicated some interesting facts, relative to his dispersed brethren. A society was formed, called "The Northampton Society for meliorating the condition of the Jews," the

the conversion of the Jews to Christianity, in such methods as shall, from time to time, appear most expedient and practicable.”


In the large town of Middleborough, Plymouth county (Mass.) there has been, for several months past, a pleasing and very general attention to Religion; which still continues. with little abatement. The number of hopeful converts in this work is not known; but is probably not less than two hun-object of which is, "to promote dred. In the same county, a large addition has been made, within a year, to the new Church in South-Bridgewater: and revivals have commenced in the towns of Carver, Plymouth and Halifax.— Rev. Luther Wright, who preaches at Carver, writes under date of January 19-"A very silent, still, but pleasing revival of religion, commenced in this place, last October. About 45 persons have entertained hopes of a saving change; and the work is still progressing." There are said to be extensive revivals in Barnstable, Yarmouth, Harwich and Chatham, in the county of Barnstable (Mass.) Rev. Stetson Raymond, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Chatham, writes, January 12-"We have had 40 persons added to our Church the year past; and probably 30 more will be added in the spring."

It is stated in the Missionary Herald, that there is unusual attention to religion in Nantucket; and that Rev. Mr. Sprague, of WestSpringfield, writes-There has been in my congregation, for several months past, an interesting revival of Religion; during which, as many as 60 or 70 have hopefully become pious."

[Mr. Simon has since returned to New-York, from his eastern tour, having visited some of the principal towns in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode-Island, as agent of the American Jews' Society, and having accomplished the object of his tour in a very satisfactory and successful manner.During his absence, he assisted in the formation of auxiliary societies in Providence, Boston, Salem, Andover, Worcester, Springfield, Northampton and Hartford. He every where found warm friends to the plan of the Society.]


The anniversary of this interesting Society was holden in Parkstreet Church, January 25; when a sermon, appropriate to the occasion, was preached by Rev. Samuel P. Williams, of Newburyport, from Micah iv. 5, at the close of which, 8116 66 were taken up, in aid of the funds of the Society."It is due to the activity and benevolence of this Society, to add, that about one tenth part of the receipts into the treasury of the January 14th, a meeting was American Education Society, durheld in Northampton, for the pur-ing the past year, were paid over pose of adopting some measures to by this efficient auxiliary. Tel.



The Rev. Mr. Paul, a missionary to Hayti, from the Baptist Missionary Society of Massachusetts, in a letter dated at Cape Hayti, August 6, says, that he has preached several times to considerable and attentive audiences.~ He held a monthly concert of prayer, at which about 150 persons attended. He found at Cape Hayti, eight or ten brethren and sisters, with whom he proposed celebrating the Lord's supper on the succeeding Sabbath. He dis tributed a number of Bibles, and expected soon to organize a Bible Society at the Cape, and another at Port-au-Prince. Chris. Spec.


formed by the missionaries in ro-
tation, every Sabbath morning, on
board a small vessel, which has
been purchased and permanently
moored for the purpose. The
meetings were well attended by
the seamen. The Captains of al
the American ships in port mutu-
ally agreed to send their crews
regularly to worship on board the


Was formed in 1815; and received the first year, $ 5000, the second, 7000; the third, 6000; the fourth, 1900; the fifth, 9000; the sixth, 13,000; the seventh, 17,000; the eighth and last, 16,962: making the total amount of receipts, more than $92,000. It has assisted 414 beneficiaries. Fifty

A Bethel Society has been established in Calcutta, by the mis-eight have been received during sionaries of different denominations. It is patronized by the Governor General, who is its President. Divine service is per

the last year. This Society originated at a meeting of eight young men in Boston, July 3d, 1815.


Miscellaneous Articles.


servoir, would form a small ocean,

ed a line of ships of war, half a mile in length; or, if gathered into a canal, would fill one 4 feet deep, and 14 feet wide, and so miles long." Colum. Star.


Fifty millions of dollars, it is cal-on whose bosom might be anchorculated, were spent last year, in the United States, for ardent spirits; which will be about five dollars, on an average, for each individual; while our national tax is but about two dollars to an individual! 66 But, says a writer, fifty millions of dollars lost, is a trifle, a point of vanity, compared with the moral influence of intemperance. This immense sum has poured down the throats of about four millions of men, seventy-five million gallons of liquid fire. A quantity sufficient to supply a constant stream of eight thousand gallons an hour; a quantity, which, if collected and poured into a re

"A motion has been made in Congress, by Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, to discontinue the appropriations for the civilization and improvement of the Indian tribes. We do hope, that the sympathies of the American people toward the few natives that remain, have not so soon evaporated. No friend of humanity, it should seem, who knows the wants of these people,


and the blessings which these ap-family. She said that she was not propriations have brought to their a sinner, for she was of the Vellaldoors, can wish them to be discon- la cast, and that, as the Vellallas tinued, for the purpose of saving cultivate the ground for the benefit a poor pittance to the nation. of men, they thus atone for their sins, and also work out a righteousness for themselves.-A man, after hearing me, said, "Give me a plan, how to work out my salvation." He was not content with my telling him, that he must repent and believe in the Saviour. Nor was he any more satisfied, when I explained to him what re

From a table, attached to the above, taken from the Columbian Star, it appears, that the number of Schools among the Indians (including the Mission School at Cornwall) which have been aided by Government, is twenty-one; which have all been established since the year 1817; and contain-pentance and faith were, and who ed, at the last reports, 704 schol- Jesus Christ was. He said, "What ars. For tuition in these Schools, good thing shall I do, that I may the United States have allowed, have eternal life?" The people annually, 11,833 dollars; while often tell me, that merely the affor the support of them and the mis- fections of the heart, as repentance, sionary establishments with which faith, &c. are not sufficient for salthey are connected, the Missionary vation; but there must be some Societies expended, last year, the external work, which must be done, sum of 56,019 dollars. before we can be saved. And they sometimes solicit me with importunity, to tell them what that


These people do not commonly use the phrase "to be saved," or any like it; but they speak of "Getting heaven." By this it is evident, that they have no idea of their awful condition as sinners.

The proneness of men, by nat-good work is, which they must do. are, to seek salvation by the merit of their sinful works, and to reject justification by free grace through the atonement of Christ, is strikingly exemplified in the following extract from the Journal of Gabriel Tissera, a native preacher in Cey-They have no conception of salvalon. See Missionary Herald for February, 1824.

"When I told the hearers, that, in order to be saved, they must repent and believe in the Saviour, one of them said, "Yes, but what what must I do in order to be sav ed?" meaning what meritorious work he must do. He meant to say, that, in his religion, he used to do some external ceremonies, and he wished to know what similar ceremony he must do, if he should embrace the Christian religion. The idea of salvation by works, is almost inseparable from the mind of a heathen. They have no conception of salvation through free grace: nor do they have any idea of a Redeemer.-A respectar ble old woman heard me, with her

tion by a Redeemer.-A woman, who had heard me on a former occasion, refused to hear me now, saying, "What is the use of hearing you, without doing good works?" They are quite offended with me, when I tell them that good works cannot save us. When I began to talk to another woman, the first one said again, "Do not talk to her, for she has done a great deal of meritorious work, and therefore needs not hear what you say, she having already secured happiness after death." Probably she had given some money for the ceremo, nies in the temptes, and had done several other deeds similar to this. And this is all the meritorious work which has secured happiness after death."


1823, December 10th. Installed the Rev. WILLIAM GAMMELL, as Pastor of the 2d Baptist Church in Newport.

1823, December 17th. Ordained the Rev. ORVILLE DEWEY, over the First Congregational Society in New-Bedford, Mass.

1823, December 24th. Ordained, Rev. ISSAC CHASE, as Pastor of the South Baptist Church, in New-Bedford, Mass.

1824, January 21st. Ordained, the Rev. JOSEPH SEARS, as Pastor of the Church and Society at Lynnfield.

1824, February 4th. Ordained, at Seekonk (Mass.) the Rev. JAMES .Q. BARNEY. Rev. Elisha Fisk, of Wrentham, offered the Introductory Prayer. The Rev. Calvin Park, D. D. of Providence (R. I.) preached the Sermon, from Psalm cii. 16, When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. Rev. Pitt Clark, of Norton, offered the Ordaining Pray



Rev. James Wilson, of Providence (R. I.) gave the Charge. Rev. Francis Wood, of Barrington (R. I.) presented the Right Hand of Fellowship; and the Rev. Jacob Ide, of Medway, offered the Concluding Prayer.

1824. February 18th. Ordained, as Pastor of the Trinitarian Church (Mass.) in Taunton the Rev. CHESTER ISHAM. Rev. Mr. Huntington, of North Bridgewater, offered the Introductory Prayer. The Sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Green, of Boston, from I. Cor. i. 22, 23. Rev. Mr. Fisk, of Wrentham, offered the Ordaining Prayer. The charge was given by Rev. Mr. Andros, of Berkley. Rev. Mr. Cobb, of Taunton, gave the Right Hand of Fellowship. Rev. Dr. Codman, of Dorchester, addressed the Church and Society; and the Rev. Mr. Sheldon, of Easton, offered the Concluding Prayer.


Man, wretched man, was never made,
In pride or power, to put his trust:
His proper dwelling is the shade;

His only shelter is the dust.

Those hapless wits, that highest soar,

The widest range of sorrow see.
Know this-you need to know no more-
That wisdom is humility.

In lowest vales, the flowers display
The fairest hues, the world around:
The jewel, lurking in the clay,

Is seen by looking on the ground.

Of heaven, if you would catch a gleam,
On humble objects fix your eyes;
So travellers, on a glassy stream
Look down indeed-but see the skies.


By Miss H. M. Williams. While thee I seek, protecting Power, Be my vain wishes still'd;

And may this consecrated hour,
With better hopes be fill'd.

Thy love the power of thought bestow'd;
To thee my thoughts would soar:
Thy mercy o'er my life has flow'd;
That mercy I adore.

In each event of life, how clear
Thy ruling hand I see;
Each blessing to my soul more dear,
Because bestow'd by thee.

In every joy, that crowns my days,
In every pain I bear,

My heart shall find delight in praise,

Or seek relief in prayer.

When gladness wings my favourite hour,
Thy love my thoughts shall fill;
Resign'd when storms of sorrow low'r,
My soul shall meet thy will.

My lifted eyes, without a tear,

Each gathering cloud shall see;
My steadfast heart shall know no fear,
That heart shall rest on thee.


MORALIS, On the Sabbath, is received, and shall have a place. The communica tion of QUERULOUS, is under consideration. The interrogations of QUERIST, will probably be inserted.

[blocks in formation]

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing.

In proof of this truth, I might argue from the nature of holiness, from the convictions of awakened sinners, and from the confessions of saints; but I choose, at present, to appeal to the testimony of sacred scripture. And,


IN the epistles of Paul, the terms flesh and spirit, or carnal mind and spiritual mind, are contrasted, or set in opposition to each other. By the flesh or carnal mind, he means the unrenewed heart; and by the spirit or spiritual mind, he means the new or holy heart. In the chap- 1. The epithets, applied to unter which contains our text, the renewed men in sacred scripture, apostle describes the exercises of furnish evidence, that their hearts his mind after his conversion. are utterly void of holiness. In the Though he was sometimes con- scriptures, unrenewed men scious of a new heart within him, called, the unclean, the unrightwhich was inclined to the practice eous, the unholy, and the ungodly. of all good; yet he confessed and These terms, if they have any lamented, that he sometimes felt meaning, must imply, that the the same carnal mind, which he hearts of men by nature, are enhad always possessed, before he tirely destitute of holiness. These experienced the new birth. In this terms are negatives, and cannot be carnal inind, which he calls his applied, with the least propriety, flesh, and sometimes, the old man, to those whose hearts possess some and a body of death, he says in the moral purity, some righteousness, text. dwelleth no good thing. Good, some holiness, and some Godliness. as applied to the heart, means the Those, whose hearts are in any same as holy. Good things in the degree holy, ought not, without heart, are holy affections, holy de- the least qualification, to be desires, holy designs and volitions. nominated unholy. To suppose, It was, therefore, the sentiment of that while the sacred writers callthe apostle Paul, that. in the unre- ed unrenewed men, the unclean, newed heart of man, there is no the unrighteous, the unholy and holiness. But, whether I have the ungodly, they, at the same rightly apprehended the apostle's time, believed them to have some meaning or not; this is the truth, holiness in their hearts, would imwhich I shall endeavour to estab-ply, that they either did not unlish in the ensuing discourse, viz. that the hearts of unrenewed men are void of holiness.

derstand the meaning of words, or meant to use them in a new, improper, and unintelligible sense;

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