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and pearl's, hav'ing a golden cup' in her hand', full of abomina'tions and fil'thiness of her fornica'tion. 5 And upon' her forehead was a na'me writ'ten, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HA'RLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the wom'an drunk'en with the blood' of the sa'ints, and with the blood' of the ma'rtyrs of Jesus and when I saw her, I won'dered with grea't admira'tion. 7 And the angel said' un'to me, Wherefore didst thou ma'rvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the wom'an, and of the beast that car'rieth her, which hath the seven head's and ten' ho'rns. 8 The be'ast that thou sa'west was', and is not'; and shall ascend' out of the bottomless pit', and go into perdit'ion: and they that dwell' on the earth' shall won'der, (whose na'mes were not writ'ten in the book' of life from the foundation of the world',) when they behold the beast that was', and is not', and yet is'. 9 And he're is the mi'nd which hath wis'dom. The seven heads are sev'en moun'tains, on which' the wom'an sit'teth. 10 And there are sev'en kin'gs: fi've are fa'llen, and on'e is', 'and' the other is not yet come; and when he com'eth, he must continue a sho'rt spa'ce. And the beast that was', and is not', e'ven he' is the e'ightth, and is of the seven, and go'eth in'to perdition. 12 And the ten ho'rns which thou sa'west are ten kin'gs, which have received no kin'gdom as yet'; but receive power as kin'gs on'e hou'r with the be'ast. 13 The'se have on'e mind, and shall give their pow'er and strength un'to the be'ast. 14 The'ṣe shall make wa'r with the Lam'b, and the Lam'b shall overcom'e them: fo'r he is Lo'rd of lo'rds, and Kin'g of kin'gs; and the'y that are with him are called, and cho'sen, and faithful. 15 And he saith un'to me, The wa'ters which thou sa'west, where the whore sit'teth, are pe'oples, and multitudes, and na'tions, and ton'gues. 16 And the ten ho'rns which thou sa'west upon' the be'ast, the'se shall ha'te the who're, and shall make her des'olate and naked, and shall e'at her flesh', and burn' her with fi're. 17 Fo'r Go'd hath put' in their hearts to fulfil' his will', and to agre'e, and give their kin'gdom un'to the be'ast, until' the word's of Go'd shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sa'west is that grea't city, which re'igneth o'ver the kin'gs of the earth'. CHAP. XVIII. And af'ter these things I saw anoth'er angel come down from heav'en, hav'ing grea't power; and

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the earth was light'ened with his glory. 2 And he cri'ed might'ily with a strong voi'ce, sa'ying, Bab'ylon the grea't is fallen, is fallen, and is becom'e the habita'tion of dev'ils, and the hold of ev'ery foul' spir'it, and the ca'ge of every uncle'an and ha'teful bird'. 3 Fo'r a'll na'tions have drunk of the wi'ne of the wrath of her fornica'tion, and the kin'gs of the earth have commit'ted fornica'tion with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich' through the abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard anoth'er voice from heav'en, sa'ying, Come out of her, my pe'ople, that ye be not parta'kers of her sin's, and that ye rece'ive not of her pla'gues : 5 For her sins have re'ached un'to heav'en, and Go'd hath remem'bered her iniq'uities. ward her e'ven as she rewarded yo'u, and doub'le un'to her double, acco'rding to her work's: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glo'rified herself', and lived delic'iously, so much toʻrment and sorrow give her: fo'r she saith in her heart, I sit a que'en, and am no wid'ow, and shall se'e no sor'row. 8 Therefore shall her pla'gues come in one day, death', and mo'urning, and fam'ine; and she shall be utterly burned with fi're: fo'r strong 'is' the Lo'rd Go'd whọ judg'eth her. 9 And the kin'gs of the earth, who have commit'ted fornica'tion, and lived delic'iously with her, shall bewa'il her, and lament' for her, when they shall se'e the smoke of her bur'ning, 10 Stan'ding afa'r of'f for the fear of her to'rment, sa'ying, Alas', alas'! that grea't cit'y Babylon, that might'y city! fo'r in on'e hou'r is thy judgment com'e. And the mer'chants of the earth shall we'ep and mo'urn o'ver her; fo'r no' man buy'eth their merchandise an'y mo're: 12 The mer'chandise of go'ld, and sil'ver, and prçc'ious sto'nes, and of pearl's, and fi'ne lin'en, and purple, and silk', and sca'rlet, and all thy'ine wood', and all man'ner ves'sels of i'vory, and a'll man'ner ves'sels of mo'st prec'ious wood', and of brass', and i'ron, and ma'rble, 13 And cin'namon, and o'dours, and ointments, and frank'incense, and wi'ne, and oil', and fi'ne flou'r, and whe'at, and be'asts, and she'ep, and ho'rses, and chariots, and sla'ves, and so'uls of men'. 14 And the fruits that thy so'ul lus'ted after are depa'rted from thee, and a'll things which were dainty and good'ly are depa'rted from thee, and thou shalt find them no mo're at all. 15 The mer'chants of the'se things, which were made rich' by her,

shall stand afa'r of'f, fo'r the fear of her to'rment, we'eping and wa'iling, 16 And sa'ying, Alas', alas'! that grea't city, that was clothed in fi'ne lin'en, and pur'ple, and scarlet, and deck'ed with go'ld, and prec'ious sto'nes, and pearl's! 17 Fo'r in one hour so grea't rich'es is come to na'ught. And every ship'master, and a'll the com'pany in ships, and sa'ilors, and as man'y as tra'de by se'a, stood' afa'r of'f, 18 And cried, when they saw the smo'ke of her burn'ing, sa'ying, What' cit'y is' li'ke un'to this grea't cit'y! 19 And they cast dust on their head's, and cri'ed, we'eping and wa'iling, sa'ying, Alas', alas'! that grea't cit'y, wherein' were made rich' a'll that had ships in the se'ą by re'ason of her cost'liness! fo'r in on'e hou'r is she made des'olate. 20 Rejoi'ce o'ver her, thou' heav'en, and 'ye' ho'ly apostles and prophets; fo'r Go'd hath aveng'ed you on her. 21 And a might'y angel took' up a sto'ne like a grea't mill'stone, and cast it in'to the se'a, sa'ying, Thus' with vi'olence shall that grea't cit'y Bab'ylon be thrown down', and shall be found no mo're at all. 22 And the voi'ce of ha'rpers, and musicians, and of pi'pers, and trum'peters, shall be heard no mo're at a'll in thee; and no crafts'man, of whatsoever craft he be,' shall be found an'y mo're in thee; and the sound' of a mill'stone shall be heard' no more at a'll in thee; 23 And the light of a can'dle shall shi'ne no mo're at all in the'e; and the voi'ce of the bridegroom and of the bri'de shall be heard' no mo're at all in the'e: fo'r thy merchants were the grea't men of the earth'; fo'r by thy so'rceries were all nations deceived. 24 And in' her was found the blood' of proph'ets, and of sa'ints, and of all that were sla'in upon' the earth'.

CHAP. XIX. And af'ter these things I heard a grea't voi'ce of much pe'ople in heav'en, sa'ying, Alleluia; Salva'tion, and glo'ry, and hon'our, and pow'er, un'to the Lo'rd our Go'd: 2 For tru'e and right'eous 'are' his judg'ments; fo'r he hath judged the grea't who're, which did corrupt' the earth with her fornica'tion, and hath aven'ged the blood' of his servants at her hand'. 3 And again' they said', Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ev'er and ev'er. 4 And the fo'ur and twen'ty el'ders and the fo'ur be'asts fell down and wor'shipped Go'd that sat on the thro'ne, sa'ying, A'men'; Alleluia. And a voi'ce came out' of the thro'ne, sa'ying, Pra'ise our Go'd, a'll ye his servants, and ye that fe'ar him, bo'th small and grea't. And I heard' as it were the

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voi'ce of a grea't mul'titude, and as the voice of man'y wa'ters, and as the voice of might'y thun'derings, sa'ying, Allellu'ia for the Lo'rd Go'd omnip'otent re'igneth. 7 Let us be glad' and rejoi'ce, and give hon'our to him for the marriage of the Lam'b is com'e, and his wife hạth ma’dẹ herself' read'y. 8 And to her was granted that she should be arra'yed in fi'ne lin'en, clean and white: fo'r the fi'ne lin'en is the right'eousness of sa'ints. 9 And he saith un'to me, Wri'te, Bless'ed are they which are called un'to the mar'riage-sup'per of the Lam'b. And he saith un'to me, These are the tru'e sa'yings of Go'd. 10 And I fell at his fe'et to wor'ship him. And he said un'to me, Se'e thou do it' not': I am thy fellow-ser'vant, and of thy breth'ren that have the tes'timony of Je'sus: wor'ship Go'd: fo'r the tes'timony of Je'sus is the spirit of prophecy. 11 And I saw heav'en o'pened, and beho'ld whi'te ho'rse; and he that sat' upon' him was' called Faithful and True; and in righteousness he doth judge and make wa'r. 12 His ey'es were' as a fla'me of fire, and on his head' were' man'y crown's; and he had a na'me writ'ten that no' man knew but he himself': 13 And he was' clothed with a ves'ture dipped in blood': and his na'me is called The Word' of Go'd. 14 And the armies which were' in heav'en followed him upon' white ho'rses, clo'thed in fine lin'en, whi'te and clean. 15 And out of his mouth' go'eth a sharp swo'rd, that with' it he should smite the na'tions; and he shall rule them with a rod of i'ron: and he tread'eth the wine'-press of the fierceness and wra'th of Almight'y Go'd. 16 And he hath on his ves'ture and on his thigh a na'me writ'ten, KING OF KINGS, AND LO'RD OF LO'RDS. 17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun'; and he cried with a loud voi'ce, sa'ying to all the fowl's that fly in the midst of heav'en, Com'e and gather yourselves togeth'er un'to the sup'per of the grea't Go'd; 18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of cap'tains, and the flesh of might'y men, and the flesh of ho'rses, and of them' that sit on them, and the flesh of a'll 'men, both' fre'e and bond', both small and grea't. 19 And I saw the be'ast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered togeth'er, to make wa'r against him' that sat' on the ho'rse, and against' his army. 20 And the be'ast was ta'ken, and with him the false proph'et that wro'ught miracles befo're him, with which he

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deceived them' that had received the ma'rk of the beast, and them that wor'shipped his im'age. The'se both were cast' ali've in'to a lake of fi're burn'ing with brim'stone. 21 And the rem'nant were sla'in with the swo'rd of him that sat upon' the ho'rse, which swo'rd' proce'eded out of his mouth' and a'll the fowl's were filled with their flesh'. CHAP. XX. And I saw an angel come down' from heav'en, hav'ing the ke'y of the bot'tomless pit and a grea't cha'in in his hand'. 2 And he la'id hold on the drag'on, that old ser'pent, which is the Devil, and Sa'tan, and bound' him a thou'sand years, 3 And cast' him in'to the bot'tomless pit', and shut him up', and set a se'al upon' him, that he should dece'ive the na'tions no mo're, till the thou'sand years should be fulfill'ed: and af'ter that he must be lo'osed a little se'ason. 4 And I saw thro'nes, and they sat' upon' them, and judgment was given un'to them and I saw the souls of them that were behead'ed for the wit'ness of Jesus, and for the word' of Go'd, and which had not wor'shipped the be'ast, ne'ither his image, neither had received 'his' mark upon' their foreheads, or in their hand's; and they lived and re'igned with Chri'st a thou'sand years. 5 But the rest of the dead' liv'ed not again' until' the thou'sand years were fin'ished. This is the first resurrec'tion. 6 Bless'ed and hoʻly 'is' he' that hath pa'rt in the first resurrection: on such' the second death hath no pow'er; but they shall be prie'sts of Go'd and of Chri'st, and shall re'ign with him a thou'sand ye'ars. 7 And when the thou'sand ye'ars are expi'red, Sa'tan shall be lo'osed out of his pris'on, And shall go out to dece'ive the na'tions which are in the fo'ur qua'rters of the earth', Gog' and Ma'gog, to gath'er them togeth'er to bat'tle; the number of whom 'is' as the sand' of the se'a. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and com'passed the camp' of the saints about', and the beloved city: and fi're came down from Go'd out of heav'en, and devou'red them. 10 And the dev'il that dece'ived them was cast' in'to the lake of fire and brim'stone, where the beast and the false proph'et are,' and shall be tormen'ted da'y and night' for cv'er and ev'er. And I sa'w a grea't white thro'ne, and him' that sat' on it, from whose fa'ce the earth' and the heav'en fled awa'y; and there was found' no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead', small and grea't, stand' befo're Go'd and the book's were o'pened; and anoth'er



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