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respective Churches, previously to the Annual Meeting, once in three years, in the following order, viz.

1825. West Ham, Walthamstow, Loughton, Dagenham, Great Ilford. 1826. Leyton, Wanstead, East Ham, Chingford, Chigwell.

1827. Woodford, Leytonstone, Barking, Little Ilford, Romford.

8. That the following gentlemen be requested to accept the office of Vice-Presidents:-S. Bosanquet, Esq. J. Carstairs, Esq. C. Danvers, Esq. J. T. Daubuz, Esq. W. Davis, Esq. J. A. Doxatt, Esq. J. Harman, Esq. R. W. Hall, Esq. R. W. Hall Dare, Esq. Sir E. Harvey, G. C. B. E. Hurry, Esq. J. Lane, Esq. B. Pearse, Esq.

J. H. Pelly, Esq. J. Popplewell, Esq.
J. Rigg, Esq. T. Robinson, Esq. and
Sir R. Wigram,

9. That the Address now read be adopted, and that the Secretaries be requested to have 1500 copies printed for distribution.

10. That the smallest donations be thankfully received, by the Treasurer or Secretaries, or each of the Clergy for their respective parishes.

A meeting would also, we understand, have taken place at Walthamstow, where the sum of 421. was collected after a Sermon in behalf of the Society, but has been delayed in consequence of the late alarms in the commercial world.


THE Exeter Diocesan Committee of this Society lately held their Annual Meeting at the Central School in Magdalen-street, Exeter, the Lord Bishop in the Chair, when a satisfactory report was read, in which the Committee state, that "they cannot but remark, with feelings of thankfulness to Almighty God, and of congratulation to their fellow Christians, the lively interest which the great objects of the Society appear to have awakened in the Diocese. A few years since its name was scarcely known; not more than ten persons in the populous counties of Devon and Cornwall were contributors to its funds; where it now reckons nearly three hundred associated and contributing members. Nine new subscribers to the Exeter Fund have been added since the last annual meeting, and benefactions to the amount of six pounds five shillings have been received. A new district committee for the Deanery of Penwith has been formed in the Archdeaconry of Cornwall. The Committee feel confident that the more the objects of this truly Christian society are known, the more support and countenance it will receive from those who are desirous of spreading the benefits of our holy religion in its purest form amongst the unconverted nations of the world."

The Lord Bishop commented in terms of congratulation on the auspicious nature of the report, and re


marked that the extent of the Society's exertions in the great object they had in view, was not so generally known as it ought to be. His Lordship drew the attention of the Meeting to the following list of the Missionaries now employed by the Society:

Newfoundland.-Present establishment, six Missionaries, eighteen Schoolmasters. Annual charge, 19007. Proposed increase, four Missionaries, eight Schoolmasters. Annual charge, 1160. Population forty thousand, Protestants.


Nova Scotia.- Present ment, two Visiting Missionaries, twenty-eight Missionaries, forty-four Schoolmasters. Annual charge, 62001. Proposed increase, eight Missionaries, sixteen Schoolmasters. Annual charge, 1840. Population one hundred and twenty thousand.

New Brunswick.-Present establishment, twenty Missionaries, twentyseven Schoolmasters. Annual charge, 43001. Proposed increase, five Missionaries, ten Schoolmasters. Annual charge, 1150l. Population eighty thousand.

Prince Edward's Island.-Two Missionaries, one Schoolmaster. Annual charge, 340l. Proposed increase, two Missionaries, four Schoolmasters.— Annual charge, 460l. Population thirty thousand.

Upper Canada.-Twenty-four Missionaries, three Schoolmasters. Annual

charge, 4860. Proposed increase, nineteen Missionaries. Charge, 3800l. Population two hundred thousand.

Lower Canada.-Nineteen Missionaries. Annual charge, 3800l. Proposed increase, eleven Missionaries. Annual charge, 2200l. Protestant population, one hundred thousand. Present annual charge, 21,400l. Proposed addition, 10,6107.

Cape of Good Hope.-One Missionary, two Schoolmasters. Annual charge, 340/.

Cape Coast Castle.-One Missionary, Annual charge, 50l.

Calcutta. Bishop's College, three Professors. Endowments for twenty Students. Eleven Missionaries, European; six native Preachers. Annual charge, 4900l. In addition to these charges, there are other sources of expenditure in the endowment of Divinity Studentships in Nova Scotia and Canada, Donations in aid of Churches, Gratuities to Missionaries, &c. &c. &c.


We have already expressed our opinion as adverse to the principle of Infant Schools, and this opinion we still retain. We are at the same time ready to admit that there may be cases where they are practically expedient, and which constitute exceptions to our general observation :-in populous town parishes, for instance, where the home of the children is scarcely more than nominal. It is with this view of the peculiar circumstances of the case that we submit the following report of a meeting lately held at Exeter.


On Tuesday, September the 27th, a meeting was held in the Guildhall of the City of Exeter, for the object of establishing Infant Schools, rather convenient situations where the children of the working.classes will be taken care of during the time that their parents are pursuing their occupations, and are prevented taking proper care of their helpless children.The Bishop of Exeter having been called to the chair, gave an account of the establishment, scope, and general utility of such institutions, and obviated some objections which had been urged against them. His Lordship said, that the parent went cheerfully to his daily labour, under the impression, that his child was in a place of safety; that it, if able to articulate, was taught something adapted to its tender age; by example it might have some defect of disposition corrected and removed; and that, above all other considerations, the child was kept out of the streets, and out of the influence of vice and evil


communication. He stated, that the Institution was not novel, as it had been long a practice in Yorkshire, to hire a woman to take care of the young children of the village while their parents went to their work,-exempted from a care which otherwise must confine one of them to their dwelling, and prevent the family deriving the full benefit of their labour. The Bishop recommended, that the children should be taught the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and Creed. He observed, that he wished to effect the great good which was the object of the Institution, without acting in any respect in opposition to the feelings of the parents of the children. He concluded by reading the proposed regulations, which were to be farther considered in a Committee. The Bishop undertakes the office of Patron of the Institution, and the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Devon, that of VicePatron. There were present at the meeting Sir Thomas Blomfield, Messrs. Lyon, Hamilton, and Creswell, Mr. Sergeant Praed, The Rev. Canons Bull and Rogers, Rev. Prebendary Oxnam, Colonel Macdonald, and other Clergymen and Laymen of Exeter, and of the County of Devon. No further publicity had been given to the intended meeting than could be effected by a circular; and, probably, from this cause, the attendance was far from numerous.

* Six resident in the College at the date of the last despatches.



THE first stone of a building to be appropriated to the reception of poor female children, where they are not only to be fed and clothed, but brought up so as to be useful members of society, was laid on Monday, August 1, 1825. A procession was formed at King's House, (the residence of the Commander-in-Chief,) of the chief persons of the island; with the same masonic ceremonies as those observed on the occasion of laying the first stone of the New Church at Bridge-town. As soon as the Bishop of the Diocese, accompanied by the Provincial Grand Master, had reached the platform prepared for the purpose, the Rev. J. II. Pinder, one of his Lordship's Chaplains, read a portion of Scripture peculiarly applicable to the purposes of the foundation, beginning at the 10th verse and ending at the thirtyfirst chapter of Proverbs. After which, the Lord Bishop implored a blessing upon the undertaking, in the following prayer:

"Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help, that in this and every other work begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Name, and promote the present and everlasting welfare of our fellow-creatures, through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.

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"O, Almighty Father! who by thy beloved Son hast said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven! Hasten, we pray Thee, Thy Kingdom; and grant that the Institution which we are this day met to found for the maintenance and religious education of the daughters of our poorer brethren, may be the happy means, under Thy grace, of bringing many to Thee: that, rooted and built up in Christ-established in the Faith -habituated to every good word and work-and abounding ever more and more in thanksgiving to Thee, and these their benefactors, they may

walk in Christ, and in the knowledge
'and obedience of Thy word, and
finally obtain everlasting life, through
His atoning merits; who, with Thee,
O Father! and Thee, O Holy Ghost!
liveth and reigneth One God, now
and for ever.-Amen.

"O Lord! who hast taught us that all our doings without Charity, are nothing worth, send Thy Holy Ghost and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of charity, the very bond of peace and of all virtue; without which, whosoever liveth is counted dead before Thee. -- Grant this for Thine only Son Jesus Christ's sake, in whose most perfect words we conclude these our imperfect addresses, saying-Our Father, &c."

The ceremony of depositing the coins, &c. then followed; and, the inscription on the plate having been read, it was likewise placed in proper form, and the stone was lowered, during which the boys sang part of a hymn, accompanied by the excellent band of the 93d regiment. The whole of the arrangements having thus been completed, the Hon. John A. Beckles, Provincial Grand Master, availed himself of the opportunity of expressing his feelings, and those of the fraternity, in the following handsome address to the Lord Bishop:

"If any thing were wanting, in addition to the very many proofs which your Lordship has given, and particularly the proposed erection of that edifice which was commenced on Monday last, to convince us, not only of your earnest to promote morality and virtue, and diffuse the principles of our religion amongst all classes, but also of the blessing which, under Heaven, has been granted to us by the appointment of your Lordship, as Bishop of this Diocese, it would be the establishment of a work like this.

"I assure you, my Lord, it has been particularly gratifying to me, that the elevated situation of Grand Master which I have the honour to fill, has afforded me an opportunity of assisting at the commencement of

these works-works perhaps essential in this metropolis, and which, I trust, I will contribute in an eminent degree to the suppression of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of true religion and virtue.

"The respect and esteem which I am happy to find your Lordship enjoys in this community, and the very great zeal and anxiety which you have manifested on these occasions, are sure pledges that nothing will be wanting on your part to fulfil the wishes of those public-spirited individuals who have promoted these undertakings, and that the just expectations of the Legislature, whose liberality has also been evinced, will not be disappointed.

"In behalf of the Craft of Free and Accepted Masons in general, do I offer our supplications to the Supreme Architect of the Universe, to afford his protection to your Lordship, and that you may be the instrument, through Him, of promoting the happiness of this community.

"With proper respect to the established customs of the country in which we live-with due deference to our superiors in Church and State, and with unlimited good will to all,— we here appear clothed as Masons, and publicly express our submission to order and good government, and our wish to promote the general interests of mankind.

"Invested with the badge of Innocence, we bow with reverence to the Most High, the Universal Parent, our Grand Architect; and in my situation as Grand Master, to which I was raised by the unanimous suffrages of my Brethren, most humbly do I in

voke his Holy Name! May He be present at this beginning, and prosper the undertaking with all success-may He vouchsafe to direct every zealous effort, and in his merciful goodness deign to bestow a blessing upon all our laudable undertakings.'

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His Lordship having expressed his acknowledgments for this mark of respect, then addressed the spectators, whose generous aid he earnestly solicited in behalf of this Institution; but he more particularly recommended the ladies to turn their attention to the superintendence of this work of charity; and then concluded by pronouncing the usual blessing upon all who were present.

After this ceremony, the procession moved to the Central School, where numbers of ladies also attended, and were much gratified with the sight of an abundantly supplied dinner-table ; and many remained to see the scholars of both sexes partake of their wholesome and well-dressed fare, to which they had this day the addition of good plum-pudding.

The Plate bears the following Inscription:














AT ST. KITTS, at a meeting of the Clergy, Proprietors, and other Inhabitants, held at the Court House, in the Town of Basseterre, on Wednesday, the 24th of August, 1825, his Excellency Governor Maxwell in the Chair, a District Committee for that Island was formed of the Society for the Conversion and Religious Instruction and Education of the

Negro Slaves in the British West India Islands. The return of the negroes on the several estates connected with religious establishments being laid on the table, and a letter from the Rev. Dr. Barrett, containing suggestions as to the formation of District Committees, having been read, a series of resolutions were adopted, for the establishment and regulation of the St.

Kitts' Committee. The Governor was appointed to the office of President, the President of the Council to that of Vice-President,-Dr. Swanston, Treasurer, and William Thompson, Esq., Secretary. Subscriptions were immediately commenced, and the money in hand (there having been a previous Association in existence for the same object, though not regularly constituted in union with the Parent Society in London,) was paid over to the new Treasurer.

A similar meeting was held at Charles-town, NEVIS, on Saturday, the 13th of August. The District Committee there having been already organized on a former occasion, the meeting then held was in observance of the first anniversary of the Institution. The proceedings commenced with the reading of collects appropriate to the occasion; after which, the Secretary read the Report, which detailed the operations of the Association during the past year. It stated generally, that a Sunday-School had been established in each of the four Country Parishes, wherein 682 slaves and 14 free persons were receiving instruction; that a Sunday and Day School had been likewise established in Charles-town, in the former of which 80 slaves were instructed, and the latter numbered 105 scholars, both free and slave; that the Committee had appointed a Schoolmaster attend each of the Country Schools, at 201. currency per annum each, and a Schoolmaster and Mistress to attend the Town Schools at 251. currency per



In our last number we laid before our readers an address presented to the Bishop of Barbadoes, by a body of gentlemen of that Island, on his embarkation for this country, together with the strong public testimony to his exertions, and to the favourable acceptance with which they had been met on all occasions. We now submit to them a series of addresses delivered to him down to that period, on his landing upon the differe ent islands: and cannot conceive a

annum each; and that these, with other contingent expenses, had been nearly met by the local contributions. The Report, in conclusion, expressed the conviction of the Committee that perseverance in these labours would, under the divine blessing, ensure the great end of the Parent Society, and render the recipients of the instruction afforded, "peaceful here, and happy hereafter." The report was received with general approbation.

Resolutions were then proposed and adopted. In the course of their being moved and seconded, several gentlemen addressed the meeting, commenting generally on the objects of the Association; the utility of which, it was remarked, must be obvious to every reflective mind, which recognized the moralizing effects of the diffusion of religious instruction. In the concluding Resolutions, the Society expressed their strong approbation of the unremitting exertions of the Rev. D. G. Davis, (the Secretary,) in promoting the purpose of the Institution. This merited tribute of thanks was feelingly acknowledged by Mr. Davis, who observed, that highly as he estimated the approbation of the meeting, he was nevertheless influenced by a more exalted motive in devoting his best services to the interests of the Association that approbation, however, he regarded as flowers strewed in the path of duty.

A Collection was made,-the Subscriptions were renewed, and several new Subscribers and Donors added to the list. The meeting was then dissolved.

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