Sayfadaki görseller

B, C, D. Carpenter, R. C. Warming and Ventilation of Buildings. A manual for heating engineers and architects. Wiley. $4.00.

Best general treatise on the subject, valuable for

general reading by owners and for specialists. Good text-book.

B, C. Clark, T. M. Architect, Builder and Owner before the Law. $3.00.

A general statement of the principles of law applicable to the erection of buildings, intended to keep the laymen out of difficulties.

B, C, D. Clark, T. M. Building Superintendence. Revised edition. Macmillan.


Good book for owners, architects, and superintendents of the construction of buildings.

B, C, D. Cumming, C. A. History of Architecture in Italy. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Two vols. $7.50.

Best history of the development of Christian architecture in Italy from its beginning to the opening of the Renaissance period. Fully illustrated.

B, C, D. Fletcher, B. F. History of Architecture.

edition. London. $4.40.


The best text-book for serious students of architecture and readers, architects, and advanced amateurs and travelers. 240 plates of photos and details; very concise treatment; rather dry for general readers. D. Freitag, J. K. Architectural Engineering. Wiley. $3.50.

A very complete and thorough treatment of the construction and fire-proofing of steel frame office buildings.

D. Freitag, J. K. Fire-Proofing of Steel Buildings.
Wiley. $2.50.

A good work on different systems of fire-proofing buildings.

B, C. Hamlin, A. D. F. History of Architecture. Long

mans. $2.00.

B, C. Holt, R. B. Rugs, Oriental and Occidental, Antique and Modern. A book for ready reference. Mc

Clurg. $3.50.

Description and colored plates of rugs from different countries. Descriptive circular sent on request. D. Ketchum, Milo S. The Design of Steel Mill Buildings and the Calculation of Stresses in Framed Structures. Engineering News Pub. Co. $4.00. D. Kidder, F. E. Architects' and Builders' Pocket Book. Flexible morocco. Wiley. $5.00. Largest architects' pocket book.

C, D. Kidder, F. E. Carpentry. Comstock. $4.00.

Comprises carpentry and joinery of buildings.
Churches and Chapels. Comstock.

B, C, D. Kidder, F. E.


Best practical work on the planning and arrangement of churches, with Sunday-school rooms, etc. Many examples.

C, D. Kidder, F. E. Masonry and Metal Construction. Comstock. $4.00.

A good work on these subjects, for study and reference.

B, C. Litchfield, F. History of Furniture. From the earliest to the present time. $5.00.

A good and fully illustrated popular history of furniture.

B, C. Marquand, A., and Frothingham, A. L. History of Sculpture. Longmans. $1.50.

B, C, D. Moore, C. H. Development and Character of Gothic Architecture. Macmillan. $4.50.

Best description of Gothic architecture and its principles for general and professional readers. Good illustrations.

B, C. Mumford, J. K. Oriental Rugs. $7.50.

Many colored plates and good descriptions of oriental rugs from various places of manufacture. This and Holt's Rugs are of especial interest to ladies.

B, C, D. Sturgis, R. Dictionary of Architecture and Building. Three vols. Macmillan. $18.00.

A new, fully illustrated and valuable dictionary for reference, and also containing many valuable and extended articles for the use of the amateur and professional.

Other dictionaries and cyclopaedias are out of date, mostly foreign, etc.

B. Sturgis, R.


European Architecture.


An interesting history for general readers, with many good illustrations.

B, C. Van Dyke. J. C. History of Painting. Longmans. $1.50.

Rather brief, but an excellent general work, for general readers, ladies' clubs, art classes, etc.

B, C, D. Wheelwright, E. M. School Architecture. $5.00. Best general treatise on planning and treatment of large school buildings. Author had much experience as city architect of Boston.


Abernathy, J. S. Life and Work of J. Abernathy. London. Net $2.65.

American Engineering Competition. Being a series of articles resulting from an investigation made by "The Times," London. $1.00.

Church, W. C. Life of John Ericsson. Two vols. $6.00. Glazebrook, R. T. James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics. $1.25.

Holmes, F. M. Engineers and their Triumphs. Net $0.60. James B. Eads. Net $0.65.

How, Lewis.

Hubert, P. G.

Judson, I. F.

MacKay, T.

Inventors (Men of Achievement). $1.50.
Cyrus W. Field, Life and Work. $2.00.
Life of Sir John Fowler. Net $5.60.

Smiles, S. Industrial Biography. London. Net $1.25.

Smiles, S. Life of George and Robert Stephenson. London. Net $2.65.

Smiles, S. James Nysmith; an Autobiography. $1.50.
Smith, G. B. Life and Enterprises of de Lesseps. Net $2.65.
Stuart, C. B. Lives and Works of Civil and Military Engi-
neers of America. $5.00.

Thompson, S. P.

Thorpe, T. E. $1.25.

Faraday, Life and Work. $1.25.

Humphrey Davy, Poet and Philosopher.

Trowbridge, J. Samuel F. B. Morse. Beacon Biographies. Net $0.75.

Telford and Brindley; Their Lives and Engineering Triumphs. London. Net $0.40.


PROFESSOR VAN ORNUM: I note that the classification adopted involves what appears to me to be an unfortunate implication. I refer to the fact that under the class of books listed under "Civil Engineering" is grouped works on the two subjects of "Surveying" and "Structural Engineering," while such subjects as "Municipal and Sanitary Engineering," "Roads and Pavements," "Railroads," "Hydraulic Engineering," and "Materials" are given an independent classification, although these subjects are either altogether or in considerable part really civil engineering in essence, and very important branches of it. The important feature would seem to be that this classification by implication robs civil engineering of the larger part of its legitimate field. In other words it would give the implied approval of our society to such a popular error as we sometimes encounter, viz.: that surveying and civil engineering are practically synonymous. I note that similar ambiguity is avoided in mechanical and electrical engineering subjects by making the sub-classification, but omitting the general terms just mentioned.

I would suggest to the committee and society the

advisability of avoiding such a situation by definitely placing the sub-classes of civil engineering under this general heading; or, perhaps better, inasmuch as it would more nearly harmonize with the general arrangement, by omitting the headings "Civil Engineering" and classifying the books given in the preliminary report under this head under "Surveying" and "Structural Engineering."

PROFESSOR D. C. JACKSON: I have little to say except in admiration for the work of this report. I would suggest the addition of four books, “Alternating Current Phenomena" and "Elements of Electrical Engineering" by Steinmetz, "Dynamo Electric Machinery" by Thompson, and "The Art of Illumination" by Bell.

MR. W. O. WILEY: The book on "Roads and Pavements in France" by A. C. Rockwell, and Dawson's "Engineering and Electric Traction Pocket Book" are now out of print.

MR. BASSETT JONES, JR.: A little magazine just started entitled "The Illuminating Engineer," and devoted to the science of illumination, is an excellent periodical.

PROFESSOR NORRIS: Along the line of electrical engineering literature I would say that our department in Sibley College has recently conducted a canvass of professors of electrical engineering and some practising engineers regarding the best books in the various branches of electrical engineering. The results of the canvass are as printed on the accompanying circular. I do not know that this is a model list, but it represents the concensus of opinion of a large number of electrical engineers. The first title in each group is presumably that of the work which gives the

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