Sayfadaki görseller

than European one-Character of the English against
success of the Reserve-Reorganization prejudicial to
regimental officers-Five years of command, too little
and too much-New rules for retirement of officers
bad, and heavy on taxpayers-"Territorial Regiments"
another unwise change-Treatment of soldiers' wives
and widows-Value of our Volunteers-German disci-
pline impossible with Englishmen.


A new departure in German Historical Literature-Note-

worthy works by Janssen, Dacheux, Höfler, Lederer,

and Pastor-How each of these works is the comple-

ment of the other-Nicholas Cusanus-Printing, educa-

tion, and sermons in fifteenth century-The Humanists

and the Reformation-State of the Fine Arts-Manners

and customs of the people-Territorial lords, agricul-

ture, commerce, guilds, &c.-Influence of Roman law

on the German people-John Geiler and his preaching

-His rigorism.

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in Anglo-Saxon Church-Its penitential System a
Proof of the Real Presence-Zeal and Honour for
Blessed Sacrament in Early Norman Times-The Inter-
dict of Innocent III, and the Faith of the people
Wycliffe and the Lollards-Importance of Father
Bridgett's Volumes.

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Révolutionnaire de Paris-Cochin's Etudes Sociales et
Economiques-Abbé Morlais's Libre Arbitre de Vauven-
argues-Sister M. F. Clare's Cloister Songs-Rev. T. K.
Cheyne's Prophecies of Isaiah-Davies's Hindu Philo-
sophy-Edwin Arnold's Hindu Poetry-Rev. J. Long's
Eastern Proverbs-Autobiography of Mark Rutherford
-Warren's Liturgy and Ritual of Celtic Church-Father
Antonia à Vicetia's Breviloquium of St. Bonaventure—
Lexicon Bonaventurianum Bruck's Hessel's Lex
Salica Ryan's Patriotic, Religious, and Miscellaneous
Poems-Father Ryder's Catholic Controversy-Rev. W.
W. Hutchings' Bonaventure's Life of Christ.



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