Sayfadaki görseller

consecrate our bodies and our souls as a living sacrifice unto thee. May a cheerful and constant obedience ever prove our gratitude, and a patient submission, under our afflictions, ever evince our trust. May we more and more rejoice in Jesus Christ as the Captain of our salvation; open our hearts to all his discoveries and commandments; make them the only rule of our faith and practice; aim continually at an increasing resemblance of his divine virtues, and rely, with unshaken confidence, upon the precious promises that he has sealed with his blood. By the influence of his holy gospel, may we pass with usefulness and comfort, through all the vicissitudes of this transitory state, and become qualified for an entrance into that world, where all his followers shall be happy with him forever.

God of the whole earth! may the religion of thy Son rule and sanctify the world. May wars and fightings cease from among men, and the arts of peace be multiplied. Bless, we devoutly pray thee, our land. May our rulers rule in thy fear, and for the general welfare. May our people lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. Vouchsafe to preserve to us our civil and religious rights; to protect us from the horrors of war; to bless

us with healthy and fruitful seasons, and to prosper our agriculture, commerce and manufactures.

Our Father who art in heaven! Thou hast carried us so far through our journey of life; we now ask thy presence and protection during this day. Make us industrious, and useful, and happy.

Be our God in life, our hope in death, and our everlasting portion. We offer this our morning service, in the name and as the disciples of thy Son, through whom to thee be all honour and glory forever. Amen.


ALMIGHTY and eternal God! In thine hand are the ordinances of nature; and with thee is the number of our months. Having experienced fresh proofs of thy care and bounty, we would at the close of this day kneel before thee in supplication; and before we compose our bodies to sleep, would take a few moments from weariness to lift up our thoughts to thy perfections, and send up our requests to thy throne of mercy.

How happy should we feel, that there is one above us, who will hear our prayers, and who ean do for us more than we can do for ourselves. O God! without thy grace all wisdom is folly, and without thy help all efforts are vain. But alas! how often have we been unmindful of our dependence; how often have we permitted unsubdued passions to lead us from thee and duty; how often have we forgotten that we profess to be followers of the humble Jesus! Our God and Father! conscious of our errors and sins, we most devoutly supplicate thy grace and pardon. Through Jesus Christ be merciful to us sinners; and hereafter so discipline us, that we may be duly sensible that we are pensioners on thy bounty and dependent on thy power. O suffer us not to make shipwreck of our best hopes, through ambition or vanity. O God! keep our eyes from tears, our feet from falling and our souls from death. Enable us so to govern our bodily appetites, that they may answer the useful ends for which thou hast implanted them in our nature. Enable us to know ourselves, in order that we may eradicate our evil propensities, before they shall have gained a dangerous strength. To this end, we pray for that effectual faith in Jesus Christ, which is a shield in every temptation, a guide in every

duty. O may the true spirit of Jesus dwell in our souls, and we feel the power of religion in our hearts. O God! may we have a more devoted tone towards thee, a more active faith in our Saviour, and more genuine charity towards our fellow men. May we be Christians in spirit and in deed. May we exercise that godly sorrow for our sins, which worketh repentance unto life, and may we place the Lord always before us. Grant unto us more faith and hope; more kindness and love; more compassionate feelings and more benevolent affections; more virtuous sympathies and a more devotional spirit. May we therefore read more and more of thy holy word. May we study the oracles of divine truth with that seriousness and self-application, which shall completely imbue our souls with the piety and purity which pervade them. O give to our understandings spiritual light. O thou Fountain of knowledge! give us wisdom, the assistant of thy seats; send her from thy holy heavens, from the throne of thy greatness, that she may be present with us, and labour with us, and teach us what is acceptable to thee. Throw not a cloud over the prospects of futurity; but gives us hopes full of immortality. May we look beyond the perplexities of an earthly course to a higher

portion and a better happiness than the world can give.

And now, O Holy Father, would we close our prayers, imploring, with renewed earnestness, thy providential direction in all our ways; kind deliverance from trouble; abundant spiritual blessings for ourselves and others; gracious forgiveness of our manifold sins; more inward peace and satisfaction; greater progress in holiness; firmer establishment in every good word and work; and above all, a reception at death into thine hands, and a full admission at last to eternal glory.

These we ask, in that name in which thou hast promised to hear us always; and through him wilt thou accept us now and ever. Amen.


O THOU who art the Rewarder of all them that diligently seek thee! Merciful God, receive with thy gracious audience, the prayers and praises of thy children.

We adore thee as the greatest and best of Beings, the Source of all power, wisdom, good

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