Moral Conflict: When Social Worlds Collide

Ön Kapak
SAGE Publications, 20 Mar 1997 - 234 sayfa

In an original synthesis of communication theory and their own research and experience as intervention agents, the authors of Moral Conflict describe a dialectical tension between the expression and suppression of conflict that can be transcended in ways that lead to personal growth and productive patterns of social action. Several projects are described as practical examples of these ways of working.

Kitabın içinden


Discovering Moral Conflict
Understanding Conflict
The Problem of Moral Conflict
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Yazar hakkında (1997)

Stephen Littlejohn (Ph.D., University of Utah), is a conflict management consultant, mediator, facilitator, and trainer. He is consultant for the Public Dialogue Consortium and a partner in Domenici Littlejohn, Inc. Stephen is co-author of Moral Conflict: When Social Worlds Collide (Sage, 1997) and has written numerous other books and articles on communication and conflict. He was a professor of communication at Humboldt State University in California and is currently Adjunct Professor of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico. He has done research on mediation and conflict management for 19 years and has been an active mediator for eight. Stephen has been a consultant for such clients as the Waco Youth Summit, the Alliance for Constructive Communication, the City of Cupertino, Columbia Basin College, and Washington State University.

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