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particulars were taken from an original document, probably an allegation, and that the statement of John Wise, the applicant for the licence, had not been cancelled. Examples of the kind are found in the London records. Although it is not known whether Shakespeare or his friends applied for the licence at Worcester or at Stratford, it appears probable that the latter or some of them attended in person at the registry. In this case it is not difficult to account for the substitution of the name Whateley for that of Hathaway. Thus amongst other possible explanations it may be suggested that, when the poet's licence business had been despatched as far as feasible after the late arrival of the party from Stratford on the evening of that busy November day, the scribe, while making his neat entries of the day's licences, was interrupted by an enquiry from Parson Whateley as to some detail of his tithe-case which had been before the Consistory Court that afternoon. On continuing his work, the scribe with somewhat divided attention may have allowed the plaintiff's name, perhaps written by him more than once in connection with the case, to stray into his licence paragraph, with a result not a little perplexing to inquirers three centuries afterwards.

1 See an instance described at p. 61.


COPIED from a register at the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House. Probate was granted to Joan Hathaway, the widow, at London, July 9th, 1582.

In the name of God, amen; the firste daie of September, in the yeare of oure Lorde God one thowsande fyve hundred eightie one, and in the three and twentithe yeare of thee raigne of oure soveraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of God queene of Englande Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the faithe etc. I, Richard Hathway of Shottree in the parrishe of Stratford-uppon-Avon in the countie of Warwicke husbandman, beinge sicke in bodye but of perfecte memorye, (I thancke my Lord God) doe ordaine and make this my last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge. Firste, I bequeathe my sowle unto allmightie God, trustinge to be saved by the merittes of Christes Passion, and my bodye to be buried in the churche or churche-yarde of Stratforde aforesaide. Item, I give and bequeathe unto Thomas my sonne sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence, to be paide unto him at the age of twentie yeares. Item, I give and bequeathe unto John my sonne six poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence to be paide unto him at the age of twentie yeares. Item, I give and bequeathe unto William my sonne tenne poundes to bee paide unto him at the age of twentie yeares. Item, I give and bequeathe unto Agnes my daughter, sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence to be paide unto her at the daie of her marriage. Item I give and bequeathe unto Catherine my daughter sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower

pence to be paide unto her at the daie of her marriage. Item I give and bequeathe unto Margaret my daughter, sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence to be paide unto her at the age of seaventeene yeares. And if it fortune that any of my said sonnes or daughters before named, that is to saie, Thomas John William Agnes Catherine or Margarett to decease before theie receyve theire legacies, then my will is that the legacies of he or she so deceased to remayne equallie amonge the rest, and so unto the longest lyvers of theme. Item my will is (withe consente of Jone, my wife) that my eldiste sonne Barthellmewe shall have the use commoditie and profytt of one halfe yeard lande withe all pastures and meadowinge therto belonginge withe the appurtenaunces to be tilled mucked and sowed at the charges of Joane my wyffe he onelie findinge seede duringe the naturall life or widdowehode of the same Johan my wife to be severed from the other of my lande for his commoditie and profitte. And my will is that he the same Bartholomewe shal be a guide to my saide wife in hir husbandrye. And also a comforte unto his bretherne and sisters to his power. Provided alwaies that if the saide Joane, my wife shall att anye tyme or tymes at-after my decease goe aboute to disanull or to take awaye from my saide sonne Bartholomewe the foresaide half yarde lande withe the appurtenaunces, so that he doe not enjoye the commoditye and proffitte of the same accordinge to the trewe meaninge of this my last will and testamente. Then my will is that the sayde Joane my wief shall gyve delyver and paye unto my saide sonne Bartholomewe within one yeare after any suche deniall or discharge the somme of fortie poundes of lawfull Englishe monneye. Item my will is that all the seelinges in my hallhowse withe twoe joyned beddes in my parlor shall contynewe and stande unremoved duringe thee naturall liffe or widowhode of Jone my wyffe and the naturiall lief of Bartholomewe my sonne and John my sonne, and the longest lyver of theme. Item, I gyve and bequeathe unto everie of my god childrenne fower pence a peece of theme. Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Agnes Hathway and Elizabethe Hathway daughters unto



Thomas Hathway a sheepe a-peece of theme. This bequeast donne, debts paide and legacies leavied, and my bodye honestlie buried, then I gyve and bequeathe all the rest of my goodes moveable and unmoveable unto Joane my wief whome I make my sole executrixe to see this my last will and testament trulye performed. And I desier my trustie frende and neighbours Stephen Burman, and Fowlke Sandelles to be my supervisors of this my last will and testamente, and theie to have for theire paynes therin to be taken twelve pence a peece of theme. Witnesses, sir William Gilbarde, clarke and curate in Stretforde, Richarde Burman, John Richardson, and John Hemynge withe others. Signum + Richardi Hathwaie testatoris.-Debtes to be paide. Inprimis I doe owe unto my neighbour, John Pace fortye shillinges. Item I owe unto John Barber thirtie sixe shillinges fower pence. Item, I owe unto Thomas Whittington, my sheepherd, fower poundes sixe shillinges eight pence. Item, I owe unto Edwarde Hollyocke for woode twenty shillinges.




THE following grants of marriage licences entered in the registers of the bishops of Worcester show the changes in method of entry which resulted in the defective paragraphs of the lists in which the Shaxpere-Whateley licence is recorded:

Bishop Jerome de Ghinucciis. Register No. XXVIII., folio 646. 28th January 1533.

xxviij die mensis et anno domini ante dictis emanavit comissio domino Willelmo Basshe vicario perpetuo ecclesie parochialis de Erlingham Wigorniensis dioc. ad solempnizandum matrimonium in facie ecclesie inter Johannem Butt et Johannam Hyet parochie predicte cum una edicione bannorum in foribus ecclesie parochialis predicte tempore hujusmodi solempnizacionis dumtaxat faciendum nullo canonico interveniente impedimento.

Jerome de Ghinucciis. Folio 66b. 30th April 1534.

Ultimo die mensis Aprilis anno domini suprascripto emanavit commissio curato ecclesie Collegiate de Stratford Wigorniensis dioc. ad solempnizandum matrimonium in facie ecclesie cum una edicione bannorum inter quosdam Johannem Combe Juniorem de Astley Wigorniensis dioc. et Katherinam Quynye de Stratford predicto.

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