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and in Mr. Storr's Manufactory, who himself acts as PRESIDENT.

reign Bible Society. In their printed address, they observe, -The generality of the members have been already supplied with Bibles from a former society of this description; and a sufficient number remains on hand to supply those who are in need of the sacred volume." They further state, that "a fund had already been raised by some zealous individuals, which was immediately placed in the hands of the treasurer, as a first-fruit of their earnestness to promote so good a cause.'

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Within six weeks after the formation of this Association, it consisted of seventy-four members, who were thus classed: Six of One Guinea per Annum,' Two of Sixpence per Week, One of One Pound... ditto, Eight of Threepence... ditto, One of Ten Shillings. ditto, Twenty-eight of Twopence ditto, Two of Sixpence per Month, Three of Three Halfpence ditto,

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and Twenty-three of One Penny per Week: Forming an aggregate of 341. 5s. 10d. per Annum.

In concluding their address, they remark

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"In stating these particulars, this Association disclaim all intention of boasting-they simply detail facts; but at the same time indulge an earnest hope that this Report may afford one more stimulus (should any be wanting) to the establishment of similar societies in large manufactories; being firmly convinced of the vast importance and salutary effects of sound religious instruction at all times, but more particularly at present, when every means are resorted to by the enemies of social order to undermine all the foundations both of the temporal and eternal happiness of mankind."

This Association held its first Annual General Meeting on the 5th of February 1821, when it appeared that the total receipts amounted to 291. 12s. 1d.; and it was resolved, that after paying for fifteen Bibles received for the members, the balance in hand, being 217. 6s. 104d. should be paid to the Committee of the Bloomsbury and South-Pancras Auxiliary Society, "for the general, and more especially the foreign, objects of the Parent Society." The Report concludes with the following striking observation:

"As this Association is unavoidably confined to the manufactory in which it is situated, it cannot be expected to furnish subject for very extensive comment: but we must not omit stating our firm belief, that the circulation of the Word of God among its members has contributed, in an eminent degree, to the peace and good order of this concern."

It is worthy of particular notice, that this report is signed by Mr. Storr, as President of the Association:-an example deserving general imitation, and which goes far in accounting for the success with which it has been attended, both in a pecuniary and moral point of view.

Rules and Regulations recommended for adoption

While these examples demonstrate the value and importance of Bible Associations of Mechanics, and afford a satisfactory evidence of the facility with which they may be established, their results, both moral and pecuniary, excite a feeling of regret that they have not been more generally formed throughout the kingdom. The limited circulation of local reports, and the consequent ignorance of these institutions, and of the mode of conducting them, have doubtless prevented the extension of the system, the great importance of which must be evident to all who rightly consider the subject. Under this impression the author respectfully submits the following Regulations to those who may feel interested in this object.




I. That we form ourselves into an Association in connexion with the British and Foreign Bible Society, through the medium of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society, for the purpose of supplying ourselves with the holy scriptures, and of assisting in their universal circulation.

II. That every member subscribe not less than one penny a week. Such contribution to be paid regularly every Saturday to the Treasurer.

III. That as soon as the fund shall at any time amount to five pounds, it shall be paid over by the Treasurer to one of the Secretaries of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society; and acknowledgments of all such payments shall be produced by the Treasurer at the next Quarterly Meeting of the Association.

IV. That we avail ourselves of the offer of the - Auxiliary (or Branch) Society to return us Bibles and Testaments, at cost prices, to the amount, if required, of one-half the aggregate sum paid by this Association, for the supply of our own members and their families. The remaining half of our contributions shall be applied to the promotion of the general object of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

V. That a meeting of the members of this Association shall be held in the evening of the first Monday in January, April, July, and October, at seven o'clock precisely, for the purpose of receiving the Treasurer's account of receipts and disbursements, and of delivering the Bibles and Testaments.

VI. That the Bibles and Testaments distributed to the subscribers who require them, shall be delivered according to priority of claim; unless it should appear to the meeting that one case is more pressing than another.

VII. That the Treasurer shall be annually chosen at the meeting in January: he shall also act as Secretary, and keep an exact account of all receipts and disbursements, also of all Bibles and Testaments received and delivered, and any other particulars relative to the proceedings of this Association.

VIII. That the Treasurer be requested to make application to the Secretaries of the- ·Auxiliary (or Branch) Society for two copies of their last Annual Report, and two copies of the last Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society: and that they be also requested to supply this Association, monthly, with twelve copies of "Extracts of Correspondence:"-these books and papers to be circulated among the members, under the direction of the Treasurer.

by Associations of Mechanics.-Observations on the Rules.

IX. That a Committee of three subscribers, including the Treasurer, shall be annually appointed, at the meeting in October, to prepare a report of the proceedings of the Association, with any interesting particulars of beneficial effects. Such report to be submitted to the meeting in January, and, when adopted, to be transmitted to the Committee of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society.

X. That Mr.

be appointed Treasurer for the ensuing year. XI. That respectful application be made to Mr. (the Proprietor of the Concern), requesting him to accept the Presidency of the Association. XII. That a copy of these resolutions, signed by the (President or) Treasurer, be transmitted to the Committee of the Branch) Society.


Auxiliary (or

I. Where no Auxiliary (or Branch) Society exists, the Association may be formed in direct connexion with the British and Foreign Bible Society. In reference to the Second Rule, strict attention should be paid to punctuality of payment, and collection. The day most convenient to the members should be appointed for this purpose; and the sum be immediately entered in the book, opposite to the subscriber's name. (See Specimen of the Treasurer's Book.)

II. The sum specified in the Third Rule may be increased or diminished, according to the extent of the Association, and the wishes of the subscribers.

III. If the return of one-half, as stated in the Fourth Rule, should be found inadequate to the wants of the members, the Auxiliary (or Branch) Committee will grant a further supply, on application, even to the full amount of the contribution from the Association.

IV. The Quarterly Meeting should always be held on the premises where the members are employed, and at an hour which does not interfere with their work. The President, or in his absence the Treasurer, should preside at all such meetings.

In a

v. In reference to the Seventh and Eleventh Rules, it will be found very important to get one of the proprietors of the manufactory to accept the appointment of President, and the principal superintendent to fill the office of Treasurer. large Association it may be desirable to appoint a Secretary in addition, who should also be one that occupies a responsible station in the concern.

VI. The number of copies of the Reports and Monthly Extracts will, of course, vary according to the extent of the Association of the latter, one copy may answer for every four subscribers, each of whom may have it for two or three days. A constant interest will thus be maintained, and a

Simplicity of the design, and facility of carrying it into effect. knowledge of the proceedings and effects of Bible Societies be diffused among the members. Nor is it unreasonable to expect, that the perusal of these documents may have a powerful influence on the minds of the subscribers. Of the pernicious tendency of those publications that have recently been circulated with so much industry among our manufacturing population, every reflecting and well-governed mind is abundantly convinced. And can we hesitate to adopt a measure which provides a silent but effectual corrective? Shall we suffer the Press to become the instrument of evil, and not call forth its powers to counteract the mischief? Those powers are resistless, on whatever side they are employed; and it is alike our interest and our duty to enlist them in the cause of virtue. And surely nothing is more likely to introduce a correct taste, to awaken the benevolent principle, and to attract the affections of the heart, than these records of mercy, peace, and gratitude. Here the rich tribute is rendered to British charity: here the irrefragable evidence of benefit is produced: and here the voluntary witnesses assemble, from the four quarters of the globe, to testify their grateful attachment to that generous land which could not rest satisfied with the possession of the sacred treasure, without making all nations partakers of its wealth and participants of its joy.




1. As the distinguishing feature in the plan of these Associations is simplicity, and those who conduct them have in general but little time at their command, the accounts should be so kept as to save all unnecessary trouble, while they exhibit a clear view of every transaction. objects, it is submitted, can be fully attained, by having only two books, which may be so constructed as to contain all the requisite particulars in the most simple and intelligible form: a MINUTE BOOK, in which the proceedings of the Quarterly and Annual Meetings should be inserted by the Secretary, and the Reports of the Treasurer be transcribed; and the TREASURER'S Book, in which a statement of every pecuniary transaction should be kept. The former requires no particular observation; and the annexed Specimen, with the explanatory remarks subjoined, will sufficiently illustrate the latter.

2. The Treasurer's Book should be of Quarto size; and if it contain fifty or sixty leaves, it will comprise the accounts of the Association for several years. It will be perceived by

The Minute and Treasurer's Book described.

the Specimen No. 1, that a number is prefixed to the name of every subscriber:-these numbers should be continued uninterruptedly throughout the Book: thus the first number in folio 2 will be 19. It will save considerable trouble, if the Treasurer specify an hour, weekly, for receiving the Contributions, and make the regular entry in his book at the time the subscription is paid.

3. Should any subscriber wish for a Bible or Testament, after having originally declined availing himself of his privilege, he should be supplied. In all such cases, the entry of "No" should be erased, and the description of Bible or Testament inserted in the proper column. When a subscriber dies, or discontinues his subscription, a notification to that effect should be inserted opposite to his name, as in the case of No. 7 in the Specimen. The requisite entry should be made in the last column, before the Bible or Testament is delivered to the subscriber.

4. It will be observed, that spaces are left at the bottom of the page, for the purpose of adding up and inserting the Weekly and Quarterly amounts. These entries, checked by the cash in the Treasurer's hands, will enable him to prepare his Quarterly Statement, according to the following form; viz.

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Received from the AUXILIARY SOCIETY:-2 Brevier and 2 Minion BIBLES; 3 Pica and 2 Brevier TESTAMENTS; amounting, at cost-prices, to 21. 3s. 4dClaimed by SUBSCRIBERS:-2 Brevier Bibles, and 1 Pica Testament.

This report should be filed, for reference.

5. In reference to the Specimen No. 2, the Treasurer should always give a written order for Bibles and Testaments: and it is the duty of the Secretary or Depositary of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society to furnish an invoice with every parcel. This invoice should be immediately entered by the Treasurer, and produced, with the acknowledgment of the last remittance, at the next Quarterly Meeting of the Association.

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