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Minute Secretary's Duties—after a Committee-Meeting.

9. To inquire if any member of the Committee wish to propose any Lady as a Collector or Visitor. The absent person, being proposed and seconded by Ladies who know her, will be received by vote of the Committee, and immediately appointed to a district.

10. To report any vacant districts, in order that they may be supplied with Collectors.

11. To propose new business.

12. To call for the Cash Secretary's Report; and move that the amount be paid over to the Treasurer.

13.*To move that the Treasurer pay over a certain even sum to the Cash Secretary of the Ladies' Branch.

14. To inquire if any Lady have any new business to propose. 15. To read over the Minutes of the meeting before the Committee separate.

After a Committee-Meeting

1. To copy the Minutes into the Fair Minute Book; and enter into the Report Book all the important" Facts and Observations" contained in the Reports of that month; and afterwards file the Reports, date them, and preserve them, with all other documents belonging to the Association.

2. To copy, and send to the Treasurer, the Minute authorising her to make every payment; to the Cash Secretary, a copy of the Minute authorising payments to the Treasurer; to the Minute Secretary of the Ladies' Branch,t a copy of any Minute requiring her attention; and to every other person whom it may concern, a copy of the Minute specifying the duty to be discharged by such person.

3. To give the Collectors any instructions they may require relative to their duties; to supply them with Visiting and Collecting Books (see No. 1. and No. 11.), and all other requisites suited to their several districts.

4. To keep a small assortment of the various kinds of papers for the use of the Collectors, and appoint a time when they may be delivered.

5. To issue all notices of Special Committee-meetings.

6. When the District Committee of the Ladies' Branch are assembled to draw up their Monthly Report (each furnishing her quota), the Minute Secretary is to write it; filling up the blanks contained in the printed form, and selecting the most interesting facts for insertion.

7. A copy of the District Committee's Report, as above, is to be

It is evident, that in reference to Associations connected directly with an Auxiliary (or Branch) Society, this vote will be so expressed. In these cases the remittance is made to the Cash Secretary of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society, and an acknowledgment requested, which is preserved as a voucher by the Treasurer of the Association.

† Or, the Secretary of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society, in cases where no Ladies' Branch intervenes.

Minute Secretary's Duties-previous to a Public Distribution.

entered regularly in the "Report Book," or a duplicate copy attached by white wafers in its proper place; and the Report is to be presented, by the Minute Secretary, to the Ladies' Branch.

8. It is recommended that the Treasurer and Secretaries prepare their Monthly District Reports to the Ladies' Branch, before they leave the table of the Association Committee, or fix a time of meeting for this purpose.

9. The Minute Secretary, with the assistance of the other officers, or of a Sub-Committee appointed for that purpose, usually writes the Annual Report (see No. xxv.), and submits it to the Committee; and when approved, forwards a copy of the same to the Minute Secretary of the Ladies' Branch.

Previous to a Public Distribution

1. To give notice to the Minute Secretary of the Ladies' Branch, if possible a month previously, of an intended public distribution; and request a supply of Collectors' Lists, free contributors' tickets, and handbills.

2. To give a "Collector's List" to every Collector, two or three weeks previous to a public distribution; with a charge that such list be filled up, and sent to the Bible Secretary, at least a week before the day appointed for the public distribution.

N. B. If the regular Committee meeting be two or three weeks previous to a public distribution, the "Lists" may be given to the Collectors after the usual business has been disposed of.

3. To disperse the hand-bills and free contributors' tickets, through the medium of the Collectors; and have some handbills placarded.

4. To request the assistance of the District Committee of the Auxiliary Society in conducting the public distribution; and to send invitations to such other Gentlemen as may be deemed suitable, inviting them to take part in the business.

5. To give intimation of the distribution, if possible, at the preceding Branch Committee; if not, to forward a copy of the handbill to each member.

[blocks in formation]

The Cash Secretary takes charge of the "Cash Book," and of the "Free Contributors' Book" (see Specimens, Nos. xv. and xvI.) :

These suggestions are of course inapplicable where the mode of public distribution is not adopted. In Associations conducted by Gentlemen, the Secretaries, or a Sub-Committee appointed for the purpose, make the preliminary arrangements. In Ladies' Associations connected directly with an Auxiliary (or Branch) Society, the Secretaries, or a Sub-Committee of such Society, discharge this duty. See Section III. of this Chapter.

CASH SECRETARY'S Duties-in reference to a Committee-Meeting.

she also receives from the Minute Secretary a stock of printed forms of the Collectors' Monthly Reports, and the requisite number of the "Extracts of Correspondence," monthly.

Her duties are,—

In reference to a Committee-Meeting,

1. To provide a suitable room for the meeting of the Committee; regularly to see that it is prepared for their reception at the appointed hour; and to defray all incidental expenses attending it.

2. To bring the Cash Book, for the purpose of entering the cash then delivered; and the duplicate bags, ready to return to the Collectors; each containing one blank form of the Monthly District Report; and so many copies of the last number of the "Monthly Extracts" as will furnish one to each Collector of the district, and to every free contributor of 10s. 6d. and upwards per annum ; and place the said bags before the Bible Secretary.

3. To present the Monthly Statement of the Funds of the Association, signed by the Treasurer and herself, when called for by the Minute Secretary.-See No. XVII.

4. To enter the sums in the Cash Book, as read by the Minute Secretary, under the respective heads of "Free," "Bibles," and "Total" and immediately after the Reports are concluded, add up the columns, compare the amount with the Bible Secretary, and report as follows:


Received this Month,

In Free Contributions, £.

In Bible Subscriptions, £.

Total . . £.

To take charge of the free contributors' transfer tickets (see No. vI.) presented by the Collectors; afterwards mark every contributor who has removed into another Association, as 66 removed," in the "Free Contributors' Book ;" and pass the ticket to the Collectors of the district, or to the Cash Secretary of the Association in which the person now resides.

6. To pay all incidental expenses of the Society; enter the amount in the "Cash Book" (see Fourth Specimen of No. xv.); and bring in her account quarterly to the Committee.

7. To take home the Collectors' Reports from the Committee,

In many Associations, a few additional copies are placed in the bag, which the Collectors lend to their free contributors of smaller sums. This has been attended with the most gratifying results, and is strongly recommended to other Associations.

† Where the plan of “ Transfer Tickets" is not adopted, this hint is inapplicable.

Cash Secretary's Duties-previous to a Public Distribution.

check the amount in the " Cash Book," enter the new free contributors, mark the Reports in one corner C. S., and forward them to the Bible Secretary.

8. To take home the bags containing the money; re-examine the respective amounts; and, if incorrect, have the error rectified by the Collectors of the district; pay over the total amount to the Treasurer; and put a blank form of the District Report, and the requisite number of copies of the last sheet of "Monthly Extracts," in each bag, ready for the next meeting.

9. In every press of business, the Cash Secretary (whose duties are the least arduous) will assist the Minute and Bible Secretaries, when requested.

10. At the meeting of the officers to draw up the Treasurer's and District Committee's Monthly Reports to the Ladies' Branch (see Nos. XXIII. and XXIV.), the Cash Secretary will supply the Treasurer, from her "Cash Book with materials for her Report; and have inserted in the District Committee's Report the number of free contributors now on the books, and the total number since the establish


11. At the close of the year, the Cash Secretary furnishes to the Minute Secretary of the Ladies' Branch, a correct alphabetical list of all the free contributors of half-a-guinea and upwards per annum, to be published, under the head of the Association, in the Annual Report of the Ladies' Branch."

12. When the Annual Reports are printed, the Cash Secretary will apply to the Minute Secretary of the Ladies' Branch for the requisite number of copies; and see that they are properly distributed to each Collector, and, through the Collectors, to each anuual contributor of 10s. 6d. and upwards.t

1 Previous to a Public Distribution

1. Preparatory to a public distribution, the Cash Secretary should request the Secretaries of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society to provide a commodious room for the purpose; and to have it cleaned, aired, lighted, and properly furnished with benches, chairs, table, &c. and, when the place is selected, inform the Minute Secretary, in order that it may be properly advertised.

2. To engage a person to attend at the door, who shall direct all persons furnished with public distribution tickets to seats reserved for them round the room; the benches across the middle being

In Associations that are not connected with a Ladies' Branch, and in all Associations which publish their own Annual Reports, this list should be handed to the Minute Secretary, that it may be included in the Report,

The Committees of Associations which print their Annual Reports, will find the mode of distributing them here recommended, the best calculated to ensure the supply of the free contributors. Dissatisfaction has been expressed in some places in consequence of the neglect of this duty.

Where the mode of public distribution is not adopted, these hints are inapplicable.

BIBLE SECRETARY's Duties-at a Committee-Meeting.

appropriated to free contributors and the public, with a sufficient space between, for the subscribers to pass round the room to receive their Bibles.

N. B. Advantage has been derived, in many places, from supplying FREE CONTRIBUTORS with tickets of admission. See Section III. of this Chapter.

3. To provide plates for receiving contributions at the door. 4. To receive the cash collected, pay the incidental expenses, and report and pay in the remainder at the next Committee-meeting; the amount to be entered in the Cash Book, at the end of the district numbers, as "Collection," and under the column "Free."


The Bible Secretary takes charge of the "Bible Book" (see No. XVIII.) and "Loan Fund Book (see No. XXI.), and is considered the Depositary of all Bibles and Testaments for the use of the Association, as well as of the Loan Stock. She also takes charge of the books of tickets for the delivery of the Bibles and Testaments, whether by public or private distribution, the Loan Tickets, and the stamp for marking the Bibles and Testaments. t

Her duties are,

At a Committee Meeting

1. To call over the names of the members, and read the minutes of the last Meeting.

2. To present a Report monthly, when called for.-See No. xx. N. B. The Bible Secretary will find it advantageous to fill up this Report on the day preceding the Committee-meeting; and, if a duplicate copy be preserved and filed, it will not only prevent trouble, but diminish the risk of error in preparing the subsequent Reports. It will also tend to facilitate the preparation of these Reports, if the Bible Secretary keep a loose sheet of paper in the Bible Book, for such memoranda as are supplied by the Collectors' Reports;-for instance, the number of new subscribers in the last month, the number of those who have discontinued, &c.

3. When the Minute Secretary calls for the bags, the Bible Secretary is to receive them in regular succession from the Collectors; return the duplicates containing the printed form of the Report, and the requisite number of copies of the last sheet of

This and the following suggestion are equally applicable in reference to Annual Meetings of Bible Associations generally.

It will be perceived, that some parts of this observation are inapplicable to those Associations which do not adopt the "Loan Fund" plan, and others to those which do not hold Meetings for public distributions.

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