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Bible Secretary's Duties-with respect to the Depository.

Monthly Extracts; count the money, write the totals on a slip of paper, return the cash into the bags, and tie them up. After adding up and comparing the total amount received with the Cash Secre tary, the latter takes charge of the bags, money, and Reports.

4. To lay before the Treasurer a list of the Bibles and Testaments LENT; that while the Reports are reading, she may observe if they are accounted for by the Collectors.

5. To supply the Treasurer at the table with loan tickets (see No. VII.), that they may be filled up according to the loans them voted.

6. To receive from the Collectors the Bible subscribers' duplicate Transfer Tickets (see No. vI. Second Specimen), and hand them over to the Collectors of the district into which the subscriber has removed. If the party have removed into another Association, the transfer ticket to be delivered to the Bible Secretary of such Association, at the next meeting of the Ladies' Branch Committee.

N.B. All Bible Subscribers' Transfer Tickets received from the
Secretaries of other Associations should be immediately
filed till the end of the year.-See vith Observation on
No. VI.

With respect to the Depository, to observe

1. When a supply of Bibles and Testaments is required; to ascertain, by application to the Cash Secretary, the balance in the hands of the Ladies' Branch, which the amount of the order should never exceed; then fill up one of the orders (see No. XIX.), calculate the amounts, and send it to the Bible Secretary of the Ladies' Branch.

2. That the depository be regularly well supplied with the various descriptions of Bibles and Testaments required by subscribers, which should be all neatly stamped before putting them in their places.

3. To furnish the Collectors, on application, with Delivery Tickets (see No. VIII.) for the supply of the individuals who may require their copies previous to a public distribution, filling up the blanks in the tickets before they are delivered to the Collectors. ||

These suggestions are only applicable where the "Loan Fund" plan is adopted.

This hint is, of course, confined to those Associations that adopt the plan of "Transfer Tickets."

In reference to Associations connected directly with an Auxiliary (or Branch) Society, the order is directed to the Bible Secretary or Depositary of such Society.

If the number of Bibles and Testaments distributed privately be considerable, as well as in Associations which do not adopt the plan of public distributions, the Bible Secretary delivers to the Collectors of each district two books of these tickets (one of Bible and the other of Testament tickets), marked on the back with the number of the district. In all such cases the tickets are filled by the Collectors.

Bible Secretary's Duties—with respect to the Loan Fund.

4. That the checks be filed, and the blanks in the Bible Book opposite to the receiver's name filled up, before the Bible or Testament shall be delivered to the subscriber.

5. To receive the Collectors' Monthly Reports from the Cash Secretary, and regularly enter the names of new Bible subscribers in the Bible Book; mark the Reports in one corner B. S., and forward them to the Minute Secretary.

6. Every parcel of Bibles and Testaments sent from the Ladies' Branch to the Bible Secretary of an Association, ought to be accompanied by an invoice. (See Specimen No. 4, Chap. II. Sect. V.). The particulars of the Bibles and Testaments specified in this invoice should be immediately entered in her book (see No. XVIII. Second Specimen) by the Bible Secretary; who should then fold and indorse the invoice, and hand it to the Cash Secretary of the Association, by whom the amount is entered to the credit of the Ladies' Branch.† ́ 7. Any damaged copies, or those which are badly or incor rectly bound, should be immediately returned to the Bible Secretary of the Ladies' Branch, and exchanged for perfect copies of the same description.

With respect to the Loan Fund, to observe

1. That the Loan Fund be kept distinct from the Depository; the Bibles and Testaments to be marked on the edges of the leaves, when shut, "LENT;" and on the ends, No. (from one upwards); and marked in the title-page according to the Loan-Fund Rules. -See Section II. of this Chapter.

2. The Loan Stock to be always supplied by means of a distinct subscription, separate from the funds of the Society; and the Bible Secretary to invest the amount in the purchase of Bibles and Testaments, at the reduced prices, at the Depository of the Auxiliary Society. The stock to be regularly entered in the "Loan Fund Book."-See No. XXI.

N. B. The subscription for the Loan Fund is generally raised at the first meeting of the Committee; and strangers who may be present are invited to contribute.

3. Frequently to inspect the Loan Stock; and apply to the Collectors for any Bibles or Testaments kept beyond the specified time without having been reported to the Committee. A regular entry to be made in the "Loan-Fund Book" (see Second Specimen of No. xxI.), opposite to the number of the copy, when it is returned, and an acknowledgment of its receipt given to the Collector.; N.B. It will save time and trouble if the Bible Secretary fill in

the day and hours of delivery, in ALL the tickets, before they are used. The same time may be specified for Loans as for delivery to subscribers.

Or from the Secretary, or Depositary, of an Auxiliary (or Branch) Society.
Or of the Auxiliary (or Branch) Society.

These observations are inapplicable to Associations which do not adopt the "Loan-Fund" system.

General Hints to the Officers.

*Previous to a Public Distribution

1. To get a sufficient supply of Bibles and Testaments in readiness, not only to answer the demands of the Collectors' lists, but a few of each sort in reserve, to answer any unexpected demand.

2. To receive the Collectors' lists; and fill up and give to each Collector, at or as soon as possible after the Committee-meeting preceding a public distribution, a sufficient number of Delivery Tickets, filled up according to such Collector's list, requesting the Collectors to sign them, and hand them to their subscribers.

3. To see the Bibles and Testaments arranged upon the table in front of the chair, each sort by itself, at least an hour before the time advertised for the meeting; and to place a list of the subscribers to be supplied before the Chairman.

4. Immediately after the meeting, to collect the remaining Bibles and Testaments, and the tickets, which should be afterwards filed in order. See Section II. of this Chapter.


1. It will be found to save considerable time, and to facilitate the business, if the Treasurer and Secretaries meet half an hour before the other members of the Committee. This is found particularly useful at the commencement of a Bible Association.

II. The Treasurer and Secretaries should each have a list of the Collectors and their residences, with a specification of the districts to which they are respectively attached; and any alterations should be promptly noticed in these lists.

III. The Secretaries will find it advantageous to paste the Rules and By-Laws, the Rules of the Loan Fund, and other official regulations, inside the covers of their account-books; and the Bible Secretary should have a specimen of the types pasted in the "Bible Book."

IV. The Cash and Bible Secretaries apply to the Minute Secretary, as the Depositary of the Association, for any books or papers they may require.

v. The quarterly examination of the Collecting Books, by calling them over with the Cash and Bible Secretaries' Books, should never be omitted. A special notice of this meeting should be sent to every Collector by the Minute Secretary.

VI. The Presidents, Treasurers, and Secretaries, of Bible Associations, should avail themselves of every suitable opportunity to impress on the minds of Collectors the importance of a steady

These suggestions, it will be perceived, are only applicable where the mode of public distribution is adopted.

These hints are equally applicable to all Bible Associations.

COLLECTORS' Duties-in reference to Selection of Districts.

adherence to the singleness and purity of the object embraced by the Bible Society. The conversation of Collectors with those on whom they call, should, if possible, be such as to preclude their knowing to what religious denomination the Collectors belong; while the latter should humbly and constantly endeavour to" adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things."


In reference to their Selection of Districts.

1. Some Ladies prefer collecting near home, and others select a more distant district. This is a matter of individual choice: but Collectors are strongly recommended to exercise caution; and having once chosen their district, not to allow any ordinary consideration to induce a change, which is equally injurious to themselves and to the cause. The poor, grateful for those visits of mercy, gradually become attached to the Collectors; but frequent change of districts impairs, if it do not destroy, this effect, with all its collateral advantages.

2. Similar caution is necessary in the selection of their colleagues. In these weekly visits, and in the considerations which they involve, friendship has found a powerful cement, and relative affection a new and sacred charm. But Ladies will find advantage in consulting the interests of the cause, rather than their own inclinations.

3. Many Ladies will find it necessary, at the commencement of an Association, to be on their guard against the temptation of too extensive usefulness. It is no uncommon circumstance to see a Collector volunteer for two or three districts, particularly when those already appointed to them are her intimate friends or relatives. But it will generally be found, that one moderately-sized district is a sufficient field of labour for mind and body; and, by confining her exertions within these limits, a Collector will rarely find her duties oppressive, but, on the contrary, a source of increasing interest and gratification. Volunteers for the temporary occupation of a district are, however, very desirable in some cases, but only until more permanent Collectors are obtained.


(See Visiting Book, No. 1.)

1. Having been informed, by the Minute Secretary, of the day on which they are expected to commence their visits, the Lady

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* The alterations necessary in order to render these Hints applicable to Gentlemen's Associations, will suggest themselves to the reader's mind. Those which refer to the "Loan Fund," "Transfer Tickets," or "Public Distributions, are, of course, inapplicable where these parts of the system, respectively, are not adopted.

Collectors' Duties-as regards Visiting :

whose name stands first in the appointment will be furnished with the following Books, Papers, &c.; viz.

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2 Specimens of Types See Appendix, No. IV.

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6 Copies of Rules and By-Laws. See Sect. III. Chap. VII. An Assortment of Papers explana

tory of the object for distribution} See Appendix.

N.B. The uses of these several Books and Papers will be found detailed in the Observations prefixed to each Specimen.

2. Having arranged with each other the time for setting out, which should, if possible, be in the forenoon, the Collector to whom they are entrusted prepares the Visiting Book, a few Bible Subcriber's Cards (with the names and address of the Collectors written on the back), a Specimen of the Types, Copy of the Rules and ByLaws, and the papers for distribution (see Appendix), folded and arranged according to their various kinds. Of these last, Nos I. III. V. VI. and VII. will be found best adapted for circulation among the higher classes, and Nos. VIII. IX. and XII. most suitable for the poor; No. X. is specially addressed to Female Servants ; and No. XI. to Mariners.

3. As one Collector never calls at the house of another for the purpose of soliciting contributions, the first names entered should be those of the members of the Collectors' families who may feel inclined to contribute.

4. To those benevolent Ladies who are in the habit of visiting the humble abodes of poverty and industry, it may appear superfluous to observe, that the slightest marks of attention and respect are peculiarly grateful to the poor: but as these hints are intended principally for those who have not yet acquired an intimate knowledge of this numerous class of their fellow creatures, it may not be unnecessary to remark, what experience will soon confirm, that the surest passport to the heart of the cottager is the evidence of interest and kindness.

5. In reference to the "Visiting Book," it will be understood, that the information required relative to the "Number who can read," &c. applies exclusively to the poor, and will be best attained by requesting to know how many can read; as few are

Where the "Committee Card" (see No. 1v.) is adopted, one should be given to each Collector; and, in Associations that do not hold public distributions, two books of "Delivery Tickets," (see Specimen, No. vIII.), one for Bibles, and the other for Testaments, are given to the Collectors of every district. This may be done in all Associations, if the number of Bibles and Testaments thus distributed be considerable.

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