Questão de limites pró Paraná: refutação do voto Pedro Lessa

Ön Kapak
Typ. d'A República, 1911 - 95 sayfa

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Sayfa 7 - Eu, o Príncipe Regente, faço saber aos que este alvará...
Sayfa 77 - ... the constant and approved practice of nations shows that by whatever name it be called, the uninterrupted possession of territory or other property for a certain length of time by one state excludes the claim of every other in the same manner as, by the law of nature and the municipal code of every civilized nation, a similar possession by an individual excludes the claim of every other person to the article of property in question.
Sayfa 57 - Côrte-Real, conselheiros do seu Conselho Ultramarino, e se passou por duas vias. Pedro José Corrêa a fez em Lisboa a 9 de Maio de 1748. O secretario Manoel Caetano Lopes da Lavre a fez escrever. — Raphael Pires Pardinho. — Thomé Joaquim da Costa Côrte-Real.
Sayfa 4 - Crear bancos de emissão, legislar sobre ella, e tributal-a; 10. Resolver definitivamente sobre os limites dos Estados entre si, os do Districto Federal, e os do territorio nacional com as nações limitrophes...
Sayfa 86 - ... unaffected by time. Its influence is seen on all things subject to change. And this is peculiarly the case in regard to matters which rest in memory, and which consequently fade with the lapse of time, and fall with the lives of individuals. For the security of rights, whether of states or individuals, long possession under a claim of title is protected. And there is no controversy in which this great principle may be invoked with greater justice and propriety, than in a case of disputed boundary.
Sayfa 7 - Catharina, de onde pode ser mais facilmente auxiliada, se tornarão menos atrevidos aquelles malfazejos selvagens, e talvez se sujeitem ou se retirem, deixando os colonos com a segurança precisa para se aproveitarem da grande fertilidade das terras do Termo da mesma Villa, regadas por muitos rios, e debaixo de um clima temperado e sadio : Hei por bem desannexar a mencionada Villa das Lr.iges e todo p seu Termo, da Provincia de S . Paulo, e incorporal-a na Capitania de Santa Catharina, a cujo governo...
Sayfa 83 - Brazileira adopta como fórma de governo, sob o regimen representativo, a Republica Federativa, proclamada a 15 de Novembro de 1889, e constitue-se, por união perpetua e indissoluvel das suas antigas provincias, em Estados Unidos do Brazil. Art. 2.° — Cada uma das antigas provincias formará um Estado, eo antigo município neutro constituirá o Districto Federal...
Sayfa 57 - A' COROA PORTUGUEZA Dom João, por graça de Deos rei de Portugal e dos Algarves daquem e dalem mar, em Africa senhor de Guiné &. Faço saber a vos Dom Sancho de Faro.
Sayfa 86 - No human transactions are unaffected by time. Its influence is seen on all things subject to change. And this is peculiarly the case in regard to matters which rest in memory, and which consequently fade with the lapse of time, and fall with the lives of individuals. For the security of rights, whether of states or individuals, long possession under a claim of title is protected.
Sayfa 77 - The writers on natural law have questioned how far that peculiar species of presumption, arising from the lapse of time, which is called prescription, is justly applicable as between nation and nation ; but the constant and approved practice of nations shows that by whatever name it be called, the uninterrupted possession of territory or other property for a certain length of time by one State excludes the claim of every other in the same manner as, by the law of nature and the municipal code of...

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