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ourselves; stood in the same danger; and that their high privileges and the visible presence of Christ Himself, with His divine instructions in their ears, and His example before their eyes, did not raise them up above the common lot of humanity with all its infirmities and temptations. Add to which, nothing but what is of this mixed and dubious nature can arrest our interest and affections; there must be a shade in every picture that comes before us; the blessedness and security of the great Marriage Feast is set forth in contrast with those that are shut out; the kingdom of light is ever described as encompassed with the outer darkness, while some are knocking at the door at which they in vain expect admission; the state of torment is spoken of as seen afar off by one who is in Abraham's bosom. Thus it is that in our present state of sin, danger, and uncertainty, it is most needful to have the good and evil both set before us together. For in fact in this world they are never to be found apart. They exist together in our own hearts; and the world without is but a mirror of that which is in the heart of man within. Yea, even after their degree do they exist also in the soul of the regenerate; and in the Church visible without; and must continue to do so until the time of pro

bation is past. To all this it may be added, that we can never so highly appreciate and admire the graces of those who stand, and the goodness of that Almighty care which protected them, as when we see how near they are to those that fall.

There is also another circumstance of great comfort and benefit which we may derive from the contemplation of this disciple's sad history; that whatever our past sins may have been, and whatever our present character has become, yet we are not passed over nor neglected by a merciful Saviour; that He is watching over us as well as over the best; that He continues inviting us to repent, and is waiting to aid us in so doing; and at the same time is affording us temporal blessings for our encouragement, making His sun to rise and His rain to fall on the evil and the good. And it may be that He is still in mercy hiding our sins from the world, as long as there remains any hope of our repentance and amendment. Depend upon it, whatever your life has been, you are not yet cast off. That hand which supported St. Peter when he was about to sink from weakness of faith; the gracious eye that brought St. Peter back to repentance; that hand was also stretched out in various ways to Judas, that eye was often turned upon this unworthy

disciple, although they were rejected by him. Covetousness, like the dead fly in the apothecary's ointment, rendered that which in itself was fragrant to be putrid and unsavoury; and that which should have been healing only aggravated his sores. Yet even to the last he was not cast off; hope remained; the book of mercy was not closed. Nay, it is supposed by an early father of the Church that after Judas had betrayed his Lord into the hand of His enemies, and, seized with remorse, cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, there was even then an opportunity for godly sorrow; that he might, notwithstanding all that he had done, have sincerely repented, and on his repentance would have been accepted of God. But Satan, who had now gained so great a hold and power in his heart, urged him on to despair, and the additional crime of self-murder. No doubt his heart must have been hardened by the greatness of the privileges which he had abused. How often in the presence of Christ must a still small voice have whispered to his secret spirit, "Thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thine help."

These are all comforting and encouraging thoughts which we may derive from this subject. There is another and a very awful reflection inseparably connected with the career of this wicked

man; viz., that however much Christ is doing and has done for us, and all the high privileges and blessings which He sets around us, yet our will is free. We are in a mysterious manner left to our own choice; we are not constrained to stand; we are at full liberty to fall, nay, we are in great liability to do so. Far beyond any thing we anticipate or expect, we may fall, and that irrecoverably; and all this may be brought about in a very short space of time; and while we appear to those around us to be as good or better than others, and have a fair character among Christians. In ourselves indeed there cannot take place any very great change suddenly; for although an overwhelming crime may overtake a person unawares, yet in such a case there must have been tendencies and preparations for it within; but this may be going on in so subtle a manner, and be so self-hidden and selfdeceiving in its operations, as to escape ourselves and be unknown to those around us. In such a case, the evil one will probably bring before us some opportunity of sin which will disclose the hidden man of the heart in some grievous downfall. But whether this be the case or not, we are equally well known to the heart-searching God.


Tracts for the Christian Seasons.


The Holy Eucharist.

PROPER LESSONS: Morning, 1st. Daniel ix. ; 2nd. St. John xiii.; Evening, Jer. xxxi.; EPISTLE, 1 Cor. xi. 17. GOSPEL, St. Luke xxiii. 1.

Now that our Lord was betrayed and sold by Judas to the chief priests, between the period when that agreement took place and His approaching death, He makes haste as it were to anticipate and set forth the great sacrifice of His death; and to establish that memorial of His dying by which He should live in His members unto the end of the world. He is betrayed and delivered up for us; it is for us He dies: this gift of Himself for us He is now going to make over to His Church. The atoning sacrifice was about to take place, to which all things had been intensely looking forward ever since the fall of our first parents: it had been variously intimated that we must feed upon that sacrifice, that we must be clothed with it; but how was this to be? it is this which our Lord now pro

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