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inviting form. It would supply a neat Thus are the attempts of all those and useful pocket volume.

who would daringly " fight against

God” brought to rought, and made to Stories from Church History, from the redound to the deep disgrace of His

Introduction of Christianity to the enemies. Sirteenth Century Seeleys. 12mo. I think I have now only the death of 1828. Pp. xii. and 348.

Julian to relate. Immediately after this

vain attempt to rebuild the Jewish This is an interesting and pleasing temple, he undertook an expedition into abridgment of Church History, well Persia, having formed an eager desire adapted for young persons, and every of conquering that monarchy. In this way deserving of extensive circalation. expedition he lost his life, wounded We insert the following brief specimen upon the field of battle by the lance of a

"Julian, knowing the importance of private soldier. He is said to have effecting a revolution in the state of ihrown towards heaven a handful of his things at Jerusalem, determined to blood, exclaiming, thou o Galilean ! make use of the bitterest enemies to the hast conquered. His impetuous and name, and the strongest memorials to vehement spirit might have vented itself the truth, of Christianity, in establishing in these words, but whether they were at once his own praise, and proving the addressed to Christ, whom he contempfalsehood of the Scriptures.

tuously styled the Galilean, or to the Accordingly he summoned the Jews sun, the object of the Persian's adorafrom all parts to meet him at Jerusalem, tion, it is impossible to say. I own I and ordered them to assist in rearing am inclined to think the former, for one again their famous and beloved temple. who had so long fought against Christ,

From all quarters the Jews assembled, might in the first moments of despair, in the fulness of hope, upon the Mount angrily ascribe the victory to Him. of God, and the work was begun in Some have supposed that Julian was eagerness and carried on in enthusiasm. slain by a Christian soldier: if this were But vain are the efforts of puny man so, the meaning of his words would, I when “I will work, and who shall let suppose, be plain. it,” saith Jehovah. Though all was Thus died Julian the Apostate, in the eagerness, animation, and hope; though flower of his age, and the commencemen and women united in the labour, ment of his reign; for he was but in his and spades and axes of silver dug away thirty-second year, and had filled the the rubbish, which was then removed in Roman throne for the short space of mantles of silk and purple ; though one year and eight montbs.-P. 128– every purse was open, every hand 130. extended, and a mighty monarch aided and animated the work, the unseen, The Sinner's justifying Righteousness, but all powerful hand of Him who had or a Vindication of the Eternal Law decreed Jerusalem to be a desolation and Everlasting Gospel. By John and her temple a ruin, frustrated their · Beart. Abridged with a brief Intrework and turned to nothingness all their duction. By Thomas Jones, Curate endeavours..

(now Vicar) of Creaton. 12mo Pp. I am cautious of relating miracles, xx. and 146. Seeley. 1829. but this seems a fact well-attested, not only by Christian but Pagan writers, Thoughts on the Roman Catholic Quesand indeed I think the case one that tion. By a Prelate. 8vo. Pp. 50. fully justifies the supposition of a visible Rivington. 1828. and miraculous interference of the hand of God. Whilst the work was urged A Formulary of Devotion for the use of forward with diligence,' says a heathen Schools, after the manner of the Book historian, horrible balls of fire break of Common Prayer, composed ehiefly ing out, with frequent and repeated in the language of Scripture, and attacks, rendered the place from time to arranged for each day of the Week. time inaccessible to the scorched and 12mo. Pp. 72. Whitaker. 1828. blasted workmen; and the victorious element continuing in this way obsti- The Library of Religious Knouledge. nately bent to drive them to a distance, Natural Theology. Part I. 18mo. the undertaking was abandoned.'

Pp. 48. Hessey. 1829.

Shortly will be published, The Rev. E. Bickersteth's long promised work, entitled, The Christian Student..


THE PORTUGUESE INQUISITION. About the year 1789 or 1790, the it, and in a rage demanded, “ How any Peggy, Capt. Smith, was lying in the heretic dared to interfere with the Holy Tagus, off Lisbon, when John Hender- Roman Inquisition, to which even the son, and another requested permission King and Queen of Portugal were subto go ashore. Neither of them wanted the jected ?" Our Representative, with curiosity characteristic of their pro- becoming firmness, replied, that « if the fession, and in a foreign Popish city Inquisition, or any other son of the there was ample field for observation. Romish Church, attempted, or persisted After wandering from street to street, in, such treatment of a British subject, they found themselves in a very narrow his Holiness, and his Grace himself, part of the town, and surrounded by a could not fail to know, that the Sovereign crowd which continued to increase; whom he represented, possessed ample from some of whom they learned that a means to enforce their liberation, and procession of the Church was shortly to that every Englishman there confined pass. By and by, the two seamen must be released forth with.” The Archfound themselves cooped up in a corner,

bishop promised acquiescence in course where they remained conversing with of a few days. “ Nay,” said the Amone another in English, on the folly and bassador, “ that I shall see carried into imposition which they now witnessed. instant execution, or the refusal of imWhile thus situated, Henderson, the mediate compliance shall be at the peril boatswain, felt a gentle but unaccount of your Grace.” After various attempts able interference with his ancle, and on at delay on the part of the Archbishop, examining, found a card stuck within the necessary order was at last obtained, bis shoe, adressed in English to the and the Consul was dispatched in the British Ambassador. Not a little Ambassador's carriage, wbile his Lord. astonished, he stooped down, and ship (who' remained at the Palace) inquired, in a low voice, “ Who is waited the result.' . Our wretched there?” and was replied to by the countryman was found covered with question, “ Whether he was not an rags, filth, and vermin, his beard hung Englishman?“No," said Jack, down to his middle, his nails were an “ but I'm a Scotchman." “ That's inch long, and his appearance was sickly enough, was the answer. “I'm a and emaciated. In this condition he countryman, confined here in the cells was brought before the Queen, who, of the Inquisition; present that card to shocked at the sight, left the audiencethe British Ambassador, whoever he hall, secretly pleased, however, at the may be, and, I beseech you, procure dilemma in which her confessor (for me liberty.As soon as the procession whom she entertained little regard) was allowed, Henderson and his companions unexpectedly placed. The scene repaired to the Consul, at whose house which afterwards ensued was accordant be found Capt. Smith dining, and who with our national character : our Ambore witness to this seaman's general bassador, indignantly turning to the veracity. As nothing could be done on Priest, “ You and your Church,” said that day, he ordered the party to be on be, “ assume to be the only men comshore next morning, when he would missioned by the Prince of Peace; your accompany them to the Ambassador's deeds prove you, in reality, the devilish (whose name I have now forgotten"). agents of the prince of darkness.” His Excellency carried the whole party It now remains to narrate the history to the Queen's Palace, where he found of the unfortunate captive. He was the Archbishop, then in audience of her born in Yorkshire, of respectable paMajesty. After the ceremony of in- rents, but having an unconquerable troduction and statement of the business, predilection to a maritime life, his “ My Lord Bishop," said her Majesty, friends sent him on a trial voyage to “ here is a matter which concerns you," Lisbon, with instruction to the master handing him, at the moment, the card to cure him, if possible, of his wanderof his captive. The Ecclesiastic perused ing propensities. This object was ef

fected before the voyage was completed. . On reference to the years 1789 and 1790, our After his arrival, he one day landed at Ambassador at Lisbon, appears to have been the Lisbon, and took a Bible with him, Hon, Robert Walpole, Sir J. Hart, Consul, and allerwards Mr. J, C, Leicepa.

which his friends had placed in his sea

chest. On an aqueduct bridge, which floor; unobserved, he groped about and then connected a mountain with the collected several of these, and afterPortuguese capital, he seated bimself, wards employed them in working a and was unsuspectingly reading this hole through the wall, sufficiently large inestimable Book, when two priests to admit his arm, the small end taperpassing, (one of whom appearedby his ing to the joint of a stone on the outvoice of Irish extraction) inquired what side, which he filled up with stones or he was reading ; they looked at his book, wood from the inside. Meantime, a and returned it to him. He was shortly young Irish Catholic, about to take after accosted by some officers, who, Holy orders, visited by special leave, either by artifice or authority, got the the dungeons of the Papal Office; young man into their power; and from with him he hazarded conversation, that day forward he had been confined begged he would interest himself for by order of the Inquisition, without an his release, or, that at all events, be opportunity, during fifteen years, of would supply him with paper, pen, and ever communicating with his friends, ink: the former being impossible, the although they advertised a reward for latter was accomplished by smuggling his discovery shortly after his dis- these materials at two future visits into appearance. During this long incar- his dreary abode. These were the ceration, the door of his cell grating means by which he wrote the card, conmuch on the pavement, it became veyed it through the hole, and slipped necessary to renew it; in the course of it into the boatswain's shoe. The pen this operation the door was thrown over, was found concealed in the seam of his the light extinguished, and the large prison-robe, the ink-glass in his trowsers, clinch-nails were scattered about the and part of the paper he then retained.

GYPSIES. It appears that there are now in Great people exercised towards them, have so Britain not less than twelve thousand degraded them in their own estimation, Gypsies, of whom the greater part are, as almost to amount to a prohibition by their singular habits of life, placed against their coming into places of beyond the reach of the ordinary means public worship and instruction : so that of instruction in those things which unless you “ send out into the highways concern their eternal welfare.

and hedges, and compel them to come When we reflect on the labours of in,” there is at present no channel by love, which, under providence, have which you can convey to their ears a originated in England, for the sake of warning against sin, or an invitation to the most remote inhabitants of the Christ. Where, however, exertions have globe ; and read the reports of Mis been made to obtain their confidence sionary exertions amidst the arid sands and overcome that reserve and suspicion of Africa, and in the deep recesses which generally characterize them ; of American forests ; is it not truly success has attended the attempt, and astonishing that no united or systematic simply by an exercise of the kindly deattempt has been made to turn away meanour towards them which should from the benighted Gypsies the tide always accompany works of real beof evil which for ages past has, without nevolence. Thus, by the exertion of the intermission, set in upon them? Southampton Provisional Committee, Penalties, stripes and imprisonment four women (of whom two are decided in have been tried, but in vain. Since the their abandonment of the Gypsy life), strong arm of the law, has done, three youths and eight children are perhaps, worse than nothing for re- settled in houses at Southampton. All claiming these poor outcasts ; is it the women are learning to read, and not high time to make use of the only two of them have been taught different untried means? the peaceful effects branches of shoemaking. Three boys of Christian benevolence ? There are are in employment, the remainder are many well-disposed and pious persons at an infant-school, with every prospect who are apt to regard this race as of mental improvement. scarcely human, not considering that proper means have not hitherto been The above are indeed only a scanty tried to reclaim them-by giving them handful; but they are, we trust, the instruction in divine things.

first fruits of an abundant harvest, and The severity of the laws, and the no may well stimulate and encourage less harsh opinions and feelings of the others to similar exertions.-Ed.

REGISTER OF EVENTS. Tile public mind has seldom been more deeply impressed than by the events of the passing month. The promises so confidently made that measures would be proposed satisfactory to all parties, which should meet the views of Romanists, without, in any degree weakening the supports of our Protestant Constitution, most powerfully excited public curiosity; and no sooner were newspapers obtained, than parties assembled, listening with the most breathless anxiety while the lengthy explanations and reasonings of Mr. Peel were read, and when the projected plan of relief was announced, surprise, indignation, and alarm, were strongly displayed.

Every one is now aware that this plan of relief at once opens both Houses of Parliament, and all the offices of state with only three exceptions to the Romanists. The only security provided is, that every Romanist previous to his taking his seat in Parliament, is to swear,---" I do not believe that the Pope of Rome, or any other foreign Prince, &c. hath, or ought to have, any temporal or civil jurisdiction, power, superiority, or pre-eminence, directly, or indirectly, within this realm. And I do hereby disclaim, disavow, and solemnly abjure any intention to subvert the present Church Establishment, as seuled by the law within this realm. And I do solemnly swear that I will never exercise any privilege to which I am or may become entitled, to disturb or weaken the Protestant religion, or Protestant Government in this kingdom, &c.” Some Popish practices are indeed prohibited, -on no occasion are any insignia of official dignity to be taken to a Popish place of worship; the assumption of Lordly titles by the Bishops of that communion, which they have lately affected, is declared illegal; the increase of the order of the Jesuits is to be prevented, and religious houses are to be subjected to regulation and control. But the removal of pains and penalties is more complete than could possibly have been anticipated. We are astonished that with such a plan full in view, the prime minister should have ventured to adopt the language attributed to him in the public Journals, which induced many to hesitate in coming forward at an early stage of the proceedings to petition against concession. The following extract from an inimitable speech of Mr. Sadler's we are persuaded speaks the sentiments of immense multitudes :-“I cannot help adding, that, of all the circumstances attending this momentous measure, nothing has so strongly roused the resentment of the people, especially of that large and loyal part of them who have hitherto supported Government, as the studied concealment, not to say intentional misleading, with which it has been attended throughout. This may, and doubtless is, the proper policy when a general has to maneuvre upon an army of enemies; when, however a great measure is to be carried with the concurrence of the friends of their country, it strikes me that openness, candour, and confidence would have been found to be a better and more creditable policy.'

The Relief Bill was introduced to the House of Commons by Mr. Peel, on Thursday, March 5, in a speech of four hours, in which he eudeavoured to demonstrate the necessity of the measure, to show that government could not be carried on without concession—to prove that the people of England had no objection to it, since at the last election they had returned so many members favourable to the Romish cause, and to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the project; combined as it is intended to be, with a Bill for raising the elective franchise in Ireland, from 40s. to £10. The perusal of this speech compelled us to exclaim, How art thou fallen! Mr. P. evidently felt the difficulties of his situation, and the only impression produced on our minds by his laboured arguments, was that of unfeigned pity and regret, that a man who once stood so high, should be so deficient in political firmness and religious principle. Mr. Peel, the member for Oxford, resigning his place under Mr. Canning's administration, rather than support the Romish cause, appeared on a lofty pinnacle; Mr. Peel, the humble member for Westbury (for Oxford to her immortal honour has rejected him, and elected Sir Robert Inglis by a large majority.)–Mr. Peel, the member for a paltry borough, eating his own words, and supporting measures he acknowledges to be dangerous, rather than relinquish his post, exhibits a lamentable spectacle of the grovelling and debasing nature of worldly ambition.

Instead, however of occupying our readers' time with our own observations, we request their attention to some extracts from a speech by M. T. Sadler, Esq. M.P. when opposing the second reading of the Bill. This gentleman has long been distinguished for his honourable character and attainments at Leeds, and has recently been elected member for Newark. His speech appears to us unanswerable,

APRIL 1829.

and we are the more confirmed in this opinion, from observing how completely Mr. R. Grant and some others failed in their attempts at reply. It is Mr. Sadler's first speech in the House. He commenced as follows:

“I rise to address this House, labouring under feelings which would on any occasion be most embarrassing, but which are now painfully heightened by a sense of the unequalled importance of the subject. I add my humble vote to that faithful band who have resigned the countenance of those whom they have hitherto respected so deeply, and to whom they have adhered so faithfully; who have surrendered, in the language of many, all pretensions to a share of common sense or of general information ; who submit to be branded as a lessening class of intolerants and bigots, from which the Ministers themselves have just happily escaped; and, what is still more painful to generons minds, who are ranked amongst those that are as devoid of true liberality and benevolence, as they are of reason and intelligence. Short as has been the time in which I have had the honour of a seat in this House, I have been here long enough to perceive the spirit by which a part of it, and, unhappily, too large a one, is actuated ; and I am prepared to share in this treatment. The spirit of Popery, when dominant, (I beg pardon for any thing so obsolete and illiberal as an allusion to history) dragged the objects of its resentment to the stake ;-its spirit still survives;its advocates at this moment would willingly inflict on its conscientious opponents a martyrdom still more grievous to generous minds in aiming at the moral and intellectual character and attainments of those whom they mark out as their victims. Bear with me, Sir, in thus expressing my feelings; they are those of the vast mass of the British people;— . not a besotted, ignorant, bigoted people, as some describe their countrymen to be; but of an intelligent, a well principled, and a religious people—THE PEOPLE OF ENGLAND;--men who, intellectually, are as competent to entertain this question as those who attempt to stultify them; and who, morally speaking, are far better qualified to decide upon it than those who malign them, inasmuch as they bring to it the lights of common sense; and, what has lately become a far rarer quality, now also laughed at by many-disinterested principle, and, above all, religious feeling; and who, moreover, are far more removed from bitterness and intolerance in discussing it than those who are perpetually accusing them of being so actuated. The apology made for this fearful inroad on the Constitution, is the condition of Ireland. I deny, Sir, that the proposition is a remedy ;-I deny that the reason is substantial." Protestant Ascendancy the source of the disorders in Ireland! Why, Sir, any man who knows any thing of the history of that unhappy country, must be well aware that the state of things now sought to be remedied, and the turbulence and the misery which it occasions, existed, in a still greater degree, and produced far more lamentable consequences, before the Reformation than at present, when consequently there was only one religion in the country. The fact is too notorious to admit contradiction. Again, if it should be said that the causes of discontent are now changed, I still deny the assertion; and, in so doing, I appeal to the authority of a late Right Honourable Secretary for Ireland, one who, in a speech delivered in this House, and afterwards deliberately given to the public, said, "all the commotions which, for the last sixty years, have tormented and desolated Ireland have sprung '-froin what? From Protestantism, from Protestant ascendancy? 00;- immediately from local oppression.'— Sir, the mischief regarding Ireland is this: Ireland, as it respects its connexion with England, was a conquered country; that was her misfortune; but it has been our crime that she has continued as such. Her lands have been given away from time to time to strangers, on condition that they should reside in the country, and plant and support the Protestant religion, and they have deserted both; absentees, who, owning much of the surface of the island, cruelly desert the people by whom they live, and persecute and oppress them by proxy; but who, many of them, think to make atonement for their turpitude by a few cheap votes and declarations, sincere or otherwise, in favour of Catholic Emancipation. Of all the delusions which have been so much descanted upon on the opposite side of the House, can any equal this? They consign a population to poverty and idleness, where, to the disgrace of humanity, civilization, and Christianity, there is no provision whatever for the wretched victims of poverty. Into this subject I am prepared to go whenever it shall gain the attention of this House. In the mean time I assert, and will repeat again and again, that the miseries of Ireland, aye, and its turbulence, do not spring from its Protestant Constitution, Why, it

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