Sayfadaki görseller

4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.

5 And every plant of the field, before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew; for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

157. 0 before, or not yet. This word is of uncertain derivation, but of frequent use; it is rendered before, yet, ere, not yet, ( Exod. x. 7.) and is also prefixed by and D. The obvious design of the term in this place, is to express that every plant and herb was formed perfect in the first instance, and did not grow up to maturity from the ground, either by a rapid or tardy growth; so that when man was formed, in a mature state, he found every thing prepared for him. The wisdom and power exercised in such immediate production were perhaps not greater than would have been necessary through the intervention of mediate causes.

158. Dy it grew, 3d pers. sing. masc. fut. Kal of ny to bud or spring up.

159. not, from sh to be weary, or fail. As a noun it is put for nothing.

160. T caused it to rain. 3d pers. sing. masc. pret. Hiph. of

.to rain מטר

161. not. From s labour, or to be weary. I is also nothing, noné, no, neither, without, it is gone.

162. 7y to cultivate. vid. rule 142. y infin. Kal, to obey or serve, to till the earth. Vide num. 476. 423. 427. Tay is also a servant, subject, soldier, or worshipper.

163. 1 and vapour. 1 convers. 78 or 78 from 77' to send forth, with a formative N.

164. hy went up. 3d pers. masc. sing. fut. Kal of hy to ascend. 165. Dor from. A particle from П to distribute. Vid. num. 594. 166. pm and watered. 1 conjunctive. Vide note on num. 19. pun is the 3d pers. masc. sing. pret. in Hiphil, the is omitted. Vide rule 81. From po to water.

י האדמה: 115 וייצר 167 יהוה 154 אלהים את 4 האדם 117 עפר 168 מן 165 האדמה 115 ויפח 169 באפיו 170 נשמת 171 8 חיים 172 ויהי 20 האדם 117 לנפש 173 חיה: 174 ויטע 175 יהוה 154 אלהים 3 גן 176 בעדן 177 מקדם 178 וישם 179 9 שם 179 את 4 האדם 117 אשר 40 יצר: 167 ויצמח 158 יהוה 154 אלהים 3 מן 165 האדמה 115 כל 97 עץ 58 נחמד 180 למראה 181 וטוב 26 למאכל 137 ועץ 58 החיים 172 10 בתוך 36 הגן 176 ועץ 58 הדעת 182 טוב 26 ורע: 183 ונהר 184 יצא 185 מעדן 177 להשקות 186 את 4 הגן 176 ומשם 187

.is the 3d pers. masc. sing ייצר .and formed.) conversive וייצר .167

fut. Kal of y' to fashion. Verbs in Pe Jod perhaps never form the third pers. sing. fut. in Kal with the double' but in Hiphil they do. Buxtorf cites this place and Psa. cxxxviii. 6.

168. Dy dust. As a verb, to cover with dust; y is also earth, mortar, rubbish, a young roe. My lead.

169. " and he breathed. 1 conjunctive. D' is the third pers. masc. sing. pret. Kal, and the root, to breathe.

170. 1 into his nostrils. in. his. Vide rule 39. ' tion for Dias, vide rule 25, before 1. It is the plural of

in construc

the nose, or

hept, from DN to heat.

te נשם .26 the breath of. In construct. n for n. Rule נשמת .171

breathe, is the root; hence w】 breath, the soul.

172. D" lives, viz. animal and rational. The plural of 'n life, from

.to live חיה

173. var in a soul, or breathing frame. in. w is the root also, to breathe. Vide num. 91.

174. 'n living. The participle Benoni Kal of

'n to live.

175. you and planted. I convers. yu' for yur. Vide rule 94. Fut. 3d pers. masc. sing. Kal, of yoɔ to plant.

176. jà a garden, from ja to protect. Hence in a shield. П sorrow. Lam. iii. 65.

177. 1 in Eden. I in. ¡y as a noun is Eden, pleasure, &c. As

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living


8 And the Lord God planted a garden castward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed.

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9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted; and became into four heads.

verb it occurs once only, and that in Hithp. to delight, or please. Neh. ix. 25. Udyan in Sanscrit signifies, it is said, a garden.


the same.

178. Dpp from or in the East. from. Dp the east. Op eastward or the east wind. The root is op to go before, prevent, and to meet; and signifies also, as a noun, antiquity, eternity, ancient times, past; as a particle, before, aforetime, and of old.

It has been thus rendered; "And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden beyond Kedem."

179. D and he placed. I convers. D is the third pers. masc. sing. fut. Kal of ow to place. Vide rule 99. D is also a particle, there. 180.1 desired. Part. Benoni Niphal of ¬ to desire.

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is from מראה .formative מ .sight מראה .to the sight. to למראה .181

to see ראה

182. ny

The noun is y opinion. y

knowledge. n emphat. ny is in construction before 10.
knowledge. The root is y' to know. Vide rule 200.
science, thought.

183. yn and evil. and. y evil; as a verb, to do evil, or to break. NO is unintentional error, jw iniquity designed and chosen, flowing from an evil heart, 1 or 1 rebellion, provocation, yw apostasy, or conspiracy. Vide num. 836.

184. M and a river. 1 and. MJ a river, plur. D'M) and in). As a verb, to flow.

185. NY went out, is itself the root. Hence in his goings forth. 186. mpwn for the watering. for. n emphatic. np is the infinitive of Kal of npw. Rule 103. Vide num. 166. 187. DVD and from thence,

and. n from. and Dw to place. Vide num.


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11 יפרד 188 והיה 20 לארבעה 189 ראשים: ו שם 190 ארץ7 האחד 34 פישון 191 הוא 192 הסבב 193 את 4 כל 7 12 החוילה 194 אשר 40 שם 179 הזהב: 195 וזהב 195 הארץ 7 ההוא 192 טוב 26 שם 17 הבדלח 196 ואבן 197 השהם:198 13 ושם 190 הנהר 184 השני 45 גיחון 199 הוא 192 הסובב 193 14 את 4 כל 97 ארץ כוש: 200 ושם 190 הנהר 184 השלישי 66 חדקל 201 הוא 192 ההלך 202 קדמת 203 אשור 204 15 והנהר 184 הרביעי 88 הוא 192 פרת: 205 ויקח 206 יהוה 154 אלהים 3 את 4 האדם 117 וינחהו 207 בגן 176 לעבדה 208

188. 7

was parted. Fut. Niphal 3d pers. masc. sing. from 1 to divide. It is of the past sense converted by ↑ in Dei. Num. 19.

.to quadrate רבע a noun, four, from ארבעה .in four. in לארבעה .189

Vid. num. 88. 486.

190. D the name, plur. nv, from D to put, or place. Vide num. 179. rule 99.


Pison. It is perhaps from A to spread, or to grow big. It has been supposed to be the Little Indus, Nilab, or Nila Ganga.

to be. And הוה the same as הוא he, she, it, or that. From הוא 192 .היה the same as היא so


surrounding. n emphat. 330 or 30 is the participle

Ben. Kal of D to compass. 194.

Havilah. From the son of Cush, Gen. x. 7. ↳ʼn signifies pain from, or strength from ↳ to abide.

195. in gold. emphat. and ani gold; also clear or bright. And vide Job xxxvii. 22.

196. 142 Bdellium. emphat. Perhaps from 7 to separate, and

,tin. If the name is taken from its sparkling light בדיל smooth, or לח

and not its malleability, the Talmudists may be right, who deem it a pearl. Vide Num. xi. 7. It is rendered by some crystal.

197. a stone. From a to build, & being formative; vide rule


11 The name of the first is Pison; that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

12 And the gold of that land is good, there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

13 And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is it which goeth toward the East of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. 15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to dress it, and to keep it.

198. Drun the onyx. n emphat. one has been thought an onyx, emerald, sardonyx, and lapis lazuli. Exod. xxv. 7.

199. Gihon. It has been thought, the Araxes, the western Oxus, and formerly the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates, &c. 200. Cush. Gen. x. 6. Ethiopia, a name not confined to Africa, it means also a part of Arabia. But the north of India is perhaps here intended which is in Sanscrit the continent of Cush.

201. pn Hiddekel. Vide Daniel x. 4. The Tigris. Others think it was the Bahlac, or eastern branch of the Oxus.

202. † going. ♬ emphat. 77 part. Ben. Kal, from 7 to go. the east of, for p, in construct. Vide rule 26. Vide


203. num. 178.

204. x Assyria. Vide Gen. x. 11, 12. Seated by Asher, the son of Shem. The root is wx to be happy.

205. Peret, Phrat,

Euphrates, Fertility, from me to

produce. It is thought to be the Phrath, Ferah, or Hermund.



and took. I convers. p for mph. 3d pers. masc. sing. fut. Kal of np to take. Vide rule 200. 93.

207. Inn) and he placed him. ↑ convers. 1 him. Rule 39. nnr 3d pers. sing. masc. fut. Kal of na to set, or place.

208. 72 to cultivate it. prefix. it. Vide rule 39. 12y infin. Kal, to serve. Postea y 2d pers. sing. fut. Kal.

209. to keep it. and. to. it. Rule 39. 1 infin. Kal to watch, or guard.

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