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Let us return thanks for it. The King cannot be happy but when the People are so." As Monsieur was going out of the Church, he said to the Priest, deeply moved, "Oh, Sir, what a fine day for Religion. It is for that

reason it is so dear to me.'

On the 29th of April, Louis XVIII. arrived at Calais, from this country, where he had received the highest honours from all ranks on his accession to the Throne of his ancestors. His first act on landing was to repair to the principal church, to which he was drawn in his carriage by the populace. On his arrival at the door, his Majesty was received by the Clergy, who conducted him under a canopy to a seat of state in the middle of the Choir, where the King and the Duchess of Angouleme (daughter of Louis XVI.) fell on their knees and appeared to pray with the most fervent devotion, while the Te Deum and Domine salvum fac Regem were sung. Monsieur, as Lieutenant-General of France, has directed that the insignia, ornaments, seals, archives, &c. of the Pope, now at Paris, or elsewhere in the kingdom of France, shall be placed at the disposal of his Holiness.

Cardinal Maury has been deprived by his Chapter, of the Metropolitan Church at Paris. The Cardinal intended to officiate

in pontificalibus on Easter Sunday. The pulpit was prepared, and the episcopal throne decorated. But the Chapter having taken from his Eminence the administration of the Church, he was deceived in his expectations, and the preparations which had been made, served for M. La Roue, the Arch-priest, who performed Mass. The Cardinal was only Archbishop ad interim.

On Tuesday, the 12th of April (the day on which Monsieur made his public entry into Paris) High Mass was celebrated, and Te Deum sung, at the beautiful French chapel in Somer's Town, in thanksgiving to Almighty God for the Restoration of the Bourbon Family to the Throne of France, and the reinstatement of his Holiness the Pope to his Apostolic functions. The solemnity and devotion of the ceremony was considerably heightened by the venerable and dignified appearance of the officiating Divines, who had themselves been suffering an exile from their native country for their attachment to the principles of their Holy Religion, and their loyalty to their legitimate Sovereign. The Rev. M. de Geurry, once an officer under Louis XVI. by whom he was honoured with the Cross of St. Louis, officiated as Priest. He was assisted by the Rev. M. Nerinks; the Rev. M. Le Tanneur and Paine de la Touche stood Deacon and Subdeacon, and the Rev. M. Molie, Master of the Ceremo

nies, assisted by proper Acolytes.-Several of the French Nobility attended, decorated with the white cockade, and the chapel was crowded by persons of all ranks to witness the solemn and august ceremony.

On the 27th of April, a solemn thanksgiving and Te Deum took place at the Portuguese Ambassador's chapel in South Audley-street, Grosvenorsquare, for the restoration of the Bourbons to the Throne of France.→ The orchestra consisted of the first professional performers in town.Among the company present were,

The Prince De Castelcicala-The Russian, Spanish and Portuguese Ambassadors-The Dukes of Argyle, and Devonshire-Earls of Liverpool, Shrewsbury, Winchelsea, Harrowby, Jersey-Princess Castelcicala--Duchesses Richmond, Buccleugh, and Somerset-Marchionesses Wellesley and Camden-Countesses Liverpool, Narbonne, Jersey, &c. &c.

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On Thursday, April 21st, General Mathew presented two petitions to the House of Commons; one from the Roman Catholics of the county of Tipperary, and the other from the Catholics of the city of Clonmel.- a The Hon. Member observed, that the whole face of affairs throughout the world had so much changed since the last session, that he thought it would be improper that the Catholic question should be discussed during the present session. Though his opinion was changed as to the conduct to be pursued by the course of events, it remained the same as to the question itself, and he remained a warm friend to full and free emancipation. By the very extraordinary changes which had taken place during the last year, his Holiness the Pope had fortunately been relieved from thraldom, to the delight of every civilized man, and not only was he restored to liberty, but to his ancient possessions, to his former splendour, and his imperial chair at Rome, surrounded by his Reverend Cardinals, with whom he might consult on the steps to be adopted with respect to the Catholics of Ireland. Thus the time occurred for strengthening and consolidating the empire, and if his Majesty's Ministers had these objects in view, they should lose no time in opening a friendly communication with the Pope (a laugh.) He (Gen. M.) had been informed, and had every reason to believe his information was correct, that his Holiness was warmly disposed to take any steps, not entirely incompatible with his religious principles, for strengthening the British empire, by bringing the differences between the government and the Catholics of this country, to an amicable termination, having beheld with admiration the part which Great Bri tain had taken in the glorious struggle on which had depended, not only the liberty of Europe, but the existence of the Papal chair. The Catholics should, therefore, take the golden opportunity offered, and forbear again to agitate the question of emancipation, until themselves, or the government, had entered into some communication with the Pope. It was strange, he said, that this

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Address of the Irish Catholic Board to Mr. Curran, and his Answer. 159

Enemies of the Board: this idea seemed to be universally approved of.

The following is the Address of the Board of Irish Catholics to Mr. Cur


country, once deemed the most liberal, was now the only one where civil disabilities, on account of religion, existed. The once bigotted Protestant state of Holland, by an article (134) in its recent constitution, had determined that all existing religions should be equally protected, and the members of all had an equal right to hold offices and charges. In another constitution, the most superb monument of human foresight which had ever been erected, which had been drawn up by the greatest statesman perhaps who had ever existed, the Prince of Benevento (a great laugh), and which had been sanctioned by the Senate, who would have full power to cause it to be obeyed-he had met with an article which gave him the greatest pleasure, in which was declared, that freedom of worship under all religions, was guaranteed, and that the ministers of all were to be treated alike. In another article it was said, that all Frenchmen were admissible to all offices alike. After all these examples of liberality, could any be found in the country so bigotted as to refuse emancipation to five millions of good and loyal subjects? He could not believe it; especially after the very honourable conduct of his Majesty's Ministers in the discussion of last session, and especially offession, so closely connected with those of the Public, you upheld both at the Bar and on the Bench.

"The General Board of the Catholics of Ireland feel it their duty to address you on your resignation of the high office to which your talents were called, and the duties of which you have discharged with the courtesy of a Gentleman, the abilities of a Lawyer, the dignity of a Judge, and the characteristic integrity which has ever distinguished you.

As to the Catholic

the noble Lord not then in the House (Lord Castlereagh). What he had stated as to the Pope, he wished to be understood to have derived from good authority, as would be found if any communication were opened with his Holiness. What he had said, he also wished to be understood as flowing from himself without any consultation with any of the Catholic body, as the liberation of the Pope and other events had happened since he had left Dublin. Board, of which so much had been spoken and written, he was convinced, from having frequently attended their meetings, that there did did not exist a more liberal and enlightened set of men in any country; and he hoped, if the House should not think proper to agitate the question during the present session, or if the Member for Dublin, Mr. Grattan, and other Members on that side of the House, should feel the impropriety of bringing it forward at the present time, that the Catholic body would readily submit to the delay. The petitions were read and ordered to lie on the table.

The Irish Catholic Board met on Saturday, April 9th, at Mr. Fitzpatrick's, in Capel-street. The principal business of this day's meeting was to determine on the Address to John Philpot Curran, Esq. the late Master of the Rolls, which, after some complimentary remarks, was agreed to, and that it should be presented with unusual respect.

Mr. Plunkett gave notice of two Resolutions, the purport of which were, a Contradiction of the Calumnies circulated by the Grand Juries against the Board. An aggregate Meeting of the Catholics of Ireland was recommended as the fittest place to meet the

"Taking a review of a life devoted to the service of your Country and the cause and interests of public and private Liberty, we shall ever hold in proud and grateful remembrance the energy which you displayed in resisting oppression and defending the rights of the Subject and the Constitution; the independent spirit with which you met the frowns with which you vindicated your insulted and and the seduction of power; the intrepidity maligned Country, and the sacrifices which you made at the shrine of public virtue.

"The freedom and privileges of your pro

"The first flight of your juvenile genius was a noble and generous defence of an ob scure but respectable individual against a lawless assault of tyrannical Power. You have uniformly opposed that bigoted, that baneful policy, which imperiously tries the principles of Man by his Religious Creed; you have maintained the great and sound principle of Religious Liberty-the proclaimed boast of our Constitution: a just, a liberal, and enlightened mind abhors the pernicious system of excluding from equal rights those who contribute equally to the support of the State with their property and their lives; a system which sacrifices the Liberty of their Country, to protect the Monopoly of a Party, and which, by perpetuating division and discord, saps the foundation of all social intercourse.

"You, Sir, and the other illustrious Advo cates of Irish Prosperity, are well aware, that the total extinction of such a system is absolutely essential to the consolidation and permanence of the general strength of the Empire. Permit us, therefore, Sir, to indulge our earnest hope, that your splendid talents, emerging from the eclipse of judicial station, and reviving under that name which has attached the hearts of your Countrymen, will again be exerted in the service of Ireland.

MR. CURRAN'S ANSWER. GENTLEMEN-Be pleased to accept my warmest acknowledgment for this flattering mark of your approbation and regard. So far as honesty of intention can hold the place of desert, I can indulge even a proud feeling at this proof of your good opinion-because

I have no secret consciousness that can blush while I receive it.

"I have early thought, that the mere fact of birth imposes, by the authority of God, a loyalty to Country, binding the conscience of man beyond the force of any technical allegiance, and still more devoted and inexcusable.

"To our unhappy Country I know this sentiment was little better than barrenhowever, what I had I gave; I might have often sold her, I could not redeem her. I gave her the best sympathies of my heart, sometimes in tears, sometimes in indignation, sometimes in hope, but oftener in despondence.

"I am repaid far beyond my claim; for what reward can be more precious than the confidence and affection of those for whom we could not think any sacrifice too great?

"I am still farther repaid by seeing that we have arrived at a season that gives us so fair a prospect of better days than we have passed.

When I view these awful scenes that are daily marking the interposition of Providence in punishment or retribution, that teach Rulers to reflect, and nations to hope, I cannot yield to the infidelity of despair, nor bring myself to suppose, that we are destined to be an exception to the uniformity of Divine Justice, and that in Ireland alone the ways of God shall not, in his good time, be vindicated to man; but that we are to spend our valour and our blood in assisting to break the chains of every other nation, and in riveting our own; and that when the most gallant of our countrymen return to us, laden with glory and with shame, we are to behold them dragging about an odious fetter with the Cypress and the Laurel intertwined.

On the contrary, I feel myself cheered and conciliated by those indications, which inspire the strong hope that the end of our affliction is rapidly advancing, and that we shall soon be placed in a condition where we shall cease to be a reproach to the justice and wisdom of Great Britain.

The calumnies of our enemies have been refuted, and have left no impression behind them except a generous regret that they could ever have been believed.

"It is with no ordinary feeling of condonation and respect that we should hail the awaking of a nation, formed to be illustrious from the trance of a Bigotry that cannot be refuted, because it does not reason, that, like every other intoxication, stupifies while it inflames, and evaporates only by sleep. It becomes us to congratulate on the recovery, without retrospect to the time it may bave


"Within the short limits of a year, the spirit of a just and liberal policy has assumed a station that could scarcely be hoped from the growth of ages.

"That wise country has learned to see us as we are, to compare our sufferings with that of our merits and our claims, and to feel that

every kind and tender sympathy that speaks to the heart or the head of a man in favour of his Fellow-man, is calling upon her to put an end to the paroxysms of that gaol fever, which must for ever ferment and fester in the Imprisonment of a Nation, and to do it in a way that shall attach, while it redresses, and bind a blendid Empire in the bond of equal Interest and reciprocal Affection.

"We are asking for no restorative, the Legislature has none to give. We ask only for what is perfectly in their power to bestow, that disobtruent which may enable the human creature, even by a slow convalescence, to exert the powers of his nature, and give effect by the progression of his happiness and vir tue, to the beneficence of that Being who could not have permanently designed him for the sufferings or the views of a Slave.

"In your anxiety for the honour of the Bar I cannot but see an auspicious omen of your approach to the possession of such a treasure that deserves so high a protection.Short is the time that has passed, since we could not have adverted to that subject without a mixture of shame and anguish; but you now can resort to persons of your own religious persuasion for those great talents for whose purity you are so justly solicitous.

"You are certainly right in thinking the Independence of the Bar the only unfailing safeguard of Justice, and of that Liberty without which Justice is but a name.

"It is the equal protection of the People against the State, and of the State against the People. If Erskine had lived in the dark times of the second James, he might have saved his country from the pain of reading the events of those days, when the Court could procure a Bench, but the Subject could not find a Bar.

"It is with an emotion, difficult to describe, that I see how easily our hearts are betrayed into an exaggerated estimation of those who are disposed to love. You are pleased to bespeak the continuance of my poor efforts in the cause of Ireland. I cannot without regret reflect how feeble they would be; but I am fully consoled in the idea, that they would be as unnecessary as inefficient. It is still no more than justice to myself to say, that if any opportunity should occur, and God be pleased to let it be accompanied by health, my most ardent affections would soon find the channel in which they had flowed so long.

"A devoted attachment to my Country can never expire but with my last breath. It is a sentiment that has been the companion of my life; and, though it may have sometimes led to what you kindly call sacrifices, it has also given me the most invaluable consolation; and, even when the scene shall come to a close, I trust that sentiment shall be the last to leave me, and that I shall derive some enjoyment in the reflection, that I have been a zealous, though an unprofitable Servant."

Printed by W. E. ANDREWS, Fenwick-court, Holborn, London.

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his re-establishment at Rome, was to pass, in full Consistory, with ALL the Cardinals UNANIMOUSLY agreeing, an arrangement, giving to the British Crown the desired Security respecting the Nomination of the Catholic Bishops. We are assured that special instructions to this effect have been dispatched

by his Holiness to ALL the Catholic Prelates in the British Empire."


M. QUARANTOTTI'S RESCRIPT. TRANGE and wonderful as have been the events of the last six months, not one has created so strong a sensation in the public mind of this and the sister island, as the Rescript of Monsiegneur Quarantotti to the Vicar Apostolic of the London District.The reception which this document has met with may also be considered as the "It is highly gratifying to inform our readers, that, in addition to the glorious tidings which most extraordinary circumstance in promise us a long continuance of pacific relathese extraordinary times. For those tions with the other powers of Europe, a cirProtestants who have been so loud in cumstance has occurred, which augurs equally their exclamations against the power of have the pleasure to state, that an important in favour of our domestic tranquillity. We Papal Bulls, are now foremost in lavish- communication has been received by the ing their praises on the liberality and Roman Catholic Bishop of London, from the moderation displayed by M. Quarant-persons at Rome to whom his Holiness the

as an

Pope had entrusted the arrangement of Ec-
clesiastical matters during the time when he
was under the cruel tyranny of the French
Usurper. The document is written in the La-
of its acknowledgments:-
tin language, and the following is a summary

otti; while the Catholics, that is, those who love the purity and independence of the Ministers of their Religion, in preference to the gaining a few empty titles and temporal privileges, view it "The Veto, so long in question, and so ve unjust and indecent attempt to hemently resisted, is not only explicitly adcontroul their civil rights, (over which mitted, BUT IS ABSOLUTELY ENJOINED; neither M. Quarantotti, nor Pope, nor when a Catholic Bishop has been chosen, the Prelate, name of the party is, in the first instance, to HAS ANY AUTHORITY) and an be submitted to his Majesty; if his Maapparent surrender of the government jesty rejects the person, HIS DETERMIof the Catholic Church in these islands NATION IS TO BE DECISIVE; if apInto the hands of its bitterest enemies. proved, THE POPE ENGAGES TO SANCTION AND CONFIRM, IN ITS FULBefore I insert the document itself, I LEST EXTENT, THE WILL OF THE hall lay before my readers three BulBRITISH MONARCH. All secret corresetins, which preceded the publication his Britannic Majesty and the See of Rome pondence between the Catholic subjects of of a translated copy of the Rescript, is solemnly prohibited, and all letters from which are taken from The Pilot, a paper the Holy See to this country are to be open avourable to the Catholic Question; Council that he may think proper to constito the inspection of the King himself, or any The Sun, strong in its opposition to tute tute for the purpose. The document prohe measure; and The Morning Chro-ceeds to exhort, in strong terms, and in the icle, the organ of the Whig party :

FROM THE PILOT, APRIL 30. "We have just heard, from unquestionable uthority, that the first act of the POPE, on ORTHOD. JOUR. VOL. II.

name of his Holiness, a full obedience to the legal Authorities of the British dominions; forcibly inculcating a dutiful and grateful submission to the Government by which they have so long been PROTECTED, and under


which they enjoyed so MANY ADVANTAGES, and such LIBERAL INDULGENCE. It is gratifying to add, that this conciliatory and truly important measure was the FIRST ACT


indeed they were paid for it. But then I am at a loss to conjecture what benefit the inventors of this scandalous falsehood proposed to gain to their cause, by thus libelling the venerable

leased from his oppressed and lamentable and Apostolic Head of the Catholic captivity.

"What effect this important document may have upon the future fate of the Catholic Question, it is not necessary now to discuss. One good consequence must inevitably result from it; all those coarse and intemperate invectives all those charges of intolerance and bigotry, which have been heaped upon those who demanded some security from the Roman Catholics, must cease. Those persons can no longer be charged with bigotry or intolerance, who have only demanded that which the Head of their Church is of opinion that Roman Catholics may with propriety


FROM THE MORNING CHRONICLE, MAY 2.' "On Thursday last, the Roman Catholic Bishop of the London District received from Rome a most important communication. The persons resident in Rome, entrusted by his Holiness the Pope with the administration of the affairs of the Church during his own cap

tivity have taken into their consideration the

papers transmitted to them from London and

Dublin, with respect to the proceedings in Parliament, during the last session, upon the Catholic Question. The result of which was (after a meeting of all the Divines in Rome),

the solemn determination of the Commissioners for executing the holy office, that it is not only consistent with the ordinances of the Catholic Church, but the bounden duty of its communicants situate in countries out of the Papal territories, to give ample Securities to the Governments under which they live, for their allegiance, fidelity, and obedience to the laws of the land; and that for this purpose, that the Veto proposed to be given to the King of Great Britain, in the appointment of Bishops and Deans in his dominions, was strictly conformable to the rules and practice of the Holy See, and would be

cordially acceded to and acted upon by the

Sovereign Pontiff in all time to come-and also, that all Correspondence between Roman Catholics and the Holy See should in future be subject to such inspection and controul as was proposed by the late Catholic Relief Bill, the WHOLE of which is highly applauded.

Now, reader, each of these articles contain a direct FALSEHOOD. The

first, attributing the act to the Pope himself, was so glaring an untruth, that I am surpized the editors of the papers in question should permit it to be inserted, as they could have no interest in deluding they public, unless

Church. This much, however, is certain, that that cause cannot be a good one, the supporters of which have recourse to such base and dishonourable means. His Holiness is here represented as willingly surrendering up his spiritual supremacy to the British Government, in its fullest extent, for refusing to give up a part of which to the late French Emperor, he has been suffering a cruel and rigorous impri sonment. It is also stated to have been

his first pontifical act, in conjunction with all the Cardinals, when it was well known that such a thing was impossi ble, for these very papers informed us, but a day or two before, that his Holi ness was at Bologna, on the 31st of March, on his way to Rome. Conse quently there was not time for the Consistory to meet, discuss, decide, and the decision to be received here on the 28th of the following month. In the Whig oracle it is stated to be the act of the persons entrusted with the affairs of the Church, but then it is also stated, with all the air of official authority, that the whole of the late Bill was highly applauded. This, however, is not the truth, as the following copy of the Letter, which appeared in the same Journal of the 4th of May, evidently proves:

Copy of a Letter from Monsiegneur Quarantolti to the Right Rev. Dr. Poynter, V. A.

ILLUSTRIOUS AND REVEREND LORD, It is not without great pleasure we have heard that in all probability the law which was last year proposed for the emancipation of the Catholics of your most flourishing kingdom, from the penal laws affecting them, and which was rejected by a very small majority, is again to be brought forward in the Session of

this year.

It is to be hoped that this highly wished for measure will at length pass into a law, and that the Catholics, who have always given the strongest proofs of their obedience and fidelity, will at length be freed from the long oppressed; so that without suffering in grievous yoke under which they have been so

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