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“Observer," in another rodomontade,
which that gentleman has kindly given
to his readers, boldly asserts, that if
the Sovereigns of Europe should con-
sent to receive the Jesuits into the bo-
som of their states;
66 should they


"cherish or even countenance a soci ety that brought so many calamities "upon the earth; they may at once


he exhibited one substantiated fact to support his frontless assertion, that the Jesuits have done more mischief, and occasioned more bloodshed, than any other society that ever existed. If such is the case, let Mr. Cobbett, or his deputy, produce evidence to the truth of his assertion.-Let him produce one instance to corroborate the base accusation made in his Register."bid adieu to the high character they If, indeed, men were now stupid "have obtained for magnanimity, to enough to believe in the absurd and "the stability of their thrones, and villainous tales circulated in the time "to the prosperity of their people; of Titus Oates, when it was said and " for as certain as it is that they now credited that the Jesuits intended to possess thrones, as certain is it that blow up the Thames with gunpowder," the Jesuits will do their utmost to in order to drown the Protestant city "subvert them." Here then we have of London, such assertions as we have a denouncement and a prophecy. Well seen in the Register of this month this is something to be sure for a "No might be swallowed for facts; but I Popery", man; and I shall not feel entertain a better opinion of my coun- surprised if Mr. Cobbett should get trymen; and I feel confident in the in- himself reimbursed for the fine he ability of the writer in the Register to lately had to pay, for this serious causubstantiate his charge. On the con- tion to the crowned heads, to whom trary, no society or order of men have he has always shewn respect, against the done so much for the happiness of terrible jesuitical tricks of these venemankind, or the propagation of true rable fathers. The only thing which religion, as the Jesuits.-How many I doubt is, that the present Continenof the venerable fathers, with a disin- tal Sovereigns of Europe know too terestedness and courage unknown to well the worth of these incorruptible the infidel Atheist or pretended Re- and disinterested men, to listen to the former, have laid down their lives in ravings of an Observer," or even carrying the truths of the gospel among to Mr. Cobbett himself. But what the pagans, and even nations that calamities I would ask have the Jecalled themselves Christians and civi- suits brought upon the earth? In what lized? I have a list now before me of country are we to find the fatal effects twenty members of this illustrious or- which have been thus laid upon their der who suffered in this country for no shoulders? If the conversion of Inother crime than preaching the same fidels if to change men, the most gospel which the apostles of Christ barbarous ever heard of, into fervent taught by his divine command.-In Christians; if to found commonwealths, short, the Jesuits were the undaunted that scarce needed any other laws than and courageous opposers of immorality those of the gospel, and where the and corruption, wherever to be found, sublimest virtues of Christians became, whether in the palace or the cottage. as it were, common virtues; if to inHence then arose the persecutions fuse solid learning and virtue into which the zealous Fathers of the So-youth, and to cultivate the sciences to ciety met with from the infamous and corrupt Ministers of the then reigning Catholic Princes; and hence arose the gross calumnies propagated against them by the Philosophists of France, and the enemies of Popery in England. Mr. Cobbett's correspondent,


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higher degree of perfection than was ever known before, are calamities to mankind, why then indeed the Jesuits are guilty of the charge. I now come to the loyal prophecy, or rather admonition to the Sovereigns, cautioning them against these subverters of thrones.

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The fact is, the members of this illus trious order are the most inflexible and most efficient supporters both of the altar and the throne. Of this the pro-, moters of the French Revolution were well aware; for such was the knowledge of the fruits of the society, wherever it had establishments, that the philosophists despaired of their pro jects and designs, unless the anti-revo-l lutionary antidote which the rising gew

these fathers was done away. Through the intrigues of those who ought to have protected the society the antidote was removed, and suffering Europe has witnessed the dreadful effects. Cao we then wonder that the world should desire to see such a zealous and disintes rested body of men, who have laboure ed and cultivated social order and good government among nations flourish again. To a few irreligious and infir del wretches in this, country it may be a source of regret; but to the world at large, I am convinced it will be a subject of general joy-Enough has been sard to shew the cowardice and infamy of the attack on this exalted body which has appeared in the Regiss ter, and I shall conclude this article by directing the attention of the reas der to the just and beautiful eulogy pronounced upon this Society, from the eloquent pen of the Rev. Doctor Coombes, which will be found in the succeeding pages of this number.

During the existence of the Society from 1540 to its suppression in 1773, history does not furnish us with one single instance of a Sovereign being despoiled of his throne by the machinations of the Jesuits. But who is there among us who have not witnessed the dreadful revolutions and convul sions in the States of Europe which have occurred within the last twenty five years? Now these could not be occasioned by the intrigues of the Jeneration would be sure to receive from suits, for their order had been off cially suppressed. And yet the King of France lost his throne and his head; but France persecuted the Jesuits; the King of Spain was dethroned, and sent an exile into France; but not by the Jesuits both Old and New Spain were deprived of thousands of these reverend teachers at one instantaneous blow, by the minister Aranda. The Royal Family of Portugal were driven from their European possessions, and obliged to fly for safety to South America; but previous to this the infamous Minister De Pombal transported all the Jesuits that were subjects of Portugal, like cattle to a foreign soil, with the exception of 75 of the fathers, reserved victims, whom he buried alive in thirty subterraneous cells, which he had constructed for the horrid purpose, in the fortress of St. Juliano, without communication from each other: the Jesuits, therefore, could have no hand in subverting the Braganza family. We have also, in this period, seen one King of Sweden assassinated, and his son dethroned and banished-the King of Naples driven to Sicily-the Prussian Monarch reduced to a state of vassalage; yet no one has dared to attribute it to Jesuitism. But, in the midst of all these wrecks, Russia has remained unshaken and unimpaired; notwithstanding the Jesuits were cherished and supported in this country. Now I should be glad to know how Mr. Cobbett's cunning correspondent will account for this? I should like to see, with all these historical facts before him, how he will prove that the Jesuits are the subyerters of thrones.

The length of the foregoing obser vations obliges me to defer my remarks on the attack of his Holiness in the Register to a future opportunity.


THE RESCRIPT. To this subject. I find I must return once more. My correspondent B. N. G. has sent me another of his very acute effusions, and hopes I shall be kind enough to give his observations an insertion. As I do not like to be considered either partial or unkind, I here insert the gentleman's letter according to his de sire; but I beg to inform him, unless he c furnish me with something more

interesting, I shall decline giving pub- | selves by far the most disrespectful. licity to any of his future epistles.

To the Editor of the Orthodox Journal,

Your constant reader, B. N. G... London, Sept. 10, 1814.

The writer of the above it seems is very anxious to fasten upon me a wish to insult the Vicar Apostolic of the London District; I believe there are many others who would be happy to do the same; but I know very well they have it not in their power to prove that I have a desire to do any thing of the kind. My correspondent accused me of inserting a passage in my Jour

Mr. EDITOR,-I thank you for the insertion of the letter signed B. N. G. and permit me to request you will be kind enough to give the following observations on your answer a place in your next number. If I understand you right, you state that I should have produced reason and argument, in stead of which I have substituted asual for July, which he considered a sertion and abuse: (were I disposed I could point out numerous iustances where you have been extremely lavish of the latter.) In reply, I maintain that the particular passage in your Journal which I objected to, I pointed outs and from that passage I argued it was an insult on the Bishop of the London District, and I defy you to put any other construction to it. For in the public papers, did not the translation bear the signature of Joseph Hodgson, V. G.? And as such there certainly cannot remain a doubt but it was published by the order of Dr. Poynter: consequently, he must be


direct insult upon the pious prelate of this district. In my reply to his letter, I denied having any such intens tion, and stated my reasons for sup posing that it was done by a small band of intriguers, who have not been ashamed of boasting that they were base enough to impose upon the un suspecting manners of their prelates, or, in other words, of jockeying their Bishops. B. N. G. persists in his idea, and he now defies me to put any other construction to it; for in the



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public papers did not (he asks) the "translation bear the signature of "Jos. Hodgson, V. G. and as such (he person whom you accuse of being says) there certainly cannot remain so forward in giving it publicity. As a doubt but it was published by the to the propriety or impropriety of sub-order of Dr. Paynter; consequentmitting the document to the public, I "ly he must be the person whom you shall not pretend to determine;"but I accuse of being so forward in giving insist that it was extremely indecorous" it publicity." If my ideas had exin you, standing as the Editor of an tended no further than B. N. G.'s ap Orthodox Journal, to have propagated pears to have done, I might perhaps such unwarrantable expressions: and plead guilty to the charge, but I had I will repeat, that I consider it an ag- some doubts upon my mind when the gravation to have so done, after re- article in question was written, that it ceiving the very just admonition of was very possible for the Rescript to Mr. Gabb. I should, if my business find its way into the public prints, even would permit, enter into a more gene with the name of the Vicar General ral view of your answer: but being attached to it, and this too without the unable, I shall conclude with one ob- knowledge of the venerable Prelate or servation, which is: I trust, in the his Vicar.-I have not the least doubt course of a short time, his Holiness but that a confidential copy of it was will sanction the Rescript of Quaran laid before the Board, and by this totti, and then we shall be able to means, and this means only, it found judge whether those who are now so its way to the public prints. But if fond of accusing others of a want of this was not the actual case, as the ve respect to the Holy See, are not them nerable Prelate was directed by M.

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Notwithstanding all this, B. N. G.
still expresses a hope that "his Holi
ness will sanction the Rescript of M,
Quarantotti." In this I am certain
my correspondent, will find himself,
mistaken. His Holiness knows the
extent of his authority too well, and
is too much occupied with the spiritual
affairs of his holy functions to interfere
in the temporal concerns of the Ca
tholics of this kingdom. And I have
the pleasure to inform B. N, G. and
my readers in general, that a letter has
been received from the illustrious Vi
car Apostolic of the Midland District,
Dr. Milner, dated August 13, which
states, that things were proceeding in
a very favourable way; and that sere
ral of the Cardinals are decidedly

ever, that B. N. G. will not accuse
these eminent divines of entertaining
disrespect towards the Holy See, be
cause they differ from him, and agree
with me, in disapproving of the con-
tents of the document in question.

Quarantotti to communicate its contents to the Prelates in the united kingdom, he was, in consequence, obliged to have circular copies of the Rescript printed. Now one of these copies might very easily have been procured by the intriguing band alluded to, who would not fail to communicate it to the world, under the impression that it would tend to promote the cause in which it is engaged. But I am the more confirmed in my opinion, that to these intriguers, and not to the Bishop, we are indebted for the exposure of this unauthorized Rescript, from the introductory paragraphs which preceded its publication, all tending to deceive the public, which is directly contrary to the principles of the exalted prelate, but which is correspond-averse to the Rescript. I hope, how ing to the conduct of the most active members of this Board, who have been endeavouring, by chicanery and deceit, to impose upon the prelates of their church and the people of this kingdom, both Catholic and Protestant, for the last twenty-five years. For my own part, I do not regret the publication of the document, because it has evidently been productive of good, inasmuch as it has exhibited to our Protestant brethren, that neither the Cler gy or the Laity will ever submit to the decrees of Rome, when they exceed the bounds of authority granted to the Holy See. Our enemies are constantly accusing us of being "ignorant and 66 deluded," ""led by a blind submis"sion to the priesthood," and governed by a "foreign influence."-Well, this "66 foreign.influence" has been tried by a few sycophantic creatures of the Ministers, and how has it been received by the Catholic people at large? Have not the Prelacy, Clergy, and People of Ireland been loud in their condemnation and rejection of its mischievous intentions; and I am confi. dent, from what has come to my know. ledge, that the Catholics of England, if they have not yet openly expressed" their abhorrence of its contents, are equally as sincere as their brethren in Ireland in their détestation of it.

STATE OF IRELAND.-The people of England, are, I believe, as ignorant of the real state of the inhabitants of the sister island, although she now forms a part, and the most valuable part too, of the united kingdom, as they are of the Gentoos in India, or the Hottentots in Africa. But this is not much to be wondered at, when we come to consider the pains which have been, and are now, pursued by the interested faction to keep the English nation in the dark respecting the true situation of their brethren in Ire land.-If a sudden affray occurs in that country at a fair, it is immediately magnified into an outrageous and preconcerted offence by our corrupt and hireling prints, aud sent forth to the English public, accompanied with falsehood and misrepresentation, and headed with large letters-" A most horrid transaction," A bloody and barbarous outrage," and such like titles, to prejudice the minds of their readers against the actors in the scene. But when a dating : und lawless

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rioting, with a heart callous to every sense of Truth and Justice, attempts to stigmatize the brave, generous, and faithful people of Ireland, as the most depraved beings upon the face of the earth; accuses them of committing barbarities not paralleled by the savages of the wildest islands of the Southern hemisphere, or the interior of Africa; and then, with the cant of the most consummate hypocrite, he asks, "Are these the fruits of Catho “licism ?—If so, Heaven defend us

transaction is committed in this country, such as frame breaking, &c. it is inserted, perhaps in an obscure corner of the paper, and if any observation is made upon the offence, an extenuation is offered for the offenders, while the crime is condemned. But how is this to be accounted for, the reader will naturally enquire? To this it may be replied with sincerity and truth, because in Ireland the population is almost exclusively Roman Catholic, accused of labouring under mental darkness and superstition; but in England" from giving any farther license to the mass of the people consists of Pro- "its encroachments."-Aye, there is testants, whose minds are said to be en- the sting! The rapid strides which lightened by the spirit of " Evangelical the Catholic cause is making in this "Liberty," and whose religious ideas kingdom is sufficient to make the Bigot are free and uncontrouled. It must tremble--and therefore he sends forth also be observed, that the whole ma- all his venom to poison the minds of nagement of the national affairs are his unsuspecting neighbours, and keep exclusively in the hands of the Pro- alive that religious feud which has too testants, laws having been passed to long existed in a country that boasts deprive the Catholics of sharing in the so much of its great liberality and honours and emoluments of the State, freedom. In this attempt to revile the though they latterly have been per religion which was once that of the mitted to labour in the toils of defend-whole civilized world, and is now pro ing it, and have always been called upon to pay their part of the burdens to support it. Conceiving this state of things to be oppressive and unjust, the Catholics have for some time been pe titioning the Legislature to be received into the bosom of that Constitution which was established by men profess ing the same creed as they now do, and for professing which is the sole cause of their exclusion. Discussions have frequently taken place upon the subject of these petitions, and each suc ceeding discussion has produced new friends to the Catholics, and the jealousy and suspicion which hung over the mind of the Protestants are gradually dying away. Alarmed at this, the Bigot, whom, to use the words of the patriotic Phillips, humanity cannot melt, nor miracle convert--who has no pity, for he cannot feel no piety, for he cannot forgive-whose prayers are curses, and whose vengeance is eternal-the, Bigot, trembling for his interest, arid fearful for the monopoly in which his faction has long been

fessed by the greatest part of Christians in the universe, I am sorry to find the Editors of some of our inde pendent prints profering their assist ance to the faction of Bigotry. These men have imbibed the idea, that: Cas tholics are governed by the Clergy in all the concerns of the State, as well as the Church; but a more unfounded idea never was formed. In temporal concerns the Catholics are as free, and the history of our own country will sufficiently prove the fact, as any other body of men. In the affairs of the state the Clergy have no power terfere, except as individuals, and as such they are undoubtedly entitled so to do, as well as any other set of men, if they choose it. In spiritual con cerns the Catholic is equally free; he has nothing to restrain him but the conviction of his own mind, and the force of reason; nothing to make him adhere to his faith, amidst persecu tion and privation, but his own free will, aided by the grace of God. The precepts enjoined by the Church, too,

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