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jurisdiction unless supported by the su- "One word as to the mode of propreme authority. ceeding. The accused is not confront، In 1255 Alexander the Third, | ed with his accuser, and every inwith the consent of St. Louis, esta- | former is attended to, though a child, blished the Inquisition in France. The a courtezan, or a criminal stigmatised Grand Inquisitors were the Superior by the hand of justice. A son deof the Cordeliers of Paris and the poses against his father, a wife against Provincial of the Dominicans. The her husband, a brother against his Papal bull directed the Inquisitors to brother. In fine, the accused is consult the bishops, to whose advice, | obliged to become his own accuser, however, they were not obliged to and to divine and confess the crime submit. This novel species of juris- that is imputed to him, and of which diction gave umbrage equally to the he has no knowledge. ecclesiastical and the civil authorities, and the opposition which it met with shortly reduced the dignity of these monks to a mere name. Had the bishops in other states exhibited the same firmness, their authority might have continued undiminished.

"The Inquisition had been established at Venice in 1289, but, instead of being dependant on the Pope, as in other states, it was entirely subject to the Senate; and in the 16th century it was decreed that the assistance of three Senators should be necessary for every judicial process. This decree made it easy to elude the authority of the Court of Inquisition, which authority was in consequence annihilated in this state.

، This unheard-of mode of proceeding is calculated, no doubt, to keep all Spain in a state of alarm, but it must not be imagined that it is adopted to the letter. It is not every accusation, though it may excite suspicion in the Inquisitors, that authorises them to arrest or punish the ac| cused. In Spain a man, whether native or foreigner, may live as securely and with as much liberty as elsewhere, provided a dogmatising spirit does not incite him to disturb the public peace.

،، The declaimers against the Inquisition have drawn in the blackest colours the punishment inflicted by this | tribunal, which they style auto da fe, acts of faith. A priest, say they, in a surplice, or a monk, whose profession is that of mildness and charity, is the person who in a vast and dreary dungeon directs the torture of a fellow creature; the unhappy victim follows a procession of monks to the pile pre

"The Sovereigns of Naples and Sicily claimed a right, from Papal concessions, to the exercise of ecclesiastical jurisdiction. This claim gave rise to disputes between the Pope and the King about the right of appointing|pared for his execution, and the King, the Inquisition-the consequence was, that none were appointed. And if the Inquisition was at length establishsd in Sicily, (A. D. 1478) as it had been in Spain, it was still more than in Spain a privilege of the crown.


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whose presence dispenses mercy to criminals, assists, on a seat lower than the Inquisitor's, a witness to the death of his own subjects expiring in the flames.

1st. It

"All this is undoubtedly very pa"Torquemada, a Dominican, who thetic. But it should be qualified by | was made Cardinal and Grand-Inqui- | the following observations. sitor, gave to that tribunal in Spain bespeaks a want of candour to insithe juridical form which it still re- nuate that the fire is the portion of all tains. It is said that in the space of whom the Inquisition condemns. It fourteen years he instituted more than is the punishment inflicted only for 80,000 juridical processes, and that crimes which are visited in the same not less than five or six thousand peo- manner among those nations in which ple suffered. But this account is evi- the Inquisition is not known. Such dently exaggerated. as sacrilege, profanation, apostacy,


Other crimes are punished with perpetual imprisonment, confinement in a monastery, the discipline and other species of penance. 2dly. It is a custom in all Christian nations that criminals should be assisted at their execution by the priest, who exhorts them to patience. He is often accompanied by members of the confraternity of the cross, who offer up their prayers for the criminal, and bestow the rite of sepulture on his body. Query, Is this a mark of cruelty? 3dly. Capital punishments are very rare both in Spain and Portugal, and no single instance can be produced of its having been inflicted at Rome. At At Rome the Inquisition was always less severe than any where else, and the form given to it by Torquemada has never been received at Rome. The suppression of these matters is a reflection on the candour and sincerity of our declaimers.

has very much disarmed it of its terrors in his dominions. He has ordained that the procurator general, who is the prosecutor, shall communicate to the accused the articles of impeachment and the names of the witnesses. 2dly. That the accused shall have the power of choosing an advocate with whom he may also confer: and 3dly, That no sentence of the Inquisition shall be put into execution until it has been confirmed by his council.

"The person who has declaimed with the greatest virulence against this tribunal, acknowledges, however, that excesses have frequently been imputed to it of which it has not been guilty. In his opinion it betrays a want of judgment to ground an invective on uncertainties, and still more on falsehoods. It were well had he acted on this principle, and discovered a little more candour in his relations.

"We cordially congratulate France and Germany that they are free from the influence of this tribunal. Yet

66 Again, it is somewhat absurd to denominate these executions Human Sacrifices. To all punishments inflicted for crimes against Religion this ap-we have no hesitation in declaring our pellation might with equal justice be firm conviction, that were our infidel applied. These profound gentlemen philosophers to become masters they will have some difficulty to persuade would establish an Inquisition much the Christian world that no offences of more severe than that of Spain." this nature ought to be punished with death.

To the Editor of the Orthodox Journal.

"Reproach a Spaniard with the horrors of the Inquisition-he will IT is difficult, Mr. Editor, in our answer, that wars on account of reli- days to decide, which is the most gion, in the kingdom of France worthy of credit or attention, the alone, have caused more blood to be Hirelings, as they are termed by one shed than has been spilt by the tribu- party, the Talents, as they are called nals of the Inquisition over the whole by another, or the Jacobins, as they world: and he will add, that by means are designated by a third; each of of the Inquisition Spain has been pre- these are using their utmost exertions served from any infection of the infi- to undermine, in the opinions of their delity which at this day overspreads readers, the professors of the Catholic the rest of Europe. Tell him that faith, each exceeding the other in wars are of a temporary nature, and their spirit of malevolence against the must soon subside, but that the Inqui- Supreme Head of our Church, but the sition it would seem, once established, last exceeding the two former, if posbecomes a permament institution-he sible, in every thing that is absurd, will reply by an appeal to facts.- uncharitable, malicious, or uncandid. France, Germany, the States of Ve--Examine the effusions of the first: nice, have suppressed after having ad- all is abuse, without provocation or mitted it. And the king of Portugal argument: of the second, all is ma

on the Hibernian Societies; and should they still doubt, then I would send them to the very Meetings of these Canting Philanthropists, and Bible. mongers, to see with their own eyes, and hear with their own ears, these wholesale dealers in calumnies. The second, as opposition must be their land-mark, are professing every friendship and good will towards the Catho

lice, enriched, if I may be allowed the expression, with all the ornaments of superior diction: and the third, all is hypocrisy, clothed in the garment of universal philanthropy. The first exist from their singular attachment to every thing which the minister adopts, and abuse of every thing which he may dislike, and for this reason are the Catholics so often the subjects of their abuse: the second by their nolic Cause, and exerting themselves to less singular attachment to every thing which may be construed to an opposition of the minister, and the possession of those superior powers of argument, though sophistically arranged, which a classical education can bestow: and the third by an anxiety to seize on every opportunity which may offer itself for making religion the subject of ridicule, though always shaded in the onset by some hypocritical phrase or other, which seldom fails to produce the desired effect, and the resources attendant on superior natural talents, though with little information, save such as may have been derived from the writings of a Voltaire, a Volney, a Rousseau, or a Tom Paine, and the most vulgar and sarcastic modes of expression. Among all these, I must say, the most to be dreaded, are the latter, because, from their extraordinary abilities in sarcasms, their effusions are more suited to the vulgar mind. Now, were I to draw the distinctions in which these parties respectively move, I should say the first are the breakfast companions of the greater part of the higher circles; the second, the afternoon companions of the middle circle; and the third, the beer and pipe companions of the labouring class. Thus it is, really, that the first of these daily deal out a profusion of abuse and false assertions, grounded on some on dit of a malicious calumniator, be-gy, and all the professors, of the Cacause they suit the palates of the minister of the day. To prove that such malicious calumniators do exist, I would refer any of your doubting readers to the excellent letters of your very intelligent correspondent "J.C."

promote the attainment of Emancipa
tion, while they are insulting their
feelings by daily abusing their Clergy,
and the venerable Head of their
Church; and the third with an inge
nuity at once attracting and profane,
are turning every doctrine of our
Church, and every mandate from its
head, into ridicule, and seeking to
draw upon them an universal execra
tion and contempt, forgetting that
such attempts have been thrusting, for
many centuries, at them, without even
inflicting a wound, but seemingly re-
torting the ridicule and contempt on
those from whom they had sprung.
For, as well may it be attempted to
prevent the rising and setting of the
sun, as to bring into general contempt
and ridicule, the doctrines of our
Church, which, being built on a a rock,
supported by the promise of our Sa-
viour himself, shall stand and subdue
the efforts of human inventions.-In
short, every paper, whether ministe
rial, oppositional,
or Jacobinical,
daily or weekly, must latterly have
become disgusting to their Catholic
readers. In one it is the Inquisition,
in another the Free Masons, and in a
third the Jesuits; these topics gene-
rally take their turns; but sometimes
the whole are combined together, and
drawn up in regular battle array, to
bespatter with abuse, malice, and by-
pocrisy, the venerable Head, the Cler

tholic Church. For some time back
I had formed an idea that the people
of England would soon have had an
opportunity of evincing, to their Ca
tholic countrymen, the interest which
they take in their cause, having long

suspected and experienced, that while any thing else, however insignificant in itself, could attract their attention, their Catholic countrymen found little or no resource in their good will or wishes. Now, indeed, that nothing else engages their thoughts, we are to be honoured with them, but in what manner? Is it seeking, by argument, to withdraw us from the errors (as they are called) of our Church? Is it by candour to represent our principles in their just shapes? Is it honestly to undertake the advocacy of our cause? Is it charitably to interpret our intentions, and those of Catholic princes? No; it is much to be regretted, that argument has long since left their banners, and sophistry has taken its place, on religious subjects. The volumes of their papers and magazines are filled with calumnies; they are abusing us for not surrendering the discipline of our Church into the hands of their ministers, and accepting the Veto in short, they are ever filled with the basest insinuations against us.

In this letter it is not my intention to enter into a discussion of the many unjust charges, calumnies, and insinuations, which have for the last two months disgraced their columns; such a task would be tedious, irksome, and unnecessary; but as the restoration of that important body of men, the Jesuits, seems to have singularly of fended them, I shall merely shew what circumstances strike me as causes arising, in the first instance, from the suppression of that body by Pope Clement XIV.; and should they prolong my letter too much, in another I shall try to shew the benefits which are, in my opinion, likely to result from their re-establishment by Pope Pius VII.

It will be recollected that, previous to their suppression, all the Catholic Courts were urging the Pope to that measure; among the foremost of which stood that of Portugal, then under the government of the detestable Pombal; which, in fact, had threatened to separate from Rome, did not its Court

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comply with her wishes: Germany, Prussia, and Russia, alone gave them protection. At this moment a matrimonial union was proposed between the then Dauphin of France and the unfortunate Marie Antoinette. Previous, however, to this taking place, a condition was exacted from Germany; viz. that she would remain neutral in the dispute with the Pope regarding the Jesuits, to which that Court reluctantly consented, and then the storm began to rage with the greatest violence. Separations were threatened on all sides; and the French ambassador had positive or ders to quit Rome, should not the views of his Court be immediately acceeded to: at length, Gangenelli, the then Pope, with the utmost reluctance submitted, and solemnly suppressed the order. The late Empress of Russia, Catharine, who it may be recollected was not a Catholic, knowing the importance of such a body, and bearing witness to their many distinguished and virtuous qualities, offered them shelter and protection in her own dominions; and the work of Philosophy, after having first built a sufficiently firm foundation, began to expand itself throughout Europe, but particularly in France. Coffee-house and Library infected by the pernicious principles of the Philosophers; nothing was heard or read but Voltaire, or some such deadly writer. Debauchery began to assume all shapes; irreligion was considered the proof of a reasonable mind; ambition and dreams of equality seized the brains of the vulgar; the passions were inflamed; the minds corrupted; and Paris, which had flourished, and had for centuries been the boast of the Christian Church, now became a scene of savage barbarity. Men naturally born to love each other, had now be come mere canibals; the King brought by an insolent mob to trial; condemned; and by his own subjects led to the scaffold; the unhappy Queen dragged from prison to prison, at length met the fate of her husband;

Soon was every

the King's sister, whose piety had been the admiration of the whole of France, also led to the scaffold, and her body afterwards insulted and mangled with the utmost barbarity by a bloody and unmanly mob. The remainder of the Royal Family and the nobility obliged to seek protection in emigration, not unfrequently suffering the cruel pangs of hunger, without the means or probability of obtaining food to satisfy them. The Clergy basely and savagely butchered; the gentry wandering about strange soils, begging their sustenance; and the people at length become the prey of an ambitious Tyrant. In short, all nature seemed to have received a shock; and as the foundation of all these evils, France has to look to her conduct towards the Jesuits, and the profanation committed in the adoration which was paid to Voltaire at his return from banishment to Paris, at the Theatre. Had France but suppressed the Free Masons, and supported the Jesuits, Europe would not have to deplore twenty years devastation. But is France, I would ask, the only Power which has suffered? No, is my answer. Spain has also grievously suffered. Her Sovereign has been thrust from his Throne, and the Royal Family forced to abdicate in favour of a cowardly Usurper; themselves insulted and cast into pri


The Court of Portugal was also compelled to take flight, and seek shelter in her South American Colonies. Yes, the same Tagus which had received the exiled Jesuits, afterwards saw the same Court which had banished virtue to admit vice, pass in exile through its angry waves:-Austria was humbled, and her sovereign compelled to give his daughter in marriage to a Tyrant, after having been obliged to exchange his title, and experience the mortification of twice beholding the victorious enemy enter her capital. Prussia also saw the enemy victoriously enter her capital, after having in a few days destroyed her army.-Rome, itself, in the vengeance of the Almighty,

was not spared: it is needless to repeat her woes. Her venerable Pontiff has suffered equal to any of his predecessors in the cause of virtue and religion, with a degree of Christian for titude which has been the admiration and wonder of Europe: but Russia, the Protector of the Jesuits, and latterly the Protector of Europe, alone was spared, she indeed, also saw the enemy enter her capital; but under what circumstances? Was it not to increase his troubles? His victorious career first slackened when he put foot on Russian ground, and when he entered her capital, then the measure of his woes were complete. His army was reduced to the utmost want and misery; himself forced to seek shelter under the cover of a feigned name, abandoned his army perishing with cold and hunger, finding comfort only in the sabres of the Cossacks which rid them of their miserable existence. No doubt the prayers of those holy but persecu ted men, the Jesuits, contributed not a little to the success which the arms of Russia afterwards found in their pursuit of the Desolator of Europe. Russia, victoriously entered the capital of France, hurled the Tyrant from his throne, profered peace to that unhappy country, restored its exiled monarch, and bearing the olive in her hand, her sovereign returned to his own dominions, all Europe bearing witness to his virtues: such were the afflictions with which the wrath of the Almighty visited Europe, after the suppression and persecution of the Jesuits.

Were I now to enter into a defence of the Jesuits, against the foul charges adduced by their enemies, it would be partly encouraging them.-No, calumny proceeding from such quarters is more an honour than a stain to their character. But I am told that some of our own clergy are among the secret calumniators of these holy men, 1 and have expressed sorrow at their restoration by the present Pope; to such I would say, it can only proceed from an inexcusable ignorance of the vir

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