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Letter from his Excellency Don Joseph Luyando to his Excellency the Ambassador of his Britannic Majesty.

Madrid, Jan. 10, 1814. Sir, The Regency of the kingdom orders me to communicate to your Excellency every thing that has occurred since the arrival of the Duke of San Carlos in Madrid, until his departure from that capital. Your Excellency will see in this communication an unequivocal proof of the frankness with which the Government has acted in this affair, and in the declarations made to the said duke. You will also see therein a proof still more distinguished of the fidelity of the Government to those principles which it has recognized, not choosing even to enter into explanations, however flattering they might be, without the intervention and concurrence of the British Cabinet, as well as of those other Cabinets which, having engaged in this war, are guided by the same principles of honour to defend a cause as just as it is sacred.

The Duke of San Carlos arrived at Aranjuez in the night of the 4th instant, and being presented to the Regency, he delivered to them a letter from the King of Spain, Don Ferdinand VII, dated Valencay, in which, after mentioning the good state of his health, and of that of his dear brother and his uncle, the infants Don Carlos and Don Antonio, who were with

him; and manifesting, that he was acquainted and satisfied with the sacrifices which the nation had made for his Royal Person,-with the brave and unalterable constancy of his faithful subjects, the persevering assistance of England, the admirable conduct of her General-in-Chief, Lord Wellington, and of the Spanish Generals who had distinguished themselves,— his Majesty declared, that he had been spontaneously invited by the Emperor Napoleon, through the medium of his Ambassador, the Count de Laforest, to adjust a treaty of peace upon propositions founded on the restoration of his Royal Person; the integrity and independence of the Spanish States; and exempt from every clause unconformable to the honour, the dignity, and interest of the Spanish nation; in consequence of which, his Majesty had authorized the Duke of San Carlos to treat in the name of his Majesty, about an object so important with Count Laforest, the Plenipotentiary named by Napoleon to that effect; and that this treaty being happily concluded, he had sent it to the Regency by the said Duke, in order that the ratifications might be drawn up in due form. Your Excellency will see this treaty in the copy subjoined.

The Regency, without vacillating, without entering into any explanation or analysis of the articles of the treaty, solely looking to the decree of the General and Extraordinary Cortes of the 1st of

January, 1811, which ordains that no agreement, treaty, or even form of truce, shall be entered into with France, until his Majesty is at perfect liberty; influenced also by the treaty with Great Britain, of which one of the articles prescribes, that there shall not be peace with France without the intervention of that power; confined themselves to giving, their only reply to the Duke of San Carlos, a letter from his Majesty, in which the above named decree was inserted, and his Majesty was informed that it was impossible to ratify such a treaty, which besides was entirely null in all its parts.


Notwithstanding that this transaction was completely terminated in the above manner, the Regency have thought it their duty to communicate the same to the Cabinet of their Allies, thus proving the rectitude of their principles. It is in pursuance of their orders, therefore, that I have the honour to beg your Excellency to transmit this document for the information of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Great Britain. The Regency view only in this new step of Napoleon, the disgraceful necessity in which he has seen himself placed, of recanting the very principles which he had proclaimed with so much arrogance. The Regency further feel themselves compelled to devote all their cares to the continuance of the war, deeply convinced that its result must be fortunate, and encouraged by the idea of the difficult situation of France, announced by propositions and measures so contrary to the haughty character of her Chief. The regency flatter themselves, in short, that Britain,

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animated by the same sentiments, will feel convinced of the necessity of continuing the same efforts till the Chief who governs France shall be reduced to an incapacity of again disturbing the tranquillity of Europe, so many years the victim of his insatiable ambition. I have the honour to be, &c. JOSEPH LUYANDO.

KIEL, JAN. 14.

Treaty of Peace between his Majesty the King of Sweden on the one part, and his Majesty the King of Denmark on the other.

In the name of the most holy and ever blessed Trinity:

His Majesty the King of Sweden, and his Majesty the King of Denmark, impressed with a wish to put an end to the calamities of the war which has unfotunately subsisted between them, by means of a salutary peace, and to restore good understanding between their States, have for this purpose, and upon bases which will secure the duration of peace, respectively appointed the following Plenipotentiaries, viz: his Majesty the King of Sweden, the Baron Gustaf Von Wetterstedt, Court Chancellor, Commandant of the Polish Order of the Star, Knight of the Prussian Red Eagle of the First Class, Member of the Swedish Academy; and his Majesty the King of Denmark, Mr. Edmund Von Bourke, Great Cross of the Order of Danebrog, and Knight of the White Eagle; who, having exchanged their full powers in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles :

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Art. I. There shall henceforward be peace, friendship, and good understanding between his Majesty the King of Sweden, and his Majesty the King of Denmark; the high contracting parties shall do every thing in their power to maintain perfect harmony between each other, their respective states and subjects, and avoid all measures which might be prejudicial to the peace happily restored between them.

Art. II. As his Majesty the King of Sweden has unalterably determined, in no respect to separate the interests of the Allies from his own, and as his Majesty the King of Denmark is desirous that his subjects may again enjoy all the blessings of peace; and as his Majesty has also received, through the instrumentality of his Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Sweden, positive assurance on the part of the Courts of Russia and Prussia, of their amicable disposition, to restore their old connections of friendship with the Danish Court, such as they existed before the breaking out of hostilities; so they solemnly charge and bind themselves on their side to neglect nothing that may tend to a speedy peace between his Majesty the King of Denmark, and their Majesties the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia; his Majesty the King of Sweden engages to use his mediation with his high Allies, that this salutary ob ject may be as speedily as possible attained.

Art. III. His Majesty the King of Denmark, for the purpose of giving a manifest proof of his wish to renew the closest relations with the high Allies of his Swedish

Majesty, and in the full conviction that the most earnest wishes are cherished on their side to restore a speedy peace, as they have solemnly declared before the breaking out of hostilities, engages to take an active part in the common cause aganst the Emperor of the French, to declare war against that Power, and in consequence to join an auxiliary Danish corps to the Army of North Germany, under the orders of his Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Sweden; and all this according to and in pursuance of the convention that has been settled between his Majesty the King of Denmark, and his Majesty the King of Great Britain and Ireland.

IV. His Majesty the King of Denmark, for himself and his successors, renounces for ever and irrevocably all his rights and claims on the kingdom of Norway, together with possession of the Bishopricks and Dioceses of Christiansand, Bergenhuus, Aggerhuus, and Drontheim, besides Nordland and Finmark, as far as the fron tiers of the Russian empire.

These bishopricks, dioceses, and provinces, constituting the kingdom of Norway, with their inha bitants, towns, harbours, for tresses, villages, and islands, along the whole coast of that kingdom, together with their dependencies, (Greenland, the Ferroe Isles, and Iceland, excepted); as well as all privileges, rights, and emoluments thereto belonging, shall belong in full and sovereign property, to the King of Sweden, and make one with his united kingdom. For this purpose his Majesty the King of Denmark binds himself in the most solemn manner, as well for

him as for his successors and the whole kingdom, henceforward to make no claim, direct or indirect, on the kingdom of Norway, or its bishopricks, dioceses, islands, or any other territory thereto belonging. All the inhabitants, in virtue of this renunciation, are released from the oath which they have taken to the King and Crown of Norway.

V. His Majesty the King of Sweden binds himself, on the other hand, in the most solemn manner, to cause the inhabitants of the kingdom of Norway, and its dependencies, to enjoy, in future, all the laws, franchises, rights and privileges, such as they have hitherto subsisted.

VI. As the whole debt of the Danish Monarchy is contracted, as well upon Norway as the other parts of the kingdom, so his Majesty the King of Sweden binds himself, as Sovereign of Norway, to be responsible for a part of that debt, proportioned to the population and revenue of Norway. By public debt is to be understood that which has been contracted by the Danish Government, both at home and abroad. The latter consists of Royal and State obligations, bankbills, and paper money formerly issued under Royal authority, and now circulating in both kingdoms,

An exact account of this debt, such as it was on the 1st of Jan. 1814, shall be taken by Commissioners appointed to that effect by both Crowns, and shall be calculated upon a just division of the population and revenues of the kingdoms of Norway and Denmark. These Commissioners shall meet at Copenhagen, within one month after the exchange of the

ratification of this treaty, and shall bring this affair to a conclusion as speedily as possible, and at least before the expiration of the present year; with this understanding, however, that the King of Sweden, as Sovereign of Norway, shall be responsible for no other portion of the debt contracted by Denmark, than that for which Norway was liable before its separation.

VII. His Majesty the King of Sweden, for himself and his successors, renounces irrevocably and for ever, in behalf of the King of Denmark, all rights and claim to the Dukedom of Swedish Pomerania, and the Principality of the island of Rugen.

These provinces, with all their inhabitants, towns, havens, fortresses, villages, islands, and all their dependencies, privileges, rights, and emoluments, shall belong in full sovereignty to the Crown of Denmark, and be incorporated with that kingdom.

For this purpose his Majesty the king of Sweden engages, in the most solemn manner, both for himself, his successors, and the whole Swedish Kingdom, never to make any claim, direct or indirect, on the said provinces, islands and territory; the inhabitants whereof, in virtue of this renunciation, are released from the oath which they have taken to the King and Crown of Denmark.

VIII. His Majesty the King of Denmark solemnly engages in like manner, to secure to the inhabitants of Swedish Pomerania, the islands of Rugen and their dependencies, their laws, rights, franchises, and privileges, such as they now exist, and are contained in the acts of the years 1810 and 1811.

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