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Thence taught his darksome course to steer,
He breath'd no wish for day;

But brav'd the whirlwind's headlong might,
Nor once throughout that dismal night
To fear or doubt gave way.

And what is oft the Christian's life
But storm as dark and drear;
Through which, without one blithesome ray
Of worldly bliss to cheer his way,
He must his vessel steer?

Yet let him ne'er to sorrow yield,

For in the sacred


A Compass shines, divinely true,
And self-illumin'd greets his view
Amidst the tempest's rage.

Then firmly let him grasp the helm,
Though loud the billows roar;

And soon, his toils and troubles past,
His anchor he shall safely cast

On Canaan's happy shore!



H. E.

By Robert Mudie, Author of "The Heavens". -"The Earth"-" The Air"- Songs of the Prophets," &c. &c. &c. 12mo. cloth, pp. viii-278. London, T. Ward & Co.

"AMONG the wonders of creation, the sea is the surpassing wonder; and no human being, learned or unlearned, perhaps ever beheld the sea for the first time, or even the fiftieth, without feelings of a more intense, though somewhat mysterious character, than any thing produced by the most rich or the most romantic landscape.'

The justice of these remarks no one can doubt, and piety the most elevated and spiritual requires that they should be cherished. A Treatise on the Sea was much wanted, as a companion to the coast, for families especially who spend part of their summers in our delightful watering-places, for the benefit of their health; and as such a volume, we have great pleasure in recommending

this instructive, elegant, and beautifully executed volume of Mr. Mudie.

Our pages will allow but little space for reviews of books; but we purpose giving some further notice of this choice volume, with extracts from its scientific and improving pages, to enrich a future number of our PILOT.

Correspondence and Proceedings of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society.

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Gratitude to God for his mercies, by your Society, to my brother sailors, has properly, I trust, filled my heart. But my delight has been heightened to hear that you are laying the platform for a Southwark Auxiliary to the present Institution. It has often been asked by the friends of sailors, What part has Southwark taken in the most honourable and holy work of evangelizing those men, to whom it is so much indebted for its immense wealth through their labours? I think, Sir, one reason is this; they have never had the claims of the sailors clearly laid before the Southwark Christians by any wise and judicious men but I am persuaded that when this is done, in connection with special prayer and in faith, they will come forward, and nobly acquit themselves as lovers of sailors' best interests. Another reason for my thinking they will aid the cause of my long-neglected brethren, is the good feeling which has been manifested by the wharfingers, from the commencement of the Bethel Meetings in the Upper Pool, towards your Agents. I am persuaded the valuable services of this interesting class of men will be taken up by them in a way which will reflect honour on this great commercial borough. Besides, the sailor will realize the friendship of those Ministers and Christians by whom this borough is so highly favoured. By them his cause cannot be pleaded in vain: it will not be a matter of indifference to them; and they will, therefore, patronize the Auxiliary with the same love and holy zeal which they have shown in raising the moral condition of the heathen.

"Another motive which I think calculated to engage many Christians in Southwark, is the Catholic principles which form the basis of your Society, in which all deno

minations may cheerfully unite, as one grand fleet, under the Great High Commander's standard. This is his motto, 'Provoke each other to love and good works. Their one object will be to consult how they shall best promulgate the simple truths of the Gospel among those whose spiritual instruction they will be concerned to promote. If I may say a few words on behalf of my brother sailors, by way of encouragement to those Christian friends who are about taking up their cause, I would state, from my long acquaintance with them, sailors, though thoughtless and careless on shore, are immortal beings; and they have their moments of reflection, when the hopes of the Gospel may be presented to them for their salvation. Sailors have frankness of manner, and a warmth of heart, which dispose them highly to esteem those who manifest any degree of kindness towards them, and are ready to give them the most favourable and welcome reception: and I may further add, that the several Agents who carry to them the word of salvation, are well received in preaching the truths of that religion which promises free forgiveness to the truly penitent.

"Now, Sir, I am persuaded that you will find a goodly number in Southwark ready and willing to come forward, at once ardent, prudent, and faithful, who will embark in the benevolent concern, knowing the value of immortal souls, the price of their redemption, the honour of God, and the everlasting recompence of reward. Sir, I trust you will not count me an enthusiast, unless it be in the best sense. The reason, I may add, for my addressing you, is an ardent desire for the salvation of seamen, which nothing can allay but success. My wishes are to reach the hearts of my brethren, and to move them to strive for the spiritual condition of the sailor. May the blessing of the great Head of the church rest upon you in your work of faith and labour of love in the noble cause.



GREAT anxiety has been cherished for the spiritual welfare of the "Deal Watermen," whose occupation, in relieving ships in distress, leads them far from the ordinances of Christ. The Directors have found zealous coadjutors in Rev. Messrs. Vincent and Davis, and their labours will not be in vain.

Rev. G. Davis writes to the Secretary, Feb. 24, as follows: 66 - I have to account for not having written before to acknowledge your promptitude and kindness in laying before your Committee my letter of July 18, and the liberal grant of the Committee, of books for the use of our Deal watermen. I am happy to be able to inform you that they are not a dead letter, for we have from twelve to twenty volumes constantly in the course of circulation: among the watermen and their familes, who appear to receive them with pleasure. I make a point of inquiring if the parties read them, to which the uniform reply is, Yes, and I much approve of it,' or 'My father likes it much.'

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"Brother Vincent and myself mean to resume our open air services as soon as the weather permits, in which we have great encouragement as it regards attendance last year; and sometimes we had 20 or 30 watermen, who did not mind mingling with a company of 200 or 300, whilst they would not have attended any effort made specially with reference to themselves."


Shipwrecks in February.

THE late gales have been most awfully felt on the coast of Norfolk and Suffolk, and many of our brave sailors have thereby been called suddenly into the eternal world. On Thursday the 4th instant (February), about eight P. M., a very heavy gale of wind came on from the S. E., on the coast of Suffolk, from Lowestoff to Orfordness: this gale continued the whole of the night, during which time the Jane Kay, of Stockton, the Speedwell and Wellington, of Shields, together with two or three others, were driven on shore, and awful to state, only one person, the mate of the Speedwell, was saved.

The average number of persons on board those vessels would be about ten; and it is probable on this melancholy night, within the space of a few miles, from sixty to seventy souls were called into eternity;-may it not be feared many of them in an unprepared state? Many other vessels have been lost much about the same time, viz. the Thornton, Wesley, Sarah and George, Palmer. The crews of those have been partially saved.

Another Shipwreck.

About two months since two vessels sailed from Biddeford, bound to Bristol. The master of one of these vessels is a very pious man, and a warm friend to the sailor's cause. The morning was fine when she sailed, and nothing particular occurred until night came on, when a gale arose. One of these vessels was new, it being the first voyage; and she being a-head of the other some distance, a sudden gust of wind threw her on her beam-ends, and in this state she remained; the other vessel in a short time came up, and passed her so near, that they had nearly run over the wreck, and seeing no persons on the wreck, fears were entertained that the crew were lost; but providentially a pilot being near, succeeded in taking the crew off, and rescuing them from a watery grave. This vessel was the property of our friend the pious captain, and we are informed was uninsured; a great loss to him, but we hear he has borne the trial with that resignation which becomes the Christian.

Eight Preaching Shipmasters.

It is a pleasing fact, that a few days since there were in the Lower Pool, and off Deptford and Greenwich, eight captains, who are engaged in preaching the everlasting Gospel, and are not ashamed of the doctrines of Christ, but are bold to declare those great and glorious things, which, through faith in Christ, make men wise unto salvation.


I have had an opportunity of having much pleasing conversation with these men, and several of them have preached with much acceptance at the Sailors' Chapel. These captains hold Bethel meetings wherever they go; and on a recent occasion, on board one of their vessels lying off Erith, about ninety persons attended. another occasion a meeting was held on board a ship lying off Greenwich, and there not being room to contain the sailors that attended, a number adjourned on board a vessel lying alongside, and held Divine service, and the cabin was soon filled. It is not an unusual thing to find the cabins of those vessels where our pious captains preach, filled to excess when they stand up in the name of the Lord; and no doubt can be entertained but much good is now doing amongst our brother sailors through the instru mentality of those men whom the Lord has raised up

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