Sayfadaki görseller
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Adams, Joseph Quincy, Notes on Ben Jonson, from a Seventeenth
Century Common-Place Book

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Alden, Raymond Macdonald, The Mental Side of Metrical Form

Two exits in 'Othello'

Alexander, Henry, The Genitive Suffix in the First Element of English


Allen, Hope Emily, A Note on Tennyson's 'Morte d'Arthur'

Armstrong, E., Dante in Relation to the Sports and Pastimes of his

Atkins, J. W. H., Reviews

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VII, 296

IX, 297

X, 375

X, 231

VII, 64

IX, 427

VII, 99

I, 173, 302

v, 377; VII, 251, 253, 396; IX, 113, 131; x, 237 Audra, E. and Kastner, L. E., Some Unpublished Poems of Drummond from the Hawthornden MSS.

Baker, A. T., An Anglo-French Life of Saint Osith

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An Anglo-French Life of Saint Paul the Hermit
Fragment of an Anglo-Norman Life of Edward the Confessor.

Baldensperger, F., Thomas Moore et A. de Vigny

Two Unpublished Letters to Goethe from an English Translator of 'Goetz von Berlichingen'

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

IV, 491 III, 374

IV, 428, 542

I, 290

Barbier, A., Reviews

Bang, W., 'Memorandums of the Immortal Ben'.

and Carré, J. M., La première Histoire indienne de Chateaubriand et sa source américaine

IV, 515

VIII, 15
I, 111

Barbier, Paul, fils, Deux Noms de Poissons

VII, 406, 407; x, 242, 244


Étymologie et Dérivés romans du lat. 'Acernia,' 'Acerna'
Les Noms romans de l'Oblata melanurus' Cuv.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Barnouw, A. J., Chaucer's 'Milleres Tale'

IX, 117

Goldsmith's Indebtedness to Justus van Effen
'Headless Bears'

VII, 145

VIII, 314

Belfour, A. O., Reviews .

Beatty, Arthur, Notes on the Supposed Dramatic Character of the 'Ludi' in the Great Wardrobe Accounts of Edward III.

II, 350

IV, 474

Bell, Alexander, Cynewulf and Cyneheard in Gaimar.

v, 531; vi, 531; vII, 266, 557

X, 42

Bell, Aubrey F. G., The 'Cantigas de Santa Maria' of Alfonso X.

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X, 338
X, 93

Two Passages in the 'Cancioneiro da Vaticana'
IX, 418, 419, 553, 554; x, 119
Bensly, Edward, A Forgotten English Translation of Barclay's 'Argenis'
Gray and Muretus

A Note on Bishop Hall's Satires, 'Virgidemiae,' v, i, 65–72.
Pope's 'Rape of the Lock'

Pope's 'Windsor Forest,' ll. 65, 66

The Title of Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy'

Berdan, John M., Alexander Barclay, Poet and Preacher

Wyatt and the French Sonneteers

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IV, 392

V, 345

III, 169

VII, 94

VII, 97

IV, 233

VIII, 289

IV, 240

VII, 101

VI, 221

v, 248; VII, 269


John Lyly and the Oxford Stage
'Macbeth' and 'Lingua'

X, 47

VIII, 92

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VI, 92

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IV, 517

V, 361

IV, 238

I, 25

IX, 441

Block, K. S., Some Notes on the Problem of the Ludus Coventriae'
Boas, F. S., A Herrick Reading

Bond, R. Warwick, Review

Bradley, A. C., The Locality of 'King Lear,' Act 1, sc. ii

Notes on Passages in Shelley.

Notes on Shelley's 'Triumph of Life'

Bradley, Henry, The Authorship of 'Piers the Plowman'

The name of the Letter '3'

Some Cruces in Piers Plowman'

Some Textual Puzzles in Greene's Works

Textual Notes on 'The Enterlude of Johan the Evangelist'.
Two Riddles of the Exeter Book

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Brereton, J. Le Gay, Marlowe: Some Textual Notes
Notes on 'A Knack to Know an Honest Man'
Notes on 'The Faire Maide of Bristow'.
Notes on the Text of Chapman's Plays

The Relation of 'The Thracian Wonder' to Greene's 'Menaphon'
Stage-Arrangement in Peele's 'David and Bethsabe,' Act 1, sc. i

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Brett, Cyril, Notes on 'Cleanness' and 'Sir Gawayne'

Notes on 'Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight'

Brett-Smith, H. F. B., ‘Ahrimanes,' by Thomas Love Peacock

A Crux in the Text of Donne .

VI, 94

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Breul, K., Review

II, 186

Butler, A. J., Dante, 'De Vulgari Eloquentia,' I, vii

Brooke, C. F. Tucker, 'Gentleness and Nobility': the Authorship and
Brooke, Rupert, The Authorship of the Later 'Appius and Virginia'

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Brown, Carleton, Lydgate's Verses on Queen Margaret's Entry into


Bruce, J. Douglas, Two Notes on 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'
Buchanan, Milton A., Short Stories and Anecdotes in Spanish Plays


Burne, J., Review

VI, 458

VIII, 433

VI, 257

VII, 225
VIJI, 215

VII, 239

IV, 178; v, 78
IV, 551; IX, 556
II, 86

III, 375; IV, 237

II, 256

Capell, Agnes M., and Körner, Margaret A., The Relation of Grillparzer's
'König Ottokar' to M. von Collin's Friedrich der Streitbare'.

Carpenter, J. C., The Abbé Prevost and Shakespeare .
Carré, J. M., Two Unpublished Poems of W. S. Landor

and Baldensperger, F., La première Histoire indienne de
Chateaubriand et sa source américaine

[ocr errors]

Chambers, E. K., Ben Jonson and 'The Isle of Dogs'

Court Performances before Queen Elizabeth
Court Performances under James the First
The Date of Fletcher's 'The Chances'
John Donne, Diplomatist and Soldier
Henry Evans and the Blackfriars
'Merry Wives of Windsor,' Act 1, sc. iii, 93
Nathaniel Field and Joseph Taylor .
William Kempe.


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V, 464

X, 196

VII, 375

VIII, 15

IV, 511

II, 1
IV, 153

IV, 512; v, 210
v, 492; VI, 397

VIII, 90

IV, 88

IV, 395

IV, 88

II, 85; IV, 407; v, 224; VIII, 121; 1x, 269
and Sidgwick, F., Fifteenth Century Carols by John Audelay v, 473; vi, 68
Chambers, R. W., The Authorship of Piers Plowman'


'Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight,' ll. 697–702.
The Mythical Ancestor of the Kings of East Anglia
The Original Form of the A-Text of Piers Plowman'
The 'Shifted Leaf' in 'Beowulf'

v, 1

II, 167

IV, 508

VI, 302

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and Grattan, J. H. G., The Text of 'Piers Plowman.'

Champenois, J. J., A Visit to Paris in 1749

Chatelain, H., Reviews

Chaytor, H. J., An Anglo-Norman Calendar.

Giraut de Bornelh: Los Apleitz'

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Chicanot, E. L., The Polyglot Vernacular of the Canadian North-West
Clark, Ruth, Horace Walpole and Mariette .

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II, 211
I, 222

I, 353; Iv, 426, 427; VI, 549

X, 88
IX, 520

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