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Kitaplar ... of the colony; and that, finally, all these grants, though not confirmed by the... ile ilgili
" ... of the colony; and that, finally, all these grants, though not confirmed by the French authorities, would be confirmed by his Catholic Majesty. "
History of Louisiana ... - Sayfa 105
Charles Gayarré tarafından - 1867
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The Journal of Andrew Ellicott,: Late Commissioner on Behalf of the United ...

Andrew Ellicott - 1803 - 508 sayfa
...charters of establishments. That the ordinary judges do continue, together with the superior council, to administer justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the colony : that the inhabitants be preserved and maintained in their possessions : that they be confirmed in the property...
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Laws, Treaties, and Other Documents, Having Operation and Respect to the ...

United States - 1811 - 480 sayfa
...charters of establishment ; that the ordinary judges do continue, together with the superior council, to administer justice according to the laws, forms and usages of the colonies ; ttiat the inhabitants be preserved and maintained in their possessions ; that they be confirmed...
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The History of Louisiana: From the Earliest Period, 1-2. ciltler

François-Xavier Martin - 1827 - 906 sayfa
...the province, that the inferior judges, as well as those of the superior council, should be allowed to administer justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the colony. It is oppressive, in the highest degree, to require that a community should instantaneously submit...
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The history of Louisiana, 2. cilt

François Xavier Martin - 1829 - 460 sayfa
...the province, that the inferior judges, as well as those of the superior council, should be allowed to administer justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the colony. Jt is oppressive, in the highest degree, to require that a community should instantaneously submit...
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The Annals of America: From the Discovery by Columbus in the Year ..., 2. cilt

Abiel Holmes - 1829 - 650 sayfa
...charters of establishment; that the ordinary judges do continue, together with the superior council, to administer justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the colonies ; that the inhabitants be preserved and maintained in their possessions ; and that they be...
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The North American Review, 48. cilt

James Russell Lowell - 1839 - 618 sayfa
...missions, would continue to exercise their functions ; that the superior council and ordinary judges would continue to administer justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the colony ; that the inhabitants would be preserved and maintained in their estates, which had been granted to them by the...
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A New Collection of Laws, Charters and Local Ordinances of the ..., 2. cilt

Joseph M. White - 1839 - 764 sayfa
...of their establishments ; that the ordinary judges and the superior council may continue to dispense justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the colony ; that the inhabitants may be kept and maintained in their possessions ; that they may be confirmed in the ownership...
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Family Magazine: Or Monthly Abstract of General Knowledge, 7. cilt

1840 - 498 sayfa
...missions, would continue to exercise their functions ; that the superior council and ordinary judges would continue to administer justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the colony ; that the inhabitants would be preserved and maintained in their estates, which had been granted to them by the...
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De Bow's Commercial Review of the South & West, 3. cilt

James Dunwoody Brownson De Bow - 1847 - 642 sayfa
...their establishment ; that the ordinary judges, as well as the superior council, continue to render justice according to the laws, forms and usages of the colony ; that the inhabitants be secured in their property and goods, according to the grants made by the Governors and...
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History of the Valley of the Mississippi

Adolphus Mordecai Hart - 1853 - 308 sayfa
...missions would continue to exercise their functions ; that the Superior Council and ordinary judges would continue to administer justice according to the laws, forms, and usages of the Colony ; that the inhabitants would be maintained and preserved in their estates, which had been granted to them by the...
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