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Kitaplar France and of Louisiana, the expected results of such commerce as the world had never... ile ilgili
" France and of Louisiana, the expected results of such commerce as the world had never known before, the reports of hidden treasures concealed in inexhaustible mines of silver and gold, were to be indissolubly united in the annals of history and of folly.... "
History of Louisiana ... - Sayfa 192
Charles Gayarré tarafından - 1867
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A History and Description of the Royal Abbaye of Saint Denis, with an ...

1795 - 128 sayfa
...obtained, the pallium are mamtfathi. " red," The crown and fword that Were carried at the funeral of the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France, during the minority of Louis the Fifteenth. . ' • • In the Sixth Depofitory. A SUN, of filver, gilt, of the mott exquifite workmanfhip...
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The Life of George Washington: Commander in Chief of the American ..., 1. cilt

John Marshall - 1805 - 544 sayfa
...negroes, and to seize all such as could be found. During the long repose, which the pacific temper of the duke of Orleans, regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. and the administration of sir Robert Walpole, gave to their respective countries, the British colonies...
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The Life of George Washington,: Commander in Chief of the American ..., 1. cilt

John Marshall - 1804 - 582 sayfa
...negroes, and to seize all such as could be found. During the long repose, which the pacific temper of the duke of Orleans, regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. and the administration of sir Robert Walpole, gave to their respective countries, the British colonies...
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A History of the Colonies Planted by the English on the Continent of North ...

John Marshall - 1824 - 502 sayfa
...survived the battle were immediately executed. During the lont? repose, which the pacific temper of the duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. and the equally pacific temper of sir Robert Walpole, niinister of England, gave to their respective...
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The Oriental Herald and Journal of General Literature, 10. cilt

James Silk Buckingham - 1826 - 626 sayfa
...proffering his services as a financier to different courts. His projects were at length entertained by the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. His bank was established in 1716. In 1718, it was declared a Royal Bank ; and in. 1720, the projector...
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The Oriental herald and colonial review [ed. by J.S. Buckingham]., 10. cilt

James Silk Buckingham - 1826 - 624 sayfa
...proffering his services as a financier to different courts. His projects were at length entertained by the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. His bank was established m 1716. In 1718, it wa» declared a Royal Bank ; and in 1720, the projector...
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Constable's miscellany of original and selected publications

Constable and co, ltd - 1828 - 1030 sayfa being under terror of the Pretender, and the other alarmed at the ambitious projects of Spain. The Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV., was anxious to maintain that peace and political order which the late treaties had introduced...
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History of the Revolutions in Europe: From the Subversion of the ..., 2. cilt

Christophe Koch - 1828 - 338 sayfa being under terror of the Pretender, and the other alarmed at the ambitious projects of Spain. The Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV., was anxious to maintain that peace and political order which the late treaties had introduced...
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History of the Revolutions in Europe: From the Subversion of the Roman ...

Christophe Koch - 1833 - 718 sayfa being under terror of the Pretender, and the other alarmed at the ambitious projects of Spain. The Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV., was anxious to maintain that peace and political order which the late treaties had introduced...
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History of the Revolutions in Europe: From the Subversion of the Roman ...

Christophe Koch - 1836 - 722 sayfa being under terror of the Pretender, and the other alarmed at the ambitious projects of Spain. The Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV., was anxious to maintain that peace and political order which the late treaties had introduced...
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