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Kitaplar At the commencement of the year 1719 an edict was published, granting to the Mississippi... ile ilgili
" At the commencement of the year 1719 an edict was published, granting to the Mississippi Company the exclusive privilege of trading to the East Indies, China, and the South Seas, and to all the possessions of the French East India Company, established... "
History of Louisiana ... - Sayfa 207
Charles Gayarré tarafından - 1867
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Niles' National Register, 2. cilt

1812 - 438 sayfa
...important grant was th*t made in May, 1719, when an edict was published transferring to this company the exclusive privilege of trading to the East Indies, China and the South. Seas, with all the possessions and effects which had, belonged to the China and Indian companies, on condition...
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The General Biographical Dictionary:: Containing an Historical and Critical ...

1815 - 558 sayfa
...1719, actually procured the grant of an exclusive trade to the East Indies, China, and the South-seas, with all the possessions and effects of the China and India companies, which were now dissolved on the condition of liquidating their debts. The price of actions soon rose...
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The General Biographical Dictionary:: Containing an Historical and Critical ...

Alexander Chalmers - 1815 - 552 sayfa
...1719, actually procured the grant of an exclusive trade to the East Indies, China, and the South-seas, with all the possessions and effects of the China and India companies, which were now dissolved on the condition of liquidating their debts. The price of actions soon rose...
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The General Biographical Dictionary, 20. cilt

Alexander Chalmers - 1815 - 560 sayfa
...actually procured the grant of an exclus-.ive trade to the East Indies, China, and the South-seas, with all the possessions and effects of the China and India companies, which were now dissolved on the condition of liquidating their debts. The price of actions soon rose...
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Memoirs of the Life of John Law of Lauriston: Including a Detailed Account ...

John Philip Wood - 1824 - 262 sayfa
...the most important grant was that made in May 1719, when an edict was published, transferring to them the exclusive privilege of trading to the East Indies,...Seas, together with all the possessions and effects belonging to the China and India Companies, on condition of paying the lawful debts of these companies...
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History of the principal states of Europe from the Peace of Utrecht [by J ...

John Russell (1st earl.) - 1826 - 700 sayfa
...their hands. In the following year India Com. an edict appeared, granting them the exclusive pauy ' ' privilege of trading to the East Indies, China, and...the South Seas, together with all the possessions of the East India company established by Colbert, which was now dissolved. The company of Law upon...
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The Edinburgh encyclopaedia, conducted by D. Brewster, 3. cilt

Edinburgh encyclopaedia - 1830 - 836 sayfa
...was published, transferring to them the exclnsive privilege of trading to the East Indies, Chin», and the South Seas, together with all the possessions and effects of the China and I n dia companies, on condition of paying the lawful debts of these companies now dissolved. On this...
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Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 1. cilt

Charles Mackay - 1841 - 426 sayfa
...Parliament. At the commencement of the year 1719 an edict was published, granting to the Mississippi Company the exclusive privilege of trading to the East Indies, China, and the South Seas, and to all the possessions of the French East India Company, established by Colbert. The Company, in...
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The Monthly Review

1842 - 648 sayfa
...favour it and its author. At the commencement of the year 1719 one was published, granting the Company " the exclusive privilege of trading to the East Indies, China, and the South Seas, and to all the possessions of the French liast India Company established by Colbert." In consequence...
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The American Whig Review, 2. cilt

1845 - 730 sayfa
...though worth less than one-third the sum. Subsequently an edict was published giving to the company the exclusive privilege of trading to the East Indies, China, and the South Seas, and to all the possessions of the French East India Company. Thereupon the Company assumed the more...
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