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In this Index no attempt has been made to analyze the regular discussions
of the separate works of Shakspere, to which any one desiring knowledge
of them would naturally turn. All mentions of these works, and of charac-
ters therein, which do not occur in the regular discussions, have been

The works of Shakspere are entered alphabetically under the head of
Shakspere; and the characters are entered alphabetically under the heads
of the plays in which they occur.

When works of other authors are mentioned, they are similarly entered
alphabetically under the heads of their writers.

The term seq. is used to indicate that the matter in question is mentioned
on more than two consecutive pages.

Art, Shakspere's mastery of. 106.

ACTIVITY of intellect, abnormal in | Armada, 75.
Shakspere, 257, 262, 268, 269, 283, Armin, 414.
293, 301, 310, 324, 331, 334, 339,
340, 342, 418. Cf. Insanity.
Actors in Shakspere's time, 33, 35,
40 seq., 113, 367, 382, 413.
Eneid, Surrey's translation of, 26,


Alliteration in Elizabethan litera-
ture, 55, 68. Cf. Euphuism; Ver-
bal ingenuity.

Aphorism in Elizabethan literature,
28, 55, 201, 203, 399. See Phi-
Archais evident in Shakspere's
plays, 77, 122, 129, 134, 136, 137,
142, 156, 165, 167, 295, 308, 416.
Ariosto, 190.

112, 187, 236, 253 seq., 299, 308,
338, 396, 397.

Artistic impulse, chiefly as revealed
by Shakspere, 104, 109, 115, 190,
215, 219, 303, 321, 334, 338, 341,
342, 349, 416, 417.
Artistic individuality, 48.
Artistic purpose, growth of Shaks-


pere's, 100, 103, 191, 220, 256.
Artistic significance of Hamlet, 256.
Ascham, Roger, 26, 27, 403.
Atmosphere in plays, 86, 90, 94, 107
seq., 113, 126, 146, 181, 200, 202,
207, 235, 322, 350, 363, 369, 383,
386. See Description.

Aristocracy set forth by Shakspere, Audiences in Shakspere's time, 33,

329 seq.

154, 274, 295, 309.

BACON, FRANCIS, 98, 218, 343, 393, | Chronology of Shakspere's works,

394, 404, 406.

Bandello, 116, 190.

Beaumarchais, 180.

Beaumont, Francis, 20, 413, 414.

Beaumont and Fletcher, 72, 159, 343,
344, 393, 394, 408, 412.

4 seq., 97, 101, 175, 210 seq., 335,
349, 355, 388, 392, 421.

Cinthio's Hecatommithi, 263, 278.
Clarendon, 344.

Clowns in Shakspere's plays, 85, 87,
94, 107, 109, 111, 148, 203, 383.

Knight of the Burning Pestle, Coke on Littleton, 400.

Maid's Tragedy, 303, 393.

159, 393.

Belleforest, 251, 254.

Bible, 27, 393, 394.

[blocks in formation]

Blank verse, 26, 35, 76, 122, 186, 320, Comedy, 45, 75, 88, 143, 144, 153,

357, 380, 391.

Bohemians in Shakspere's time, 34,
41, 172, 413, 414. See Actors.
Bolingbroke, 173, 290.
Box and Cox, 179.

Brooke, Arthur, 116, 118, 119, 120,
126, 128, 201.

Brooke, Stopford, Primer of Eng-
lish Literature, 23.
Burbage, 46.

CALVINISM, 269, 273, 305, 311.
Camden, 343.
Campion, 343.

Centurie of Prayse, 21.

Chapman, George, 20, 56, 217 seq.,
223, 271, 343, 393, 404, 408, 412,

Bussy d'Ambois, 241, 378.
Character, development of, in Shaks-
pere's plays, 90, 93, 94, 96, 107,
109, 111, 124, 129, 130, 135, 141,
148, 149, 160, 177, 186, 193, 201,
212, 213, 252, 281, 296 seq.. 305,
306, 308, 323, 324, 328, 331, 336,
337, 341, 349, 350, 363, 369, 383,
386, 388, 416, 422.
Chaucer, 24, 105, 271.
Chettle, Henry, 10.

Chronicle-history, 45, 71, 74 seq.,

81, 82, 88, 93, 129, 130, 133, 134,
136, 143, 144, 164 seq., 175, 180,
189, 194, 213, 236, 240, 242, 293,
295, 303, 313, 326, 327, 336, 337,

[blocks in formation]

sional, 394. See Environment.
Concreteness of Shakspere's imagi-
nation, 424. See Character; Econ-
omy of invention; Words and

Confusion of identity, as a dramatic

motive, 86, 90, 95, 107, 108, 147,
148, 179, 207, 248, 265, 337, 361,
383, 416, 417.
Constable, 98.

Contemporaries of Shakspere. See

Contention betwixt the two famous
Houses of Yorke and Lancaster,
First Part of the, 70, 79, 80.
Corneille, 317.
Coryat, 393.

Creative imagination, chiefly 88
revealed by Shakspere, 103, 115,
123. 127, 128, 131, 142, 150, 156,
166, 167, 171, 174, 175, 180, 194,
201, 202, 213, 219, 257, 324, 334,
337, 338, 341, 343, 349, 850, 364,
375, 392, 416, 423. See Artistic

Criticism, a general scheme of, 90.
See Atmosphere; Character; Plot.

DANIEL, SAMUEL, 98, 217, 222, 393.
Delia, Sonnets to, 98, 222.
Davidson, 343.

Davies, Sir John, 217, 404.

Edward III., 75, 395.

Death set forth by Shakspere, 126, Effort palpable in Shakspere's later
267, 301, 306, 311, 312.
Decadence of power, symptoms of,
in Shakspere, 321, 351, 357, 361,
364, 377, 381, 392, 418. See Ex-
haustion; Relaxation; Weakness.
Decameron, 93, 356.

plays, 361, 363, 364, 374, 376, 377,
387, 388, 392.
Elizabeth, 17, 343.
Elizabethan Hamlet, 253.
Elizabethan narrative, 53.
Elizabethan voyages, 365, 368.

Dekker, Thomas, 20, 218, 219, 343, Environment, Shakspere's literary,
344, 393, 394, 408, 412.

Honest Whore, 378.

Democracy set forth by Shakspere,
81, 243, 328, 329, 333, 366, 373,
Dénouement studied in Shakspere's
later works, 358, 361, 368, 377,
Depression set forth by Shakspere,

334. See Spiritual suffering.
Description, 90. See Atmosphere.
Despair expressed in Macbeth, 305,


Disguised heroine, 38, 95, 147 seq.,
202, 207. 265, 362.
Donne, John, 393, 394.

40 seq., 45, 82, 97, 217, 343, 393,

Euphuism, 28, 29, 38, 44, 55, 85, 122,
134, 135.

Evolution of art, 2, 401 seq. (see
Imagination: Fact); of English
literature, 218, 219, 415.
Exhaustion of Shakspere's power,
341, 344, 351, 353. See Deca-
dence; Relaxation; Weakness.
Experiment, linguistic, in early Eliz-
abethan literature, 26; palpable
in Shakspere's work, 87, 88, 92,
96, 100, 101, 107, 129, 157, 336 seq.,
341, 345, 351,,353, 378, 419.

FACT. sense of: a factor in literary
evolution, 402, 411; palpable in
Shakspere, 235, 391, 417 seq. See
Concreteness; Imagination.
Fairfax's Tasso, 218.

Double, or consecutive, plays, 138,
241, 378, 379. See Chronicle His-
tory; Tragedies of Revenge.
Doubtful plays, perhaps not genuine,
50, 66, 70, 128, 157, 345, 387, 389,
Doubts as to genuineness of Shaks- Fairies, 114.
pere's works, 419.

Dowden, Edward, Primer of Shaks-
pere, 7.

Drama, the Elizabethan, 2, 3, 113,
130, 407. See Environment.

Famous Victories of Henry V., 163,
165, 169.

Fancy, 375. See Imagination.
Fashion, literary, about 1587, 26,


Drayton, Michael, 98, 114, 181, 217 Fate, sense of, in Shakspere's plays,
seq., 222, 393, 404, 408.

Idea's Mirror, 217, 222.
Dryden's All for Love, 314, 315,
316, 319.

ECONOMY of invention, Shakspere's,

87, 95, 147, 192, 194, 202, 207, 209,
216, 217, 220, 248, 263 seq., 279,
287, 337, 353, 356. 361, 366, 379,
416, 422. See Recapitulation.

243, 250, 259, 269, 270, 272 seq.
277, 300, 301, 305, 321, 330, 33J,
386, 418.
Field, 414.

Fitton, Mrs. Mary, 224 seq.
Fleay, F. G., Biographical Chronicle
of the English Drama, and Chron-
icle History of English Dramatic
Literature, 23; Life and Work of
Shakespeare, 7.

Fletcher, John, 20, 318, 387, 413, 414. | Heywood, Thomas, 20, 218, 219, 343,

Florio, 343, 365.

Folio of 1623, 4, 17.

Folk-lore, 105, 114.

Fools, 203, 366.

Ford, John, 394.

Forman, Dr. Simon, 302, 308, 355,

Foxe, John, 27, 138, 168, 387, 400,

Fuller, 344.

Furnivall's Leopold Shakspere, 7.

Gammer Gurton's Needle, 32.
Generic personages, 177. See Char-


Genius, 2, 396, 419, 420.
Ghosts in Shakspere's plays, 241,
243, 252, 307. See Supernatural.
Globe Theatre, 17, 19, 302, 309, 377,

Golding's Ovid, 27, 51, 105.
Gorboduc, 32.

Gosson, Stephen, 41 seq.

Gower's Confessio Amantis, 345.
Greene, Robert, 9, 10, 20, 23, 34, 40,
43, 71, 74, 98, 159, 167, 172, 217,
219, 381, 385, 414, 421.

344, 408, 412, 414.

Fair Maid of the West, 378.
Historic fact, carelessness of, in Eliz-
abethan plays, 409 n.

Historical fiction, 167, 180, 194, 314,
320, 327.

Historical forces, Shakspere's sense
of, 78, 173, 216, 243, 321, 337. See
Historical literature in Shakspere's
time, 75. See Chronicles; Holin-
shed; Ralegh.

Historical position of Shakspere in

English literature, 2, 415 seq.
Holinshed, 28, 71, 76, 128, 133, 163,
186, 188, 201, 288, 293, 302, 327,
355, 387, 400.
Hooker, 217, 218, 403.
Hortatory purpose, 181, 182.
Hudibras, 170.

Humour in the Elizabethan sense,
161, 186, 328, 331, 332, 334, 341,
349, 350.

IDEALISM expressed in Shakspere's
works, 232, 234, 366, 372, 386.
Idiomatic metrical forms, 226.

Green's Groatsworth of Wit, 9, Imagination a factor in literary evo-

37, 73.

Pandosto, 377.

Groups of Shakspere's plays, 50. 97
seq., 103 seq., 210 seq., 238, 335
seq., 355.

HAKLUYT'S Voyages, 28, 98, 218.
Hall, Edward, 71, 76, 387.
Hall, Joseph, 344, 394.
Hall, Dr. John (m. Susanna Shaks-
pere), 18.

Halliwell-Phillips's Outlines of the
Life of Shakespeare, 7.
Harvey, Gabriel, 29, 98.

lution, 402, 411; palpable in Shak-
spere, 375, 417, 418, 422, 424. Cf.
Creative imagination.

Imitation, the earliest form of art,
401; in Shakspere's early work, 70.
See Economy of invention.
Inductions on the Elizabethan stage,
111, 146, 159, 160, 199, 216, 368.
Insanity, Elizabethan view of, 155,
294: set forth by Shakspere, 253,
260, 283, 294, 295, 307, 382; symp
toms of, in Shakspere, 258, 283. 307,
310, 339, 340, 418. See Activity
of intellect.

Hathaway, Anne (m. Wm. Shaks- Interludes, 31, 33, 35, 130, 202.

pere), 8.

Heroic ideals of character in Shaks-
pere, 184 seq., 197 seq., 203, 272,
274. See Character.

Irony set forth by Shakspere, 194,
216, 243, 245, 246, 250, 262, 263,
269, 277, 281, 299, 301, 311, 331,
333, 338 seg.. 417, 418.

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