Sayfadaki görseller

fiaftici prefentino le loro rimoftranze in efcritto appog- 1757 giare a valevoli autentici Documenti al rispettivo loro Ordinario, quale, effendo tali, non lafcerà di paffarle al Governo, acciò poffa dare gli ordini, che senza lite, o fpefa degl: Ecclefiaftici fuddetti fi dia la dovuta efecuzione alle cofe sopra dispofte.


Li fopradetti Beni poffeduti prima dell' Epoca fovra Portion ftabilita, faranno benfi immuni per la Porzione Domini- coloniale, cale, ma non già per la Porzione Colonica, mentre li Coloni di detti Beni immuni dovranno sempre concorrere in proporzione de' Beni, che coltivano a Carichi fi Regj, che Locali per titolo di Porzione Colonica in due terze parti di quello, che per detto titolo farà impofto a' Coloni de' Beni de' Laici.


A titolo della Taffa Perfonale Sua Maeftà fi prefta Taxe a che non poffa efigerfi da' Coloni, che travagliano detti melle. Beni immuni più di lire fei per Tefta: ma fe col tratto del tempo ftimaffe la Maeftà Sua di minorare le lire fette di Milano, fiffate invariabilmente per gli altri Coloni, farà godere dell' ifteffo beneficio a proporzione anche ai Coloni de' Beni fuddetti.


Per evitare ogni collufione, che fi potrebbe fare in Abus à pregiudizio della fuddetta difpofizione con far lavorare prévenir. iBeni ad economia, o fia a conto proprio per mezzo di Mercenarj, a riferva di quell' Ecclefiaftico, che non poffiede Benefizio di maggior frutto di fcudi ventiquattro d'oro di Camera, a cui farà tollerata la coltura ad economia, come neceffaria al povero di lui ftato, tutti gli altri Poffeffori de Benefizj di maggior reddito, tanto facendo lavorare da' Coloni, come facendo lavorare ad economia, non potranno efimere li frutti dovuti alla Colonia, dal Carico della Porzione Colonica nella rata fopra fpecificata,


L'efazione fi farà fopra li foli Coloni, e fopra la fola Limita porzione de' frutti ad effi fpettante per Porzione Colonica, tio de P


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o che farebbe loro fpettata nel cafo, che non foffero ftati coltivati li Beni ad economia, fenza che poffano effere per tal conto inquietate le Chiefe, i loro Fondi, ed i Padroni Ecclefiaftici nella loro Porzione Dominicale, o in qualunque altro modo.


Dal detto pagamento dovranno effere efenti li Coloni delle Parrocchie, l'entrata delle quali non eccede la congrus Conciliare, e delli ver: Ofpitáli dello Stato di Milano, quantunque non aveffero alcun Privilegio, per i Reni però, che prefentemente poffiedono, o che faranno legittimamente surrogati.


Ne' fuccennati provvedimenti non s'intenderà difpofta cofa verupa per ciò concerne l'Efenzione Colonica, e Perfonale, procedenti da Privilegj a chi che fia accordati da' Principi pro tempore dello ftato di Milano.

I prefente Trattato piacendo a Sua Santità. ed a Sua Maeftà l'Imperatrice Regina fi degneranno di rattificarlo entro il termine di due mefi, e più prefto, se fia poffibile; ed in appreffo Su Santità ne farà fpedire l'opportuno Breve, e la Maestà Sua darà gli ordini rispettivi per la efecuzione.

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Traité entre la Comp. Anglaife des Indes 1757 Orientales et le Nabob du Bengale Serajah Dowlab 1757.

(BOLTS confiderations Vol. I. Appendix p. 1.)


Copy of a Treaty between Colonel Robert Clive on
the part of the English East India Company, and
Serajah al Dowlah, Nabob of Bengal, in
February 1757.

Signed Munfur al Muluk Serajah al Dowlah Shah Kuly
Khawn Bahader hybut Jung, Servant of

king Allum Gueer the Invincible.


Lift of Demands.

1) That the Company be not molefted upon account

of fuch Privileges as have been granted them by the King's Firmaun and husbalhookums, and the Firmaun and husbulbookums remain in full force. That the villages which were given to the Company by the Firmann *). but detained from them by the Subahdars, be likewife allowed them; nor let any impediment or reftriction be put upon the Zemindars.

Agreed to according to the tenor of the Firmaun.

2) That all goods belonging to the English Company, and having their duftuck, do país freely by land or water in Bengal, Bahar, and Oriffa, without paying any duties or fees of any kind whatsoever; and that the Zemindars, Chokeydars, Guzerbauns &c. offer them no kind of moleftation upon this account.

It is agreed to.
F 4


") Voyés plus haut le Firmaun de 1717 placé T. I. p. 154. BOLTS
obferve dans une note que ces villages n'aiant pas été don
nés par Furrak eer aux Anglais, mais feulement la liberté
de les acheter des Zemindars, ceux-ci n'ont pas voulu
s'en defaire jusqu'à ce qu'ils en ont été privés par frat
et par violence,


3) That reftitution be made the Company of their factories and fettlements at Calcutta. Coffimbazar, Dacca &c. which have been taken from them, That all money and effects taken from the English Company, their factors and dependents, at their feveral fettlements and aurungs, be restored in the fame condition. That an equivalent in money be given for fuch goods as are dem ged, plundered, or loft, which fhall be left to the Nbob's inftice to determine.

Whatever has been seized by the government shall be restored.

4) That the Company be allowed to fortify Calcutta in fuch a manner as they fhall efteem proper for their defence, without anv hindrance or obftruction. It is agreed to.

5) That ficcas be coined at Allenagore (Calcutta) in the fame manner as at Murfhedabâd, and that the money ftruck in Calcutta be of equal weight and fineness with that of Murfh-dabâd. There be no demand made for a deduction of barra.

It is agreed, that bullian imported by Company be coined into iccas.

6) That thefe propofals be ratified in the ftrongest manner in the prefence of God and his Prophet, and figned and fealed ro by the Nabob and fome of his principal people

In the prefence of God and his Prophet, these articles are figned and sealed.

7) And Admiral Charles Watfon and Colonel Clive promife in behalf of the English nation. and of the English Company, that from henceforth all hoftilities thai ceafe in Bengal, and the English will always remain in peace and friendship with the N-bob. as long as thefe articles are kept in force, and remain unviolted. On condition that an agreement under the Company's feal, and figned by the Company's Council, and fu orn to according to their religion, he fent me; agree to the articles which have counterfigned.

Signed Aez al Muluk Morad al Dowlah Nowarish Ally
Khawn Bahader Zaooer Jung, a Servant of king
Allum Gueer the Invincible.


Meer Jaffier Khawn Bahader, a Servant of king 1757

Allum Gueer the Invincible.

Rajah Doolubram Bahader, a Servant of king
Allum Gueer the Invincible.

Witnefs, Mohinder Narrain, Canongo.
Witnefs, Luck! Narrain, Canongo,

Agreement of the Company, figned by the Governor and
Committee, the 9the February 1757-

We the Eaft India Company, in the prefence of his Excellency the Nabob Munfur al Maluk Serajah al Dowlah Shah Kuly Khawn Bahader Hybut Jung. Nazim of Bengal, Bahar, and Oriffa, by the hands and feal of the Council, and by firm agreement and folemn atteftation, do declare, That the business of the Company's factories within the jurisdiction of the Nabob fhall go on in its former coarse: that we will never opprefs or do violence to any perfons without caufe: that we will never offter protection to any perfons having accounts with the governement, any of the king's Talookdars or Zemindars, nor murderers, nor robbers; that we will never act contrary to the tenor of the articles agreed to by the Nabob: that we will carry on our bufinefs as formerly; and will never, in any refpect, deviate from this agreement.

Agreement of Colonel Clive with the Nabob the 7th February 1757.

Colonel Clive, Sabut Jung Bahader Commander of the English land- forces in Bengal, do folemnly declare, in the prefence of God and our Saviour, that there is peace between the Nabob Serajah al Dowlah and the English: they, the English, will inviolably adhere to the articles of the treaty made with the Nabob; that, as long as he fhall obferve his agreement, the English will always look upon his enemies as their ennemies; and, whenever called upon, will grant him all the affiftance in their power.

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