Sayfadaki görseller

he would have permitted them for the future, to brew or to bake as they pleafed; this old Servant, however, either out of his former regard, or because he cannot help being ftill meddling, could not bear to think of a Peace being in the oven, without his having a finger in the pye.

Indeed, this extraordinary inftance of his zeal, at a time of life. when he might have been fuppofed fufficiently taken up with "the laft ftage of his journey to the other world," puts us in mind of a fellow-citizen, and a brother Politician, about the fame age, who, having fettled all his worldly affairs, and recommended himself for the last time to heaven, turned his head, after a paufe of a few feconds, towards his weeping children, and addreffed the eldeft, with all the folicitude of a true-bred Politician, "Well, Robert, but what do you think of the State of the Nation ?" Robert, it feems, was too much affected by fuch an unexpected question, to make an immediate answer, and if he had not been fo affected, it would have been too late to reply to it; for the words were hardly out of his mouth before the old man expired. So true it is, that the ruling weakness, or paffion, never leaves us on this fide the grave.

Quo femel eft imbuta recens, fervabit odorem

Tefta diu.

As to the object of the prefent pamphlet, the Writer is by no means for having the Miniftry conclude a definitive treaty of peace on fuch terms as have been fet forth in the fuppofed Preliminaries: from the manner of his treating this fubject allo, it appears he hath changed his opinion but little in favour of mankind: we have reafon to hope, however, that the nation hath not fo much to fear either from the ignorance or treachery of those who have the charge of her interests, as this zealous Veteran would have us imagine.

Art. 9. A Reply to Mr. Heathcote's Letter, from an hoheft Man. In which the Arguments are proved to be delufive, and the Facts untrue. 8vo. Is. Morgan.

A felling pamphlet muft of course have a fecond part, by the fame Hand, or an Anfwer by fome other; nay, fometimes a fuccefsful performance of this kind will give rife to half a fcere, and circulate about the town, as Trappolin runs about the ftage, with Meo, Eo, and Areo flicking clofe to his tail. We imagine, however, that neither Mr. Heathcote nor any of his friends, will chufe to bind up this pamphlet with his Letter; this Writer being not lefs warm than his Antagonist; whom he attacks, perhaps, with too great impetuofity, for his caufe or abilities. Much, indeed, hath been faid; and much more ftill remains to be faid, on both fides.

Art. 10. Some cool Thoughts on the prefent State of Affairs; with a Word to the old Servant. 8vo. Is. Cooke.

We have here a number of fhrewd and fenfible remarks on the prefent ftate of Parties, with fome pertinent Replies to Mr. HeathРЬ 2


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cote's Queries. Of the Author's manner our Readers may judg from the following paffage. "You fhall frequently hear, fays he the Partizans of the late great Man, gravely and decifively pronounce that the present Miniftry cannot poffibly laft. Some of those Gentlemen are employed to fhake their heads in proper companies: to doubt where all this will end; to be in mighty pain for the nation; to fhew how impoffible it is public credit fhould be supported; to pray that all may do well, in whatever hands; but very much to doubt that the Pretender is at the bottom. I know not any thing fo nearly refembling this behaviour, as what is often feen among the friends of a fick man, whofe intereft it is that he fhould die: the Phyficians proteft they fee no danger; the fymptoms are good; the medicines operate kindly; yet ftill they are not to be comforted; they whisper, he is a dead man; it is not poffible he should hold out, he hath perfect death in his face; they never liked this Doctor: at laft the Patient recovers, and their joy is as falfe as their grief."

If this pictur: be not a very just likeness, it is a ftriking one; we fhall know better what to think of it, however, when the Patient is actually quite out of danger.

Art. 11. An Enquiry into the Merits of the fuppofed Preliminaries of Peace, figned on the 3d Inflant. 8vo. 6d. Bird.

Is it not pity that the impatience of our Politicians would not permit them to wait the publication of the real Preliminaries? or, rather, perhaps, it is a pity for them it should. In the former cafe, it is true, if the terms fhould differ from what they are at prefent conceived, we might ask them, with Mr. Bayes, what becomes of their Suppofe? They will have the fatisfaction, however, to think a new pamphlet neceffary; and may fit down to display their profound talents on a real fubject, as they have done on an imaginary one. If there fhould be no material difference, we have the comfort to learn from this Enquirer, that "the whole treaty taken together, gives us every commercial advantage we ever claimed, and fecures to us every commercial object which our enemies ever withed to deprive us of." If this be true, certainly every with of every Briton must be to have i laft for ever and ever.


Art. 12. The Romance of a Night; or a Covent-Garden Adventure. 12mo. I S. Nicoll.

The little novel now before us, confifts of a pleafing tale; in which there is lefs of incident and variety, than of fimplicity and nature. It is obviously fictitious, as the title honeftly profeffes; but the matter of fact is of fmail import, where the writing is good, and the unexceptionable. In refpect to the Author's manner of reciting this adventure, we fhould not hesitate to pronounce it elegant, were it not for the affectation of delicate phrafe, and the fingular coinage of new words, which runs through almost every page. This

is evidently intended for a Companion to The Romance of a Day, mentioned in Review, vol XXIII. page 327; and appears to be written by the fame hand whom we are forry to have fo many occafions of reprehending for his affectation of style; which fometimes misleads him to the very borders of broken English.


Art. 13. The Deification of the Fair Sex. I S.


An impotent attempt at obfcenity. It appears to have been originally the work of fome fribbling French Scribbler, of lafcivious inclination, but feeble powers.

Art. 14. Fractions Anatomifed; or, the Doctrine of Parts made plain and eafy to the meanest Capacity, on a Plan entirely new. To which is added, a concife Explanation of Duodecimal Arithmetic. By Richard Ramfbottom, Officer in the Excife. 8vo. 2s. Longman.

We cannot recollect any thing more rational and fenfible of the kind, than this production; to which the Author has added fome judicious rules for the inftruction of young Excisemen, in the examination of their own books.

Art. 15. Critical Remarks on the Monthly Review, for Auguft, 1762. By J. Garnor, M. D. 8vo. 6d. Sandby.


Many errors of the prefs, and inadvertent flips of the pen, must unavoidably happen in a periodical work which scarcely allows time for a revifal of the proof-fheets. A few efcapes of this fort appearing in the Review for Auguft laft, one Dr. Garner (we know not whether it be a real or a fictitious name, having never heard of fuch a Doctor before) has made a friendly collection of them; for which our Index-maker heartily thanks him and would think himfelf farther obliged to him for a like pamphlet every month, as fuch publications might be of fome ufe to him, the faid Index-maker, in drawing up the table of Errata to be printed at the end of each volume of the Review. The fuppofed Doctor, however, has overlooked fome errors, of greater importance than any of those he has mentioned, and which, had he apprifed us of his intention to appear in print, we could have pointed out to him: his kind intention muft, neverthelefs, be acknowleged, as (however incapable of inveftigating the various fubjects that lay before him) he really seems to have done his best.

Art. 16. A Defcription of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coaft of the Weft-Indies; compiled from authentic Memoirs, revifed by Gentlemen who have refided many Years in the Spanish Settlements; and illuftrated with thirty-two Maps and Plans, chiefly from original Drawings, taken from the Spaniards in the laft War, and engraved by Thomas Jefferys, Geogra pher to his Majefty. 4to. 10s. 6d. fewed. Jefferys.

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Mr. Jefferys informs us, by his prefatory Advertisement, That fe veral of the principal Officers in the British navy, during the courfe of the laft war with Spain, having found on board their respective prizes, many curious draughts and furveys of the Spanish Settlements in the Weft-Indies, with a moft difinterested public fpirit, have communicated them to the Editor, for the fervice of British Navigators; thefe, together with a variety of new materials, with which he has been favoured by feveral Gentlemen, who have refided many years both in the Spanish and English fettlements in the Weft-Indies, encourage him to hope, will not only be found extremely useful, but alfo entertaining."

Depending on the veracity of our Editor, and taking it for granted, that the account he has given of the means by which he became poffefled of the materials for this publication, is matter of fact, we cannot but confider his work as very feafonable and useful. As to the authenticity of the defcriptions, and the accuracy of the draughts, we are lefs qualified to judge of them than Mariners and.Travellers; who muft, of courfe, be the belt Reviewers of fuch productions. In regard, however, to the plates, they are neatly executed: Mr. Jefferys is, undoubtedly, one of our best Map-Engravers.

Art. 17. Original Pieces relative to the Trial and Execution of Mr. John Calas, Merchant at Toulouse, who was broke on the Wheel in that City, pursuant to his Sentence by the Parliament of Languedoc, for the fuppofed Murder of his eldest Son, to prevent his turning Roman Catholic. With a Preface and Remarks on the whole, by M. de Voltaire. Is. 6d. Becket.

Thefe pieces, which are printed in French and English, confift of the Letters, Memorial, and Declaration of the unhappy wife of the fuppofed Criminal, and her two furviving fons; all tending to expofe, in the mot glaring colours, that judicial fcene of violence and iniquity, of which they have fo much reafon to complain. To thefe is added, a kind of parallel between the cafe of John Calas and the impofture of Elizabeth Canning *, faid to be written by M. de Voltaire; a circumftance, however, we cannot take upon us to confirm ; the Author of this piece exprefsly telling us, he was in London at the time when Canning's affair was in agitation; which, we believe, is not true with refpect to Mr. de Voltaire. Be this at it may, the public are here prefented with an authenticated and melancholy initance of the fallibility of human judgment, and the fatal influence of popular prejudice over the moft folemn decifions. It is, indeed, impoffible to read without horrour, the story of this unhappy father, dragged to the rack, and expiring under excruciating tortures, for having murdered a beloved fon, under fuch circumftances as rendered it in the highest degree improbable, if not impoffible, he should be

By which an innocent old woman was condemned to die; though happily, by the interpofition of his Majefty's clemency, the fentence was not fuffered to take place,


guilty. What then fhall we fay of thofe rafh Judges, who, in con tradiction to the dictates of common fenfe, jultice, and humanity, thus facrificed a wretched old man to the fury of perfecuting zeal, and the abfurdity of blind fufpicion? What, indeed! but that unjuft Judges, and the Oppreffors of the Widow and the fatherlefs, God will judge.

Art. 18. A Copy of the Proceedings of a General Court-martial, held at Land-Guard Fort, September 14, 1761. 4to. I S.

R. Davis.

Relates to the trial of William Lynch, Efq; Captain of the Eaftern Battalion of the Suffolk Militia; for quitting his duty, contrary to the orders of Lieutenant Governor Thicknelle. The Captain was honourably acquitted; but there being fome things irregular in the proceedings of the Court, his Majefty did not think proper to confirm the fentence: altho' he was pleafed to order the Prifoner to be released from his arreft,-as it appeared that the Captain was led into this breach of orders by inadvertency, rather than any defigned contempt of difcipline, &c.

Art. 19. The Life of Richard Nafh, Efq; of Bath. Extracted principally from his original Papers. 8vo. 4s. Newbery. A trivial fubject, treated for the moft part in a lively, ingenious, and entertaining manner. Mr. Samuel Johnfon's admirable Life of Savage, feems to have been chofen as the model of this performance.

Art. 20. The Great Importance of the Havanna, fet forth in an Efay on the Nature and Methods of carrying on a Trade to the South Sea and the Spanish West-Indies. By Robert Allen, Efq; who refided fome Years in the Kingdom of Peru. 8vo. Is. Hinxman.

An old tract revived; from an edition printed in the year 1712, dedicated to Robert Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. The prefent Editor, who figns himself Samuel Jemmat, infcribes this edition to Mr. Alderman Harley, one of the Keprefentatives in Parliament for the city of London. It appears to contain a genuine account of fome particulars relating to the South Sea trade, &c. as it was circumftanced in the beginning of the prefent century.

Art. 21. A Defcription of Millennium Hall, and the Country adjacent: Together with the Characters of the Inhabitants, and fuch biftorical Anecdotes and Reflections as may excite in the Reader proper Sentiments of Humanity, and lead the Mind to the Love of Virtue. By a Gentleman on his Travels. 12mo. 3s. Newbery. Millennium Hall is a name given to the rural and elegant abode of a happy fociety of Ladies, which the Author tells us he met with in the Bb 4


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