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The exuberance of comforts has not been touched, of course, self-denial to do good would be deemed preposterous. What a violation of the express will of God! The common adage has been, "keep what ye have, and, if possible, accumulate more" while the command of Christ to "sell that ye have, and give alms,” is, probably, not known, by the majority of the rich, to exist in the Bible.

"The scanty rills of charity, which at present water the garden of the Lord, and the ingenuity and effort employed to bring them there, compared with the almost undiminished tide of selfish expenditure which still holds on its original course, remind one of the slender rivulets which the inhabitants of the east raise from the river by mechanical force, to irrigate their thirsty gardens; the mighty current meanwhile, without exhibiting any sensible diminution of its waters, sweeping on in its ample and ancient bed to the ocean. How animating is the prospect of coming ages! These "scanty rills" will swell into mighty rivers, while not even a "slender rivulet" will be diverted to "selfish expenditure."


"MAMMON"-which work every Christian ought to read.



THE next speaker was one of those "that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters. He had visited many heathen countries, and been conversant with the missionaries at different stations.

There is one point connected with the subject under discussion, said he, about which I have heard the opinion of many missionaries. I refer. to the co-operation of laymen engaged in secular pursuits, in evangelizing the world. I have scarcely been in a foreign port, where I have not met with men from Christian lands engaged in business. These persons are found wherever they can reap advantage from their worldly professions. After remaining some time in a place, they not only feel themselves at home, but are regarded, by those around them, as naturalized citizens. They gain the confidence of the natives, and become influential. They are looked up to with respect, and their opinions are sought for with avidity. I have been in countries where

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these persons had become so popular, as to receive from royalty itself marks of honourable distinction. Now, the missionaries have often inquired, why Christian merchants and mechanics might not pursue the same course of life, from the motive of glorifying their Redeemer, and benefiting their fellow-men. They could certainly engage in the same employments, they might, probably, secure the same confidence, and, at the same time, they could make all their relations and honours subservient to the progress of Christianity. I have known a few persons in heathen countries who acted on high religious principles, and it is impossible to tell how much good they accomplished. It is not only their personal exertions which render them useful, but the countenance and assistance they lend the missionaries. It is in this last mentioned respect that their presence and influence are exceedingly desirable. Being on the spot, and acquainted with every event which occurs, they not only become greatly interested in the salvation of the heathen, but are prepared to improve every opportunity for its promotion. For my own part, I cannot doubt that Christian communities among the heathen would produce the most desirable effects.

There are several stations where the number of missionaries and native assistants are sufficient to

test the influence of such communities. They present in embodied forms before the heathen, the benign operations of the gospel, and the blessedness to which it is the design of the missionaries to raise them and their countrymen. This is one object. Another advantage lies in the vastly increased amount of agency which such numbers would employ for the benefit of the heathen. Each individual of such a society would be capable of performing the same labour which occupies the principal time of the missionary. They need not preach the gospel but as far as they had leisure ; they could teach, and converse, and distribute books, as well as attend to those secular duties which the mission might require, or their own engagements demand.

Such a number, too, would necessarily employ in their service many natives, all of whom might be brought under a system of Christian instruction. In every view I am able to take of this subject, it strikes me as highly important. I wonder that it should have been so long overlooked by Christians. The principal objection which I have heard urged against communities of this kind is the uncertainty of their support. In many places the merchant, and probably the mechanic, might support themselves. If there should be any risk, as might be the case, in some countries, where their

services are greatly needed, could they not enter into engagements with those of the same spirit and pursuits at home? Might they not be thus secured from loss, and even assisted in their labours. The merchants, if no better way suggested itself, might act on commission, and their brethren at home might become their employers. Should there be any loss, it might thus be divided — if any gain, it could be consecrated. There could be very little individual hazard, if a sufficient number were combined.

I have uniformly found that there is a variety of ways, in which I might be useful in almost . every station I have visited. If individuals went who could do nothing more than relieve the minds and hands of missionaries from secular cares, they would lend the most valuable assistance. By multiplying the labours of missionaries, they would in reality accomplish as much as if they themselves performed those additional labours.

But there is another class of Christians who might prove the most valuable helpers in the conversion of the heathen. I allude to those whom the last speaker addressed men of wealth who are not prevented from leaving their native countries, and who might spend at least a portion of their lives in some parts of the unevangelized world, with the greatest advantage to the cause of

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