The Intimate Life of an Ottoman Statesman, Melek Ahmed Pasha (1588-1662): As Portrayed in Evliya Çelebi's Book of Travels (Seyahâtnâme)State University of New York Press, 3 Tem 1991 - 318 sayfa Robert Dankoff has culled passages from Evliya Çelebi's Book of Travels that deal directly with the life and times of Çelebi's patron, Melek Ahmed Pasha, an outstanding seventeenth-century military and administrative leader. Çelebi's account is sensitive to all the currents of his age and reflects them in his narrative. His wry comments and observations extend from the intimate details of daily life, and the attitudes of the lower classes, to the deeds of the mighty, the ideals of the age, and the fate of the empire. He concentrates on the later phase of Pasha's career, beginning with his appointment as Grand Vizier in 1650. Because Çelebi was Pasha's confidant as well as his protege, there is a level of intimacy, almost a psychological portrait, quite unusual in Ottoman and Islamic literature. The narrative highlights the private side of this public figure -- his weaknesses as well as his heroics; his religious life and domestic affairs -- in particular, his relations with his two successive wives, both sultanas or princesses. |
3 | |
The Historical Setting by Rhoads Murphey | 21 |
A Note on References Sources and Abbreviations | 43 |
The Reign of Mehmed IV 164887 | 49 |
The Vizierate of Melek Ahmed Pasha 165051 | 61 |
Governor of Rumeli 1652 | 97 |
The Vizierate of Ipşir Pasha 165354 | 107 |
Governor of Diyarbekir 1640 | 167 |
Governor of Van 165556 | 175 |
Governor of Özü 165657 | 201 |
Kaya Sultan 1659 | 221 |
Governor of Bosnia 165960 | 237 |
Fatma Sultan 1662 | 255 |
Glossary | 287 |
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Sık kullanılan terimler ve kelime öbekleri
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