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ciety. We trust that exertion will be made, and that this our appeal will not have been made in vain.

On behalf of the Executive Committee,

J. Greenleaf, Cor. Sec.

A. VAN SINDEREN, President.

New York, May 23, 1837.


American Seamen's Chaplain at Canton.

WE regret to have occasion to announce the decease of this faithful servant of Jesus Christ, the devoted friend of British and American seamen visiting China. The following obituary notice from the Canton Register of Feb. 21, gives all the particulars yet received:

"By the death of the Rev. Edwin Stevens, which occurred on the 5th ult., the cause of Christian benevolence in the East has lost an active agent, a faithful and able supporter. Firm, constant, and persevering, his great and steady aim was to do good to others. Those who knew him best, esteemed him most. He arrived in China, as chaplain to the seamen in the port of Canton, on the 26th of October, 1832; and, with a few occasional interruptions, continued to perform the duties of that office till his death. He was the seamen's friend. Many of the masters and sailors esteemed and loved him much, as he did them. Clearness, force, and great plainness, characterized his preaching. During his residence in this country, be sides performing his other duties, he made considerable progress in the acquisition of the Chinese language, and had formed the purpose of devoting himself entirely to labours for the benefit of those who speak that language. He had already made two voyages along the coast of China, brief journals of which have been given to the public. On the 3d of December last, he embarked for a third voyage, the first part of which, it was hoped, would bring him in contact with Chinese emigrants in the Indian Archipelago. He arrived at Singapore, on the 15th of the same month, ill of a fever, which terminated with effusion upon the brain and death. The intelligence of his sudden death reached this place two days ago.

"Canton, Feb. 20, 1837."


"EXAMPLE is more powerful than precept," will not be lost in giving the following extract of a letter from a friend to sailors, with his contribution to the Society.

"Can I forget the cause of the poor sailor, who has so few, comparatively, to think of his soul? No, never, so long as I allow tea, coffee, sugar, &c., to come to my table. Why, I feel indebted to the mariner for almost every article of furniture that I have in my house. And I will not forget him. And while I pray for the sailor, how can I prove to myself or any other person that I am sincere, if I make no effort to give him the means of grace? The case is a plain one. The man who would enjoy the satisfaction of praying for the multitudes of our fellowmen, who go down to the sea in ships, and do business in great waters,' that man must relinquish this privilege, or else prove himself sincere by giving, as the Lord prospers him, something that will purchase Bibles and Tracts, and that will sustain those who are devoting their labours and wearing out their lives in the seamen's cause. Having been somewhat prospered, I feel a pleasure in enclosing the within twenty dollars. Should the Lord continue to smile on my efforts, you may expect to hear from me again at some future day."

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TEN DOLLARS FROM A COUNTRY PASTOR. SAILORS are remembered by many who are unable to contribute money to aid in their evangelization. But the following extract of a letter from the pastor of a small church in Maine, inclosing ten dollars contributed at the seamen's monthly concert of prayer, will be read with great in


"The longer I contemplate the cause in which your Society is engaged, the more firm hold does that cause get on my feelings, the more fully am I persuaded that the Lord hath bidden that Society work for him. And blessed are they who take hold of this work in good earnest; 'they shall not labour in vain, nor spend their strength for nought.' Seamen must be converted: they are susceptible of religious impressions; and the Redeemer will yet employ hosts of them, to aid in conveying the Gospel

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to Heathen, Mahomedan, and Papal lands. The time is not far distant, I trust, when the sailor shall exchange the profane oath for the service of prayer, the obscene song for the hymn of praise to God and the Lamb, the intoxicating cup for the cup of salvation, when his whole influence shall be holiness to the Lord;' and though we do not here see such displays of grace among a seafaring population as are exceedingly desirable, yet I cannot but rejoice to learn, by the Magazine, what is doing in the different parts of the world for the sailor: and I do expect, that here we shall see him coming up to the help of the Lord against the mighty.'


Notices of Select New Books.


1. A Commentary on the Romans. By Charles Hodge, Professor of Biblical Literature in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, America. 12mo. pp. xv, Tract Society, London. CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY ought to be the study of every man; and no one can possess a sound and comprehensive view of divine doctrine, without a clear and correct acquaintance with the Epistle to the Romans and the Epistle to the Hebrews. In many respects the Epistle to the Romans is the most important of all the sacred books of the New Testament, as it contains the fullest exhibition of the plan of redemption and of the means of salvation by Jesus Christ.

Hodge's Commentary on the Romans is unquestionably the best work of its size that has ever been published, in English, as an exposition of that inestimable treasure of inspired theology given to the church of God; and we have the greatest satisfaction in giving it our cordial recommendation, wishing it possessed not only by every family, but by every captain of a ship for the use of his crew of Christian sailors.

Young Christians, who would not be superficial in their knowledge of the Gospel, will act wisely in devoting a portion of their time to read over carefully this valuable book; and although it must necessarily have been different in style from the entertaining works which are so eagerly sought by almost all classes, its wise and solid contents will not fail to enrich the mind that is desirous of the illu mination and consolation of the Spirit of Christ.


2. The Majesty of God in the Government of the World. The Substance of a Discourse preached on Occasion of the much-lamented Death of King William the Fourth. By Robert Ferguson, Author of "A Tractate on Moral Inability," &c. &c. 8vo. pp. 32. MR. FERGUSON's Discourse on the Death of our late beloved King was delivered to the church and congregation under the pastoral care of the Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Stepney, and published by request. It is a superior discourse, justifying, by its excellence of style and sentiment, the desire of those judicious persons for whom it has been given to the public, and worthy of the piety and talents of a Secretary of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society.

Correspondence and Proceedings of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society.

BRIXHAM.-Among the various communications of the past month, the following, on several accounts, will perhaps be most interesting to many readers of the PILOT. It is an extract of a letter from Brixham to the Rev. J. Chapman, sailors' minister of the Society.

"The remarks you made when I had the privilege of hearing you here on the 2d instant, respecting the neglected state of the maritime population of Brixham, greatly awakened my attention, and impressed my mind. On the following day I went there, and instituted particular inquiry as to the number of seamen that belong to that port, and the amount of religious instruction afforded them. By the kindness of W. Clarke, Esq., principal officer of the Custom House, and Capt. J. Smith, a native of the town, I obtained, on the 10th inst. information in writing, which I will transcribe verbatim.

'An account of the number of vessels and fishing-boats belonging to Brixham; also the number of men and boys employed on board the same.

1. Vessels in the coasting and foreign trade ... 125

2. Fishing-sloops....

3. Smaller fishing-boats


Men and boys employed in the same

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"As to 'religious instruction afforded,' I have no written information; but am informed, by persons of respec

tability and piety, that there is none directly employed with a view to the welfare of the mariner.

"Now, dear Sir, what an interesting field is this for Christian philanthropy and ministerial exertion.

'My God, I feel the mournful scene,
My bowels yearn o'er dying men;
And fain my pity would reclaim,

And snatch the fire-brand from the flame.'

"The circumstance that has particularly aroused my attention with regard to the seamen of Brixham is, that I am engaged to become pastor of the Baptist church in that town at the expiration of the present quarter; and I do hope to be able to have religious services occasionally on board the vessels, and among the seamen there. I should not say occasionally, but frequently. In addition to Brixham, I should feel it my duty, as frequently as possible, to visit Torquay; where there are usually several vessels, which, for the most part, are schooners and sloops belonging to Brixham.'

August 11, 1837,


2, Jeffreys' Square, St. Mary Axe, London.

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Capt. PRYNN offered prayer.

TRULY delightful and cheering were the reports of the several agents relating to the progress of the good work of God among seamen, as witnessed during the past month: and after the reading of the reports, and the usual conference, an Essay on Christian Zeal, agreed upon at the last meeting, was read by the Rev. R. Ferguson. This valuable and instructive piece will, at the request of all who heard it, be given in the PILOT for October.

First Thames Station.-Rev. W. Benson reports two failures of meetings this month, arising from the circum

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