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has now been repaid, together with the sum of 200,000l. advanced to the king of France upon his return to that country in the year 1814; and these sums, together with the sum of 680,9851., which remained unissued of the army grant on the 5th January 1818, make a total sum of 1,472,969l., applicable at that date to defray the outstanding demands for army services up to the end of the year 1817. On the 5th January 1819, no considerable sum remained due to the account of the paymastergeneral in respect of similar advances, but there remained at that date 1,737,3947. of the army grants unissued, which was applicable to the outstanding demands for army services to the end of the year 1818. From the nature of these accounts, some difference between the amount remaining unissued at the commencement and termination of the year will almost always exist; but the sums are so near in the present instance, that it is apparent that the actual expenditure has very nearly corresponded with the Estimate of the Committee.

Your Committee now propose to present to the House an Estimate of the probable expenditure of the United Kingdom for the year 1819; and for that purpose they have had before them the Estimates which have been already submitted to the House, and they have called for such farther information as appeared to them to be necessary to enable them to complete their Estimate.-It was observed by the Committee on Finance in their Eleventh Report, that in the event of the return of the troops from France, there would probably be an increase of expense in the army and ordnance, in consequence of the necessary additions to the half-pay, Chelsea pensions, pay of general officers, &c. (after taking into consideration the average yearly saving by casualties) to the extent of 300,000l. making the total sum to be granted in the year 1819, for army, navy, and ordnance, 16,972,000l.; but your Committee have much satisfaction in observing, from the Estimates which have been laid before them, that there is not only no increase of permanent expense from the contingency contemplated by the Committee, notwithstanding that it has taken place, but that an actual decrease of expense has been effected in the present year; although these are included in the Estimates for the army and ordnance expenses for the reduction to the extent of 213,2547., which may of course be contemplated as not likely to recur in any future year of peace.

This diminution of charge has been attained chiefly by the reductions in the army and in the ordnance; and the following comparison between the total numbers provided for in the Estimates for the years 1818 and 1819, will show the extent to which these reductions have been carried; viz.

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This reduction, considerable as it is, being upwards of 11,620 men in the army and ordnance, as compared with the numbers of men voted for the year 1818, exclusive of a reduction equal to the whole number of troops stationed in France, does not produce any present saving of expense, in proportion to the amount of the numerical reduction, in consequence of the claims which a very considerable number of individuals who have been reduced have upon the country for some provision, as a reward for their past services. This is however a payment which will give the country a claim to call upon them again for their service, should the exigencies of the state require their assistance, and should their state of health enable them to afford it; but although this reduction of numbers has necessarily added very largely to the half-pay and Chelsea pensions, yet it can by no means be considered as a permanent addition, and therefore some decrease of expense may in future years be contemplated, presuming that a full provision is made in the Estimates for the present year, for all those persons who in consequence of the late reductions, will be entitled to half-pay or pensions; and that the amount of new claims which may arise upon the present diminished establishments, cannot equal the casualties which must occur among the vast numbers of persons now receiving allowances.

The total amount of the Expenditure in the United Kingdom for the year 1819, may, according to the Estimates which have been laid before your Committee, be stated as follows:

Interest of Public Funded Debt unredeemed

Sinking Fund of Funded Debt, and Interest of Debt redeemed

Civil List .....


£.29,348,845 ................. 15,591,989



Other charges on the Consolidated Fund, including 130,000l. granted to his Grace the Duke of Wellington, by Act 54 Geo. 3, cap. 161 ... 1,269,274

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Your Committee observe, that the foregoing Estimate of the charge upon the consolidated fund for the year 1819, differs very materially from that submitted to the House by the Select Committee on Finance, in their Eleventh Report, in which it was stated, that this charge might probably be taken at 45,636,6751. A great part of this difference arises from its having been assumed in that Report, that stock would be cancelled, to meet the charge of the loan created in the last year; but as that has not yet been done, your Committee have stated the charge as it will actually stand, provided no such measure is carried into effect. It was also assumed in that Report, that 230,000l. per annum, by the expiration of the imperial annuities, would also be available in this year, which will not be the case, as the last dividend will be issued on the 5th July next, and consequently no saving will actually take place until the 5th January 1820. There is also a special charge upon the consolidated fund this year, which was not contemplated by the Committee in the Eleventh Report, namely, of 130,000l. in part of 400,000l., granted by the Act 54 Geo. 3, cap. 161, to enable the duke of Wellington to purchase an estate to accompany the title, in consideration of his eminent and signal services; the payment of which sum of 130,000l. has been applied for by his Grace, to enable the trustees to complete the purchase of the estate of Strathfieldsay; and a proportionate part of the annuity of

13,000l., settled upon his Grace by the Act of the 54 Geo. 3, cap. 161, will thereby be discontinued as a charge upon the consolidated fund.

The charge upon the consolidated fund in respect of the civil list, will be somewhat reduced in consequence of the death of her late majesty, and of the act lately passed, intituled, "An Act for the farther regulation of his Majesty's Household, and the Care of his Royal Person during the continuance of his indisposition ;" which circumstances have been adverted to by your Committee in framing their Estimate; and it appears to them, that, under all these circumstances, the charge upon the consolidated fund must be stated, with reference to the debt as it at present stands, and to the payment to the duke of Wellington, at 47,400,000l. Your Committee have also felt it necessary to state the charge of the unfunded debt somewhat higher than it was stated by the Committee in their Eleventh Report.

Having thus stated generally, the cause of the difference between the Estimate of the Committee in the Eleventh Report, with respect to the charge upon the consolidated fund and of the unfunded debt, it remains for them only to advert to a preceding paragraph, in which they have stated, that in consequence of the reduction which has taken place, chiefly in the army and ordnance, the estimates for the current service of the present year will not, even with the temporary expense of reductions, exceed the Estimates of the last year, although the Committee, in their Eleventh Report, contemplated an addition of 300,000l. to these Estimates.

It will be observed, that your Committee have not taken into their consideration any increased expense which may arise out of the manner in which provision may be made for meeting the supplies of the present year, or for the expense which may attend any measure which may be taken with a view of reducing any part of the unfunded debt. But no considerable additional expense will be incurred by the latter operation, to whatever extent it may be carried, as the whole expense will be the difference between the interest at present paid on the unfunded debt, and the interest which may be paid in the event of its being converted into a funded debt. It is therefore not necessary to advert more particularly to any measure of this description; but with respect to the difference between the Expenditure and Revenue, your Committee must observe, that if this difference, which cannot be estimated at less than 13,000,000l., is made up either by an increase of the funded or unfunded debt, it will probably occasion an additional annual expense, in the shape of interest, to the extent of from 500,000l. to 600,000l., exclusive of any sinking fund which may be assigned for the redemption of this debt; of which interest, there will probably become payable in the course of the year 1819 about 300,000l.; and this sum being added to the aforementioned Expenditure of 67,779,8821., will make a total Expenditure of 68,079,882., in which will, however, be included, for sinking fund towards the redemption of debt, about 16,061,000l., leaving the actual Expenditure, exclusive of sinking fund, at 52,018,800l., which contrasted with a Revenue of 54,000,000l., will give a surplus of Revenue really applicable to the extinction of debt of 1,981,200/.

Your Committee do not think it necessary, in submitting to the House an Estimate of the probable Expenditure of the United Kingdom for the year 1820, to do more than to notice generally some heads of charge which occur in the Estimates of the present year, which will probably not recur at all or not to the same extent in the year 1820, and also some other expenses which will probably occur in the next year, to a greater extent than in the present. The heads to which your Committee particularly allude, as not likely to occur in the next year, are the following; viz.The payments to be made, in the present year, to complete the charge of the last year, in respect of the debt then created ................................£.115,452 The charge of the Funded Debt, by the expiration of the Imperial Annuities, the last dividend on which will be paid on the 5th July 1819 ... 230,000 The sum to be issued to his Grace the Duke of Wellington, in the present year, under the Act 54 Geo. 3, cap. 161......... In the Army-Expense of Reduction

In the Ordnance-Do ....




In the Navy-a probable saving under the heads of Army Provisions and Transports, as a great part of the garrisons abroad will be relieved in the present year, in consequence of the reduction of the Army......... 100,000

Probable decrease in the Half-pay, Pensions, &c. in the course of the year 1820, the total amount of allowances of this description being now 4,324,956/...

Total probable Saving of Expenditure



And the Items which will occur to a larger extent in the next than in the present year, are as follows:

By the difference between the total amount of the interest upon any debt which may be created in the present year, and the sum which will be actually paid in this year...........................


By an addition to the Army Estimates, two of the regiments returning from India being provided for in the Estimates for 1819, from the 25th August only, the difference between that sum and the total Expense for one year, must therefore be provided



Total probable Addition to the Expenditure.............330,000

Which being deducted from the probable Saving would leave a balance of about 538,452., and would make the total Expenditure for 1820 about 67,541,430l.

Your Committee have not, in the Estimate for this latter year, made any allusion to the additional expense which would be incurred, if the difference between the Income and the Expenditure were provided by any addition to the funded or unfunded debt; nor have they adverted to the increase which will naturally take place in the same time to the income of the present sinking fund, if it accumulates without the interest of any new loans being charged thereon: these circumstances will occasion no great variation in the result of the general Account, which in either event will exhibit a balance of Income above the Expenditure of about 2,519,652., (exclusive, however, of the Expenditure of the sinking fund itself;) neither have your Committee noticed any charge which may arise in respect of the exchequer bills to the amount of 1,100,000l., appropriated or intended to be appropriated to the building of churches, because no charge has yet been incurred on account of this grant, and it is at present uncertain when and to what amount any disbursement upon this account may occur.

Your Committee think it their duty to call the attention of the House to the important fact, that a very considerable part of the present Revenue, namely, Excise Duties, to the amount of about 3,500,000l. per annum, have been granted by parliament only to the 5th July 1821. This revenue is charged upon those articles of consumption most subject to illicit trade, and it must depend upon the continued success of the measures which have been taken to repress this traffic, whether this revenue can be supported beyond that time, either with justice to the fair trader or advantage to the revenue; but your Committee have already observed, in a former part of this Report, that the revenue upon the articles subject to these duties has increased and improved in common with the revenue charged upon other articles charged with excise duties, and therefore, at present at least, there does not appear to be any reason for repealing them, or suffering them to expire, upon the ground, that the duties upon these articles cannot be maintained at their present rate; while it must be recollected that should they either be repealed or suffered to expire, that deficiency of revenue must be supplied by some other means.

5 April 1819.

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