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Kyrie eleison, how long used in
the Roman liturgy, i. 122.
Language of the liturgy, see
Unknown tongues.

Laodicea, council of, when held,
i. 106. the 19th canon re-
markable for its directions
relative to the liturgy, ibid.
probably established the
great oriental rite, instead
of one resembling the Gal-
lican, 107-110.
Lauds, how ancient as an hour

of prayer, i. 203. joined to
nocturns, ibid.
Law, commonly called the

commandments, read in the
English liturgy, ii. 27, &c.
antiquity of the custom, 27,
28. the church of England
justified for using always the
same portion of scripture,
29, 30. its division into
verses justified, 31, 32. where
it was originally read, 32,
33. example of similar di-
vision in the ancient Eng-
lish formularies, 31, 33, 34.
Lectionary, what it was, i. 308.
Leo the Great, Bp. of Rome,

his additions to the Roman
canon, and sacramentary, i.
117, 118.

Leo Thuscus, his translation of

Chrysostom's liturgy, i. 74.
Leonian sacramentary, how an-
cient, i. 117. when first
printed, ibid.

Lesleus, his edition of the Mos-

arabic or Spanish missal re-
commended, i. 172.
Lessons, in morning prayer,
their antiquity, i. 225. for-
merly very short in the
church of England, 226. po-
sition of first lesson ancient,
ibid. second lesson defended
by practice of Egyptian
church, 231, 232.

Lessons in the evening prayer,

i. 255, 256.
Lincoln, its "
i. 186, 187.
Linen cloth, termed corporale,
sindon, or eiλŋtòv, when laid
on the holy table, ii. 72.
Litany, used in various senses
by ancient writers, i. 264-
267. antiquity of special sup-
plications, 267-272. cus-
tomary in the time of Basil,
268. peculiar days of litany
or rogation in Gaul, &c.
270. Litania Major of Rome,
271. eastern days of litany,
272. service performed in
litanies, 272, &c. allusions
to it in Basil, 273. Sozomen,
274. Sidonius, Avitus, &c.
274, 275. Roman litanies,
276. Constantinopolitan, ib.
no invocations of saints in
eastern litanies, 276, 277.
nor anciently in western,
277-281. form of litany
prayers derived from the
eastern church, 281, 282.
Kyrie eleison formerly used
instead of the invocations of
saints, 282, &c. anthems
sung in the procession, 283,
&c. litanies of England, 285,
286. litany prayers, as used
by the church, justified, 286,
287. their form and sub-
stance, how ancient, 287,
288. the church justified for
removing invocations of
saints from her litanies, 288
-292. the English litany
compared with ancient texts,

use," or custom,

the lesser, in morning
prayer, i. 239.

Liturgy, meaning of the term,
i. 3.

Liturgies, short account of their

publication during the three

last centuries, i. 3, 4. rea-
sons why there are preju-
dices against them, 4, 5.
course pursued in investi-
gating their original, 6, 7.
four great primitive liturgies,
where used, 8. when com-
mitted to writing, 11. their
value difficult to estimate,
ibid. what it is, 12, 13.
Lord's Prayer, in morning
prayer, i. 215. not origin-
ally used at the beginning
of the service, 216. when
this custom was introduced,
217. when first adopted in
Roman breviary, ibid. at the
beginning of communion ser-
vice, whence derived, ii. 23
-25. not essential to re-
peat it after consecration,
149. ancient liturgies which
do not prescribe it in that
place, 149, 150. repeated by
all the people, 155. joined
to canon of Roman liturgy
by Gregory the Great, i. 114.
Magnificat, its ancient use in

the service, i. 255.
Mahommedans, their assistance
to the monophysites, i. 82.
their persecution of the or-
thodox, 93.

Malabar, liturgies of the Chris-
tians of, i. 197.
Mamertus, of Vienne, litanies
or rogations instituted by
him on the three days before
Ascension, i. 270.
Manual, what, ii. 166.
MARK, St., liturgy of, when and
where discovered and print-
ed, i. 85. proved to have
belonged to the church of
Alexandria, 86. testimonies
to its use in Egypt in the
twelfth century, 87. and in
the seventh, 87, 88. proved
to be derived from original

Alexandrian rite, by its con-
formity with liturgy of Cy-
ril, and Ethiopic, 89, &c.
disputes as to genuineness
of Mark's liturgy, 91. real
origin of this appellation, 92.
Mark's liturgy is that of the
orthodox after A. D. 451,
altered to suit rites of Con-
stantinople, 93. proofs of
this alteration, 93—95, 99.
must have been made before
twelfth century, probably
about eighth, 95, 96. Re-
naudot's mistakes with re-
gard to the liturgy of Mark,
and the Coptic liturgy of
Basil, 96, 97. comparison
with the Coptic liturgy of
Cyril, and the Ethiopic, es-
tablishing primitive Alexan-
drian rite, 98, 99. difference
between this and the great
oriental rite, 99. comparison
with the writings of Egyp-
tian fathers, 100—103. sum-
mary of the means we have
for tracing the primitive li-
turgy of Alexandria, 104.
Renaudot's edition and notes,
104, 105.

Martene, his work, "de Anti-
quis Ecclesiæ Ritibus," com-
mended, ii. 167.
Martyrologium, what, i. 208.
Matins, office for, compounded
of nocturns and lauds, i. 202.
see Nocturns, Lauds.
Matrimony, performed by Chris-
tian ministers from the ear-
liest period, ii. 208. origin-
als of our office, 209-219.
Melchites, meaning of the term,
i. 16.

Menezes, archbishop of Goa, i.


Metropolitans, what, i. 6. anti-

quity of the office, ibid.
MILAN, liturgy of, ascribed to

Ambrose, i. 125. referred to
by Walafridus, &c. ibid. its
text, how ascertained, 125,
126. has been different from
the Roman since the time of
Gregory the Great, 126. and
since fifth century at least,
126, 127. its order, 127, 128.
compared with the Roman
about the time of Gregory,
128-130. prayer super sin-
donem, what it corresponded
to in the Roman liturgy, 129.
whence the liturgy of Milan
was originally derived, 130,
131. its progress traced, and
origin of the name of Am-
brosian as applied to it, 131.
The erroneous notions of
Vicecomes as to its origin,

Milk and honey given after

baptism, ii. 192.

Missa sicca, or dry service,

what, ii. 164. what it re-
sembles in the English li-
turgy, 163, &c. antiquity of
the custom, 164. Durand's
directions for its perform-
ance, 165.

Missal, how distinguished from
liturgy, i. III.

plenary, when and how
formed, i. 308.
Mission, of clergy, as distin-
guished from their orders,
ii. 247. how it is limited,
and conferred, 248. the mis-
sion of the British and Irish
clergy proved, 248-254.
replies to objections of Ro-
manists, &c. 254, &c.
Monastic institute, where it
chiefly prevailed, i. 62.
Monophysites, what, i. 15.
Morning prayer, of the British
church, its origin, i. 206.
see Matins.
Mosarabic liturgy, see SPAIN.

Nestorians, why so called, i.

194. their history alluded
to, ibid. their three liturgies,
195. the liturgy of Adæus
cannot be the apostolical li-
turgy of Mesopotamia, 195,
196. nor the other two, ibid.
Nicene Creed, see Constantino-

Nocturns in morning prayer,
their origin, i. 202.
Nunc dimittis, antiquity of its
use in the service, i. 257.
Oblations offered by Christians
from the earliest period, ii.
67. what they consisted of,
68. whether they were made
during the liturgy in the
eastern church, ibid. alter-
ations and rules about them
in the west, 69. relic of an-
cient customs at Milan, ibid.
their antiquity and fortunes
in England, and Ireland, 70,
71. always preserved by us,


verbal, what, ii. 78, 79.
verbal oblation in the Apo-
stolical Constitutions ex-
plained, 79. in Basil's litur-
gy, 80. in the Alexandrian,
80, 81. in those of Milan
and Rome, 81, 82. in the
Constantinopolitan, 83. in
those of Antioch and Jeru-
salem, 83, 84. no verbal ob-
lation essential, 85, 86. ver-
bal oblations of the Eng-
lish liturgy explained, 86,

or sacrifice, proved not
to be deficient in the Eng-
lish liturgy, ii. 14.
Occasional prayers after the
morning prayer and litany,
i. 301, &c. for rain—fair
weather, 302. in time of
dearth, 303. war, and plague,
304. ember weeks, &c. 305.

for all conditions of men,
Offertory anthem, how ancient,
ii. 73. may be either read
or chanted according to an-
cient customs, 73. 74.
Omophorion, what, ii. 317.
Orders of the British and Irish
clergy, from what apostles
they descend, ii. 249. writ-
ers in defence of their va-
lidity, ibid. admitted to be
valid by learned Romanists,
Oriental liturgy, the great, con-
siderations on its prevalence,
antiquity, and origin, i. 42,
71, 80. difference between
it and the Gallican, 108-
110. probably established by
council of Laodicea in the
exarchate of Ephesus, in
place of one resembling the
ancient Gallican, ibid.
Osculatorium, what, ii. 102.
Oxford, MS. missal of, i. 188.
Pall of bishops and metropo-
litans, ii. 317, 318.
Parker, archbishop, did not
need the Roman patriarch's
confirmation or ordination
to the metropolis of Canter-
bury, but would have been
schismatical if he had ob-
tained them, ii. 257-270.
was ordained by bishops who
had divine mission for their
work, 270, &c.

Paschal controversy between
the Roman and British
churches, i. 155.
Passionarium, what, i. 208.
Pastoral staff, its antiquity,
ii. 319. its figure, ibid.
Pastorale, what, ii. 166.
Patriarch, explanation of the

term, i. 6. authority of, how
ancient, 7.
Patriarchs of the church in

the fourth century, i. 7.
Patrick, archbishop of the Irish,
by whom instructed, i. 156.
his labours in Ireland, 181.
ordained, 185.

Pax, or, osculatorium, what,
ii. 102.
Peace, salutation of, in the
primitive ages used in the
communion service, ii. 1oI.
alterations and extinction of
the custom, 102. its place
how supplied in the English
liturgy, 103.
Penitents, prayers for them in
the liturgy anciently, ii. 66.
public, in the pri-
mitive church, their differ-
ent classes, ii. 240.
Peter the deacon, his quota-
tions from the liturgy of
Basil discussed, i. 50—53.
Phenolion, what, ii. 309.
Planeta, ii. 309.
Pluviale, see Cope.
Poderis, what, ii. 315.
Pontifical, what it contained,
ii. 166.

Pontus, civil diocese of, i. 45.

what ecclesiastical division
it corresponded with, ibid.
Pope, the title of the patriarch
of Alexandria, i. 86. to whom
applied in primitive times,
Portiforium, see Breviary.
Post-communion, thanksgiving
in the liturgy, its antiquity,
ii. 155-157-

Preface in the communion ser-
vice, see Thanksgiving.

in the Gallican and

Spanish liturgies, i. 160-

Preparation of the elements,
see Elements.

Priests, ordinations of, in the
English ritual, ii. 300-

Prime, an hour of prayer, its

antiquity, i. 203.

Processional, what, ii. 60, 166.
Processions, spoken of by Basil,
and introduced by Chrysos-
tom, ii. 265, 266.
Proclus, archbishop of Con-
stantinople, tract ascribed
to him probably spurious,
i. 18, 73, 74, 194.
Prophecy, see Epistle.
Prosa, what, ii. 49.
Psalmody, customs of, appoint-
ed by Basil in his monaste-
ries, i. 67.
Psalms in morning prayer,
their place justified, i. 223.
their number varied in dif-
ferent places, 223, 224. the
British offices defended, 224.
the decree of Gregory VII.
of Rome on the offices null
in these churches, ibid. in
evening prayer, 254. num-
bers of them in ancient
times, and different places,

Psalter used in canonical hours,
i. 207. Roman and Gallican
Psalters, ibid. what the Psal-
ter generally contained, ibid.
Purgatory, belief in, rendered

it inexpedient to continue
prayers for the departed,
ii. 95. not the doctrine of
the catholic church, 253,
Renaudot, his liturgical publica-
tions, i. 4, 20, 105. his mis-
takes corrected, i. 90, 94,
96, 97.
Responsory, what, ii. 46.
Ritual, what it contained dur-

ing the middle ages, ii. 166.
of the Greek church, how it
resembles that of the Eng-
lish, ibid.

Rochette, its antiquity, ii. 318.
Rogations, or supplications, i.

269. three rogation-days be-
fore ascension, by whom in-
stituted, 270. where preva-
lent, 270, 271. see Litany.
ROME, liturgy of, different opin-
ions as to its antiquity, i.
III. missal and liturgy dis-
tinguished, ibid. ascribed to
Gregory the Great, ibid.
means of ascertaining the
liturgy as used in his time,
112. Gregory the reviser
and improver, not the au-
thor, of it, 112, 113. this
liturgy was not composed
between the time of Vigilius
and Gregory, 113, 114. re-
ferred to by Vigilius, A. D.
538, 115.regulations of Sym-
machus, ibid. Gelasius, his
sacramentary, 116. Leonian
sacramentary, its antiquity,
117. Leo the Great, his ad-
ditions to the canon, &c.
ibid. Innocentius's testimo-
ny to the antiquity of the
Roman liturgy, 118. its an-
tiquity conjectured from the
relics of the African liturgy,
119, 120. from that of Mi-
lan, 120. its order before
the time of Gregory the
Great, 121–123. means of
ascertaining the text of Gre-
gory's sacramentary, 123.
commentators on the Ro-
man liturgy, 124.

patriarch of, his privi-
leges in the primitive ages
defined, ii. 259. extent of
his patriarchal jurisdiction,
259, 260. had no jurisdic-
tion over Britain or Ireland,
260. nor over France, ac-
cording to the most learned
Romanists, 262. did not ac-
quire patriarchal jurisdiction
over our churches by send-
ing Augustine, 261, 262. had

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