Sayfadaki görseller

our church may be further reformed in all thinges needfull accordinge to the Rule of Godes holy word-and agreably to the example of other reformed Churches which have restored both the Doctrine and Discipline as yt was deliuered by our Saviour Christ, and his holy Apostles-In particular we desire the removing or reforming of the Dumbe and Idoll ministery, non residencie pluralities, offensive ceremonies lawelesse subscription, faultes in the Liturgie, or the Scottishe Liturgie established, oath ex officio, excommunication for trifles, and that by lay men and transcendant power of Bishops.

If any thinke not good to goo so farre as the 'xample of other churches, etc., they may staye at the first lyne or stroke yt is made-if any thinke good to discende into particulars they may goo beyound the second stroke—and recken vp what particulars they please, herein we leave everye man.

Becourse the Bishops go about to make the Kinge beleve by themselves or others, that yf he take the course yt they like, that then he shall please the whole state.

That therfore, you would labour so many ministers, gentlemen, and so upwarde, and commons, as you can to complaine themselves of the violences, grevious burdens and matters of just discontentment laid heretofore or still vpon all in general or any one in particular by themselves or any of their Chauncelers, Commissaries, or any other of the Officers whatsoever.

That you would in the said your complaint touch likewise what you knowe of their boulsteringe and keepinge in the offices of the Church such as have bene notoriously scandalous, as also what you knowe of their preferringe into and placinge in the said offices base and vile men of scandalous life.

Further that you Joyne not many ministers or gentlemen together in one petition, but that you drawe severall ones as you dwell or have used together severally for the avoydinge of the suspition of conspiracy, and that provide in the handlinge of the word to take all manner good occasions to lett the people see whatsoever is to be taken to hart, and iustly causinge discontentment, as also from the word to prepare them to be forwarde and earnest in seekinge and cravinge redresse, and that these thinges be proceeded in speedely and heedely.


Certaine motions in the cause of Reformation, July 21, 1603

1 That Judge Yelverton be solicited by some Lettre or personally to sett downe a petition to the which he, the justices and gentlemen of the countrey may subscribe.

2 That a survaye of the ministrye be taken, and of all the cheife grevances of the courtes candide, with the handes and witnesses of such as doe complaine.

3 That a Catalogue of all the Deaneries or Hundredes be taken, Mr. Barbon and Mr. Binx will helpe therin.

4 That man bringe his true knowledge of all such matters in writinge to Mr. Catelyne, Mr. Stone and Mr. Barbone, and they to communicate one with another, and this with all possible speede, and yf it may be, by this day 3 weekes, and for the better attayninge to this to consult with the godly in the same parishes, or the parishe next adjoyninge.

5 In the viewe of the ministery, enquire out 1. Dumbe ministerie and who made them. 2. Under who they serve and what they have for their paines. 3. The non-residentes, and where they live, and who supplye their places. 4. Pluralities and how many Livinges they have, and howe farre distante, and the valuations. 5. Howe offensive in life, and howe longe they have continued soe notwithstandinge all courtes of reformation, although they have bene presented. Added, To procure a note of all such parsonages as by the late Bishops have bene impropriated and leased out for a longe tyme, wherby the ministers maintenaunce is decayed. Item. What Incumbentes have compounded with the Patrons at their entraunce for part of their livinges wherby the Patrones enjoye the benefite that might maintayne a preacher.

6 Item. that there be 2 ministers chosen for Northamptonshire to prosecute these causes at the Parliament, by common advice and consent, their places supplyed, their charges borne.

7 That supplication be made by the ministers to the Knightes and Burgesses of this shire to request and charge them to stand and further Reformation everye way so farre as god hath given

them light, as the dumbe ministerye, non-residencye, commissaries, courtes, etc.

8 That the ministers of Northamptonshire, doe charge the Bishops whosoever be clarkes of the convocation that they have god before their eies, and not to strive against their consciences to maintayne knowen corruptions.

9 That according to the patterne of a supplication of Mr. Dudley Fenners, the ministers of the same shire make a supplication, and offer it at the convocation dore, or proffere it by some of the house, witnesse beinge taken.

10 That everye minister not only by publique preaching doe urge Reformation, but also by worde and lettres doe labour the same. and also that the Bishops and Deanes be solicited by them that have acquaintaunce with them keepinge true copies of their lettres.

11 That for all these supplications, Mr. Cateline, Mr. Stone and Mr. Barbon take order with the advise of the brethren to procure their supplications in readines, and also yt they keepe true copies, and Regesters of all that they doe.

12 That yf any man can informe any further matter of the same nature, yt he certifye some one of these 3, Mr. S. Mr. C. Mr. B.1 1

This done in the presence of

John Barbon, Daniell Wight, Jonas Chaliner,
Richard Thornill, Sampson Woode, Henry Burne,
Frauncis Bradley, Henry Becke, Robert Bincks,
Robert Smart, William West, Christopher Sanderson,
William Dale, Thomas Randleson, Thomas London,
Christopher Spicer.


(Additional MSS. 28571 f. 205.)

If the Busshopps proceed against any they must do it they are Busshops.


ether quatus



or by vertue of the Comission.

To send out processes to cite men and to sitt in Iudgment is a 1 Snape, Chalenor, Barbon.

This is the endorsement.

principall parte of the Judgment ecclesiastical: This being by statute 1° Elizabeth: annexed to the crowne, is an especiall prerogative Regall: howe this statute 25 Henry 8 cap. 2° dothe leue the Busshop such priuiledges onely as are not preiudiciall, to the prerogative Royall or to the lawes and statutes of the realme, and uppon this grownde did the parliament, 1° Edwardi 6 enact that all processes ecclesiasticall should be in the Kinges name: as are the processes of the Kinges Court in the Comon Lawe.

Ob. what Authoritie is then left to the Busshopps. Quæ ad ordinem non quæ ad iurisdiconem spectant as to ordayne, institute etc. Wherefore if any be cited, they may appeare to avoyde occasion of sclander but they are in open place to protest that sith all iurisdiccon is in the Kinge, and that by their oathe to the supremacy they are bounde to acknowledge noe authoritie but that which it is derived from his Majestie that therefore they doe not appeare as of dutie nether acknowledge the Busshopps authoritie or Iurisdiccon in ecclesiasticall causes, unlesse he haue sufficient warrant from his Majestie under the broade seale accordinge to the statute 1° Elizabeth Cap. 1°.

The high Comission is established by 1° Eliza: Cap. 1° and they must proceed ether uppon the 1° Eliz. Cap 2° or uppon the Cannons.

Towchinge the statute first it ratifieth nether the booke of comon prayer lately corrected, nether the former that was used in all the queenes tym, but only the booke of Ed. 6. with two alterations specified in the statute. Whereas that which hath byn hetherto used hath many alteracons, and therfore they cannot proceed against any for the neglect of other of these bookes by vertue of the statute. Secondly, that statute dothe inflicte noe such penaltie for omission or refusall of the vestments or ornamentes of the ministers, and therfore none can be towched in his liuing for the surplesse by the statute, and ther is not any other that dothe comaund it, only they may be punished for contempt by imprisonment and not otherwise.

As for the Cannons if they shalbe confirmed and soe the high Comission execute penaltie of them, it wilbe a verie doubtfull poynt whether they can stretche soe farr as to putt a subiect from his freehold, and if men putt it to the triall of the Comon lawe it will seeme a verie hard case, for admitt that the convocacon howse

may for breach of Church orders dispossesse a minister of his free hold, when not any other subiect, and soe by consequent the whole body of the Realme may (if they transgresse the Churche Orders) be putt out of their landes and livinges, and be enthralled to the clergy as in tymes past, which gapp will not easely be opened especially since it is graunted of all, that ecclesiasticall lawes doe properly tend only to the spirituall chastisements.

Conclusions uppon the premisses.

Noe Busshopp except he haue a high Comission can with any couller of lawe proceede against a minister.

The high Comission cannot inflict any warrantable penaltie for omission of the surplesse or the booke of comon prayer nowe extant and in use by vertue of the statute.

If any be by Busshopp or Comission depriued he may notwithstanding keepe possession of his liuing untill by lawe it be tried whether the Busshopps act can dispossesse him of his freehold.

The manner howe to keepe possession.

Lett him prouide that some one, ether wief, child, servaunt, or freind be alwayes in the Church, and in the howse night and day, soe noe other can be inducted. If any offer to thrust or pull him or his out of the Church, lett him not much contend, but being thrust out lett him goe to the Justices neere adjoyning, and deposing before them that he was thrust out of possession, they must of course lett him in possession agayne. If the Busshopp shall sequester his liuinge, the lawe hath a verie direct remidie to dissolve the sequestration.

Reasons not to subscribe besides the things that are simply against the word of god in the booke.

Busshopps Cannons and articles are not lawe and subiectes are to be governed by lawe.

To subscribe weare iniuriously to discourage and reproache the religious knightes and gentlemen of the parliament who uppon good grownde haue labored to remoue it.1

1 These lines are underlined in the MS.

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