Sayfadaki görseller
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logy to our young readers, 556;
general remarks on children's books, 557;
Mother Bunch, 558; all sorts of ex-
citement injurious in childhood, 559;
utility of parables and apologues, ib.;
Bunyan, ib.; religious stories of ques-
tionable utility, 560; merits of the
present work, ib.; Peter Simons,'
ib. et seq.

Immortality, a poem, 366, 7;

kinds of immortality, 366; merits of
the poem, ib.; specimen, ib. ;
India, progress of the missions in, 357;
sketches of, 522 et seq.; future pros
pects of, 530.

Indian Archipelago, history of, 228 et
seq. see Crawford,

Indians, claims of, 371; Seminole, anec-
dotes of the, 188.
Inquiry into demand and consumption,

69; character of the pamphlet, 85.
Italy, state of religion in, 167..

Jackson, General, character of, 187.
James's sermon on the death of Berry,
170 et seq.; fugitive nature of funeral
sermons, 170; character of Mr.
Berry, ib. ; author's talents as an ora-
tor, 171; the practice of reading ser-
mons deprecated, ib. ; apology for rea-
ders, 172; Chalmers-Toller-Spen-
cer, ib.; a good speaker may be a bad
reader, 173; utility of writing ser-
mons at length, ib.; Dr. Dwight's
reasons for the practice, ib.; disad-
vantage of the memoriter habit, 174;
raw preachers; ib.;

James, I. character of, 494; absurd po-
licy of, 545.

Jamieson's grammars of rhetoric and
logic, 443-5; merits of the volumes,
443; unfortunate criticism on Thom-
son, ib.; and on Horace, 444; definition
of the pun, ib.

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Java, works relating to, 231; supersti-
tions &c. of, 236.

Johnson's, Lieut. Col., journey through
Persia, notice of, 303.
Johnson's, Thomas, reasons for dissent,
564, 5; dissent interesting only as a
cause connected with religion, 564;
merits of the tract, ib.
Josephus, chronology of perplexed, 339,

Justification, harmony of Paul and
James on, 265.

Labour, not a measure of value, 77; to be
regarded as property, 278; may be legi-
timately withheld from an overstocked
market, 279.

Lawson's woman in India,' 364, 5;

apostrophe to a deceased daughter, 364.
Lay preaching, apology for, 445 et seq.
Leibnitz, extracts from the Theodice
of, 113, 116.

Leifebild's Christian temper, 242 el seq;
importance of insisting on Christian
morality, 242; opposite errors of
doctrinal and practical preachers, ib.;
on the circumstances of the serinön
on the mount, 244; true use and bear-
ings of our Lord's discourse, 245; on the
ennobling influence of Christian princi
ples, 246; cdmonition in reference to a
respect of persons, 247; on the obliga
tion to cultivate the grace of meekness,
ib. et seq.

Letters from Portugal and Belgium, 421
el seg. ; just idea of military affairs to
be derived only from the details, 421;
prowess of a German hussar, 422; savage
disciplinarian, 422; anecdotes of wear,
ib.; power of national music, 424;
anecdotes, ib.; behaviour of Wellington
before the battle of Waterloo, 426; he-
roic conduct of the 92nd, ib.; anecdote
of the Emperor Alexander, 428.
Liberty, connexion of with genius, 125;
religious, modern date of, 481;

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see Brook.
Lingard's history of England, 1 et seq.;
the history of England a desideratum,
1; qualifications of the author, 2;
his catholic prejudices instanced in
his account of king Egfrid, &c. ib.;
his disingenuous account of St. Dun
stan, 3; catastrophe at Colne, 4;
transactions between Henry II, and
Becket, ib.; panegyric on Becket by
Mr. Berington, 5; bishop Foliott's
letter in the Cotton MSS., b. papal
excommunication of king John, 6 ; apo-
logy for that monarch's becoming the vas-
sal of the pope, ib.; contemptuous es-
timate of Wiclif, 8; adroit misrepre
sentation of that reformer's conduct and
doctrines, ib.; citation from Mr. Ba-
ber in refutation, 9; Lollards charged
by a bishop with being followers of
Mahomet, 10, note; pitiable prejudice
of the author, 10; remarks on his
history of the reign of Henry VIII,
ib.; stale of the realm at the death of
Edward VI., 1); counter-statement
from the life of Latimer," 12;
value of author's labours in all that
regards the secular history, 13; ac-
count of the wilenagemots, 14; wealth
of England under the conqueror, 15;
effects of the Norman invasion, ib.;
character of Henry II., 16; true ua-

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ture of magna charta, 17; original
composition of parliament, ib. i his-
tory of Bishop Grosseteste, 18; cha-
racter of Edward I., ib.; character of
Wallace, ib.; Crecy and Agincourt,
19; character of Richard III., 20;
battle of Flodden-field, 21; general me-
rits of the work, 23; author's misre-
presentations relative to Lucius, 464;
and Augustine, 473.
Lollards,the misrepresentation of,8; efforts
of in favour of liberty, 487; influence
of in Scotland, 533; sentiments of,

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Luccock's notes on Brazil, 193 et seq.;
moral influence of scenery disproved
by facts, 193; degraded character of
the Brazilians, 195; contents of the
volume, 196; rapid advance of im-
provement in the Brazilian capital,
b. portrait of the prince regent, 197;
loyalty of the citizens, 198; remarks
on mob-loyalty, ib.; new ecclesiastical
arrangements in Brazil, 199; success-
ful application of satire, ib.; impor-
tant benefits conferred on the Bra-
zilians by their presen sovereign, 200;
inefficacy of capital punishments,
ib.; beneficial consequences of the incor-
poration of the colonies with the mother
country, 201; liberty of the press,
202; contrast between the policy of
Portugal and that of Britain towards
her American colonies, 203; political
relations and pro pects of Brazil, ib. ;
geography of Brazil, 204; charge
against the B. and F. Bible Society re-
lative to their Spanish testament, ib. ;
reply to the charge, 205; general de-
Iscription of the lowlands of S. Brazil,
206; sand-hills, ib.; Brazilian farms,
207; hypothesis as to the formation of
deserts, 208; the Piedmont of Janeiro,
ib.; forest on fire, 209; transition from
the forest tracts to the downs, ib.; de-
scription of the table-land of Brazil,
210; hill of iron ore, 211; view near
Villa Rica, ib.; pernicious effect of the
gold mania, 212; curious expedient
for throwing off the scam of the popula-
tion, ib.; fatal consequences of the
discovery of the western mines, 213;
state of the slaves, ib, ; slave-trade
to be extirpated only by the civiliza-
tion of Africa, ib.

Lyon's travels in Africa, 23 et seq.; no-
tice of the previous enterprises of
Park, Peddie, and Horneman, 23;
object of author's mission, 24; de-
scription of the Marabouts, 25; man-
ners and customs of Tripoli, 26; bis-


tory of the enterprise, 27; sand-
showers, 28; Sockna, ib.; paying tri-
bute, ib.; travelling in the desert, 29;
Mourzook, 30; distressing exigency
of the travellers, ib.; singular tribe of
Arabs (Tuarick), 31; the dromedary
or maherry, ib. ; drove of slaves, ib,
Tombuctoo, 32; course of the Nil,
33; singular mode of drawing water,
ib.; disinterested conduct of a native, ib. ;
death and burial of Mr. Belford, 34;
general remarks on the voluine, 35.

M'Cries life of Andrew Melville, 532 el
seq.; merits of the work, 532; pa-
rentage of Melville, ib. ; influence of
the Lollards in Scotland, 533; state
of learning in Scotland at this period,
534; Melville studies under Ramuss,
ib.; affecting death of his pupil, 535;
testimony borne to Melville by Beza,
ib.; anecdote of Melville's presence of
mind, 536; is appointed principal of
the university of Glasgow, ib.; rich-
ness of his conversational talent, ib. ;
anecdote of his intrepidity in enforcing
discipline, 537; his heroic reply to the
regent, 538 explanation of a curious
passage in Hooker's Eccl. Pol., ib.;
anecdote of his rencounter with Caldcleugh,
539; his daring conduct as moderator
of the general assembly before the king,
540; declines the authority of the
privy council, ib.; retires to England,
541; account of the fate of part of the
Spanish Armada, ib. ; absurd policy of
James I. 543; his faculty for disputation,
ib.; Melville summoned to London,
544; denounces Bancroft before the privy
council, ib.; committed to the tower,
545; his death, 546.

Mahomedans, state of, in India, 529;
in China, 571.

Malthus on political economy, 69 et

seq.; present state of the science, 69;
author's fondness for definitions, 70;
objections to his definition of wealth,
71; what is wealth, 72; on the terms
productive and unproductive, ib.;
Malthus and Say at issue as to the
corner-stone of Adam Smith's work,
73; Ricardo's distinction between
riches and value, ib.; on the term
value, 74; logomachy between Mal-
thus and Ricardo as to the ultimate
measure of value, 75; on the rule of
barter in the early stages of society,
76; author's preference of money as a
standard of relative value, ib.; cost of
production the real basis, but not the
measure, of price, 77; why labour can-

not be a measure even in theory, ib.; pa-
radox of Ricardo, that commodities
may fall with a relative rise of wages,
78; author's able refutation of the post-
tion, ib.; on a mean between corn
and labour as the measure of value,
79: different measures in different
cases, the most manageable and ac-
curate, ib.; remaining topics of the
work, ib.; Ricardo's definition of rent
exceptionable, ib.; cultivation, not
demand, the origin of rent, 80; au-
thor's three causes of rent, 81; the lat-
ter two causes, not of rent, but of
high prices, ib. ; author's notion, that
diminsshed fertility would lessen the quan-
tity of land cultivated, 82; its fallacy
exposed, ib.; on the connexion be-
tween the interests of the state and
those of the landlord, 83; author's
revolting view of the consequences of the
progress of society, ib.; the capitalist,
according to his representation, a so-
cial nuisance, 84; high character of
the author, 85.

Martyn, rev. H., testimonies to his ad-
mirable character, 319, 529.

Melville, Andrew, life of, 532, et seq.;
see M'Crie.

Morrison's memoir of the embassy to
China, 569, et seq.; advantages of
the author in journeying in China,
569; prevalence of idolatry, ib.; tem-
ple to the god of kine, ib.; establish.
ment of 1000 priests, ib; author finds
a son making a coffin for his father, ib. ;
temples, 570; alliance between reli-
gion and the stage, ib.; Chinese eti-
quette, ib.; Chinese Malthus, ib.;
penny hot-baths, 571; fortune-tel-
lers, ib.; Mahommedans and Jews, ib.
Muck, running a, 235.

Naples, Craven's tour through, 385, et
seq.; see Craven.

Narrative of a voyage to the Spanish
main, 185; et seq.; character of the
South American contest, 185; charac-
ter of General Jackson, 197; ferocious
nature of the Seminole war, 188; in-
stance of generosity in a female Indian,
Neapolitan literature, 394; population,
character of the, 395.

Newton's three enigmas, 461, 2; au-
thor's theory as to the secret of the
Eleusinian mysteries, 461; fatal ef-
fect of the carnivorous regimen, ib.
Noble's Arabic vocabulary, 460, 1.
North Georgia gazette, 50; merits of

the volume, 65; arctic miseries, 66 ;

lines on seeing the sun set for three
months, ib.; whistlers, hummers, and
drummers, 67.

Observations on certain verbal disputes
in political economy, 69, et seq.; force
of author's remarks on Malthus's vin-
dication of the science, 70; objection
to M. Say's notion of value, 74; Labour
not a correct measure of value, 77; cha
racter of the pamphlet, 85.
Observations on Hebrew idiom, 157,8;
Granville Sharp's rule respecting Van
conversive, 157; author's theorem, ib.;
application of it to the sacred text, 158;
objectionable nature of the rendering,


Olive branch, origin of its symbolic mean.
ing, 516.

Painters, remarks on celebrated, 220.
Parry's journal of a voyage, 50; deco-

rations and merits of the volume, 68;
see Arctic Voyages.
Paxton's illustrations of the boly Scrip-
tures, 514 et seq.; importance of
this class of biblical literature, 514;
plan and contents, 515; description of
Carmel, 516; origin of the rymbolic
meaning of the olive branch, ib.; au-
thor's obligations to Bochart, 317;
incantation of serpents, ib.; parallel
passage in Bochart, 519; the ass,
520; Eastern stair-cases, 521 ; notice
of errors, ib.

Pelagius, parentage of, 469; character
of, 470.

Persepolis, ruins of, 318.

Persia, the most interesting country in
the world, 290; early history of, 298.
Persian entertainment, 301; improvisa
tore, 308; manners, 312; painters,

Poetry, modern, remarks on ; 45, 50;
146; 373; 428; 440.

Political economy, works on, 69, 277;
present state of the science, 69; see

Porter's travels through Georgia, &c.
289, et seq.; notice of preceding tra
vellers, 289; Persia the most inte-
resting country in the world, 290;
destructive timber-worm, 291; tomb of
Howard, ib.; the Don, or Tanais, 292;
count Platoff, ib.; first sight of Cauca
sus, 293; Tiflis, 294; demoralization
of the Georgians owing to the Russians,
ib.; Georgian women, 295; destructive
avalanche, 296; Anni, the ancient ca-
pital of Armenia, 297; Mount Ara-
rat, ib.; apocryphal nature of early
Persian history, 298; Tabreez, ib. z

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process of the bath, 299; Persian en-
tertainment, 301; heut.-col. Johnson's
account of the fortifications of Tabreez,
303; poisonous bug, 304; mysterious
murder of Mr. Brown, 305; magnifi-
cent mausoleum at Sultania, 306;
Elborz range, 307; Tehraun, ib. ;
Persian improvisatori, 308; anecdote of
Mirza Sheffu, ib.; ceremonial of the
Nowroose, 09; royal garden, 311;
state of manners, 312; portrait of the
king, ib.; description of a caravansary,
313; Ispahan, 314; Persian paint-
ers, 315; state of the Armenian po-
pulation, ib.; the Atesh-gah, ib. ; the
goorkhur, or wild ass, 316; ruins of
Mourg-aub, and tomb of Cyrus, 317;
mountain of sepulchres, ib.; Perse-
polis, 318; arrow-head character
probably a variation of the Hebrew,
ib.; testimony to Henry Martyn, 319;
Shiraz, 320; faults of the author's
style, 321.

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Poussin, memoirs of, 214, et seq.; re-
marks on the genius of, 223, 227;
see Graham,

Powell, Vavasor, notice of, 475.
Preaching, remarks on, 172, et seq. ; 456.
Pun, definition of the, 444.
Puritans, martyrs, 484.

Redford's true age of reason, 175, 6;
impolicy of legal prosecutions of unbe-
lievers, 176; analysis of the tract, ib.
Reformation, the English, considera-
tions on, 488, et seq.
Reformers, declarations of the, 492.
Rent, causes of, 80, 1.

Revelation the foundation of theologi- .
cal science, 109; on the internal evi-
dence of, 180-3.

Ricardo, opinions of, on value, &c. 73,
75, 78; on rent, 79.

Richards's Welsh Nonconformists' me-
morial, 321, el seq.; 463, et seq.; con-
tents of the work, 322; author's apo-
logy for druidism, 334; his hypothesis
as to the origin of Pelagianism, 469;
objections to it, 470; character of the
work, 475.

Rome, a poem, 552, el seq.; author's de-
fiance of critics, 552; argument of
the poem, 553; St. Peter's at Rome,
554; apostrophe to author's native land,

Ross's voyage of discovery, 50; dimi-
nished value of the work, 56; its pal
try decorations, 58; see Arctic Voy-

Rouge et Noir, and other poems, 373, et
seq.; on the Whistlecraft style, 373;

on English bumoùr, ib.; Don Juan,'
374; subject and character of the
present poem, ib.; the palais royal,
375; Frescali, 376; the gaming-table,
377; portraits of gamblers, 378; cau-
tion to tourists, 379; stanzas ' to an in-
funt,' ib.

Russian character, remarks on, 420.

Sabbath, perpetuity of the, maintained
in refutation of Paley, 272; argu-
ments drawn from Heb. iv. 9, and
Matthew ix. 14, untenable, ib. ; criti-
cism on Col. ii. 17, ib.; its original
institution not referred to, Exod. xvi.
22-30, 273; its indirect benefits,
274; inestimable importance as a means®
of communicating knowledge to the poor,
ib.; its primary benefits, 275; its po-
litical importance, 276; its religious
importance, 550.

Say, J. B., opinion of, on productive la-
bour, controverted, 73.
Schmidii concordantia, 457, et seq.;
utility of the work, 457; history of
the divisions of the sacred text, 458;
concordances of St. Caro, Betulejus,
and the Stephens's, 459; merits of
the present publication, 460.
Scott's, John, sketches of manners in the
French provinces, 161, et seq.; lite-
rary character and death of the au-
thor, 161; island of Jersey, 162;
sail up the river Rance, ib. ; wretched-
ness of the population of Brittany, 163;
their hostility to the English, 164;
castle of Vitré, ib.; importance of the
tie of domestic servitude, 165; Cha-
teau Gontier, ib.; Angers, ib.; effect
of gothic architecture, 166; Italian ca-
puchin friar, ib.; nature of the prin-
ciple which originated cathedrals,
167; low state of religion in Italy, ib. ;
the catholic ritual not adapted to take a
deep hold of the imagination, ib.; the
Austrians in Italy, 168; genius and
policy of Bonaparte, ib.; meteor-like
character of his power, 169; his real
monument, ib.; the French deficient
in imagination, ib.; influence of the
Scriptures on our national taste, 170.
Scott, rev. T., eminence of as a com-
mentator, 86; account of the works
of, 87; biographical notice of, 88;
thoughts of, on the means of reviving re
ligion, 91.

Select female biography, 178.
Selfishness, awful consequences of, 382.
Sermons, remarks on the delivery of,

Serpents, incantation by, 333, 517.

Sketch of a plan for settling in Upper
Canada, 370-2; inducements to set-
tlers, 370; important preliminary
considerations, 371; claims of the In-
dians, ib.

Sketches of India, 522, et seq.; merits
of the work, 522; descriptive sketches
of various groupes, ib. el seg. ; intelli-
gent docility of the elephant, 525;
ruins of Bijanagur, ib. ; moral condition
of the Hindoos, 527; effect of native
schools, ib.; Abdool Messee, 529;
state of the Mahommedan population,
ib.; British convert to Hindooism,
530; future prospects of British In-
dia, ib. ; ruins of Gour, ib. ; author's
feelings on spending Christmas Day at
Nya Serai, 531.

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Sketches of sermons, 445, et seq. ; pre-
judice against lay-preachers, 445;
Jay-teaching sanctioned by episcopal
authority, 446; inadequacy of the
apparatus of a church establishment,
ib.; high-church dissenters, ib., apo-
Jogy for illiterate teachers, 447; vul-
gar teachers not preferred by the
Tower classes, 448; duty of lay co-
operation, 449; examples of distin
guished usefulness in laymen, ih.; de-
sign and opinions of the authors, 450;
sermon on Isa. xxxv. 8, ib.; sermon on
Rev. xxii. 5, 453; sermon on 2 Cur.
xii, 9, 455; legitimate use of the vo-
Jume, 456; general remarks, 457.
Sophocles, remarks on the genius of,

Southey's expedition of Orsua, 250, et
seq.; frightful nature of the story,
250; ils supposed moral, 251; origin
of the expedition, ib. infatuated
policy of Orsua, ib.; formation of the
conspiracy, 252; death of Orsua,

b. proceedings of the conspirators,
253; sanguinary atrocities of Aguirre,
ib.; the tyrant no beretic, 254; his
death, ib.; reflections on his charac-
ter, 255; author's facetious parallel
of Aguirie and Cromwell, 256.


vision of judgment, references
to, 222, 256, 428.
Staël's, Mde, de, ten years' exile, 412,

et seq. literary value of the work,
412; Bonaparte interesting only
from his power, 413; merit of au-
thor's opposition to Bonaparte, ih.;
intolerable nature of her exile, ih.;
meanness of her tyrant, 414; his jea-
lousy of author's reputation, ib.; source
and basis of author's enthusiasm for
liberty, 415; unworthy attempt to
depreciate her, 416; portrait of Bonu-

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parte, 417; the new noblesse, ib. ; po-
licy of Bonaparte in the murder of
the duke d'Enghien, 418 further se-
verities against author, ib.; antigal-
licanism of M. Schlegel, 419; au-
thor's escape into Russia, 420; ker
feelings at the sight of the sea, ibage au-
thor's remarks on the Russian charac-
ter, ib.; merits and demerits of the
translation, 421. -

Stage, they remarks on, 567; Chinese, 570.
Staunton's Chinese embassy; 35, et
seq.; merits and attainments of the
translator; 35; peculiarity of the
Chinese language, 36; dictionary of
200 volumes, ib. ; the Chinese a nation
of readers, 37; paucity of works relat-
ing to foreign nations, 38; nature of
the present work, ib.; timplicity of the
author, 39; imperial instructions to the
ambassador, 40; brutal punishments
in China, ib.; imperial edict, 41;
Chinese drama, 42; see Vol XII.
N. S. index.
Stillingfleet, Bp., on the amusements of
clergymen, 565, et seq.; see Three


Taxidermy, 158, et seq.; history of the
art of preserving animal specimens,
159; method of mounting the elephant
in the French museum, 160.
Taylor's, Jefferys, Esop in rhyme, 175,
et seq.; neglect of the old fabulist,
175; the ass in the lion's skin,' ib. ;

the fox and the crow,' 176; the cha-
meleon,' 177.

Test act, history of the, 499.
Three Dialogues on the amusements of

clergymen, 565, et seq.; authorship
and merit of the work, 565; exception
in favour of angling among amuséments
involving the destruction of life, ib.;
tenderness toward animals not always
connected with virtue, 566; anecdote
of S. J. Pratt, ib. note; cards, ib.;
the stage, 567; music, ib.; shuttlecock,
568; Pascal, a shoemaker, ib.
Townshend's, C. H., poems, 43, et seq.;
difference of bulk between modern
poets and their predecessors, 43; song,
amid the west,' 44;' song of the sea-
nymphs,' ib.; 'separation,' 45;
the setting sun,' 46; hints to the au-
thor, 47; on romantic feeling, 48;
I know thee now,' 49; COR-
stancy,' ib.; an anthology of minor
poets desirable, 50.

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Trinity, arguments in support of the doc-
trinc of the, 261.

Turnbull's view of church government,

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