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Sigma is doing and if we say that Brother Knowlton, who graduated, was elected permanent president of his class, besides taking prizes and honors for scholarship, it will help out the impression of our leadership on the Hill.


Wilfrid L. Owen

Although Delta Delta has given seven of her men to the service since college opened last fall her active roll still numbers thirty-one. Because such a large number of our last year's juniors went into training camps, we had only two seniors to graduate. They were Howard Willand and Richard C. Bartlett. Upon graduation Bartlett received his commission as ensign and expects to be called into active service soon. Raymond J. Ewart, who has been in the officers' training school, was recently recommended for commission as second lieutenant. Guy Booth is waiting for his call to the aviation school.


Owing to the early closing of college all varsity athletics were suspended for this spring but several interclass contests were held in which A. T. O. was well represented. Two new men were recently initiated: William C. Wheeler '19 and Reginald A. Soderland '21, also Stephen H. Dyer '16 who was a member of the Gamma Theta fraternity. A visit by Emerson H. Packard, Chief of Province VI, at the last regular meeting of the chapter for the year was greatly appreciated.

Louis B. Hoffmann was re-elected leader of the college orchestra for next year. Frederick A. Weigel was elected manager of the orchestra and Wilfrid L. Owen manager of the glee club.

Every room in the chapter house is being papered and painted this summer so that it will be in the best possible condition for the opening of college and the rushing season next fall.


Homer D. Crossman

College closed May 4, 1918, in order to give the students an opportunity to go on the farms to work. Some of the brothers are going to do their bit by helping raise food for the country, while others intend to join some branch of the service. R. C. Brown and A. P. Butler both '18 went to the Officers' Training Camp at Camp Devens, May 15.

Although this year has been rather short and much has been covered in a very short time, we have been successful in many ways. Four '18 men graduated on May 6, of which two were

Phi Beta Kappa. The graduates are Raymond C. Brown, cum laude; A. Prentiss Butler; Philip F. Jones, cum laude; and George C. Stanley.

George Blood, our star athlete and chemist, was elected into the Junior honorary society, Key and Serpent and also into the Junior-Senior society, Melissedon. He has just received his letter for varsity basketball and has been elected captain for next year. B. E. Greene '21 was recently elected president of the dramatic society. G. C. Stanley '18 has received his "V" for the rifle team. This is the third time Stanley has made the rifle team while in college. E. A. Spaulding '19 has been elected manager of the glee club for the coming year also Alumni Editor of the Cynic. P. G. Herrick is on the Sophomore Committee which has charge of "Frosh" next year. L. W. Williams ex-'19 and Hovey Jordon '14 have been commissioned 2nd lieutenants from the Third Officers' Training Camp. M. M. Byington ex-'19 and H. V. Adams ex-'18 have been commissioned 2nd lieutenants in aviation. F. W. Sykes '14 has been recommended for a commission in artillery from Third Officers' Training Camp.

Fraternity reception was held May 4 from five until six o'clock in the afternoon. At this time we entertained some of the parents and several sub-freshmen. We decided to close the house for the summer and have it thoroughly cleaned before next year. Taking all things into consideration, we have had one of the most successful years of our chapter. We are all intending to come back early next fall to look over the freshmen.



V. G. Dodds

The year has been a successful one in every way for Alpha Omicron despite the depletion occasioned by the war. The high standard of the chapter has been maintained to that of normal times and indications are that it will continue to be in the future. The new men have entered into the spirit of the fraternity fully and are working faithfully for St. Lawrence and for A. T. O.

Seven men earned their letters in football. Miller, '18, was appointed acting manager to replace Whittemore, '18, who had entered the service.

In Varsity basketball the college was represented by an all A. T. O. team, an occurence unique in the history of the col

lege and of the chapter. Guernsey, '19, captained the team, and had as teammates Doninee, '20, Barker, '21, Tillinghast, '21, and Austin, '21, while Reamon, '20, and Whittemore, '21, were first substitutes. Dunn, '19, was assistant manager. Guernsey has been re-elected captain for next year.

Dodds, '19, has been appointed manager of Dramatics. Dunn, '19, and Hall, '20, are in the Dramatic Cast.

A. T. O. has six regulars on the baseball team. Goldsmith, '20, pitcher, and Glover, '20, catcher, comprise the regular battery. Guernsey is captain.

Dodds, '19, was editor-in-chief of the Hill News for the past year, and is succeeded by Dullea, '19, for the coming year. Dunn, '19, is business manager for the coming year. Miller, '18, has been editor of the Laurentian for the past year.

At the spring elections Martin, '19, was elected President of Thelomathesian, the student body.

The chapter held its first term formal house party on January 12, and although not as elaborate as in former years it was a success. Two informal parties have been held. The twentyninth annual Ball was held April 5.

Two brothers have entered the National Service during the year, Sheen, '19, entering the army, and Wilson, '20, the navy. Dodds, '19, has enrolled in the Naval Reserves and is awaiting his call.

Fewer alumni than usual have called at the house this year. We hope all who can will get back sometime before the close of college.


R. A. Cushman

The Beta Theta chapter has had an eventful winter. Every few weeks a brother has left to enter the service of the country. The service roll numbers twenty-eight active members and thirtyfour alumni. Frank Gardner, '15, was the first man from Beta Theta to give his life for his country. Brother Gardner was in the Medical Corps. A large number of alumni cannot be located; undoubtedly many of them are in training camps or are already "over there." News was received recently that W. G. Atwood, '92, has been commissioned a lieutenant-colonel of the Engineers because of his excellent work in France.

There are at present sixteen active members in the chapter, three juniors, five sophomores, and eight freshmen. It is understood that each man will bring back with him a prospective Freshman of Alpha Tau caliber, and we would appreciate

recommendations from our alumni very much at this time.

In spite of the many handicaps the year has offered, a number of the members have made good in various activities, and several of the well known social clubs. E. D. Upstill was a 1st lieutenant in the Cornell R. O. T. C. until he left last week to enter the Fourth Officers' Training Camp. M. E. Gillette was elected to the honorary Civil Engineer's society, Rod and Bob. C. G. Blair is captain in the Cornell R. O. T. C. T. J. Clary has done good work on the Varsity baseball squad and W. P. Knauss has won a place on the track team in the weight events. R. A. Mitchell won his competition for the business staff of the Cornell Era. R. A. Cushman is a member of the Cornell glee club. W. D. Griffith is out for assistant manager of Track.

In the recent Liberty Loan drive, the Chapter was credited with one hundred percent, of which we are duly proud. Since the last number of the Palm, W. W. Bushman entered the Signal Corps as a cadet aviator. C. S. Couchman has been recalled to the Naval Reserve, also J. E. Laird, C. C. Woodruff and L. N. Hall were called into the Naval Aviation branch.

Our annual spring dance, run on a war-time basis this year, was held April 26. Invitations were strictly personal and the dance was one of the most successful we have ever given.

Several of the alumni have favored us with short visits during the past few months and we are always pleased to have the brothers stop over with us. Try us and see.


H. Sherman Oberly

Alpha Iota increased the chapter roll after the rushing season, but enlistments and the national army have taken a number of the brothers out of college. Nevertheless the brothers have been taking a great deal of interest in the house, and spend a large part of their spare time there. A pool tournament was arranged with one of the local organizations at college when we had several open evenings for aliens. The chapter is represented with three men on the pan-hellenic council, which has been organized with the idea of promoting better feeling among the fraternities.

The college was greatly handicapped at the beginning of the track season with the lack of material, but so far, the team has been very successful. Roth, Kline and Dubbs are on the team. Kline is the highest scorer on the team, and as he is a freshman, we can look for more honors for him. Roth is the best hammer thrower and all-around weight man on the team and has never

failed to gain at least one first place in any meet. Markley was the third runner on the varsity relay team.

In the annual spring college elections, Alpha Iota came out well represented. Dubbs is the vice-president of the student body, Markley is secretary, Snyder is treasurer. Snyder was elected as a senior associate editor on the Weekly staff, and Oberly as a junior associate editor. Wehr is an assistant business manager. Reichardt, our latest initiate, was elected song leader of the student body, and Brown is our new cheer leader. Oberly was elected president of the Junior class for next fall.

Unversagt, freshman, and Reichardt, junior, were recently initiated. Reichardt succeeded Kline as soloist of the glee club and is president of the club. Schwartz was re-elected leader of the glee club, and Hill was elected press correspondent.

On the afternoon of May tenth and the following day, the brothers met at the house and gave it a good cleaning. From the top floor to the cellar, everything was moved and cleaned. The change in the house can be very easily noticed and a great deal of credit is due to Schwartz of the house committee for having arranged the day and in getting the brothers to work with a system. A number of the brothers expect to live at the house during the summer, so the place will be open to any of the alumni or visiting brothers.

Brothers Reese, Boyle, Witmer, Keck, and Heuer have been in for meetings since the last Palm letter was sent, and the chapter appreciates their suggestions and aid in carrying out its affairs. Capt. Fink and Chaplain Rudolph of the alumni have visited the house and Frontz from Gettysburg, Colglazier from Stanford have visited us. The brothers from the Chicago chapter have been with us all the year.

Walter Smith '19 and Herbert Weiser '21 recently left college to enlist. A number of the active brothers are leaving college earlier than the regular closing time to work on farms. The senior brothers who will graduate are Shimer, Dimmick, Kleckner, and Longacre. Kleckner and Longacre are the valedictorian and salutatorian respectively. A number of the brothers have parts in the casts of the four plays which will be given by the Cue and Quill club in Commencement week.

The dance committee was unable to secure a date for the annual dance on account of activities at college so they are planning to hold a dance in commencement week.

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