The Mainz Meeting: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, August 3-6, 1994Lars Johanson, Éva Ágnes Csató Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998 - 765 sayfa Turcology in Mainz has been pursued as general and comparative Turcology. The 49 contributions to this conference reflect this interest and include titles on the history and linguistic structure of both Turkish and other Turkic languages. The main focus of the volume is on Turkish linguistic issues. A number of studies indifferent modern linguistic frameworks deal with Turkish morphological structures, communicative functions and referentiality, the function and syntax of converbs, thecategory of voice. Discussions on the structures of relative clauses constitute an important part of the volume. Other fields of studies represented include language acquisition, dialect studies, language policy, contact linguistics, computer linguistics, stylistics and applied linguistics. The volume will be invaluable to students and researchers within the fields of Turcology, linguistics, linguistic typology, contact linguistics, Near Eastern and Oriental Studies. |
Preaspiration in Western Yugur monosyllables | 28 |
Morphology | 45 |
Topic subject and possessive compounds | 75 |
On rightward movement in Turkish | 107 |
Marked and nonmarked direct objects | 124 |
in Turkish | 154 |
Structural similarities of clause combining | 199 |
On the status of a Turkish postverb | 224 |
Subordinate Infls and Comp in Turkish | 404 |
On the usage of gibi | 422 |
Possessive constructions in Turkish | 458 |
The case of the errant question marker | 478 |
Language Acquisition | 501 |
Functional literacy of Turkish children in Turkey | 517 |
Definite and indefinite nouns in the discourse | 552 |
On dialect dictionaries | 571 |
The syntax of Ottoman diathesis and related | 247 |
The category of causality in Turkish | 265 |
Relative Clauses | 271 |
Genitival subjects in Turkish | 285 |
On some strategies for case recovery in Turkish | 299 |
Definiteness referentiality and animacy | 321 |
The choice of the relative participles yEcEK | 348 |
Locative Inversion VPadjunction | 361 |
Syntax and Semantics | 375 |
Mutual intelligibility of some Turkic languages | 597 |
Western Old Turkic | 619 |
Observations of a nonlinguist concerning | 647 |
On the characteristics of Cheremiss linguistic | 667 |
On some Turkic loanwords in Monguor | 683 |
Turkish as an immigrant language A descriptive | 697 |
Situated analysis of anaphora | 728 |
The effect | 753 |
Diğer baskılar - Tümünü görüntüle
The Mainz Meeting: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on ... Lars Johanson,Éva Ágnes Csató Metin Parçacığı görünümü - 1998 |
Sık kullanılan terimler ve kelime öbekleri
adults adverb Ahmet alphabet analysis anaphora Ankara argument AspP Ayşe bilingual Bolu province c-command Cheremiss Chuvash clausal complement compound constituents constructions context converb definite NPs Deniz dialect discourse Dutch Düzce elements embedded entity Erol example expressions fact function gemination genitive NP gerunds gibi Göynük grammar Hasan head noun interpretation intrasentential İstanbul Johanson Kornfilt Latin alphabet lexical locative marked marker meaning modified morpheme narrative negation nominal nonreferential nonspecific NUyg occur Old Turkic paper participle phoneme phonological Picture DP plural position possible postposition postverbal predicate pronominal pronoun quantified reference referential relation relative clauses semantic sentence SM languages speaker SPEC specific structure suffix switches syllable syntactic possessives syntax tense tion topic Turkic languages Tuva Tuvinian utterance situation verb verbal vowel Western Yugur words y)EcEK y)En Yakut zero anaphors zero objects