Sayfadaki görseller

chaptor in giving voits and suffrages, and subscribing of tacks, infeftments, and other writts, and there-
after ratifyed be his Majesty's said umquhill dearest father, in his said Parliament holdin in the year
of God 1633; In all and sundry the heids, points, articles, circumstances and conditions therein con-
taint, and after the form and tenor thereof, in all points; provyding always that the said College, and
members thereof, make and provide sufficient stipends and provisions to the Ministers actually serving
the Cure at the saids kirks, who are not already sufficiently provydit.-Extracted furth of the Records
of Parliament be me, Sir Archibald Prymrose of Chester, Knight and Baronet, Clerk of his Majesty's
Council, Registers and Rolls. (Sic Subscribitur)

(26.)-Extract Act of Privy Council. Dated 1st Feb. 1672.

Edinburgh, the first day of February 1672. Forasmuch as it is necessary for the advancement of learning, that all due encouragement be given to the Professors and Masters of Universities and Colledges, and that the practise of some persons in taking upon them, without warrand or allowance of any in authoritie, to draw together numbers of scholars, and to teach them these languages and partes of philosophie which are proper to be taught in Universities, is contrar to the lawes of the kingdom, and tendes exceedingly to the prejudice of Universities and Colledges, by rendering some of the professiones therin altogether useless: Therfor the Lords of his Majestie's Privy Council doe hereby prohibit and discharge all persons whatsomever, who are not publicklie authorised or allowed, conform to the act of Parliament, to gather together any number of scholars, and to teach them Philosophy or the Greek language; and grants warrant to direct letters at the instance of the Professors and Masters of any of the Universities or Colledges of this kingdom against all such persons as shall contraveen this act, charging them to desist and cease from so doing in time comeing, with certification if they faylie to give obedience, other letters shall be direct to charge them therto simpliciter, under the payne of rebellion: And in regaurd diverse inconveniences and abuses are occasioned by receaving into Universities and Colledges schollars who have come from uther Colledges, without sufficient testimonials, For remeid whereof, the saids lords doe ordaine that no schollars who have come from ane Colledge be admitted and received into another College or Universitie, without a sufficient testimoniall unde the hands of the masters of that Colledge from whence they came, or at leist under the hand o the principall, regent, or master under whose speciall charge they were: And siklyk, that degrees be not conferred upon any students who have come from other Colledges, without sufficient testimonials, in manner foresaid, in favoures of the persones to be graduat; and ordaines these presents to be published at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and other places needful, that none pretend ignorance. Extracted by me, (Signed) THOMAS HAY.

(27.)-Rectorial Act establishing a Profession of Hebrew, &c. in the University, &c. of Aberdeen. Dated 29th Dec. 1674.

At the King's Colledge of Aberdene, the 29th day of December 1674.

Conveened Mr. Meinzies, Rector, and the remnant Masters and Members under-subscrybers. The said day, the Principall, Masters and Members of the said Colledge, taking to thair serious consideration the profite and benefite which may redound to the students of this University, and particularly to such of them as attend upon the profession of Theology, by having an opportunity to be instructed in the Hebrew and other Orientall Tongues; and finding that Mr. Patrick Gordon, present Humanist in the said Colledge, is sufficiently qualified to teach and instruct them in the knowledge of the said tongues; and that the said Mr. Patrick is willing to embrace the said function and employment, upon such a salary as the present mean condition of the Colledge will admitt, and anent which they have already communed with him. They doe thairfore earnestly recommend to the Rector of the said Universitie, to represent the matter to the Bishop of Aberdene, thair Chancellour, that according as he shall allow or disallow of the motion, they may either proceed further therin, or desist therfrom. Which the said Rector undertook to doe, and return to them a report with the first conveniency.

The Rector did report, that he had spoken at length with the Chancellor of the University, anent thair motion of settling Mr. Patrick Gordon in a profession of the Hebrew and other Orientall Tongues, and that his Lordship did approve of the samine, referring to a rectorial meeting the appoynting of such a Salary to him as the present mean condition of the Colledge will admitt, and the designing of such diets of his teaching as may not interfeir with the diets of other established professions.

The said day, the Principall, Masters, and Members, upon report by the Rector of the Lord Bishop thair Chancellor, his consent and approbation of the act forsaid for teaching the Hebrew and other Oriental Tongues, did appoynt, that Mr. Patrick Gordon should teach publickly twice every week in the common schools, lectures in the Hebrew tongue, viz. on Monday and Wednesday in the afternoon, and does remitt unto himself for to appoynt any private houres he shall think most convenient for examination, and otherwyse excercersing of the schollers during the sitting of the Colledge. And for the present, allocates and allows to the said Mr. Patrick for his pains, three hundreth merks Scotts mony, to be payed unto him by two equall halves, at Martinmas in winter, and Whitsunday immediately therafter, beginning his first term's payment from Martinmas last bygone Jm vic and seventy-four years; and his first lecture to be and beginne (God willing) upon Monday next the fourth of January 1675 years; and the said Mr. Patrick is content to accept of the said three hundreth merks yearly for his salary, till it please God that the College rents be further enlarged; and declairs this present act and salary to continue in force no longer than the lifetime of the said Mr. Patrick And ordains this act to be extended, and an extract therof under the Clark's hand to be delyvered to the said Mr. Patrick for his warrand: And in testimony of the whole premisses, the forsaids masters and members have subscrybit thir presents, with thair hands, day, year, and place forsaidis.

(Sic subscribitur)

PAT. Bishop of Aberdeen, consents

to this above written Act.

Mr. GEO. NICOLSON, Civilist.

Mr. P. GORDON, H. L. P. accepts.
Mr. Ro. FORBES, Regent.

Mr. Jo. MENZEIS, Rector.
Mr. A. MIDDLETON, Principall.

PA. URQUHART, Medicus.


Jo. BUCHAN, Regent.

University of

Appendix, Part I
King's College.
Order I.

22 August 1670.

1 February 1672.

29 December 1674.

University of

Appendix, Part I.
King's College.
Order I.

29 April 1695.

1 March 1698.

(28.)-Litera Donationis Summæ Ter Centum Librarum Sterlinen. in favorem Universitatis Abredonen. Dat. 29 Aprilis 1695.

Gulielmus, Dei Gratiâ, Magnæ Brittaniæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ Rex, Fideique Defensor, Omnibus probis hominibus totius terræ suæ, Clericis et Laicis, Salutem: Quandoquidem nos considerantes, quod per signaturam sub manu nostrâ Regiâ, de datâ apud Kingstoun, vigesimo octavo die mensis Februarij, Millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo tertio, Dedimus, concessimus, mortificavimus et disposuimus ad et in favorem Universitatum ac Academiarum St. Andreæ, Abredoniæ, Glasguen. et Edinburgi summam unius mille et ducentarum librarum monetæ Sterlinen. de redditibus et fructibus Episcopatuum Scotia, nunc in manibus nostris existen., et ad nostram donationem et dispositionem, virtute acti Parliamenti Episcopatum abolen.: idque pro sustentatione unius Professoris Theologiæ et decem Bursariorum in Theologiâ in unaquâque dict. quatuor Academiarum dictis Professoribus ab exteris per nos nostrosque successores vocandis et præsentandis, vel per Dominos nostri Thesaurarii commissionarios, ac etiam dictis Bursariis per nos vel Dominos nostri Thesaurarii præsentandis, et modo in prædict. signaturâ specificat. qualificandis, prout eadem in se diversas alias clausulas continen. et in scacarii expedit. in se latius proportat: Nosque etiam considerantes quod magis commodum erit dictis Universitatibus, ut dicta summa mille et ducentarum librarum monetæ Sterlinen., non solum inter eos dividatur per distinct as donationes et jura, sed etiam usque dum intentus dict. prioris signaturæ pro providendis et stabiliendis dictis externis Professoribus, et accomodandis dictis Bursariis, modo inibi mentionat. determinetur, quodque rationi consentaneum et necessarium est ut prædict. Universitat. Abredonien. novum et particulare jus ad prædict. summam trecentarum librarum monetæ Sterlinen. tanquam partem et portionem prædictæ summæ mille et ducentarum librarum, habeat, summa quadraginta librarum monetæ Sterlinen. de prædict. tricentarum librarum, pro sustinendis duobus Theologiæ Bursariis in dictâ Universitate, ad ratam subtus mentionat., applicetur, et reliquum dictæ summæ trecentarum librarum pro solutione debitorum dicta Universitatis in primo loco applicetur; et postea ut idem applicetur pro sustentatione alterius Theologica professoris in dictâ Universitate, præter eum quem nunc habent: Noveritis igitur nos, cum speciali avisamento et consensu fidelissimorum dilectissimorum nostrorum consanguineorumet conciliariorum, Joannis Comitis de Tweedale, summi cancellarii antiqui Regni nostri Scotiæ, Jacobi Ducis de Queensberry, Joannis Comitis de Cassells, Georgii Comitis de Linlithgow, Joannis Comitis de Broadalbin, et Alexandri Domini Raith, Theasaurarii deputati infra. dict. Regnum Scotiæ Dominorum Commissionariorum nostri Theasaurarii computorum rotulatorum et Theasaurarii novarum nostrarum augmentationum infra dict. antiquum nostrum Regnum, Dedisse, concessisse, mortificasse et disposuisse, sicuti nos per has litteras damus, concedimus, mortificamus et disponimus ad et in favorem principalium, professorum et magistrorum diet. Universitatis Abredonien. eorumque in officio successorum, nomine et utilitate dictæ Universitatis, Totam et Integram prædictam summam trecentarum librarum Sterlinen., tanquam eorum justam et æqualem portionem dictæ summæ mille ducentarum librarum monetæ Sterlinen., annuatim præcipien. ad duos anni terminos, Pentecostes et St. Martini, per æquales portiones, de primis et promptissimis annuis reditibus Episcopatuum dicti Regni modo subtus mentionat., applican. viz. Summam quadraginta librarum Sterlinen., de prædictâ summâ trecentarum, librarum Sterlinen., pro sustentatione duorum Bursariorum Theologiæ in dictâ Universitate, eorumque successorum, Bursariorum ibidem, ad ratam viginti librarum Sterlinen. pro unoquoque bursario annuatim applican., reliquamque summam, quæ conficit dict. summam tercentum librarum, pro solutione debitorum dictæ Universitatis [et postquam] soluta sunt, summam centum librarum ejusdem pro sustentatione et provisione alterius Theologiæ Professoris in dictâ Universitate, præter eum quem nunc habent applican., ac summam centum et sexaginta librarum quæ dict, summam ter centum librarum conficit, pro sustentatione octo Bursariorum in Theologiâ, eorumque successorum, dicta Universitatis Bursariorum, ad ratam viginti librarum Sterlinen. annuatim pro unoquoque bursario applican.: præsentatione dictæ Theologiæ Professoris omnimodo nobis reservatâ, qui de tempore in tempus personam in dictâ professione sufficienter qualificatam, ac ante admissionem suam, a principalibus aliisque Theologiæ dictæ Universitatis professoribus, cum ministris dictæ civitatis Abredonen. pro tempore, examinandum præsentaturi sumus, Et quiquidem in Theologiâ Bursarii per nos præsentandi sunt ad, vel ante, decimam diem mensis Octobris, ex catalogo sex idonearum personarum clerico Theasaurarii nostri transmittend. per facultatem dictæ Universitatis ad, vel ante, primam diem mensis Augusti, et qui etiam instituendi et locandi sunt a dict. principalibus aliisque professoribus, cum dictis ministris Abredonien. pro tempore, bonæ famæ studentibus, qui cursum suum in qualibet unâ dictarum Universitatum dicti regni nostri peregerunt, ac qui laureâ donati sunt, priusquam tanquam unus dict. Bursariorum præsentari queant, ac per spatium quatuor annorum ad maximum continuand. Ac qui Professor et Bursarii erunt notæ pietatis et sobrietatis, ac sanorum principiorum ac fidelitatis, et boni affectûs erga nos et regnum nostrum, in ecclesiâ et statu; incipien. pro termino solutionis prædictæ summæ tercentum librarum Sterlinen. ad festum et terminum Pentecostes, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo quarto, et ita deinceps annuatim et terminatim omni tempore futuro continuan. Atque per præsentem nostram Chartam, plenam committimus potestatem Thesaurarii nostri Dominis Commissionariis solutionem punctuatim præfatæ summæ factoribus dictæ Universitatis Abredonien. pro tempore, annuatim, pro usu et utilitate dict. Principalis Professorum et Bursariorum, modo supra diviso, causare faciendo: Ac Declaramus et Ordinamus collectores assedatorios aliosque intromissores, cum redditibus dictorum Episcopatuum, subjectos esse dictæ Universitati Abredonien. ejusque factoribus, in solutione dictæ annuatis trecenta um librarum monetæ Sterlinen., prout deberi contigerit de primis et paratissimis eorum intromissionibus. Et ulterius Declaramus quod pro solutionibus dictæ Universitatis factoribus in usum prædict., eorum apochæ seu exonerationes, desuper datæ, sufficiens erit exoneratio dictis collectoribus, assedatoribus et intromissoribus, et eorum intromissionibus pro tanto: In cujus rei Testimonium, huic præsenti nostræ Cartæ magnum sigillum nostrum appendi mandamus, apud Kingstoun, vigesimo nono Aprilis, Anno Domini Millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo quinto, anno Regni nostri septimo.

(29.)-Grant to Professors of Divinity and Oriental Languages. 1st March 1698. William, by the Grace of God, King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, to all our subjects whom it effeirs: Forasmuch as We, considering, that by a signature under our Royall hand, dated the 29th Aprile 1695 years, Wee did, for the advancement of learning and religion, mortifie and dispone in favours of the Principall, Proffessors, and Masters of the University of Aberdeen, the soume of £300 sterling yearly, to be uplifted out of the Rents and Revenues of the Bishopricks of our Kingdom, faln in our hands by the abolition of Episcopacy: By the which

Signature, we did appoint the soume of £100 sterling of the said soume for the maintenance and provision of another Professor of Divinity, besides the Professor formerly established: But wee being weill informed now, that the sallary of the former Professor being small, and noways a sufficient allowance or encouragement, for a person of such learning and literature as is necessary for that station; and being also informed, that a part of the said pounds may be more usefully bestowed for the ends aforesaid, as a Sallary to a Proffessor of the Oriental Languages, for his encouragement to teach the same in the said University; Therefor Witt ye us to have allocat, destinate, and appointed, like as we, by these presents, allocate, destinate, and appoint the soume of six hundred merks of the foresaid soume of one hundred pounds sterling, to be added to the yearly sallary of Mr. Charles Gordon, present Professor of Divinity at Aberdeen, and his successors in office; and the remaining soume of 1200 merks thereof, to be settled on Mr. George Gordon, (to whom we have granted a presentation to be Professor of the Orientall Languages of the foresaid University of Aberdeen,) and that as a yearly fee and sallary to him for teaching and professing the saids languages; with power to the saids Mr. Charles and George Gordons to uplift and receave the respective soumes and portions destinate for them, in manner foresaid: And if need bees, to call and pursue for the same, as accords; and that at two terms in the year, Whitsunday and Martimass, by equall portions, beginning the first term's payment thereof at the term of Whitsunday next to come, and so furth yearly and termly thereafter, during the continuance of the said Mortification, and their exercing the respective offices above-mentioned; and that they enjoy all other profits, rights, privileges, casualities, and immunities belonging to other Professors in the said University. Given under our Privie Seall, at our Court at Kingston, the first day of March 1698, and of our Reign the ninth year.

(30.)--Grant by Queen Anne in favor of the University and Colleges of Aberdeen.

Anne, by the grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To our High Treasurer and Under Treasurer of our Exchequer now being, and to our High Treasurer or Commissioners of our Treasury, and Under Treasurer of our Exchequer for the time being, and to the Barons of our Court of Exchequer in that part of our kingdom of Great Britain called Scotland, now and for the time being, and to all others whom this may concern, Greeting, Whereas We are graciously [pleased,] out of our pious and princely zeal for the good and flourishing estate of our University of Aberdeen, to grant to the several Professors hereinafter mentioned, the yearly sums following, amounting in all to two hundred and ten pounds per annum, that is to say, To the Principall of the Marshalls College there, twenty pounds per annum; to the Professor of Divinity there, twenty pounds per annum; to the three Professors of Philosophy, and the Professors of Greek, Mathematicks, and Medicine there, to be equally divided amongst them, sixty-five pounds per annum; to the Principal of King's College in the said University, twenty pounds per annum; to the Professor of Divinity there, twelve pounds per annum; to the three Professors of Philosophy, the Professors of Greek, Medicine, Humanity, and the Civil Law, there, to be equally divided amongst them, seaventy-three pounds per annum: Our will and pleasure therefore is, and we do hereby direct, authorise, and command, That you cause the said annuall_sums, amounting as aforesaid to two hundred and ten pounds per annum, to be placed on our Establishment for civil affaires in that part of our kingdom of Great Britain called Scotland, To commence from Lady Day last, one thousand seven hundred and twelve, and to be paid and accounted payable quarterly, to the said severall professors now being, and to their successors in office for the time being respectively, or to their respective assigns in the proportions before expressed, during our naturall life, in like manner as other the pensions on our said establishment are or shall be paid or payable: Nevertheless, Our weill meaning and intention is, and We do hereby declare the same to be, that the said several and respective sums hereby granted are to be deemed and reckned in full satisfaction of all manner of claims or demands which the said University of Aberdeen, or the said principals or professors, or any of them, may or can anywaies make claim or pretend to out of any part or parts of our revenue, that they have not enjoyed since the Union. Given under our Privy Seal, at our palace of Westminster, the one and thirtieth day of May, in the eleventh year of our reign. HENRY LUDLOW.


(31.)-Excerpts from Minute-Book of the University and King's College, Aberdeen, relative to Grants. of £1700, and an Annual Sum of £700 in favour of College.

King's College, Aberdeen, 3d January, 1807.-Convened, The Principal and Masters. Said day the Principal laid before the Meeting a letter from Mr. William Walker, containing a copy of the King's Sign-manual, addressed to the Barons of his Majesty's Exchequer in Scotland, directing them to issue the necessary warrants to the Receiver-general of his land-rents and casualties in Scotland, authorising him to pay to the Chancellor, Rector, Principal, and members of the University and King's College of Auld Aberdeen, or to any person duly authorized by them to receive the same, the sum of seventeen hundred pounds sterling, to be applied by them for the purposes, and on the conditions mentioned in the said Sign-manual; and also directing that the said Chancellor, Rector, Principal, and members of the said University do grant security to render an account to the said Barons of his Majesty's Exchequer in Scotland, when they shall be thereto required, of the application of the said sum to be paid to them.

The Principal and Masters convened in a corporate meeting this day, having taken the above into consideration, unanimously agreed that such a Bond be signed by them; and which was accordingly done in said corporate Meeting; and further, having entire confidence in Mr. William Walker, of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Scotland, and agent for the said University, the Principal and Masters aforesaid hereby authorize and appoint him to uplift the said sum for them, from Sir William Cunynghame, Bart. Receiver general of his Majesty's land-rents in Scotland; and to discharge the Exchequer-precept issued by the Barons of Exchequer upon him for payment thereof; and they appoint an extract of this Corporate Act, with the seal of the University affixed to it, as well as to the bond, to be made out and signed by their clerk, and the extract of the Corporate Act and Bond to be transmitted by the Principal to Mr. Walker without delay. (Signed) ROD. M'LEOD, Principal. King's College, Aberdeen, January 28, 1808.-Convened, The Principal, Sub-Principal, Dr. Gerard, Dr. Dauney, Sir Alex'. Bannerman, Mr Scott, Dr. M'Pherson, Mr. Bentley, and Mr. Duncan. Said day the Principal laid before the meeting a letter from Mr. Walker, agent for the College at

University of

Appendix, Part I.
King's College.
Order I.

1 March 1698.

3 January 1807.

University of

Appendix, Part I.
King's College.
Order I.

3 January 1807.

Order II.

Visitation, 1665.

Edinburgh, acquainting him that the Barons of Exchequer had received an order from the Lords of
the Treasury, to transmit a Signature, granting to the College seven hundred pounds per annum during
his Majesty's pleasure, out of his Majesty's Revenues, to commence from the first day of January
one thousand eight hundred and eight; and Mr. Walker has acquainted the procurator, that the
Barons wish to have an account how the College have disposed of the seventeen hundred pounds
granted last year to pay the College debts; and also, that Mr. Walker wished to have from the Col-
lege a scheme of allocation of the seven hundred pounds per annum now to be given them, so as that
it may be fixed by his Majesty.

King's College, Aberdeen, Sept. 22, 1808.-Convened, The Principal, Sub-Principal, Dr. Gerard,
Dr. Dauney, Sir Alex'. Bannerman, and Mr. Duncan.

Said day, the Procurator laid before the meeting Mr. Walker, the College agent at Edinburgh, his account from 16th December 1804 to 26th August 1808, by which it appears that the expense for expeding his Majesty's Sign-manual for £1700, and Signature for £700 per annum to the College, amounts to £231:16:8, which sum, not including a gratuity of 50 guineas to Mr. Walker (as marked on the back of his account) as a testimony of their grateful sense of his attention to their affairs, and the exertions he has made in their favour in regard to the grants from the Crown, the meeting were unanimously of opinion ought to be made a permanent debt on the procuration funds. It also appears by these accounts, that the sum of £126:11:5 has been expended in different processes raised against the College, for augmentations to ministers' stipends, valuation of teinds, &c. and that therefore it ought to be paid out of the above £1700, granted by his Majesty for the express purpose of paying such debts.

The meeting taking also into consideration the loss sustained by the incumbents from augmentations, previously to the Royal Grant of £700 per annum, amounting to £2349:5:9, and that it was but just that they should be indemnified for the same, unanimously agreed, that the best and simplest mode of such indemnification was to borrow money to that amount in order to pay the incumbents their respective proportions (agreeably to a statement thereof produced to the meeting); and they authorize the Procurator to do so at the ensuing term of Martinmas, the interest of the money so borrowed to be paid yearly out of the procuration funds.

With respect to the appropriation of the above £700 per annum, the meeting considering, that owing to the different taxes to which it was subject, it was reduced to about £570 per annum, ordered £500 of that sum to be divided equally among the ten members annually, being £50 to each; and that £50 yearly be appropriated as a sinking fund for paying off the above principal sum of £2349:59 ordered to be borrowed, the remainder to be applied to the Edilis fund, and to such other purposes as the College shall from time to time judge most expedient.

(32.)-Parchment Chartulary, supplemental of Deeds not specified above. [Not printed by the Commission.]

ORDER II.-Copies of all the Rules and Regulations, or Acts of Visitation of the said University,-whether made and prescribed by the Crown, or any Visitors or Commissioners, appointed by the Crown, or Parliament-or by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, or any Commissioners appointed thereby-or by any Bishops, or Corporations, or by any Body,or Individuals, claiming Authority to make and prescribe the same.

Return by the Senatus Academicus.

INVENTORY Of Papers sent in Answer to this Order :

1. Rectorial Visitation of 1549. [Not printed by the Commission.]

2. Commission of Visitation, 21st March 1619. [Not printed by the Commission.]

3. Royal Visitation, 14th, 15th, and 16th September 1619. [Not printed by the Commission.]

4. Royal Visitation, 20th November 1623. [Not printed by the Commission.]

5. Chancellor's Visitation, 2d May 1628. [Not printed by the Commission.]

6. Royal Visitation, 12 April 1638. [Not printed by the Commission.]

7. Acts of Visitation of Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly, 21st May 1647. [Not printed by the Commission.]

S. Commission of Visitation appointed by the General Assembly, 27th July 1648. [Not printed by the Commission.]

9. Royal Commission of Visitation, 22d February 1661. [Not printed by the Commission.]

10. Royal Commission of Visitation, 23d July 1663. [Not printed by the Commission.]
11. Royal Commission of Visitation, 16th January 1664. [Not printed by the Commission.]
12. Act of Royal Visitation, 14th July 1664. [Not printed by the Commission.]
13. Royal Visitation, 9th August 1664, and 1669. [Not printed by the Commission.]
14. Royal Visitation, 10th April 1669. [Not printed by the Commission.]
15-18. Commission of Visitation, 27th January 1665. [Not printed by the Commission.]

(19.)-Act of Visitation, 27th February, 1665.

The Commissioners appointed by the King's Most Excellent Majesty for Visiting of Universities, considering the great prejudice scholars suffer in their studies yearly, in convening long after, and dissolving long before the ordinary time formerly prescribed and observed; also, considering the great abuse committed by the Masters of the saids Universities, in receiving and admitting scholars from one University to another: For preventing and remeid whereof in time coming, has ordained, like as by these presents they do strictly ordain, the Meetings of the several Universities to be and begin every year at the term of Michaelmas, and that no scholars be admitted after the 10th day of November next following the said term of Michaelmas; and that the saids scholars stay and continue together at the said Universities till the 20th day of July thereafter, except the last class, commonly called the Magistrand Class, which is permitted to dissolve the first day of May that year: Also, they discharge any scholars to be received and admitted from one University to another, except sufficient testimonial

be brought and produced by them, as the Masters of the said Universities Receivers will answer the
contrary, upon their peril. Extracted out of the Acts of the Visitation, by me,

(20.)-ANSWERS by the Rector and Principal of the King's Colledge of Aberdeen, to the Desires of the
Lord Bishop of Aberdeen, their Chancelour, the Earl Marischal, and remanent Visitors of the
two Colledges of Aberdeen, met at the said Colledge, the fourth day of May, 1675.
To the first, relating to the number, names, dueties, and salaries of the several Professors and Mas-
ters of the said Colledge, it is answered, that at present they are only in number eight, viz. :-
Mr. Alexander Middletoune, Principal, whose salarie of old was 52 bolls bear, 36 bolls meal, 160
lib, Scots money, with the augmentatione of 200 libs. more, and his dwelling house or manss; his
dutie is sett downe in the Foundatione, pagina 2, fol. 16.


Mr. George Nicolsone, Civilist, his salarie is 26 bolls bear, 18 bolls meal, 80 lib. money, with ane litle gleib and manss, which is ruined; his dutie is also sett down in the Foundation, pagina 1, fol. 17. Mr. Patrick Urquhart, Doctor of Medicine, his salarie is conforme to the Civilist's, being the half of the Principall's old stipend, viz. 26 bolls bear, 18 bolls meal, with ane manss and litle gleib; his dutie is also mentioned in the Foundatione, pagina 1, fol. 17.

Mr. Andrew Massie, Sup-Principall, his salarie is also equivalent to the two former, viz. 26 bolls bear, 18 bolls meal, 80 lib. of money; his dutie is mentioned in the Foundatione, pagina 2, fol. 17; and according to the present constitution of the Colledge, he teaches one of the four classes.

Mr. Patrick Gordone, Master of the Gramer-School, his salarie is equivalent to the forsaid Professors, viz. 26 bolls bear, 18 bolls meal, and 80 lib. of money, with ane manss and gleib; his dutie is mentioned in the Foundatione, pagina 2, fol. 17.

Mr. Robert Forbes, Mr. George Middletoune, and Mr. John Buchan, the three Regents, have each of them of yearlie salarie 100 lib. of money, 15 bolls bear, and 9 bolls meal; their dutie is to teach each of them a class, and to be hepdomader per vices.

Item, As to the second querie, relating to the abuses and remedies, ther is ane particular paper apart drawn up by the Rectors and Principalls, with consent of the Masters of both Colledges, containing several overtures relating therto, which humbly are offered to the consideration of the Visitors. Item, As to the Foundations, the authentick copies are therwith readdie to be produced, and if neid beis, the principalls, which are in the Colledge Charter-Kist.

Item, As to the fourth, relating to the Mortificationes, it is answered, that the whole old Mortificationes are contained in the first Foundatione, and in the rental-bookes; they are especially the Hospital of Saint Germans, comprehending the teinds of Aberbuthnot pariochin in the Mearns, Glenmuick and Glengarne pariochins in Marr, with other some smal fewes and annuities mentioned in the rental.

Item, The Teinds of Slaines and Snaw pariochins, together with some smal annuities mortified by Bishop Elphinstoune himself, payable out of some particular places in this and the shyre of Banff, all mentioned in the said Foundatioune, and in the yearlie Rentalls.

Item, The latter Mortificationes were dotted by King James the Sixt, viz. the Deanrie of Aberdeen, the Sub-Chanterie, the Personage of Methlick, the Teinds of Furvie (now almost sandit), the Chaplanries of Westhall, Fawaroul, and some other smal annuities contained in the Rentall.

As also ther was latlie mortified by Sir Thomas Burnet, Laird of Leyes, three litle crofts of lands for the mantenance of three Bursers, the present yearlie rent whereof exceids not ane chalder of beare. And the deceast Doctor Alexander Keid did mortifie two hundred pounds sterling for the use of the Regents and Master of the Gramer-School, whereof nothing is recovered, which Mortifications are in the Charter-Kist, readdie to be exhibited; the yearly product whereof is compted for by every Procurator in his yearlie accompts.

(21.)-Royal Visitation, 1 March 1687.

Att Edinburgh, the first day of March Jm vi and fourscore seven years; The Lords Commissioners, appointed by his Majesty for Visitation of the severall Universities and Colledges within this Kingdom, Taking to their serious consideration the frequent and manifold confusions, disorders, and abuses committed in the severall Universities and Colledges within this kingdome, by choosing of unfitt persons to be Rectors in the several Universities and Colledges, For preventing whereof for the future, the saids Lords doe ordaine and appoint, That in tyme coming none be capable of being chosen Rector within the University of St. Andrews, but one of the Principalls of the three Colledges, they being the heads of the severall societies, as was in use to be done befor the late troubles and rebellion; and that in the other Universities which consist of single Colledges, none be capable of being chosen Rectors who are subordinat to the authority and jurisdiction of the respective Principals of the saids Societies: And refers to the Commissioners of the particular Visitations, to consider and give their opinion concerning the method and maner of election of the said Rector, in all tyme coming. Extracted by me, (Signed) Jo. LAWSONE, Clk.

(22.)-Parliamentary Visitation, 27th September 1690.

(23.)— (24.)—


15th October 1690.
4th February 1695.

[Not printed by the Commission.]

University of

Appendix, Part I.
King's College.
Order II.

Visitation, 1675.

Visitation, 1687.

(25.)-Royal Visitation, 13 June 1718.

Att Edinburgh, the 13th day of June Jm vij and eighteen years; The Commission for Visiting the University and Colleges of Aberdeen, having seen and considered the Report of the Comittee to whom it was recommended to inspect the Representation and other papers presented to the Commission on Tuesday last, by the Principall and other Masters of the King's College of Aberdeen, Did, and hereby do, with regret to the said Representation and papers, unanimously resolve and enact as follows, viz. :

1. With respect to the first three articles of the Representation, the Commission approves the Masters' diligence therein mentioned, provided that the Inventory be added and made up as is there proposed.

Visitation, 1718.

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