Sayfadaki görseller
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Charles Fraser in Scotsmill owed £3 as per last accounts, which he was bound
to pay by a rise of £1 yearly rent upon his croft during the remainder
of his lease; he paid £1 of additional rent for this crop, and is now due
Rent, &c. due by John Christison for the preceding crop £8 16 1
Rent, &c. due by do. for this crop

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£2 0 0

9 15

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The Collector of Bishops' Rents owes the half-year of King William's Mortification from Martinmas 1824 to Whitsunday 1825, being the first moiety of crop 1824

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36 13 4

£812 12 912



£1776 18 73
4769 6 011

£6546 4 S2


£5627 9 18
812 12 93

6440 1 1011

Balance due by Accounter

£106 2 9

2 C

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Edilis Accounts, 1824. 3. EDILIS ACCOUNTS of DAVID HUTCHEON, Advocate in Aberdeen, be Funds belonging to the Buildings of KING'S COLLEGE-From M being for Crop 1824

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Order X.*

Rental of College

College and College

Principal's House and

Canonist's Manse and

Humanist's Manse and Glebe.

ORDER X.-A Return, containing a distinct Enumeration of the whole Properties, Estates, Funds, Rights of Debts, or other Sources from which the Income of King's College is derived, exhibiting the Amount drawn from each, the Date when, and the Deed by which the same was acquired by the College, with the Names and Designations by which the Estates were acquired, and are now known; and stating whether any Portion of such Acquisitions has been at any time; and if so, when and how, and by what authority alienated, and in what manner the price is secured; and in cases when any part of the Income is derived from the Interest of Money, stating in what manner such Sums are secured or invested.-Ordered 18th August 1827.

Return by the Senatus Academicus.

I. The COLLEGE BUILDINGS, with the MANSES and GLEBES, assigned to the Masters, held by the COLLEGE in Virtue of the Foundation Charter.

1. The College and College Garden.

Besides those parts of the College Buildings appropriated for Class-rooms and other public purposes, there were originally lodgings, free of rent, assigned by the Founders to the Principal, SubPrincipal, three Regents, the Bursars in Arts, Economus, &c. Of all these, there are now only one Regent who holds apartments in the College, and for which he pays to the Edilis Fund £9 11 0 The Economist, who pays no rent.

The College Servants, who pay to the Edilis Fund

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The Librarian, who has lately obtained a chamber during pleasure.

Under this article may also be included a sum payable by each Bursar for the support
of the Edilis Fund, which sum, at the rate of 4s. each, amounts, by the last ac-
counts, to

8 5 10

25 15 0

The time when this charge, in name of Room-rent, was first made, has not been ascertained. It has existed since 1755.

The College Garden is divided into three parts, which are possessed by Professors Tulloch and Scott and the Economist, but for which no rent is drawn separate from that paid for their houses. 2. The Principal's House and Garden.

The Principal has enjoyed these since the year 1663, in right of his office, and at present pays rent for the House only, at a per centage, in name of interest for the money which was laid out in its repairs, as mentioned in the printed Answers, page 227. The rent paid to the Edilis Fund is

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£17 8 4

3. The Canonist's Manse and Glebe. Appropriated to the Sub-Principal since the year 1765. The only emolument derived to the College from this part of their property, is-the rent payable to the Edilis Fund by the SubPrincipal, in consideration of repairs made at different times on the House and Garden walls, amounting to . £18 17 6

Part of the Canonist's Glebe has been for a considerable time alienated from the College on Feurights to different persons. Houses on such feus form part of the west side of the Street passing through the College bounds. There is no account, within the reach of the College, of the periods at which these feus were given off. On the 21st November 1721, a proposal was made to feu part of the Glebe to one Thomson, but although some mention is made of the matter in subsequent minutes, no agreement is recorded. It is presumed that these feus were made by the Senatus Academicus.

The sums drawn from such of them as were feued previous to the time when the Glebe was assigned to the Sub-Principal, are paid to the Procurator; and from those subsequently feued, to the Sub-Principal. For additional information, see subsequent Return, p. 232, relative to Buildings on the College ground.

On the 12th of October 1784, a majority of the Senatus (one only having dissented), agreed to feu to Mr. Leslie of Powis, the part of this Glebe, lying next to his grounds, at £3 10s. per acre, convertible into Bear, at 13s. 9d. per boll. The Sub-Principal at that time had a lease of part of this ground, and consequently received part of the feu-duty; but at present the whole, being 4 bolls 2 firlots 2 pecks of Bear, is paid to the Procurator.

4. The Humanist's Manse and Glebe.

On the 20th of June, 1788, two Feus were given off from this Glebe, and the feu-duties made payable to the Humanist. They will be found in subsequent Return, p. 232. When the present incumbent entered on office, his Manse was entirely rebuilt, and the Ground enclosed. In consideration of this he pays to the Edilis, in return for the money expended, yearly . £33 14 8


5. The Civilist's Glebe, East Side of the College Bounds. Several small Feus have been given off this Glebe, and the houses of the feuars form the east side of the street. They will be particularised under returns, No. V. In the year 1543, a waste piece of ground, containing 16 rudes, near to Poyes Bridge," was feued by the Masters of the College to Mr. Thomas Shires, for payment of a Merk Scots of feu-duty to the common Procurator. This ground now pays of feu-duty

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£1 6 8 On the 16th September 1769, the College feued to Mr. Moir, of Scotstown, a piece of ground, under the name of the Civilist's Glebe, for the yearly payment of 4 bolls of Bear, which the present Civilist receives.

6. The Mediciner's Manse, Garden, and Glebe.

University of

Appendix, Part I.
King's College.
Order X.*

Rental of College
Civilist's Glebe.

These were assigned to the incumbent without rent, and they are let by the present Mediciner, to Mediciner's Manse. tenants who pay to him their Rents.

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In 1772, two Houses were erected for the accommodation of two Regents. They are presently Regents' Houses. occupied by Messrs. Paul and Tulloch. Mr. Paul has a garden attached to his house, and for both pays to the Edilis Fund, the yearly rent of

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Mr. Tulloch, for his house and part of the College garden, pays to the Edilis

9. The College Croft.

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£13 2 0
12 10 10

£25 12 10

The Sub-principal and three Regents obtained a lease of this Croft from the College in 1740, for College Croft. payment of the old Rent, 20 bolts of Bear, and 8s. 4d. of money to the Procurator, on 9th December 1799, and 28th February 1780, the Regents were authorized to subset their respective portions of the Croft, for any period not exceeding 19 years. It is now subset by them, and the rents have been mentioned in printed answers pages 184, 185, as part of their incomes.

The Properties already enumerated are all held in virtue of the Foundation Charter.

II.-MANSE and GROUNDS in the Occupation of PROFESSORS, acquired by the College
since the Foundation.

1. The Professor of Divinity's Manse and Garden.

"John Forbes of Corse, sometime Professor of Divinitie in the King's Universitie of Auld Professor of Divinity's Aberdeen," by mortification dated in 1664, disponed "To and in favour of Mr. William Douglas, Manse. present Professor of Divinitie within the said King's Universitie of Auld Aberdeen, and to his successors, Professors of Divinitie within the said College, who is at the presentation of the Provincial Assemblie of Aberdeen, and to whom the said Assemblie hath mortified the said Provision, The House or Lodging wherein I have dwalt for many years myself, in the south-wast and north-wast sydes of the said Chaplin's Chalmers, comprehending the Pendit Chalmer, and the next Chalmer wherein there is a Kitchen," &c. This House, with its Garden, has been ever since occupied by the Professor of Divinity, who pays no rent.

2. Ground called Lundie's Yard.

This property had been feued by the College, as appears from a Precept of Clare Constat, dated Lundie's Yard. the 12th January 1629, granted by the College in favour of the heirs of James Skedoway, for a duty of 10s. Scots yearly. When or how the original feu was given, is not known. Archibald Lundie, minister at Salton, afterwards acquired right to the feu, and from him it was repurchased by the College, at the price of £272 13s. 4d. Scots. The disposition (dated 12th May 1747) conveys it to the Principal, Professors of Divinity, Civil Law, Medicine, and Humanity; the Sub-Principal, and Professors of Greek and Philosophy, and Oriental Languages, by name, and their successors in office, as Principal, Professors, Masters, and Members of the said College. The ground is but of small extent, and is now let to the Sub-Principal at a rent of £1 10s. payable to the Procurator.

III.-Other PROPERTIES held by the College under the Foundation Charter.
1.-Hospital of St. Germains-containing

First, The Teinds of that Hospital, originally comprehending those of Aberbuthnot or Marykirk, in Hospital of St.
Kincardineshire: Glenmuick and Abergardyn or Glengarden, in Aberdeenshire.

With regard to the whole Teinds at sundry times vested in the College, it may be here remarked, that they were at one time the chief source of the Procuration revenue, but from repeated augmentations to the Clergymen serving the Cures, they are now almost entirely exhausted. It is not known that any sale of this part of the College property ever took place.

1. The Teinds of Abergardyn are exhausted.

2. The Teinds of Glenmuick. By last accounts, Invercauld paid 4 stone of butter at 6s. Sd. per



And in money

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£1 6 8
6 13 4
£8 0 0

The Minister of Glenmuick having lately obtained an augmentation, it is computed that the College Teinds in that parish will henceforth be exhausted.

3. The Teinds of Aberbuthnot or Marykirk are stated, in last accounts, at 154 b. 2 fir. meal, and 72 b. 3 fir. 2 p. 2 lip. bear, convertible at 1s. below the fiars, and £5 17s. in money, amounting in whole to £223 18s. 4d. But from the above must be deducted an Augmentation obtained by the Minister about five years ago, the Locality of which is at present a subject of discussion in the Court of Teinds, hetween the College and the Town of Montrose, relative to the Teind of Hospital Shiels. The Free Teind cannot henceforth exceed 111 bolls meal, and £30 163. 1d. money.

4. The other sources of income-arising from the Hospital of St. Germains cannot be here specified, owing to the College Titles having been called for and produced in the above-mentioned process, though the sums derived from them will be afterwards stated, along with other payments made to the College.

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